Is Jared Kushner trying to manipulate Steve Bannon into quitting the WH?

I’m sometimes wary of covering certain stories about Jared Kushner because I believe that some/many of those stories come directly from Jared Kushner. It’s widely believed that Kushner has a lot in common with his father-in-law, Emperor Bigly, in that they are two men obsessed with themselves and obsessed with reading and watching coverage about their actions. It’s widely believed that Kushner is the “unnamed source” for many stories in which he comes across as the only sane, competent person in any given room of the White House. So what do you make of this? Politico reports that Steve Bannon was/is close to quitting his job after repeated clashes and power struggles with Jared.

The man credited with honing Donald Trump’s populist message and guiding him into the White House has grown frustrated amid continued infighting in the West Wing, so much so that in recent weeks a top donor had to convince him to stay in his position.

Five people, including a senior administration official and several sources close to the president, tell POLITICO that Steve Bannon, one of Trump’s closest advisers, has clashed with the president’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, who’s taken on an increasingly prominent portfolio in the West Wing. Bannon has complained that Kushner and his allies are trying to undermine his populist approach, the sources said.

Bannon has… butted heads with Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser, who considers him an ideologue whose advice to Trump is making it harder for the president to win popular support for his agenda, according to people familiar with the dynamic.

The tension between the two is indicative of a larger power struggle in the White House as Kushner’s prominence and responsibility have ballooned. He has helped to expand the authority of two senior West Wing officials who, like him, are less ideological in nature: former Goldman Sachs executives Gary Cohn, who is now chairman of the National Economic Council, and Dina Powell, the deputy national security adviser for strategy. The national security directive removing Bannon from the NSC explicitly authorized Powell to attend the National Security Council’s Principals’ and Deputies’ Committee meetings.

[From Politico]

Politico goes on to say that it was a huge deal to Bannon that Kushner somehow manipulated the situation where Bannon was kicked off the National Security Council yesterday. Personally, I think Kushner is getting credit for something which was decided by other people. I think Kushner and Bannon clash all the time, of course, but Bannon’s removal from the NSC is probably more about the power struggles within the intelligence, security and defense communities. Still, Bannon has to take the fall and Kushner is being praised for attempting to drag his father-in-law to the center.

Incidentally, did you know that Kushner has just hired a new publicist? Apparently, Kushner hired Hollywood publicist Josh Raffel. Raffel will join the White House Office of American Innovation, the group that Kushner has been placed in charge of, the same office which is going to reorganize the government or something. Raffel is best known for his work as a studio publicist promoting horror films such as Paranormal Activity, The Purge and Get Out. Sounds about right.

Photos courtesy of Getty.

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81 Responses to “Is Jared Kushner trying to manipulate Steve Bannon into quitting the WH?”

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  1. justsaying says:

    Jared Springbreak looks like a woman.

    • SusanneToo says:

      Sexless Ken doll.

    • tmot says:

      Yeah, Kris Jenner! It’s those eyebrows. If he really gets rid of Bannon that would be great tho. Someone needs to! I feel safer already.

    • marjiscott says:

      I don’t see Jared Springbreak (LOL!), looking like a woman, and in this case, I don’t care if he didn’t actually do the heavy lifting to get Bannon kicked off the NSC, whatever.
      Just everyone, please keep working to get this troglodite OUT of anything to do with the White House.

    • QQ says:

      To me he just looks very effete and small boned.. in a delicate way…Totally Drying for the Vagine Tho

  2. MunichGirl says:

    Yeah but Bannon’s supporters don’t see it as a loss. He’s still one of Trump’s advisors.

    • Melly says:

      Bannon getting the boot from the security council wasn’t the work of Jared. HR McMaster was the one who demanded Bannon be removed.

  3. Megan says:

    I am not buying this at all. Bannon has been plotting this for years. There is no way he would just walk away. McMasters wanted him off of the NSC, not Kushner.

    • Esmom says:

      I don’t buy it either. But I do believe there’s tension between them, which is fine with me. Makes it more difficult to implement their effed up agendas.

    • Nic919 says:

      Agree. This was McMaster getting rid of Bannon. Kushner has no credibility with anyone but the supreme cheeto.

      • Greata says:

        Nah…they are simply going through the motions of sidelining him because of all the media noise. This is Bigly taking steps to hide Bannon/Darth Vader’s influence. A case of Good Cop/Bad Cop.

    • Kitten says:

      Bannon has said repeatedly that he took the position expecting that he won’t last the full four years but that he would make the most of his time there by creating as much chaos as he can, while he can.
      But he always anticipated it would be temporary. He didn’t attend most of the NSC meetings because he doesn’t really give a shit about national security.

      Bannon’s plan from the beginning was to deconstruct Washington. He managed to get Trump to hire someone to head each department with the expectation that they will dismantle and defund the executive department which they are in charge of. Bannon’s work in the White House is essentially done.

    • HappyMom says:

      I think that it was McMasters. Kushner may realize that Bannon is bad news, and Trump may be tired of the “President Bannon” chatter but ultimately McMasters didn’t want Bannon there.

      • Original T.C. says:

        Unfortunately this is not McMasters taking charge. The only decider in the WH is Trump. McMasters has had plenty of time to get rid of Brannon if Trump would have allowed him. The man is still missing staff that he has requested which Trump ignored.

        Bannon already did his work with the Muslim ban, he has no further interests in global affairs. But most importantly, Trump’s ratings are dropping so he is doing everything he can to ‘superficially’ look like an adult in charge while the world is burning. Trump is too old and set in his ways to listen to older wiser people. Don’t let him fool you with the new stripes.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I agree. I don’t know what the real story is, but I am not buying any silver lining. They are desperate for any semblance of competence and moderation. They use Bannon to appeal to the base, Kushner to appeal to moderates. They are both just tools.

    • jwoolman says:

      Yes, I’m sure McMasters insisted on it. Probably pulled the “do this or I walk” card. He also restored the original roster.

      Jared is unlikely to even care that Bannon was involved in that group. He doesn’t seem knowledgeable or interested in national security issues. He’s interested mainly in money.

  4. sarri says:

    I read the comments at Breitbart yesterday – never again!

    • uninspired username says:

      I’m so sorry. 🙁

    • original kay says:

      I sometimes do as well, just to see how the other side thinks, if there is any reason to attempt to reach any trump supporters. If that comment section is any indication, it’s a lost cause.

      Scary how they lap up every tweet, every deflection, blame Hillary (but emails! uranium! ), and still trust trump.

    • Esmom says:

      I hear you. My city’s newspaper commenters are almost as bad. It’s like a scary parallel universe. Yet I keep checking in periodically — I guess i keep holding out hope that people will have a change of heart. Lol, yeah right.

    • Olenna says:

      So glad you made it back out of the rabbit hole! I’ve only been to the site once, but I think it left a permanent stain on my psyche.

  5. grabbyhands says:

    This should play out in an interesting way.

    Kushner is no doubt one of the powers behind the throne, and it is easy to believe that he is planting pr pushing forward those stories. Reigning in 45 only solidifies his own power base, so it is in his best interest to look like the sane one when he can’t keep EBF in line, which is pretty much always.

    The rumor is that one of the reasons Bannon was kicked off the NSC was because 45 was pissed that he was getting so much attention. Now, I have no doubt that Bannon has dirt on 45, so it will be interesting to watch the power struggle between these three egocentric a**holes. That’s the problem when you surround yourself with vipers-sooner or later, they bite.

    • Erinn says:

      They’re all corrupt losers – but if Jared can manipulate things to knock one of the worst people involved with this mess out of the picture… welllllll…can’t say I’d feel sorry for them.

  6. Jenns says:

    Per Twitter insider scoop, Bannon has been trying to keep close to Trump at all times because he knew he was starting to fall out of favor with him. As we know, Trump has zero loyalty and was upset over the coverage Bannon got and the SNL portrayal as him calling the shots.

    And while Bannon was the driving force behind the travel ban, that effort failed. Just like his effort to push the healthcare bill failed. In fact, he was told by House members to sit down in one of the meetings. We know he loves chaos, but the only chaos he is creating is in The White House. He’s not making Trump look good, and I can see Kushner sweeping in and taking the opportunity to push Bannon out.

  7. vauvert says:

    Jared is only following whatever the money dictates. Whether he personally likes Bannon or not is irrelevant. They are all indebted to the Mercers, whom we have to thank for Bannon and Conjob. The “official” removal of Bannon probably has nothing to do with Jared, who as far as I can tell is as incompetent as the rest of the clown car. There is so much infighting in there with so many cliques and factions it is becoming hard to tell who pushes whom out. The only thing that matters is that both Mercer tools are still in the WH whispering in Dump’s ear. And the fact that none of them is in any way qualified for the job. But, her emails… sigh.

  8. Shambles says:

    Just like the young lord Voldemort, Jared has boyish features and dead eyes, and the combination is really unsettling to look at.

    And “The Office of American Innovation” is some fascist-sounding sh!t if I’ve ever heard it

    • Rhiley says:

      Word, Shambles!

    • Annetommy says:

      Yep, that title is meaningless yet somehow threatening. It can mean and do whatever they want it to mean and do. Btw, in that photo above where he’s wearing glasses, Bannon looks like a decomposing Elton John.

  9. OSTONE says:

    Let them finish each other! However, this is not the end of Bannon I don’t think unfortunately. But right now, I feel Jared has the upper hand.

    • Odette says:

      Supposedly, Bannon has been put in charge of health care. Scary.

      • Lightpurple says:

        Because he has so much experience with that. Here’s hoping he and Price claw one another’s eyes out.

      • SusanneToo says:

        Mr. Walking Syphillis in charge of healthcare. Sure, makes sense.

    • marjiscott says:

      Agree! The are saying even though Bannon is off that appointment, he is still “not to be underestimated”.

  10. Ally8 says:

    Ugh, you just know there’s a Jared! Presidential candidacy in our future.

  11. Anitas says:

    You’re right, this is Jarvanka PR all over. They’re leaving themselves an out for when this shit finally goes down, and building a platform for future political career.

  12. wheneight says:

    For all the stories coming out recently about Kushner, I still don’t understand what his positions and ideologies are in this administration. This is probably by design.

    If Bannon is the pusher for the anti-immigration, pro-America stuff, Pence is pro-Christian values conservatism and killing Planned Parenthood, Paul Ryan is pro-tax cuts for the rich and killing entitlement programs, what kind of Republican is Kushner?

    • SusanneToo says:

      I think kushner is less an ideologue and more a “what position will advance my interests with the suckers” guy.

    • HappyMom says:

      Since he was a Democrat until his father in law ran for office, it’s really hard to know. And I don’t know if it matters all that much. Trump, from all reports, doesn’t listen to anyone and does what he wants to do.

    • jwoolman says:

      Jared is interested in making a profit for himself. I don’t think he will have much of a chance politically once Trump has done all his planned damage and I’m not sure he really has that kind of political ambitions. He just wants to make a lot of money and it seems that there are other ways to make it more easily without all the scrutiny that comes along with public office today. That’s Trump’s problem – he never seemed to realize that his usual procedures would be dragged out into the light of day and some people would not think they were ok.

      If Trump resigns, Jared and Ivanka and Bannon and Miller go with him.

  13. Lightpurple says:

    Other people wanted Bannon off the NSC, where he most definitely did not belong. I doubt Princess Nagini’s boy toy has a clue about the NSC, or any of the other matters he is supposedly going to fix magically. Is there friction? Probably. And Rancid Priebus seems to have disappeared completely along with Conjob but they’re all still there. Let them eat one another alive.

  14. Eric says:

    Nosferatu Kushner wants everyone to think he had a hand in banning Bannon. It works as a consolidation game for him.

    The truth is the WH is absolutely scrambling to deal with an all-out assault on them. FBI probe, Assad’s deplorable actions, N Korea posturing, China visit and issues, media scrutiny, Prince, Page, Manafort, Flynn, Stone, an historic disapproval rating and a policy of LIES!

  15. Neelyo says:

    The Mercers must be the ‘top donors’ who convinced Bannon to stay. He’s their stooge and without him there, they won’t get the full return on their investment.

  16. Nancy says:

    Jared has to go. trump’s people wanted politics out of government, how’s that working out for you. It’s beyond dangerous that the only qualification this boy has is he married Cinderella. What is he whispering in the ear of the leaders of Iraq, before the damn Secretary of State even sets his foot in. We cannot tolerate this as citizens. An imbecile has placed total control into the hands of his daughter/fantasy and her money maker. Shame. To those who still admire and bow down to trump…..beware of false prophets, there isn’t even any pleasure of saying we told you so.

  17. Shelllley says:

    Is JK playing a long game for his own run for President???

    • RussianBlueCat says:

      I have thought that for months. Ivanka and Jared are playing the game now and making connections for the future. They know things will implode for Trump, but the two of them will walk away virtually untouched. Let the dust settle and come back with the whole “we are different from 45” dog and pony show on the talk show circuit. Then when the time is right run for public office. Look at all the shady elected officials who run for public office and then stay for multiple terms?

    • BB says:

      Zio agent

    • GingerCrunch says:

      Ugh, you guys! Just ugh.

    • Scout says:

      I think Ivanka will be the one running.

      • jwoolman says:

        Ivanka doesn’t have much personality or expression on her face. Who would she attract as voters? Her father is a flim-flam man that certain people found entertaining and he also attracted the bigots with his toxic trash talk. Ivanka isn’t entertaining and isn’t likely to do the hate talk thing. She’ll be busy trying to recover from the Trump Administration just for her profit-making activities.

  18. Mikasa says:

    Steve Bannon’s supporter attack Jared now on the Internet.. Steve and his people are really dangerous, he better watch out.

  19. adastraperaspera says:

    It is such a hall of mirrors at this point. I don’t think we will ever know what has gone on until indictments and a zillion trials get evidence on record. They are all vile and must go. Keep making calls to your reps.

  20. Christin says:

    The most qualified person hired to date may be the new PR guy (not named John Miller). At least he’s fully experienced in promoting horror shows.

  21. Juls says:

    You guys, I’m starting to think that my tin foil hat theory that Kushner is the leak in the WH might have some merit……..

  22. Eric says:

    Maddow pointed out that Emperor Zero’s personal bodyguard went with Nosferatu Kushner to Iraq, where he sat at the meeting table…in a TRACK SUIT!

    • Louisa says:

      I loved that she couldn’t hide her utter disgust over that. She made it very obvious how appalling it was.

  23. COSquared says:

    It’ll only be gameover for Bannon if he falls out with the Mercers and the Kochs. Jared is just trying to create a “most powerful courtier” image. He isn’t as smart as he sells himself to be.

    • Kitten says:

      Completely agree. I’m not sure that people truly understand the sheer POWER of the Mercer family

  24. BearcatLawyer says:

    Is this any way to run a White House, never mind a country? Honestly, if this is any indication of Donald Trump’s management style, it is a wonder ANY of his companies are still in business and profitable.

    • marjiscott says:

      Well, he DID have all those bankrupcies, among other disasters in his too long life.

    • jwoolman says:

      Trump started with a lot of money doled out by his rich father over the years. American banks will no longer touch him, hence his entanglements with Deutsche Bank, the Bank of China, and Putin. He may not be all that rich. He has done a lot of selling of his name for various enterprises that he does not own or manage, but that might be a harder sell now except maybe some places outside the USA. He tends to run businesses into the ground when he’s actually involved. So his management style has always been chaotic and not really all that successful. If he weren’t born rich, he probably would be living under a bridge somewhere.

  25. Eric says:

    Nunes out as House Chair on Russia probe!!

    Can’t lead it if you’re part of it NumbNuts!

  26. Rapunzel says:

    Bannon is so disgusting. Jared is so disgusting. Trump is so disgusting. I have to stop reading these posts while eating breakfast, cause the photos are making me nauseous.

  27. Scout says:

    I can’t wait for when Jared ends up behind bars and bankrupt.

  28. Deeana says:

    Look at the above photo of Bannon and tell me THIS is who we want to have making our health care decisions! Sheesh!

    He looks like an old bum. He looks like he crawled out from under a rock. He wears black T shirts so the dirt doesn’t show. He looks like he smells bad. He looks like he would have a dirt cloud around him – like the Pig Pen character in Peanuts cartoons. What a yucky, yucky man. I can’t imagine Trump, who has been reported to be a germaphobe, even being in the same room with this person.

    And his belief system is worse than his looks.