Depressing news: 96% of Emperor Bigly’s voters would still vote for him today

“The First 100 Days” of a presidency has taken on a weird significance in modern times. Most modern presidents really don’t get that much done in the first 100 days, although most presidents in the past have gotten more done than Emperor Bigly. Mostly, the concept of the “100 days” is a media construct, a way to take the temperature of a presidency and see if the general public still approves of their elected leader. Throughout his campaign, Bigly made a lot of promises and pronouncements about what he would do in his first 100 days and how bigly everything was going to be, like he would get everything done in 100 days and then he wouldn’t even have to finish the term. Well, as we approach the 100-day mark, Emperor Baby Fists wanted to whine about the “ridiculous standard” he’s held to:

Bigly, you were the one who wouldn’t shut up about everything you were going to do in your first 100 days. YOU EVEN MADE A LIST! And you accomplished next to none of it.

As for the public’s general feelings about 100 Days of Bigly, well… there’s some depressing news. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that people who voted for Trump are giant a–holes. But did you know that even seeing him in action (so to speak) and knowing everything that they know now, they would still f–king vote for him?

There’s no honeymoon for Donald Trump in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll, but also no regrets: He approaches his 100th day in office with the lowest approval rating at this point of any president in polls since 1945 –- yet 96 percent of those who supported him in November say they’d do it again today.

His challenges are considerable. Majorities say Trump lacks the judgment and the temperament it takes to serve effectively. Six in 10 doubt his honesty and trustworthiness, see him as out of touch and don’t think he understands the problems of people like them. Fifty-six percent say he hasn’t accomplished much in his first 100 days. And 55 percent say he doesn’t follow a consistent set of principles in setting policy (though fewer see this as a problem, 48 percent). All told, 42 percent of Americans approve of Trump’s performance as president, while 53 percent disapprove. That compares to an average of 69-19 percent for past presidents at or near 100 days in office -– for example, 69-26 percent for Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama.

[From ABC News]

And that’s why Trump Fatalism Syndrome is a real thing. He’s going to destroy everyone and everything and the people who voted for him are still going to scream, “HE’S WINNING!” Meanwhile, psychiatrists are debating (within their own psychiatric community) whether they have a duty/obligation to warn the general public about Trump’s clear mental health issues. Psychiatrists have followed The Goldwater Rule for decades, in which they refuse to “diagnose” candidates or elected officials without having met them. But now psychiatrists feel they have a duty to warn the American public about Trump’s derangement and pathology. You can read more about that here.

Photos courtesy of Getty.

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119 Responses to “Depressing news: 96% of Emperor Bigly’s voters would still vote for him today”

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  1. original kay says:

    Depressing, but not surprising. Unfortunately, all the talk and marches have made no difference whatsoever to his supporters.

    They will just have to have it slammed in their faces only when it directly effects their lives in a highly personal way. Only time will let them see just how hoodwinked they were.

    • Izzy says:

      I doubt they’ll see it even then. They’ll lose their healthcare, die when they could have lived, and blame Obama with their dying breaths.

      • Ankhel says:

        “Don’t talk to me about Obummercare! Where was it when I needed insurance, eh?! Dead and buried, that’s where! *cough, cough* That loser did nothing right! Not like Trump, who did lots!”

    • LadyMTL says:

      His core supporters will be his core supporters no matter what; we’ve seen that already. Heck, IMHO Trump could shoot their mothers whilst dancing on the American flag and they’d probably still find a way to justify his actions.

      • Original T.C. says:

        I think Trump himself said he can kill someone in Times Square and his voters will still stand by him. They cheered. His core 32% will not move. It’s a cultural identity thing (old White Male leader who will save them from foreign terrorists, will save jobs for White Americans-keep White privilege alive, will allow them to be honest about their racism/sexism/xenophobia, will force their religious views down the throats of all Americans including banning abortion/birth-control/ allow prayer in schools/ set back all that fancy liberal education, ‘allow men to be men’, etc.

        The good news is the polls show he is rapidly losing independents and young people (Bernie or bust, Wall Street corruption activists). These are the only group Democrats can win back.

      • Sarah says:

        We need to write these people off. They are like cult members. We need to get to the 1/2 of Americans who didn’t vote, figure out which ones are Dems, and get them registered and to the polls. ASAP.

    • addie says:

      The link in Kaiser’s article to psychiatrists is well worth reading. The ‘malignant normality’ Trump and his very weak, immoral staff are foisting on the US and the world is awful. We can only hope for a huge meltdown where the 25th has to be invoked.

    • Liquorice says:

      They support him because he’s not traditional GOP, which is for the 1%, the Dems are for the 10%, and Trump is protectionist. And of course there are racists and misogynists, but it’s mainly the protectionism – economic protectionism, along with anti-Muslim “border protection.”

  2. Shambles says:

    Stupid is as stupid votes.

    I’m sure they’ll be fine with treason too, because that’s how delusional they have to keep themselves to ignore the fact that they were conned, bigly.

    • naomipaige says:

      Amen!!!! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1

    • Megan says:

      Yep, they give new meaning to “stand by your man.”

    • Esmom says:

      Yes. Sob.

      I was starting to feel the beginnings of a pendulum swing last week but I think I must have imagined it. Wishful thinking.

      • Shambles says:

        I think the good news is that “the base” aren’t really the people who have to swing. It’s the republicans in Washington who have to change their minds, because they have the power to impeach. And they can be swung, as proven by the massive failure of their Wealthcare plan. There’s hope, my friend. *hugs*

      • Ankhel says:

        Trump’s attempt at a new healthcare reform failed not because the Republicans dislike Trump, but because many of them felt the new reform was too similar to Obamacare. All they wanted was “socialist” Obamacare gone with no trace. Sorry.

      • Shambles says:


        I was speaking to the fact that many moderate republicans didn’t want to vote yes on the healthcare plan because so many people got out to town halls, called, and wrote in to express their disgust. These moderates didn’t want to lose their seats in ’18 and the public pressure worked. Changing their minds can be done. Or at least I think it can.

  3. Nicole says:

    I mean is that surprising? Are they not still just as racist as they were yesterday? Do they still hate women? Do they still not know the difference between ACA and Obamacare (ie there is no difference)? Then these polls should not surprise you (although this is a super small sample size). These voters are just as dumb as they were yesterday and the only way they won’t vote for him is when they are dying from black lung because they lost their insurance.

    Don’t even get me started on the “educated” voters that voted for him. They won’t feel the pinch until late in the game

    • Otaku fairy says:

      Yep. And now whenever someone comes with the usual ‘Not all Trump supporters!’ complaints, the response can be #96percentofTrumpSupporters.

  4. Jenns says:

    Trumps advantage right now is that the economy is doing pretty well right now(Thanks Obama). And as long as things are going OK, I’m not too surprised at his numbers. But if things start going to hell, that support is going to drop like a hot potato. Also, many of his supporters think their jobs are coming back. Which, as we know, they are not.

    Finally, this AP interview is a must read. There is just so much messiness.

    • SusanneToo says:

      I’ve read most of that interview. The man is incapable of expressing a coherent thought. Heads of other countries must certainly communicate with each other going, “WTF did he just say???”

    • Kitten says:

      The ramblings of a mad man. I mean, seriously crazy sh*t in that interview. Word salad sprinkled with “great” and “tremendous” all the while articulating nothing of substance (and sometimes articulating nothing at all i.e. “unintelligible”). The interviewer seemed to be humoring him like he would a older relative suffering from demetia.

      Thanks for that link, Jenns. I sent it to my BF for a laugh-cry.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I read the version on Washington Post, that is annotated. It has portions highlighted in yellow, where you right click and it will show a fact check of his statement. That made it a little easier for me to get through without having a fit of rage.

      I can’t get over how he always seems so SUPRISIED at his job. Who knew healthcare was so complicated? That government was so big? That there are so many agencies? That tax reform would be hard? He’s such a damn IDIOT.

  5. Cara says:

    I voted for Trump would infidelity vote for him over any democrat. Would love to see him primaries though in 2019 by a proper conservative (or impeached for that matter).

    • Tina says:

      Apart from that not being in recognisable English, I truly despair. You would prefer to elect Trump and have him impeached, to Clinton. Appalling.

    • Syko says:

      I have no idea what you just attempted to say.

    • toni says:

      Don’t they teach better English in Russia?

    • Becky says:

      Cara, is English your 1st language? Because those 2 sentences don’t make sense.

    • SusanneToo says:

      Rubles or dollars? Is the pay higher for faking in better English?

    • Shambles says:

      You got played. Swindled. Scammed. I’ll never convince you of that, but it makes me feel better to say it. So I’ll say it infidelity.

    • Kitten says:

      45 IS a “proper conservative”. He’s a vehicle for the GOP to accomplish their conservative agenda. This is what conservatives are: heartless, seflish bastards who don’t give a f*ck about the American people.

    • Tate says:

      @cara you got conned and screwed over the rest of the world in the process. Thanks for that.

    • Tanguerita says:

      you sound like something google translate regurgitated – which it probably did.

    • Lightpurple says:

      And here is where we are. There are some people in this country who put party above all else and, as Cara pretty much just stated in the midst of that gobblety-gook, that she would vote happily for Satan over Christ if the latter had a (D) next to his name.

    • cr says:

      So, Cara, what you really want is President Pence?

    • Beth says:

      @cara, that’s so upsetting to hear. Do you live under a rock? How could someone see what Trump is doing to our country and innocent people still support him? Voting for someone just because of the party they are in is very careless and irresponsible. Thanks so much taking part of this despicable mess we are being destroyed by. Awful that so many were so easily conned by this monster. Scary

    • NeoCleo says:

      “Infidelity”? Really? Why do so many tRump supports have difficulty with simple English?

    • Radley says:

      Fail, comrade.

    • Carmen says:

      Did they teach you proper English in Hillbilly High?

    • Tiffany :) says:

      You say that you’d like him impeached, but then also say that you’d vote for him over a democrat. So you think someone committing crimes in office is a thing you’d like to continue? That’s horrifying.

    • Olenna says:

      This comment is just bot bait. She needs to go back to drinking her fifth of hooch and dream up another other way of making some kopeks. “Infidelity”, SMDH.

    • Sarah says:

      Thank you for sharing your opinion, Comrade. Enjoy your borscht and vodka!! Nostrovia!!!

  6. Kiki says:

    Where did you get that news from? His support is still dropping like flies and his approval rating is very low. I know I will still say that Educated or not supporters of Trump are just so stupid and I have no sympathy for them at all but I still believe that Trump will be the first president to be impeached soon.

    • Jenns says:

      His approval rating is low, but not among his supporters. The same poll was covered yesterday and this morning on ABC News.

    • Rhiley says:

      It hasn’t dropped with his core supporters though and that is the point Kaiser is making. It has dropped bigly among independents though and that is important, HUGE! I think his approval rating with independents is in he negatives.

      • Jess says:

        Totally, Rhiley. What I want to know is what do the third party voters think? Do they wish they had voted for Clinton? A lot of the folks who voted for Trump will always vote Republican, no matter what. The issue is the independent voters.

      • Jess says:

        Totally, Rhiley. What I want to know is what do the third party voters think? Do they wish they had voted for Clinton? A lot of the folks who voted for Trump will always vote Republican, no matter what. The issue is the independent voters.

    • Beth says:

      I also have seen his support drop severely. It’s been at 37%. The one to drop so low so fast in history.It’s funny to see some supporters so embarrassed and pretending to agree with everything Trump has done. Hilarious but depressing. Impeachment is coming, but not fast enough

      • Who ARE These People? says:

        Given that the House of Representatives would have to file the bills of impeachment. Let’s see how much more legislation he helps screw up before Paul Ryan decides to move; his thoughts will be about the 2018 midterm election. Could be a while. We have to keep the pressure on.

      • Lightpurple says:

        If they shut down the government this week, Ryan himself may be gone. Trump is trying to blame the impeding mess on Democrats but most people realize that the Republicans don’t need Democrats’s votes.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Yeah, thinking the other party will get blamed for a government shut down when you have both chambers of congress and the Presidency is pretty absurd. But, Trump is an absurd man, so it makes sense on that level.

  7. abby says:

    Racism drove lots of Trump’s success. As long as he keeps rounding up undocumented brown people his base will be happy, no matter how he flops on everything else.
    As for the rest, I say give it a full year for many of his lapses to fully hit. And even then they will blame Obama.
    The Dems need to get their act and be ready for the midterms and all other elections.

    And I swear if any one ever says that the general election is the only one that counts ever again …

    • Rhiley says:

      I agree. Jeff Sessions is the United State’s Gargamel.

    • B n A fn says:

      Thank you Abbey. I always believed DT supporters were mostly racist pretending they were voting for better economy, and better wages. He has not done a thing for 100 days, yet his numbers are high, because he’s a white racist fool. SNL list of his accomplishment was 1, S C. DT and his family are racist from his father down. I never forget that DT prevented black people from renting in his building in nyc and his father was arrested at a KKK rally. DT talked about grabbing women by the p$$y ect. I could never in good conscience have voted for someone like that.

      On Election Day only one candidate was under investigation and it was not Hillary. I will always believe Comey was one of the main reason Hillary lost the election. If the people had known that DT was under investigation for collusion with Russia to swing the election who knows if DT would have been president today, jmo.

      • tmot says:

        Let us not forget that he lost the popular vote in the first place.

        So 96% of the racist fools who voted for him (that they polled) still think he’s an ok guy. What exactly are we supposed to learn from this?

      • Sarah says:

        Although today the moron in chief tweeted that he would win the popular vote “still.” Still?? He never won it!!!!!

    • littlemissnaughty says:

      Absolutely. As long as he clings to his rhetoric and racism, they will be happy. He was elected because he flipped off everyone except white men. He’s still doing that. So of course they haven’t abandoned him yet.

  8. Eric says:

    Emperor Zero’s minions (Page, Manafort, Gordon, Stone, et al) won’t be quiet forever. Some have an itch to talk like it’s a scratching disease.
    He won’t last the full term. GOP is reeling from getting nothing done the first 100 days and their constituents are angry as hell. If the house or senate (or both) flip in 2018 then EZ-D will get absolutely nothing done.

  9. Rapunzel says:

    Those who voted for Trump want regression. They want to go backwards. They will support DT with their dying breaths because they are too stupid to understand that time only goes forward. They have no clue about how reality works.

  10. RussianBlueCat says:

    What I find equally worrying about how loyal Trump supporters, is what will their reaction be if and when Trump is impeached and removed from office? Trump has done(or allegedly ) some vile and shady things before he became president and yet he still got all these people to vote for him. They will assume the charges against Trump are all lies or “fake news” and would not accept his replacement Pence that easily. The Republican Party would be torn apart with all the infighting.
    As for the Democrats they better start working harder on convincing those on the fence with Trump to consider supporting their party. The diehard Trump supporters will not change

    • tmot says:

      May the republican party be torn apart by something! I’ll take anything at this point – how much worse could it be?

  11. SusanneToo says:

    Does anybody else remember this cover story from 2004? I still have a xerox copy of it. Just change the cover pic and lower the count by bigly millions, and it still applies.

    • adastraperaspera says:

      Great article! “Adapting” to Bush and militarism is what has desensitized US citizens to the point that they cannot see how ruinous was this path he and Cheney led us down. Understanding the facts of what happened to cause our current hell is critical to help end it.

  12. Syko says:

    I keep seeing, in the comments sections on Facebook (which I know I should just avoid, but somehow am drawn to them like a tweaker to a fresh batch of meth) people saying “Why are you against Trump? He’s done everything he said he was going to do.” No! No! He has done NOTHING he said he was going to do, and in fact has done very little at all. He spends between a third and half of his time at Mar-A-Lago, and the rest of the time either planning for rallies and speaking at them, or playing around on Twitter. He’s poked North Korea into threatening nuclear war, tried to wipe out any advances made under Obama, He’s defiled the White House, which is not his to defile, by moving all his white supremacists in, and by having dinner parties with a trio of cretins who apparently, although old enough to be considered adults, still have a middle school mentality that makes them think mocking the portrait of a former First Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State is acceptable and funny. He embarasses us daily. I can’t stand to even look at him, and keep wondering where that giant meteor is.

  13. boredblond says:

    People never want to admit they’ve been conned, and simply reject any truth or facts that don’t align with the con man’s story. Shouted slogans are their only ‘reasons’.

    • Kitten says:

      Yup. This is why internet scams targeting the elderly and others are woefully underreported, if reported at all. People are embarrassed. Admitting that they fell for a scam makes them feel stupid and naïve.

    • Sixer says:

      Tina was saying something similar/related to me on an earlier thread about Brexit. People don’t like to admit error because it impacts their self-worth, so instead of doing that, they double down.

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      Yes, this is classic cognitive dissonance.

    • adastraperaspera says:

      Yes, and related to one of the most important lessons a teacher must learn, which is to model saying, “I don’t know the answer, but will look it up and get back to you” or “I had that answer wrong, let’s go over it again.” This teaches students that they do not have to pridefully cling to notions that are proven false in order to save face.

      • swak says:

        Taught 30 years and every year on the first day of class I let the students know that if they thought I had marked something wrong that might not be they were more that welcome to ask me about it. That I wasn’t 100% perfect all the time. Parents have the same responsibility to do the same type of thing.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      Great point. It will be really important to acknowledge that when it comes to midterms or 2020. The dems must allow voters an “out” that saves their ego. It is really important how the arguments for Dems are phrased.

  14. Monsi says:

    People that voted for Mango Hitler are people that voted for him despite his openly racist, misogynistic, islamophobic, rhetoric, despite the obvious fact that he’s incredibly unprepared for the job in every possible way.

    So this first 100 days are basically more of the same, so why would they change their mind?

    Maybe they could change their mind if they lose their Healthcare, or because an economic crisis, or war.

    He’s insane and doesn’t have the preparation nor the character to be in charge of the most powerful army in the world, and that’s a terrifying thought.

    God bless Angela Merkel

    And thank God my country doesn’t have oil.

  15. Betsy says:

    I don’t know. The few Rump supporters I know well definitely regret their votes. But I guess Clinton Derangement Syndrome is real.

  16. Littlestar says:

    They were delusional to begin with. Anyone who is racist is delusional because they believe in something that has no basis in reality. Anyone who could deny the awful things Trump has said about and done to women is delusional. Anyone who believes their problems are caused by Obamacare or immigrants is delusional. I’ve seen first hand the departure from reality from these people and I have zero regrets about eliminating them from my life. Can’t stay in my brown Mexican/Native American life if you’re a Trump supporter, period. He wants to sign away Native lands to private corporations and his comments about Mexicans are disgusting.

  17. why? says:

    No one should be surprised that 96% of Trumps supporters would still vote for him, didn’t SNL address this issue just weeks ago? Alec playing Trump was addressing his voters, they were telling him how they wanted PBS, jobs(not coal jobs in particular), ACA, funding for daycare, minimum wage, and water not contaminated by iron. Trump said that he was going to take away all of that(except the water contaminated with iron) and his voters still insisted on supporting Trump with their mouths, yet their eyes and face said a different thing. It’s like the media has selective memory. When introducing the results of this poll, they should have played the SNL skit first. These voters do have buyers remorse, but they don’t want to admit that they made a mistake. Publicly they support Trump, but quietly they are removing their support. Trump’s approval ratings are dropping, ABC and NBC must have used a completely different method than the usual approval poll, because usually his numbers are in the 30s. ABC and NBC actually gave him more credit than usual.

    The media points out that Trump’s approval ratings were also low when he “won”, but what they leave out is that Russia helped Trump “win”.

    As for the 100 days, someone pointed out that Trump can’t even claim Goursch as a win because they had to change the rules to get him into office.

  18. robyn says:

    This poll shows why there’s no point in empathizing with the Trump voter/supporter because they really do have vile undertones and are very needy of “white power”. There’s lots of them and they don’t love America the way they claim. If they loved America they wouldn’t have “overlooked” the terrible things we know about this corrupt conman and p*ssygrabber. If they loved America they wouldn’t overlook that Russia helped him win and is trying to destroy and disrupt democracies in America and Europe.

  19. adastraperaspera says:

    This is nothing but sensationalist rhetoric to sell papers. I for one am sick of hearing about the Tr*mp supporters. How about more polls and interviews of the millions more who voted for Hillary? What about how we are feeling? We are out here fighting, marching, campaigning, and calling daily. Look at the Ossoff election. What about the Science March? Here in Nashville, Tennessee 4,000 people marched in the rain on Saturday. It is shameful that the actions of the majority of people are not being covered responsibly. A ridiculous false equivalency in the news completely obscures the fact that this country is full of citizens doing great activism! We have to ignore these kinds of reports and keep moving against the Trump mis-administration and all it stands for!!

  20. B n A fn says:

    Just saw this article over at “Did Donald Trump just give his most unintelligible interview yet?”. The US president spoke to AP as he approaches his 100th day in the WH. He was rambling incomprehensible that AP had to transcribe his words as unintellible 16 different times. Sorry I cannot bring it over. But was a scary read for the country.

    • doofus says:

      I read a comment from (I think) Andy Borowitz at the New Yorker, how they had to put unintelligible several times because the tape recorder had shut down from laughing so hard.

    • Kitten says:

      Jenns posted the link up-thread. It’s insane.

  21. Beth says:

    Did he not realize the first 100 days report is really a standard thing ? It’s as standard as SNL doing skits about every president since the show started. It is what it is. Nothing new. It’s not a reason for him to bitch and whine about the media. Get real, Trump! Him and all his supporters need to stop being so thin-skinned

  22. Veronica says:

    That’s because people have been riding on the delusion that all of his supporters are idiots who fell for a scam. Some of them are, sure, but I’d say the majority of them knew exactly what they were voting for and will continue to support his misogynistic, white supremacist vision of America as long as he’s in office. And that’s not getting into the psychology of admitting you’re wrong – and how many of us are hardwired to avoid losing face at any cost. These people aren’t going anywhere, which is why the rest of us need to start putting the footwork into the 2018 and 2020 elections now.

  23. Cheryl says:

    Anti-Trump is not a good message for the Dems. They need to stop or they will not win within the foreseeable future. This weekend there was a big question in the Democratic party. Bernie backed a anti-abortion Dem to run for mayor. Some of the party disagreed. So do the Dems want anti-abortion individuals running for their party? The problem is that the Dems have no message except anti-Trump. A party with no message will not win. What do the Dems think about Syria? Should the US stand by and let people be gassed? How much immigration do the Dems want? Five – ten million a year? Less? More? Nothing about the party is really clear. The talking points have no parameters around them. As well the party is old and tired. Nancy Polesi – seriously, Perez has not much to offer anymore. These two should have been out when the party failed and the party should have gotten no blood. Sam Ronan was a good start for chair but he was ignored for older people in the party. As for a women I am all for that and I think that the country is to. But who do the Dems have to put forward? Hillary was a terrible candidate but she bullied her way in and the Dems paid the price. As long as the Dems blame other things for the loss they will never move forward. As long as they think they made no mistakes they can’t look at how to correct them. That is the place they are in now. Move along guys – make some polices – take them to the people. Just bashing Trump all day long does nothing.

    • Jem says:

      “Anti-Trump” is all any platform needs for me to get behind it. I did not think I could hate anyone as much as I utterly loathe this subhuman cockroach.

      And anyway the Republicans basically used ridiculous ‘Anti-Hillary’ rhetoric to get this buffoon elected, so fire with fire. Let’s rip the man to shreds, and have loads of fun doing it. The Republicans showed us how; they wrote the book on propaganda. Right back at ya, MFs!!

      • Cheryl says:

        Don’t quite agree. The Republicans were different when they lost. They organized analyzed why they lost and rebuilt from the ground up and they were patient it took 8 years. That is why they own the house and the senate. Trump is only one part of a big picture. Getting back the house and the senate is a big piece. The Republicans message was of course Anti-Hillary as all parties use that to an extent. But……they also ran on immigration (the “wall”), jobs (bring back coal and steal – buy American), anti EPA regulations, tax changes, etc. The Dems need to put out quality policy on these issues. Immigration is a big one. The Dems were/are all Anti-Trump. It might be enough for you to get behind it but for many Americans in the red states it is not. This is cost them the vote again and many just can’t see it. So frustrating.

      • Elgin Marbles says:

        The Republicans are cagey as hell. They knew they had a chance at tilting the Electoral College and that’s because of their success at gerrymandering voting districts in key states. That’s why they dominate in state houses in the south and across the middle of the country. They’ve figured out how to legally rig the system.

      • Kitten says:

        Riiiiiight. HRC “bullied” her way in but the GOP didn’t bully their way via gerrymandering predominantly black voting districts.
        Is that what you call “organized”? Literally rigging the system so they can win?

        If Ossoff loses, it will be because the GOP-dominated district was not drawn for a Dem candidate to win.

        @Elgin- I was typing the same thing as you before your comment posted but yeah, this exactly.

      • Beth says:

        I’ll be there too @Jam! Anything anti Trump is great. I hate Trump more than anything ever. I want to rip him to shreds, and it sounds like fun. Can’t believe this con man had any voters. It makes me sick how people voted for a clueless clown like Trump who doesn’t even know what a presidents supposed to do. Enraging! My blood boils.

        @cheryl, How were the Republicans different when they lost? They were worse. Have you forgotten all the anti Obama sh*t Republicans gave us for 8 years? Holy crap!

        A “message” that republicans were telling was how bad Obamacare was and they were going to have something better right away. Where is it? They had 7 years. It totally cracks me up when I hear people say they want to keep the ACA but Obamacare has to go because it’s awful. Coal miners have said that their jobs aren’t coming back and that they’ll die without the ACA.

        Build a wall? Not all immigrants come over the border from Mexico. Plenty fly from other countries and then don’t leave. Wasting billions of dollars on a wall that won’t help is absolutely ridiculous. Buy American? All of Trumps junk is made in China! Everything in the Trump Towers and his hotels are from foreign countries too. Including the steel.

        Trump promised to end ISIS in his first 30 days as president. He sure broke that promise!
        Months after he became president, he refuses to take blame for anything he’s done wrong. Just blaming Obama, Hillary, and of course, “fake news. ”
        I’m a woman just like you. Hearing a guy with a gross, filthy, perverted mouth talking about women and handicapped people the way he does is an embarrassment. Republican voters are seeing how wrong they were, but it’s too late. Awful so many can’t admit they were conned

    • Lightpurple says:

      @Cheryl, oh just stop it. You and those like you are the ones who need to move along. The election was nearly six months ago. Get over it. The Democrats have positions on all those issues for which you claim they have no positions. Hillary bullied nobody. Sanders and others were on the primary ballots. Sanders got plenty of media coverage. Voters mad their choice. Hillary had positions on all those things you claim she had no positions for. She said so repeatedly. In debates, she asked people to look on her website to get more in-depth explanations. She was a great deal more than anti-Trump. The Democrats now are a great deal more than anti-Trump. And you seem to think he’ll be re-elected? Because all those coal miners who thought he would bring their jobs back aren’t going to realize he didn’t bring their jobs back? You have posted this position of yours repeatedly. People have responded to it repeatedly and you have ignored their responses. It is long since time to move on and deal with the crisis we currently have in Washington DC. Blaming Hillary and her supporters, as you continue to do, is not going to solve anything. This is not on Hillary. This is not on the Democrats. This is on Trump, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, their merry band of Tea-Party traitors, who most certainly did NOT wait patiently for 8 years, and this is on anyone who supported a single one of them.

  24. Rogue Economist says:

    4% in swing states would have been enough of a swing to batter him electorally.

    What’s so often overlooked in all of his screeching bluster is that he won PA, MI and WI by 77K votes TOTAL. MI may have ditched at least 100K votes statewide, especially in Detroit, Dearborn and other burbs.

    I know the Trumpers want to believe their Bronze Savior kicked ass and took names, but the stats are clear: he did not. He BARELY scraped by in those states.

  25. Hazel says:

    The First 100 Days standard is a result of FDR’s first administration. He accomplished so much in his first 100 days to bring the country out of the depths of the Depression. Trump, of course, knows nothing about that. He’s not fit to shine FDRs shoes.

    • SusanneToo says:

      trump was all for 100 Days until it became obvious he wasn’t going to accomplish squat. Then it’s time to start his usual m.o., “Not my fault, not my fault, not my fault.”

  26. Cheryl says:

    One more thing – And quit blaming Trump voters. Blame Dems who did not show up. This thing could easily of been won if people had showed up at the polls. Colin Kaepernick is a great example of this. These people who protest don’t always show up at the polls. Showing up for a march or not standing for the national anthem to protest is all fine and good but not worth the time if you don’t show up to vote. These are the people who gave the election to Trump not the Trump voters. They need to be called out.

    • Kitten says:

      Please stop with this BS. I know it’s convenient for you to blame Dems instead of self-interested, low-information voters who voted for a complete imbecile because “JOBS!” but nobody is falling for your sh*t, Cheryl.

      Trump won because people chose to ignore the fact that he’s a politically-unqualified, misogynistic, racist xenophobe (not to mention a lunatic) because “Hilary’s emails” and “Benghazi”. People made a terribly stupid decision and that’s on them, NOT on the Democratic party. Man, I am so effin tired of people like you who want to shift blame while treating Trump voters as innocent rubes who simply didn’t want to vote for a Clinton.

      Simply put: we are here because IDIOTS voted for ANOTHER IDIOT. Sorry if you don’t want to admit that (maybe you’re a Trump voter?) but it’s the truth. That’s why these people, while being presented with their candidate’s innumerable failures, continue to drink the Kool-Aid full force. They didn’t give a shit about anything except for what a POTUS could do for THEM and they continue to not GAF. LGBTQ Community? Eff off. Environment? Screw you. Immigrant population? We’ll deport your asses. Women’s bodily autonomy and access to healthcare? Sorry bitches. Veteran’s benefits? You did your duty now we don’t need you…and on and on.

      These self-interested white voters got what they wanted: a cabinet of rich self-interested whites. They will run the country into the ground but these people (you??) don’t GAF as long as they get their coal jobs back and don’t have to see anymore brown people. Their incredibly myopic view on the world is why we have Trump so take your “But Hilary” crap somewhere else.

      • SusanneToo says:

        Don’t you love Third Partiers who show up every four years thinking their virtually unknown sweetie should be elected to the top job?

      • Beth says:

        +10000 @kitten. Couldn’t agree with you more! It’s so freaking frustrating when these people won’t admit they were suckered by a con man who doesn’t know sh*t about anything. They either didn’t pay attention to anything he said, are really rich, don’t give a damn about their country and it’s people, or are just really mean. So many only paid attention to what they wanted to hear and blocked out the BS they didn’t agree with.
        It’s pretty depressing when I read about Trump supporting families who are then split in half when 1 can’t come back or are being deported. A story I read about a lady who has cancer and gets meals on wheels had voted for Trump now doesn’t know if she’ll have insurance and won’t get food . What the hell were they thinking?! How could we see how obviously terrible he was but so many didn’t? Oh well, Trumpsters. You got the guy you cheered for.
        Hearing myself and other Democrats being blamed for Trumps f*ck ups is too much.@cheryl, Since Hillary won the popular vote by millions, that means Democrats DID vote.

        These people better have learned their lesson. Too bad we all have to suffer because of these foolish idiots HUGE mistake. I hope they take that golden Kool Aid they’ve been gulping and spill it all over themselves.

    • tmot says:

      I would bet you folding money that Mr Kaepernick did in fact vote. What makes you think he didn’t?

      Your candidate won, but not fairly. And he’s proving his detractors right with his every move. Thanks a lot for your hand in this mess.

    • Lightpurple says:

      Because without Trump voters, he would still somehow have won magically? No. Trump voters are responsible for their actions. Trump voters deserve every single ounce of blame thrown their way for this. They knowingly voted to destroy this nation. This is on them.

    • Otaku fairy says:

      Pretty sure we can blame both.

  27. Teebee says:

    His supporters, and their continued backing of such an obvious conman reminds me of the type of people who give you the finger if you honk your horn at them because they cut you off in traffic. They’re assholes.

  28. NtSoSclBtrfly says:

    Prior to his election, there was a letter drafted from ( i think) 50 MDs warning the public and government about him. What do they really think continued coverage will do? tRump has a cultish following for some reason I cannot understand. A persistent group of “elites/liberal elites” won’t be taken seriously by his horde of low information minions.

  29. LW727 says:

    I live in solid Trump territory and, unfortunately, this doesn’t surprise me in the least. They’re all proud of what they’ve gotten with this goon and LOVE the fact they’ve stuck it to us “libtard snowflakes”. Ugh!

  30. detritus says:

    I am very interested in the ethics behind this psych squabble.

    Duty to Warn is interesting in and of itself. I wonder how the private counsellors for Presidents manage their conduct since as a matter of course, presidents (or other elects) will be creating ‘harm’. Since they are responsible for the greater good, some of that means hurting others in a very basic sense.

    I am not surprised that psychology (which is often surprisingly conservative) as whole doesn’t support this action though.

  31. HeadAgainstWall says:

    Seriously??? Even my family with tendencies towards right-wing parties (they are overly scared of “the criminal foreigners”) thinks the man is a nutter!!! I really don’t get how people can be as consumed by power as the republicans are right now. I am really concerned for everybody (I’m Austrian) on this planet…