Jennifer Garner’s ‘girls’ night out’ on two year split anniversary: strategic?

Just last week, US Magazine ran a cover story that Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck were on vacation at the same spot they were when they announced their split, Baker’s Bay in Great Guana Cay in the Bahamas. It’s an exclusive owners-only resort, so it makes sense that they would go back there (plus Garner had a speaking engagement), but of course the cover story in US seemed strategic, like they were using the same old strategies to get people to talk about a potential reunion. Sources insist that they divorce is still moving forward and that they’re remaining friendly for the sake of their kids, rinse and repeat, with the cover designed to get you to open the magazine.

These are photos of Jennifer Garner out at paparazzi hotspot Soho House* in Malibu on Friday, where she was seen dining with a female friend. ET points out that it was the two year anniversary of the date Garner and Affleck announced their split. That seems… coincidental given their press strategy so far. Did ET draw their own conclusion and remember the date or did someone give them a tip about it? Of course she should go out wherever and whenever she wants to, but Garner knows what she’s doing and she also knows how to fly under the radar as needed. She uses the paparazzi like some of us use Facebook. (Ok like I use Facebook. My life is fabulous, ok?)

Speaking of Facebook, do you know how Garner denied on Facebook that People Magazine had a new interview with her a couple of weeks ago? She wrote on Facebook that she didn’t pose for the cover and that she didn’t “participate in or authorize this article.” Yes but did her people? Did her people authorize the US Weekly cover? There’s no word about that one.

Yesterday Garner was seen taking her kids to church. Her hair was wet and she wore black slacks, a grey short sleeve shirt and grey slip on shoes. She looks comfortable. Her shoes always look comfortable.




*Note that ET says Garner was at Nobu while the photo agency Backgrid claims she was at Soho House. Apparently they are right next to each each other. Photos credit: Backgrid and WENN

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46 Responses to “Jennifer Garner’s ‘girls’ night out’ on two year split anniversary: strategic?”

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  1. Mindy_dopple says:

    She can dress however she wants and she does. My opinion is only my opinion and women shouldn’t be judged on their clothes. That being said, she could dress so much better!! Whhhhyyy Jennifer, whhhhhy?

    • Kate says:

      I almost posted a few minutes ago about how heinous her style is, then I felt like a d*ck. But yeah, I truly don’t get how she always looks so thrown together and frumpy. Her shoe game is atrocious too. Sorry, Jen.

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      My main thing as someone always obsessively into Color Me Beautiful and its aftermaths is why she doesn’t dress in warm colours. She’s so obviously an “autumn” of some type. The same frumpy clothes in camel and khaki, teal and coral, might look so much better. Reese Witherson wears her silly Junior League garb better because she actually looks good in red, white and blue.

    • Adele Dazeem says:

      Agreed. Appreciate disclaimers but I don’t understand why she seems to consciously try to dress terribly. If you don’t have style–which is ok, A LOT of us don’t’–why not do a Jolie and go all black? I feel like Jennifer trolls us with her terrible outfits. They are s\a concerted effort to make a pretty girl ugly if I didn’t know better. Or do I?

  2. ELX says:

    Why is this interesting? What’s her endgame? What goal is she managing toward? She has carved out a safe, profitable niche for herself, career wise—good for her, but what is this constant dribble of dull stories in aid of?

    • ashipper says:

      Maybe, just maybe, she’s just living her life and the paparazzi are still trying to milk whatever cash they can out of photographing her. I don’t think we should read too much into this.

  3. detritus says:

    I… actually like the sandals in the bottom. And the outfit is actually wearable and not be usual frumpy.
    And the sweater in the first set of pics looks like it should be mine. Any ID on it?

  4. perplexed says:

    Her wet hair ruins that one passable outfit.

    • Jenfan says:

      Body by Simone instructor posted a gym pic with her Sunday morning – she most likely goes to the gym before church Sunday morning- hence the wet hair.

      • perplexed says:

        That seems like a reasonable excuse. I guess she’s confident.

      • yaya says:

        Uh, her sloppy ass goes out with wet hair all the time. Half the pics we get of her are her with wet, scraggly hair.

  5. Jenfan says:

    There were Tweets last Friday morning placing Jen on a plane from West Virginia and then again in LAX. So clearly she and the children came home from WV on Friday. This girls night out was that night. The only person she was photographed with was Jennifer Todd, Ben’s producing partner and president of his and Matt’ Pearl street films. This is so interesting to me. This was most likely a business meeting. The question is for what? (Meanwhile Ben took selfies with fans at a London restaurant in Thursday).

    • o says:

      Why is her having dinner with Jennifer Todd “so interesting”? Todd has been with Chris Messina for years. Ben cast Messina in Argo and Live By Night. They are all friends. Todd and Garner having dinner together does not indicate a business meeting to me but rather a girls dinner and not a big deal.

  6. homeslice says:

    I don’t care about her clothes. She always looks really good when doing public engagements, so it’s very obvious she chooses comfort over style or whatever. I actually love those sandals in the last pics…any ideas??? I too only wear comfortable sandals at 47 so I relate.

    What I don’t get is the wet hair all.the.time. To me that’s just sooooo sloppy. You can easily run a dryer over long hair, use a little product and at least pull it back into a nice bun or pony…I do it everyday! It takes about 5 min.

  7. iris says:

    I guess I don’t see what the big deal about all of this is. She denied being part of the People story because they presented it like she gave an exclusive interview when she didn’t. And obviously something bad happened between her and Ben recently and she doesn’t want to play along anymore. The Us weekly cover used, like, a 10 year old photo on the cover and was clearly tabloid garbage so who cares. Dinner out with a friend is now cause for speculation? What else is a single woman supposed to do on a weekend night? Much ado about nothing imo. The rags are still trying to squeeze this non-story for all they can but it’s so played out.

  8. JoJo says:

    As we all know now, E! And Gossip Cop had stronger details around the US story, saying Ben only went to the Bahamas for a few days at the end and also that they actually stayed in separate houses on the island. That said, I have to admit, I’ll believe Jen is fully done with Ben when they finalize the divorce and she gets serious with someone else.

  9. Fanny says:

    A-Listers don’t participate in US Weekly stories. She doesn’t need to issue a statement about that.

    People is different – when you see a star’s big face on the cover of People, they usually did an interview or heavily directed the content.

  10. corporatestepsister says:

    I think the purpose of all these dippy stories is to try to make herself happen.

    I wonder if a part of the reason the marriage did fail is how Jen wants to be so big and so famous, but like Brynn Hartman (read up on it!) she basically ended up a Hollywood housewife and just can’t cope with it.

    • panda says:

      IDK, I think she really got off on the press that she got for being Mrs. Ben Affleck. I think that’s why she looked the other way for so much cheating over the years, and covered up his many addictions and stays in rehab to retain the facade of the perfect family. The reality of her nonexistent career must be hitting her hard at this point. She is relevant only in the tabloid, Daily Fail world now.

      • JoJo says:

        Exactly. And exactly why I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t actually sign the divorce papers. I do think she’s a control freak, and while I don’t think Ben necessarily really wants to be in the marriage, I think he has trouble taking care of himself and wants a mom-wife. Also thought People’s story about Ben in London was silly and seemed like a blatant attempt by his PR team to be sure everyone knows that the Instagram pics were just fan photos and not hookups. Still seems odd that in two years we’ve seen neither of them in dating situations. You look at other coparenting couples like Goop and Chris Martin, and they’ve clearly moved on.

      • panda says:

        Uhhhhh, okay…

      • yaya says:

        Not true. There have been twitter sightings of Ben on what appear to be dates. I call BS on your theory about People magazine, too. Only a moron would think that fan photos like that were anything else. He takes dozens of them each week, I’m sure. People is a trash tabloid that sinks lower every day and they are desperate for the clicks and Ben gets the clicks. Per usual, you’re reading way too much into everything. So weird.

      • JoJo says:

        Call BS all you want. I’m not saying Ben has never been on any dates. Just that it’s weird neither of them has ever gone public with anyone else, and they both seem to work overtime trying to convey an image that they’re not really moving on romantically. As for reading into things, well, that’s all any of us are doing. Not that far-fetched to think Ben’s PR team (and studios) wants to try to keep his image on the straight and narrow and continue presenting him as the “working on himself” family man.

      • o says:

        Yeah, why would a newly divorced guy who has been through PR and tabloid hell for the past two years NOT put new, casual girlfriends all over the web for the world to scrutinize? The mind boggles! So baffling. I hope someone can explain it to me.

      • maureen says:

        lmao. Why do you think Us weekly wrote their article about the bahamas the way that they did, conveniently leaving out the part about friends being on the trip, staying in separate houses, and Ben not even being there for most of it? To get people like you all riled up and imagining. You fall for it every time.

      • Mannori says:

        @jojo hookups? I’ve seen the pics with the trashy women rubbing their boobs on Affleck, which given his fame could be interpreted as hookups, but the pics are all from the same restaurant the same night, so how many women did he hook up with that night with? A bunch of them? all of them? was it an orgy? threesomes? I mean with Affleck every dirty thing is possible, but in this case I think is safe to say the were all just fans, trashy yes, maybe looking for him to pick them up for the night, sure. but having said this I’m almost sure he’s not spending his nights alone, of course he’s hooking up with someone, or several. But those pis at the London restaurant are proof of nothing.

      • JoJo says:

        I never personally thought the London pics were hookups. I’m just saying their (or his) PR teams seem to work overtime to be sure nothing is misconstrued as Ben out there hitting up the town and flaunting his singleness (even though most of us don’t buy it.) Kind of like when they filed and TMZ said he was already dating, and there was immediate countering from other outlets saying it wasn’t “serious” …

  11. shes a loser says:

    Who wears a frumpy sweater wrap like that to dinner in Malibu? Dowdy flats? Hair slicked back? Frankly I can see why Ben lost sexual interest in her and went for the hot nanny and sexy co-stars. She keeps doing that gym stroll every day but that flabby gut never budges. Poor Jen.

  12. corporatestepsister says:

    If she wants to save her marriage she has got to start making a sincere effort and make herself look good and understand that she is no longer a simple country girl and she has got to respect herself. Just because she’s married it doesn’t mean that she doesn’t have to make an effort. No one has any business letting themselves go once they’re securely married.

    • maureen says:

      Do you really think that their marriage failed because of her wardrobe?

    • Lisa says:

      I guess you two above posters never got the message. They are split now. She doesn’t care about saving her marriage. She dresses up when she needs to and she looks fine in the above photos even though she isn’t dressed up – Malibu or not (I think you have an inflated view of what Malibu is–it is a beach town). I would love to look like her myself. Anyway, maybe she lost sexual interest in Ben first & not the other way around- and I wouldn’t blame her for that. Have you seen him in the past 2+ years? She can do better. looks wise, if not financially.

  13. dfinch says:

    She’s always unkempt and slovenly, and her kids always look dirty. No one owns a brush in that house. I’ve even read that the reason the girls were wearing those hospital caps in pap pics a couple of months ago was that they had head lice. Again. Disgusting. I can’t imagine what their house is like.

    • Nat says:

      Dear dfinch-

      Being “unkempt & slovenly” (neither of which I believe this woman or her children to be) does not bring lice. More often than not, children being children brings lice. They prefer thick, clean & dry hair.
      Children wearing caps about town tells me their mother is most likely treating infestation homeopathically. This method is highly effective, kind to developing minds & to the world around them.

      • dfinch says:

        Sure, Jan. Go take care of your dirty, greasy kids.

      • Nat says:


        Who is Jan & why are you keeping tabs on her hygiene practices?
        I imagine you standing before this Jan looking like Nurse Ratched in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Instead of holding a tray of medication, you are holding a bucket of cleaning supplies. “If Jan doesn’t want to clean w/ bleach today, we can find another way to wash her children.”

  14. Lotta says:

    Let the woman dress the way she likes and feel comfortable in. Her soon to be ex-husband often wear sloppy T-shirts and an ugly baseball cap. Why does everyone complain about her clothes? Just because she is a woman, that’s why.

    I look like that when I pick up my kids from school. On a good day. I also walk out from the house with wet hair (unless it’s winter. I live in Sweden). I don’t want to use hair dryers on a daily basis because it ruins the hair. Neither do I want to sit home for an hour and wait for it to dry. Unless it’s winter, then I wash my hair before going to bed.
    My main goal is not to go around and be beautiful to men and other women all the time. I just want to go to work, pick up my kids, and I want to do that in comfy clothes.
    Is that too much to ask for when being a woman?
    I used to like this site because I felt that it was a bit more pro-women then other sites.
    But now all I see it’s comments about how women lure in men with hidden agendas (Kate Middleton, Amal, etc) and a lot of complains about how the dress.

    For example; some weeks ago there was a gossip story about Sienna Miller and Brad Pitt. And she was the thirsty one going after him. Because she has a hidden agenda and she splits up marriages. Nothing about that Brad Pitt has dated almost half of Hollywood by now. Maybe he has an agenda and is looking for a hot younger actress to set his teeth into. He splits up marriages too. Even worse, it was his own. But no, Sienna ofcourse is the bad person. Why is it always the woman?
    Can’t we just gossip instead of talking about how awful a woman is and that she is not worthy of a man’s desire. When Ben Affleck cheated and humilated his wife (and probably hurt his kids feelings as well) because he was an a**h*le. It was not because his wife has bad taste in shoes or goes outdoors with wet hair.

    Sorry, for the long text but I really felt the heat boiling up inside me.

    • imqrious2 says:


    • Mannori says:

      well said. men, specially if white, will always get a pass and have endless opportunities in life, they never lose. women? is always their fault, whatever it is.

  15. Jenfan says:

    Her or was actually quiet for about 2 weeks. But ever since she got back to LA she has been papped every day with an accompanying DM article.

  16. Carol says:

    I wonder if they will all be at that annual 4th of July parade? Last year, Jen& Ben were both photographed with their children and the family dog.
    As for Ben only being in the Bahamas for a couple of days….maybe he was in London doing reshoots for JL. He flew back to London unnoticed shortly after their trip. They will probably break for the 4th.

  17. Sarah Adams says:

    Tragic is her attire