Perez Hilton tweets supposed attack by and his bodyguards

summer bash 140609
Perez Hilton was in Toronto hanging out with Lady Gaga when he had some sort of altercation with and his bodyguards. He tweeted that he called the police and his lawyer following the alleged incident. He also said he was bleeding as if it was some kind of urgent matter, but seemed more focused on filing a police report and didn’t mention that he needed medical attention at all:

The Toronto police are here now. Thank you. Please stop calling them.
28 minutes ago from Sidekick

I spoke to my lawyer. I really need to talk to the authorities. Please come to the SoHo Met Hotel. Have called the police. Need them here.
about 1 hour ago from Sidekick

Still waiting for the police. The bleeding has stopped. I need to document this. Please, can the police come to the SoHo Met Hotel.
about 1 hour ago from Sidekick

I was assaulted by Will.I.Am of the Black Eyed Peas and his security guards. I am bleeding. Please, I need to file a police report. No joke.
about 1 hour ago from Sidekick

I’m in shock. I need the police ASAP. Please come to the SoHo Metropolitan Hotel now. Please.
about 1 hour ago from Sidekick

Is there a gay bar that we can go to with GaGa now that like has a balcony or some place to have fun but be safe?
about 4 hours ago from Sidekick

[From Perez Hilton’s Twitter via Huffington Post]

Look at the series of tweets – Perez first says he needs the police, not an ambulance or medical attention, and seems more concerned with documenting the incident than taking care of himself. If he was hurt badly he would have gone to the hospital, not to the cops and his Sidekick first. I’m not saying it’s not legitimate, it might have been, but it’s hard to take anything this guy writes seriously. This seems like just the kind of thing that will keep his name in the press after all that fuss over Carrie Prejean died down. The way he got so self righteous and worked up over that whole incident made me want to take Prejean’s side at first even though I didn’t agree with her at all. We all know how that ended, but the point is that this is not a sympathetic character. You can bet he’ll be talking about it soon. It’s curiously not up on his website yet, though.

Perez Hilton is shown at the B96 Pepsi Summerbash in Bridgeview, Illinois on 6/13/09. Credit: C.M. Wiggins/

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41 Responses to “Perez Hilton tweets supposed attack by and his bodyguards”

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  1. KDRockstar says:

    It is too bad they didn’t finish him off.

  2. Candi says:

    Perez Hilton is a media whore,and I’ve seen less frightening things written on a site like DrunkenStepFather.He was bound to get hurt one of these days.

    Perez is being a drama queen,literally.

    And sounds like he is elaborting a whole hell of a lot on this story.

    Remember,this is Perez Hilton we are talking about…No offense

  3. HEB says:

    I read those tweets this morning and that was so dumb that he was tweeting “I need help, I need police”, Effing call them you idiot, the Toronto Police Dept doesn’t follow you on twitter.

    Obviously if he was able to make like 5 tweets in just a few minutes he wasn’t hurt that bad, dumb idiot

  4. ethansays says:

    “OMG. I’ve been assaulted. I’m bleeding. Someone help.”

    “Oh…and is there a gay bar around here?”

    Yeah, that’s what I would be wondering too, had I just been assaulted and left bleeding.

  5. Howie says:

    Let me get this straight- he TWEETED for the police to come? Jesus Christ.

  6. HEB says:

    Oh and I agree with you on the Prejean thing with him, he was so annoying that it made me want to side with her (but then she became an annoying twit as well).
    Thats really not the way to get on the side of all those conservatives in California Perez, its just going to make them hate gays even more.

  7. Marie says:

    Will.I.Am said that Perez yelled something at him like ‘u r a faggot’ or something and the fans were the ones who beat him up.
    Anyway who in the world gets beated up and doesn’t call the police… prefers to write about it on twitter?? Something really fishy bout it. I call BS!! or P.H fault!!

  8. Tazina says:

    For all his disrespect and cruel comments about other people, he deserves a put/beat down once in a while.

  9. yeah, right! says:

    I see the Mensa members are out in force.

    ethansays, those tweets are listed in REVERSE of the order in which they were sent. And the time stamps indicate that.

  10. Kath Jaynes says:


    I have to say I started reading celebitchy after I couldn’t stomach Perez anymore. He’s a terrible person, self-righteous, meth addict, total creep, and to top it off a complete misogynist (seriously, is there one woman he writes nice things about that isn’t a qualified drag queen ie GaGa)

    Perez sucks.

  11. Tia C says:

    Yeah, that’s just dumb. Why did he waste time tweeting about it instead of dialing 911 himself, the stupid twat. Hate twitter anyway, I am going to start calling everyone who uses it a twatter. The fact that Perez uses it all the time speaks volumes about its innate stupidity.

  12. diddy says:

    i really cant stand the guy….supposedly confronted him about the mean things he had been saying about Fergie on his website

  13. de says:

    I went to his site to hear what he had to say. On his post he said he did call the police, but they did not deam it an emergency.. I don’t know how much of what he or have said is true.. But we all know that when there are two side the truth lies in the middle. He seemed really upset and a bit in shock. I think he was attacked and no matter what he “said” no cause for that. A crazy fan could have killed someone. The black eye peas should make a statement condemming it; if it happened the way they said, and if Perez is telling the truth then he shoud press charges. Again if none of these things happen then to me they both are lying and telling the truth.. THE MIDDLE

  14. lala says:

    hahahahahahaha. i love it. he sooooooo deserved it. perez is a joke. he kisses celebs ass’s and if he doesnt get what he wants from them he backstabs them. i wish finished him off. the world would b a much better place without him. being the drama queen that he is he will keep this going for a long time. suck it up buttercup. u deserved this. if u go to his site and look at the comment section he is deleting the comments that say he deserves it. haha

  15. sarcra says:

    I saw some drama on his Twitter page the other day with Mark Ronson – first Perez said something to Ronson (something innocuous), then Ronson said back to pretty much don’t talk to him again, and then Perez responded like a baby, saying he’s never mentioning Ronson on his site again and called him a talentless hack. It was pretty funny.

  16. It’s there. In video on his web site. He’s just posted it, and he goes on and on.
    I think he actually provoked, based on what he says that he said to him, calling a ‘faggot’ etc, before it got violent.

  17. He is such a pile of puke, I admit in the early day I read his blog until it became so self-serving and venomous. it’s disgusting, I’m embarrassed I used to read it.

  18. Ron says:

    Pigez deserves what he gets. There is no doubt the bitch prompted this. And if he did need help, wouldn’t any sane person dial 911 say, instead of typing in hundreds of characters on your twatter? Bitch, please.

  19. paranel says:

    All this for a meth face fugly Fergie? How juvenile. She still is as ugly as hell and looks 75 year old. Face it bitch.

  20. Neelyo says:

    He’s an embarrassment. And if he did indeed call Will I. Am (too many caps?) a faggot, then he’s a self-loathing embarrassment.

  21. Wench. says:

    The video on his website is HILARIOUS!

    “I look at my fingertips and I’m bleeding. I don’t know if my eye is falling out of my face”!

    Bahahahahhaha! Douche.

  22. Jason says:

    It doesn’t matter how much you hate Perez or what he does… violence is NEVER the answer… EVER. The truth WILL come out in the end and luckily with all the eye witnesses, it’ll be even easier.

    And PAY ATTENTION PEOPLE…. Perez DID call the police after the attack and they felt it wasn’t an emergency. After hours of no police coming to him, he went to his Twitter page. His followers started calling the police and that’s what FINALLY prompted them to go to Perez and document everything.

  23. Jessie says:


  24. sarcra says:

    Perez Hilton is probably #1 on my list of people I’d like to punch in the face (it’s between him and Speidi), but I’d never actually do it. People who resort to violence are pathetic.

  25. Mme X says:

    oh, right. Like we buy that beat him up. who uses twitter to call the police?

  26. Sudini says:

    Good God, Paranel – what a hateful comment. Issues…

  27. Just a poster says:

    So someone finally bitchslapped the drama queen…*snork*

  28. vale says:

    Perez is spiteful, totally mean, diffamatory on several occasions, tends to make up stuff from “sources” and makes so much money from those stupid doodles which allow him to steal photos. But most importantly, he is mean. He’s been mean and rude to celebrity children as well. I’m not sure when it’s okay to be mean on paper and not expect to be hit back. Some people just don’t hide behind a keyboard.

  29. wtf??? says:

    that cow is just a drama queen.. violence is never the answer blah blah.. he disrepects people everyday on his site from women to kids… he got what he deserved..

  30. Miss X says:

    First of all, NO ONE deserves to get punched in the back or the side of the head like that.

    You guys are ranting about how you don’t like Perez Hilton, thats fine, but you don’t violently attack people because you were provoked, or have OTHER PEOPLE DO IT FOR YOU – when that person is casually WALKING AWAY

    Gangbangers or ill-educated people punch someone over nothing. When you are educated & think things through, you DO NOT resort to violence. So what does that say? That says that the Black Eyed Peas, with the ugly stupid whiny idiot of a lead singer, Fergie, react to words, in a violent way. Can we really trust her feelings? She did Meth for years, and it shows.

    I think anyone commenting on how he deserved it isn’t thinking things through or putting themselves or perhaps their favorite bloggers in mind – what if it were a blogger we all liked Like Michelle Collins from best week ever. What if she was punched in the head for being hilariously cruel about some random celebrity?

    Its writing, its words, and no matter how petty or rude, its free press.

    I think what happened is very wrong, and I am supportive of Perez

  31. girl x says:

    That what the cow gets, just cause you THINK you’re a celebrity, does not make you one Perez. Keep ur trap and ur tweet shut, or suffer the same fate from someone else..

  32. Dani says:

    I wanna know all of Perez’s dirty secrets because he sure as hell gives everyone else crap for their business. Or maybe he really is just a boring blog geek.

  33. Marie says:

    He said that he’s not violent. But insulting people everyday on his blog like he does it is a verbal violence. He just wanna be like the celebrities that he loves to trash.

  34. morgs says:

    Good! Honestly, I’m surprised it has taken people this long to go after him in anyway. If was indeed sticking up for Fergie, then you won’t hear me complaining.

  35. Feebee says:

    @ Miss X, Perez wasn’t hit over “nothing” and college educated people have been known to throw punches.

    Just because abuse isn’t physical doesn’t mean it isn’t abuse. He abuses people in writing every day and then he verbally abused He’s no better than the school yard bully that taunts his prey every day without laying a finger on them. Until the victim snaps.

    He’s not getting any sympathy from me.

  36. Zoe (The Other One) says:

    Ha! Violence is not the answer unless it’s against this venomous little twat. I can’t stand him, he deserves everything he gets and I’m also surprised it’s not happened before – it’s been a long time coming.

  37. Hayley says:

    That was not right! I Love Perez and I am mad that Will.I.Am’s manager would ever even think about doing that. I am furious! I mean it! Perez is not a fame whore. Perez is just doing what he likes to do. It is not like it is personal or anything. To think that I liked Will.I.Am. That is Racist. And for a grown man to cry like that. Oh if I was older and I saw Will.I.Am he would be sorry he ever yelled at Perez.

  38. morgs says:

    Perez is not a fame whore?

    You’re right, you need to grow up and get a clue.

  39. Eden says:

    BEAT HIM! Hit him hard and double hard for me!

  40. gossip_ho says:

    i’m so over Perez…i used to visit his website regularly but fame has gone to his head and the gossips are biased so no more Perez for me..

  41. Jazz says:

    Three cheers for Will.I.Am!