Angelina Jolie’s summer plans mean she’s either a ballbuster or “needy”

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Many of the tabloids have been theorizing about Brad and Angelina’s summer plans for months – now that we’re entering mid-July, you’d think they’d give up the “Oh my God, what are they going to do for the summer?” stories, but whatever. At first it looked like Brad was going to be filming Moneyball all summer in LA, where Angelina and the kids may or may not join him (some reports had her leaving in a huff for France). Then Moneyball fell through, and it looked like Brad would spend his summer passed out in Maddox’s pillow fort.

But alas! It was just announced yesterday that the studio is scrambling with an Aaron Sorkin rewrite for Moneyball, and Brad could be getting back to work very quickly. Before that news came out, however, both Star and In Touch had some old-school theorizin’ to do about what Star calls Brangelina’s “Last Chance Summer”. What’s funny is that “friends” of the couples are quoted in both articles, but the stories are totally different. First, here’s In Touch’s version:

Angelina Jolie has come up with a bold – if risky – solution [to save her troubled relationship with Brad Pitt]: living apart. After the pair celebrate the first birthday of their twins in France on July 12, Angelina will stay there with their six children – while Brad returns to LA.

“She thinks it will be the only way to keep Brad in her life for the long term,” explains a friend. “She’s hoping that spending some time apart will make them remember what it is they love about each other.”

“One issue that came up was that, before Brad went out to LA, they were spending too much time together.”

“Brad was frank with Angelina,” the friend says. “He told her that her jealousy and clinginess was driving him away, and that he needs his space.”

No longer exhausted from work, Angelina listened, telling Brad that “she doesn’t want to lose him, and the idea of their children not having a father scares her.”

[From In Touch Weekly, print edition, July 20 2009]

So Angelina is needy and desperate to save her relationship. So she does the unthinkable and lets Brad have his temporary separation, all to make him realize how lucky he is to have her? Something like that. Unfortunately, in Star’s version, Angelina is a ball-buster who demands that Brad spend every minute of their summer together:

“When Brad told Angie the movie was a no-go, she sat him down at the kitchen table and sternly told him, “You must be with me this summer – it’s not an option,” an insider tells Star. “She threatened to leave him if he said no.”

Angie plans to escape with their children to France – and she’s demanding Brad be by her side. But Brad has demands of his own. “He gave Angie an ultimatum,” a second source explains. “He told her he wants to settle down in one place. He can’t stand the constant globe-trotting anymore.”

Angelina “wants to face their problems head on,” a friend of Brad’s tells Star. “If he can’t do this, then it’s just not going to work out.”

[From Star Magazine, print edition, July 20 2009]

Oh no! Unfortunately for Star and In Touch, it looks like Angelina is quite happy to spend her summer in LA. Multiple sources have Angelina signing Zahara and Shiloh up for ten weeks of dance classes in Los Angeles. According to the woman running the dance studio, the classes are “princess-themed ballet classes” that incorporate stuff from Cinderella and other Disney-princess movies. (Psst… why isn’t Suri Cruise involved with these classes?)

According to this studio owner, “Zahara and Shiloh were so cute — they were holding hands and sitting side-by-side. Zahara was a little more coordinated, and she was trying to help Shiloh. She was taking on the big-sister role.” The photos of Shilooh, Zahara and Angelina exiting the studio after the girls’ first dance class are really cute – Shiloh dresses like a ninja ballerina! It seems like Angelina is pretty content to take her summer off in Los Angeles and happily be a stay-at-home mom. And a part-time recreational pilot, because she was spotted yesterday flying her Cirrus SR22 at Bob Hope Airport in LA. Get her, she’s trying to get away!

Brad and Angelina are shown at the BAFTA Awards on 2/8/09. Credit:

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52 Responses to “Angelina Jolie’s summer plans mean she’s either a ballbuster or “needy””

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  1. cee says:

    Why do these tabloids even bother. They make fools of themselves.

  2. Enonymous says:


  3. Annie says:

    Ack! I love it. I can’t wait to have little girls.

  4. KDRockstar says:

    Why do I click? I get sucked in every time. So silly and stupid.

  5. HashBrowns says:

    I love the oh-so-subtle “black people have better rhythm” bit with Zahara being “better coordinated” than Shiloh. Or that could be taken as Zahara being older and therefore having better motor skills…I guess we’ll never know.

    By the way, I think it’s incredibly irresponsible and dangerous to fly those tiny planes when you’ve got a bunch of kids. They go down far more often than larger planes due to stupid stuff like rain and wind for me to be comfortable even sitting in one, let alone trying to fly one.

    Perhaps a break in the hobby flying would be a good idea?

  6. Fan of None says:

    I love it! Two completely different views of the same elephant, but both stories have her as the emotionally unhinged initiator, and him as a man halfway-out-the-door.

    So if they break up – I told you so
    If they stay 2gether – I told you so

    Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

  7. geronimo says:

    Kaiser – can’t believe you didn’t post the pics of Z and Shiloh leaving the dance class?? Came across them a couple of days ago (trying to remember where?), very very cute. Z was wearing sparkly silver shoes.

  8. Kaiser says:

    Geronimo – We didn’t have access to that photo agency, but I think Jaybird put it in the links.

    Yeah, those pics were adorable. Shiloh as the little ninja, Princess Z sticking her tongue out at the paps. I think Z will end up being The Beauty of that family.

  9. geronimo says:

    Oh ok. Yep, she’s a beauty alright. Will make a very photogenic benevolent dictator. 🙂

  10. Cinderella says:

    I bet Shiloh and Zahara are just hilarious to watch together. They both appear spunky.

  11. Rosalee says:

    next week the tabs will be reporting Angelina going out for dinner with Bradley Cooper..or running separate photos of Coop and the Ange looking wistfully at their blackberries “Secret texts between desperate lovers”

  12. Diana says:



    I understand they own a home in LA, Brad produces, common sense they are here. It’s just another day of go with the flow baby, this is LA.

  13. pshhaw says:

    why should she have to give up her hobby of flying? she’s been doing it for years. I think that tabloids will be surprised when Angelina is the one that dumps him … they just give their needy woman readers what they want. just because you’re clinging and needy doesn’t mean Angelina is.

  14. pshhaw says:

    plus, I thought the tabs said they already broke-up and I love how they make Brad seem like he doesn’t want his children.

  15. anna says:

    The only comment I want to make is: Brangelina, the #1 celebrity couple worldwide, is currently in LA and there are no pics of the babies… for all the celebs (usually c-list) that scream about the paparazzi invading people’s privacy, the most famous, best selling couple manage to stay undercover living a normal life in frickin Hollywood?

  16. someone says:

    Does any one really care what they do?? They will either stay together forever, or break up…

  17. OXA says:

    To me her face looks fuller, I think she is pregnant again and gettin in her flying while she still fits in the cockpit.

  18. wow says:

    @someone – I couldn’t agree with you more.

  19. princess pee says:

    Funny. I’m not even an Angie fan, but I really doubt she is insecure, jealous and clingy. I also cannot believe that she is all weepy about her children having a father in their day-to-day lives. The adoptions of Maddox and Zahara were both underway before there was a ‘Daddy’ in the picture at all… it really seems unlikely that she is too concerned about traditional family and gender roles.

  20. iris says:

    They could stay at home for a change!

    By the way, Brad Pitt looks so old!

    He’s losing his looks completely!

    Bye,bye Pitt! Hello Holloway!

  21. Cheyenne says:

    Just Jared has the photos of Angie, Shi and Z leaving the dance studio. Also, there’s a video on X17online. You can check it out here:

    Jolie signed the kids up for ten dance lessons so it doesn’t sound like they’re off to France any time soon.

  22. lola says:

    that one article how ridiculous they have been spending too much time together? No they haven’t.
    And they still are not spending time together, Brad is staying at his place in LA and Angie and James Haven are staying at a different home in LA, the truth is not hard to find, and it is not in the tabloids obviously.

  23. Alex says:

    Those tabs…

    Glad to see Angie and Brad doing their thing and enjoying their family.

  24. Rx says:

    She’s trying to learn from her mistakes. That is the best it is going to get for her this late in her life. They either calm down or Hollywood Breakup all over again.

  25. anneesezz says:

    I can’t believe the stories aren’t all about how Angie is pregnant again since she was wearing that baggy dress. It’s probably all b.s. anyway. I love reading the comments here more than the stories because people here get CRAZY when someone says something about Brad and Angie, as if they are their BFF

  26. Ned says:

    Brad made the commitment to have 6 children within 3 years.

    While he is absolutely right about settling down in one place and having a normal stable home for himself and his children, he made a commitment.

    Just because he rushed into things without even really getting to know Angie, or because he was having his midlife crisis and wanted a change and more excitement, well, now it’s time to pay his dues.

    You have 6 shackles that will not go away.
    Angie knew what she was doing when she made sure there are so many of them as fast as she could.

    Now Brad has to face the consequences of his actions.

    You wanted to be a father of 6- go ahead and face the music.

  27. Umm... says:

    They really aren’t together that often anymore. I find that telling…In hollywood, all the fame, money and looks can’t seem to keep people together. Maybe it’s because they’re all spoiled idiots that don’t know how to say no to themselves? These two will split. Whether it’s tomorrow or months from now. They’re both idiots who try to convince us all of their normalcy.

  28. lola says:

    uh no they won’t split tommorrow or the next day because they split months ago, they are not together. When will people finally realize there is no Brangelina anymore, they are and have been over for quite some time now.

  29. Cheyenne says:

    Umm… you know, you’re onto something. We haven’t seen many pictures of them together any more. Therefore, they must not be together much any more. Come to think of it, we haven’t seen any pictures of the twins at all. Therefore, they must have given them away or put them in storage.

    Or maybe they are just keeping their family life out of camera range?

  30. Cheyenne says:

    Youtube has a video of Angie taking Z and Shi on their private plane. It looks like Brad is carrying Z while Shi walks behind Angie, and then Brad stays around to check out the plane.

    Question: is that damn hat GLUED to his head?

  31. Gigi says:

    The second photo: they look like they’re going to kill each other.

  32. lola says:

    I just want to add the length of that black and yellow dress is all sorts of wrong, why can’t she dress better???
    Or better yet why do people think she dresses great?

  33. beatrix says:

    can’t help it, everytime i happen to hear billie jean song, always reminds me to brad and mangie drama. i am so mean.

  34. beatrix says:

    chey, you need your eyes checked. it’s not pitt. it’s the BG. pitt is not THAT tall.

  35. lola says:

    yep those pics are of ang and the girls but not pitt.

    Just because there are not pics of them together is not the reason I am saying they are over, I am saying they are over because they are and have been,heck they were even over when there were pics of them together, they were faking it at cannes.
    One day all the nonbelievers will realize their idol couple is not a couple. Doesn’t matter to me what you want to think, but I know they have been split for MONTHS.

  36. Cheyenne says:

    beatrix: You’re right, it wasn’t. I got fooled by the cap in the grainy video. The photo is grainy as well but the picture is head-on. It’s the BG.

    lola: It’s interesting how you know for sure when nobody else does. Can you share the source of your inside dope, or is it just the voices inside your head?

    I can’t think of any two people less disposed to dissemble than these two. Neither one is into games. If they do split, they will issue a terse announcement straight-up and have done with it.

    One piece of advice: in the unlikely event they split up, don’t hold your breath waiting for him to run back to Jennifer. Ain’t gonna happen.

  37. Ned says:

    They have more children than years together as a couple.

    That is really “smart”. I wonder who spends time with the swins.

  38. lola says:

    No it is not in my head and I am not the only one in the world that knows they are over.
    Neither one is into games what a joke.
    Oh and if he (Brad)did run back to Jen I would think she would be desperate and pitiful to get back in a relationship with him.

  39. lola says:

    oh I am gonna add not only is the length of that dress aweful it doesn’t even fit properly WTF can she not have it fitted or better yet have a dress made to fit her body?

  40. lola says:

    It reminds me of the 80’s, (that ugly black and yellow dress)

  41. beatrix says:

    if aniston ever take back that old drunkenmaster with his colossal luggages, she will be the saddest idiot.

  42. kim says:

    If they are over what will Lola do, she is obviously obssessed with a couple she hates. Well maybe she can get a life.NOT. I sure she’ll become obssessed with another celeb couple she hates maybe Tom and Katie.

  43. nnn says:

    If they are over like some suggest, then they should be some hearing for the 6 kids, who’se gonna get them, joint custody ?, money

    And hearing as we all know are of public matter.

    So my guess is they are not over. If they were they would have issue an official statement, probably some member of Pitt’s famiily would also have step in, Jolie would have taken the kids elsewhere and the custody and financial arrangement would have already hit the air since everything of this matter, like the date set by a Court to determine the custody, especially for couple who are not married and with so many children is a public information.

    Besides, their dating record doesn’t show anything like faking to stay together in a relationship when they feel it’s a deadend. Jolie has never had trouble leaving a man even when she was a mother. Pitt also has no problem leaving a partner when he feels to instead of staying for the sake of it and pretending. They also never looked back. So the hope of a reunion are more jennifer ‘s style (Mayer bis) than those two who if they splitt would choose a totally different type of relationship as their new status will be single parent with kids. You just don’t indulge in the same relationship you used to when you have joint custody with 6 young kids.

    Deduction : they are still together, based on simple legal facts like custody decision, just like it was the case for jolie and BBT who went to Court and where it was decided that BBT relinquished all his father rights, name included related to Maddox and where Jolie didn’t want any money from him whatsoever.

    Even if not married, those two have a ‘contract’ as father and mother of 6 children. Whoever believe that they could split without any legal action hitting the air to determine the fuiture of those children are totally delusional.

    When they will split, if ever they split it will be publicly issued to protect their children and proven by every action legally taken related to the fuiture of those kids.

    Until then, they are very much together.

  44. lisa says:

    OMG do you people realize that this whole are they together or are they over debate has been going on for 5 years.. 5 years.. 1825 days.. give or take.. plus more hours, minutes and seconds then I can calculate.. That is just sick..

    If they are together great.. if they break up it will only affect their lives and the lives of THEIR children. No one else will be affected.. this is just a sick obsession like a drug.. maybe we all need Brange rehab.. this is just too much.. IT is time to leave these people alone to live their life..

    there has to be someone else to obsess over.. Can we all close the Brange book.. I mean how long is this crap going to go on.. Maybe when Madd graduates in 10 years or so..

  45. Cheyenne says:

    lola: if he (Brad)did run back to Jen I would think she would be desperate and pitiful to get back in a relationship with him.

    Well, she ran back to Mayer after he publicly dumped and humiliated her, didn’t she? If that isn’t desperate and pitiful, tell me what is.

  46. Charity is Chic says:

    nnn, have you seen how long your post is? You REALLY need to get a life and get over your obsession with these two. You act as if you know what goes on inside their house and inside their heads.

  47. BlueSkies says:

    Leave nnn alone! She’s mine.

  48. beatrix says:


    you actually said that jolie never has problem leaving men? my god do you live under a rock? get your facts straight. jolie never left men. they left them. it was bbt who left abruptly after they adopted mad on his tour and never came back home and never bothered to return her calls for months. it was JLM who left her too because she cheated on him with this asian dyke (dont know her name). it was hutton who ended up their fling even after she tattoed “h” on her wrist. the tatto she later said that h was for haven, not hutton. celebitchy had article about this hutton thing. she took this hard and turned to women and heroin. and for bradley, it was gwen who called off their engagement. it was jen who FILED for divorce. i respect how much you adore jolie pitt, but that doesn’t give you free pass to spew lies here. google is our friend. it’s all there.

  49. nnn says:

    As a multilingual entrepreneur, MBA holder in corporate finance with two businesses in two countries and a pediatrician of a boyfriend, I have a life and a busy, happy one at that !

    You on the otherhand acts like those undereducated juvenile person who can’t counteract a good argument because they have been punk’ed, proven wrong and have nothing to oppose to those facts, so they resort childly to that ‘have a life’ argument.

    Oh and you should get over your obsession about ME

  50. Charity is Chic says:

    As a multilingual entrepreneur, MBA holder in corporate finance with two businesses in two countries and a pediatrician of a boyfriend, I have a life and a busy, happy one at that !


    LOL. Let me guess, you’re unemployed at the moment. And the imaginary boyfriend mention. Awesome!!!!

  51. lola says:

    No the are they over or not has only been going on since this spring, the spring of 2009 when they split up, think it was around April. She was still filming salt.

    I have a great life husband and family and job, and sweet puppy dog, just because I like to surf the internt while I drink my coffe and post a few comments doesn’t mean I am consumed with hate and have no life, I could care less about their situation I just find the Brangelina worshippers funny esp their denial of what is going on, some sites the Brannie worshippers are too funny.

    Anyways to all you Branni fans did you dig the nice family birthday party for the twins, it was so sweet, Oh wait, there wasn’t one, mommy and daddy didn’t even fake getting together to celebrate the 1st birthday of the twins, oh I am sure there is a fabulous Brannie excuse for no family party, I am waiting.

  52. lola says:

    Cheyenn I have to say I think alot of these men jen “dates” are all media ploys and pr, Not sure what is going on with her life, but yeah anyone to date John Mayer can’t be too right in the head. Again thought it was a media game but who knows.