“Britney Spears and her sons in Denmark” morning links


– Super cute pictures of Britney Spears & her sons in Denmark [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
Jon Heder (Napoleon Dynamite) Books Comedy Central Show [Television.AOL.com]
– Are Drew Barrymore and Justin Long (automatic video) back on? [Moviefone]
A-Rod, Kate Hudson Take Romance Coast-To-Coast [Radar Online]
Kate Moss Topless (nsfw) [Cityrag]
Stephanie Pratt has amazing legs [Bastardly]
Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal burn off the calories together [Hollywood Rag]
Katie Price had a miscarriage [The Blemish]
– a whole bunch of Inglorious Basterds updates [Agent Bedhead]
– Which Actor Brought a Working Girl to His Big Summer Movie Premiere? [Defamer]
Vivienne and Knox Jolie-Pitt Turn 1 [Evil Beet]
Vanessa Hudgens goes from High School to a Brothel [Seriously? OMG! WTF?]
Carrie Underwood to Perform for Screaming Eagles [Bitten and Bound]
Andy Rooney Is The Don Rickles Of The Fruit Aisle [Best Week Ever]
– Cute pics of David Beckham’s gorgeous smile [PopBytes]

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7 Responses to ““Britney Spears and her sons in Denmark” morning links”

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  1. Alexa says:

    Brit’s kids are so flippin’ CUTE! They look just like her, and I love seeing pics of them out together. I’m also loving her long brown hair in that pic. Sexy!

  2. Scorpiogal says:

    Her kids are gorgeous, and I do like the brunette hair on her. One thing that she’s consistent with though is the completely inappropriate outfits. Skimpy outfits when performing is one thing, but not when you’re hanging out with your kids. Braless with a tight, gaping blouse is soooo beyond tacky.

  3. Kimberly says:

    That shirt is a disaster waiting to happen . It’s liable to pop open while shes carrying her son .

  4. Annie says:

    It’s Brit. That is to be expected.

    And yes, her kids are super cute and look soooo much like her when she was a little girl. The resemblance is just uncanny.

    Thank god they take after her and not Fatter-Line

  5. fancyamazon says:

    I love Andy Rooney, always will. Son’t always agree with him, but he’s such a cute little old cranky man.

  6. the boots are back! Hair dying and return of the boots! Buckle up, crazy britney will be back very soon! Yay!

  7. MomInNH says:

    That hair.. the shirt… the boots… Can’t stand any of them. Just hideous. She looks horrid with the really dark hair. And she definitely should not be wearing a shirt gaping open like it is around her, or anyone else’s children like that. Disgusting!!