Candy Spelling: Tori shouldn’t complain about money, she’s got plenty

Someone must have gotten a hold of Candy Spelling and told her that she’s been coming across as a total bitch lately. The worst incident to date was the time when Candy claimed Tori had basically killed her father. After that, it was only skip down the primrose path to sending Tori an “open letter” through TMZ, where Candy whined about how she didn’t want to meet her granddaughter for the first time on her “middle-aged” daughter’s reality show. Last week, Candy backtracked a little, telling the press that still loved her daughter, but didn’t agree with all of her life choices. I theorized at the time that Candy was off her meds. Think about it – she goes out, has a hissy fit, says outrageous things, then backtracks, whines, and plays the victim. Rinse and repeat.

Candy’s still playing the same old song this week. As she was appearing at a book signing Saturday night, Candy wouldn’t shut up about Tori. Candy told the press that she would “never” stop “trying to reconcile with Tori” but that Candy is “a punch line on the scripted reality show and that’s kind of not what I bargained for.” Candy also claims Tori is doing fine financially, so she should just shut up. Boohoo.

As a bright and cheery Candy Spelling signed copies of her new tell-all Candyland and greeted anxious fans at Susie Cakes in Brentwood, Calif. on Aug. 8, she took a moment to talk with OK! about her take on a reconciliation with her estranged daughter Tori Spelling.

“I have been trying and I’m never going to stop trying to reconcile with Tori. I love her. She is my child,” Candy tells OK! But, despite a lonely mother’s plea to get her daughter back, Candy had much to say on her absence at grandaughter Stella’s first birthday party. Although Candy sent back a clear cut “yes” RSVP for her granddaughter, whom she has yet to meet, Candy was still a no-show at the over-the-top lady bug-themed fete.

Defending her actions, Candy revealed to OK! that it wasn’t a last minute cancellation.

“I sent Tori the email and she opened it at 10:38 in the morning,” prior to the actual party, says Candy.

As seen on Tori’s reality show, Tori and Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood, Tori anxiously awaited her alienated mother’s presence throughout the entire bash and ended up in tears when her mother failed to arrive.

“I’m a punch line on the scripted reality show and that’s kind of not what I bargained for,” Candy tells OK! of the show’s plot. “I’m telling the truth. It killed me, but that’s what I had to do.”

Despite hopes for a future reconciliation with her beloved daughter and grandchildren, Candy still has a few issues with Tori’s lavish lifestyle.

“Everyone is complaining that they don’t have any money now, and here Tori is doing these grand parties,” Candy dishes to OK!. “She even rented a house for Stella’s party.”

And while she doesn’t approve of being a character on Tori’s show, Candy hasn’t counted out the idea of her own reality TV program.

“If it was the right thing and it was scripted, I would do it,” Candy explains to OK!. “I would not let someone follow me around all of the time. That would make me nuts.”

[From OK! Magazine]

I tend to think Tori is a better person than me – if I had Candy as a mother, I would have done an epic tell-all about my mom’s insanity a long, long time ago. I would have totally burned that bridge and never looked back. Thank God my mom is nothing like Candy Spelling, at all. I can’t even imagine. The only point I’ll give Candy is that I don’t think Tori is hurting for money – I do think Tori just plays at being the poor little formally-rich girl, when she and Dean are still doing very well financially. Gah! I hate giving Candy any credit.

Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott are shown with their children, Liam and Stella, at LAX airport on 8/8/09. Credit:

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30 Responses to “Candy Spelling: Tori shouldn’t complain about money, she’s got plenty”

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  1. maddie says:

    As seen on Tori’s reality show, Tori and Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood, Tori anxiously awaited her alienated mother’s presence throughout the entire bash and ended up in tears when her mother failed to arrive.

    yeah she “Tori” is such a good actress,(NOT) doesn’t take much to put on a good show of tears for the camera.

    Tori’s the same person that took her ex-husband to marriage couseling to tell him she wanted a divorce.

    And stood on stage to bash her stepson’s mom calling her an crazy woman oh and lied to get the ex-wife kicked out of a Canadian Award show by claiming she had a restraining order against Dean’s ex, which was a lie.

    And you write like she is some saint because she cries for the camera? Get a clue.

    It’s all done for the ratings because any normal person would be doing all this relationship patch up behind cameras not in front on our REALITY SHOW.

  2. Firestarter says:

    Well, so what if Tori is throwing grand parties for her daughter, didn’t Candy do it for her children once upon a time?

    The one thing to be said is that at least Tori does, in effect, work for her money. She has written books, designed a jewelry line, kids clothing line, she has a few acting (well, if you can call it acting) gigs, so the girl does seem to be doing something that Candy has never done, well at least since she landed Spelling- WORK.

    Unlike Candy, she isn’t living off of her father’s money, which Candy, instead of bitching about Tori, should be praising her for.

    What a hypocrite too, for complaining about Tori doing a “scripted” reality show, when she herself has not rules out doing one. What kind of retarded logic is that? She is just a nasty bitter woman who never took an interest in her own children. While Tori may not be a perfect human being, at least she seems to be very loving and devoted mother to her two children.

    Wow, who knew I was so fired up about Tori Spelling! LOL!

  3. amy says:

    Hollywood people are nuts!

  4. lway says:

    Tori looks oooollllddd! I thought that it was her mother in the top pic. :\

  5. Kate says:

    I feel for Tori. I have seen the show and I like her and her family. Her MONSTER is a bitter ornery hag and obviously is jealous of her child. I totally think CANDY has BPD and is a very sick woman.

  6. Guest says:

    Candy = epic fail.

  7. omondieu says:

    That first picture is horrid, but Team Donna Martin all the way.

  8. Taya says:

    To Tori, having 10 million in the bank is poor especially when you grew up with a father that had 500 million+ in the bank. I like Tori, but she needs to STFU about how poor she and Dean are. She will never know what it is truly like to be even somewhat financially tapped.

  9. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa says:

    hey maddie – where did she stand on stage to bash mary jo? i’ve never heard of that before. and the thing about the restraining order, is that real news or just gossip that you heard?
    i like tori, always have, always will. dean’s ex wife is a total b*tch who decided to start trying to “save” her marriage after he was already in love with someone else and trying to leave. she puts all these restrictions on what he can say about her on his show and he can’t even show his son’s face, but yet mary jo puts out a book (coming in Oct) blantantly bashing him and tori! she hates them so much, but she has no problem making money off the fame that came from them, right?
    as for candy, i agree with other posters, she is NUTS. any normal mom, whether or not they agree with their kid’s choices, will support them no matter what. candy’s interests are obviously only self-serving.

  10. lilred says:

    Candy says I love her. She’s my child…blah,blah, blah many species eat their children entirely, instead of just chewing them up and spitting them out when the mood strikes. Candy is nuts.

  11. maddie says:

    “on what he can say about her on his show and he can’t even show his son’s face, but yet mary jo puts out a book (coming in Oct) blantantly bashing him and tori! she hates them so much, but she has no problem making money off the fame that came from them, right”

    Your Kidding right she has as much say as to her son showing his face as her ex does since she is the primary care giver and lives in another country, as for the adoption that was already in the works before Dean met Tori on the movie set, matter of fact she almost lost her daughter after Dean left.

    Mary Jo is well known in Canada more so then Dean he only became a well know c-lister when he hooked up with Tori, other than that he had second character rolls on or bit parts on shows and movies.

    As for the tell all book I think Tori also wrote a book about her and Dean so not sure why you think Mary Jo shouldn’t not write about something that affected her and her son.

    She doesn’t hate them and if she did at that time she had every right to do so, they were on a family vacation when he told her that he was leaving her who cold is that, and just months before he was telling her how much he loved her and all that crap.

    As for the Tori bashing Mary Jo yep it’s all on tape, at an award show in Canada that Mary Jo was invited to, not sure why Tori was there to begin with, (but that is in the other woman handbook to be the bitch even when she got the cheating ass).

    She is on stage and says something like thats what I love about Canada you have crazy ex-wives, she also said something about her not being able to have any more kids, on just so you know Dean gave up any rights to the adoptive daughter even though he was all for it when the ball got rolling.

  12. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa says:

    maddie, you’re like the millionth person i’ve heard give this song and dance about the adopted daughter. yes, it’s sad, but no one really knows for a fact what went on. i find it hard to believe he wanted to adopt so badly and for all the people (like lainey) who flipped out over his love for his daughter with tori, it should be pointed out that mary jo went and picked up the kid when he was away shooting! they didn’t even go do it together. if you’re both invested in adopting a child and working so hard for it, why wouldn’t you go as a united front, and share in that joy together?? here’s an idea why: because the marriage was already broken. because mary jo did what mary jo wanted and then was shocked – SHOCKED! – when her husband who she thought was firmly strapped in and along for the ride, found a better wife who loved him more.
    and as for this phantom “canadian awards show” i believe the “crazy ex wives” thing because i can see how that would be a joke, but i definitely do NOT believe that there is any joke in anyone not being able to conceive, and i can’t see tori saying it. in front of a crowd? ripping on infertility?? c’mon – it’s just not realistic.

  13. maddie says:

    picked up the kid when he was away shooting! they didn’t even go do it together. if you’re both invested in adopting a child and working so hard for it, why wouldn’t you go as a united front, and share in that joy together??

    Wow was the same shoot that he was banging Whori/Tori I do believe that it is maybe thats why he didn’t go he was looking through those gold digging sunglasses of his.

    Funny how you have no comment about the other things I wrote about.
    Plus they just don’t hand out kids to anyone the whole family dynamics are looked at and so at some point they did show a united front to the agency to be given the child in the first place.

  14. princess pea says:

    Don’t believe it?

    Yeah, Tori is that cold. And she cannot complain about a book; she is the author of sTori Telling, right? Love schmuv. If they were decent people, they’d have left their marriages first. I’d still hate on Dean for walking out on his baby girl, but at least they wouldn’t be backstabbers.

  15. AllSpellingsSuck says:

    Don’t forget, Tori also frequently mocks Dean’s ex-wife’s fertility problems, patting herself on the back for being “young and fertile.” But yeah, she’s totally sympathetic and saintly. (Picture me making a wack-off gesture here.)

    She and her mom are both disgusting, and I have no doubt that they see each other often, off camera, and plot ways to stay in the spotlight.

    And her mom is so right, Tori bitches about money yet her children’s birthday party bills would feed my family for years. Literally.

  16. erin says:

    They both drive me crazy for various reasons. I agree with Candy that Tori poor-mouths all the time when in actuality she has plenty of money. She seems so superficial on her show. She’s never satisfied until her house is full of over-priced trendy furniture and is tackily over-decorated. And Candy is the one who is responsible for Tori being so superficial because she raised her in some circus instead of a normal household. Both are just completely out of touch with reality.

  17. Moore says:

    princess pea, that’s the main reason why I don’t support anything Tori puts her hand in or anything her husband is involved in. With an attitude like that, she deserves whatever comes her way. That’s sad to say but you can’t behave that way then expect good to come to you.
    Tori and Dean both act pathetic and deserve each other. Can’t wait till they fade into the background.

  18. maddie says:

    Clip of what a bitch and LIAR Tori is.

    Can I also add that this is the most exposure Dean has had as an actor of course he’s not going to give it.
    I’m sure he happy that Candy and Tori are at odds and are constantly in the tabloids works for him.

  19. Bella says:

    As to the “phantom” Canadian awards show, it was the MuchMusic Video Music Awards, which has an international audience of millions and Tori’s comments were unnecessary and totally lacking in class.

    Prior to that occasion I always found Tori funny and cute in her own way. The dig at Dean’s soon-to-be ex seemed so mean-spirited, when she should’ve been happy that she won the affection of her dream man.

    I don’t think anyone steals a person from their spouse either. It takes two to make it work and two to break it, but, there is no excuse to publicly diss on a new partner’s ex, cuz it only reflects poorly on you….

  20. aw! says:

    What a bitch her mother is! Mine was more like Leave It To beaver, so I can’t even imagine….

  21. yadda yadda says:

    just so you all know, the production company/sponsors pay for EVERYTHING you see on the show. party, catering, planners etc. she doesn’t pay a cent.

  22. fizXgirl314 says:

    Let’s just keep in mind that the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree….

  23. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa says:

    The report on the CBS link clearly says that Mary Jo is the one claiming the excuse was about some restraining order. How do we know she didn’t make that up herself? Or maybe some middle man made it up. There’s no way to know that came from Tori. The next line even says that Tori didn’t know she was there, so why would she have done a big song-and-dance about a fake restraining order? It doesn’t add up. The young wife comments were stupid, and the report clearly says she said it in the context of how many kids she wants with a guy she’s in love with. Whenever anyone falls head over heels, that’s the first thing they do is daydream about marriage, babies, the future, etc. The girl was just blabbing on like any other person newly in love would do. Even CBS says “Spelling said in what could be interpreted as a dig at Eustace” – COULD BE. If Mary Jo really wanted to be the bigger person, she’d just get the hell over it. Everyone on these msg boards is always crapping on Jennifer Aniston that it’s been so many years and Brad & Angelina are obv. meant to be together so why doesn’t she just get over it? Well, I’d apply the same rules to Mary Jo – move on, sister. They’re obv. soulmates. Could you imagine the freak out if Aniston wrote a book titled “Divorce Sucks”?? LOL! But for Mary Jo, it’s OK, because the woman who her husband left her for is Tori Spelling.

    Sorry to whoever posted the youtube clip – I can’t see it. I’m sure it’s the crazy-ex-wife joke or something. I’d apply the same logic anyway, she was stupid in love and talked out of turn. It was 2006, can’t we all just move on and accept that they’re happy together??

    Maddie, what other things did you want me to respond to? Tori wrote a book? Yes, but it was about a heck of a lot more things then just Mary Jo – it’s about HERSELF and her own life (MJE should get one!) I really think Mary Jo just comes off as incredibly bitter. The kind of wife who treats her husband like crap and then wonders why he wouldn’t want to stay with her.

  24. bagladey says:

    Even if they aren’t hurting financially, Tori’s family would do even better if Dean got a J-O-B!

  25. the original kate says:

    i am tired of “celebs” like tori, lohan, jon & kate, octomom, etc. who don’t actually work for a living bitching about money, and then blowing tons of money on children’s birthday parties, clothes shopping, plastic surgery, mani/pedis, etc. they all need a big, steaming plate of STFU.

  26. Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

    I don’t know if I can get behind the anti-Eustace comments. I remember when her show was on–it was really popular. She left it so that her and her then-husband could move to the States and focus on his acting career. They needn’t have bothered because his Boston accent is unfortunate.

    There are always multiple viewpoints, more going on than we know, and Mary Jo is going to win a lot of automatic sympathy here in Canada just because she’s well-known.

    We’ll never know ‘the truth’ in whole, but it did (and does) strike me as declasse to make a comment such as that, which was completely unprompted and anathema to the point of her appearance. A publicity-savvy woman like Spelling obviously knew what kind of firestorm it would set off, and it worked.

    Two sides, right?

    I will say this, I don’t think the Aniston comparison is apt, because this whole ‘wronged woman’ scenario really didn’t go on for very long. In fact, that was probably one of the last, if not the last times I heard public talk about it. It was over three years ago, so at least Mary Jo isn’t making a second career out of perpetual humiliation.

  27. Magsy says:

    Tori needs to quit complaining period. Get over it. If Candy drops dead tomorrow is that how she wants things to be? Grow the f–k up!

  28. maddie says:

    Maddie, what other things did you want me to respond to? Tori wrote a book? Yes, but it was about a heck of a lot more things then just Mary Jo – it’s about HERSELF and her own life (MJE should get one!) I really think Mary Jo just comes off as incredibly bitter

    So Mary Jo writing about the implosion of her marriage is not about Mary Jo?
    How about the book being about a painful time in her life involving her now ex husband Dean and the other woman Tori, that had an impact on her life if Tori and Dean did not do what they did she wouldn’t be writing about a painful time in her life. Where is that be being bitter? Please explain how thats bitter.

    I guess when Kelly McGillis wrote about being RAPED in her book she is being bitter.

    And the how do we know Mary Jo was not making it up comma are you that clueless
    why in the hell would she make it up and state something like that on a TV interview while the sharks (tabloid news) are smelling a big story like this they would have followed it up with the “whole bitter ex-wife slant” making lies up to get the pity vote and to prove the two cheaters right, didn’t read it any where did you?

    Now your stetching it with :Even CBS says “Spelling said in what could be interpreted as a dig at Eustace” – COULD BE.

    Who the hell else would she be talking about the maid at the hotel she stayed at. CBS talking heads aren’t going to say anything bad to rock the boat about anything star, don’t forget they have to Celeberties Shows on that they brown nose to the fullest.

    If Mary Jo really wanted to be the bigger person, she’d just get the hell over it. I’m pretty much sure she got over the whole thing as a matter of fact she is dating right now.

    Oh what comments I said that you didn’t address the whole she was driving the adoption thing, like I said before they do not just hand you a kid if your a family in crisis.

    I think you should look up the facts on Aduterly, more than have of people who divorce their partners for the other person regrets their actions ( with the exclusion of movies stars because of their narcistic nature) because it’s a lose/ lose situation and those problems could have been worked out.

    As also with “well if she took care of her man” speil most of those wives are taking care of their man the house the kids etc etc,, where as the husband wants a more care free life as he has at work.

    Like I said she was well known more than him, in Cananda, a working mother and wife.

  29. Ramona says:

    Candy Spelling one crazy twisted “Bitchzilla”! She reminds me of the way that Joan Crawford treated her daughter Christina Crawford, all her life she abused her horribly, verbally and physically. It was portrayed in a movie called “Mommie Dearest”, People like Candy Spelling have a vicious and toxic personality but only directs it towards the one ‘she says’ she loves….Tori should never speak to that crazy bitch again and NEVER let Candy around her children because she will go to great lengths to destroy Tori in their eyes and try to turn them against her…all the while she is doing this she will have a sweet smile on her face…People like Candy Spelling are a danger to their loved ones, she is the epitome of Toxic Waste Personality!!

  30. elvisgrace says:

    “If it was the right thing and it was scripted, I would do it,” Candy explains to OK!. “I would not let someone follow me around all of the time. That would make me nuts.”

    They can’t follow you if they’re too busy being followed BY you, scraping you off their legs because you’re humping them like a dog on a PCP/Viagra bender at every opportunity.