Lindsay Lohan’s drama with her new lips & her phone

Before we get into Lindsay Lohan’s latest cracked-out drama, I have a question. Is Lindsay getting collagen injections (or whatever else they’re doing these days) in her lips, or is the lip-puffiness something to do with drugs? Most sources claim she’s getting injections – but some are claiming that the puffy lip thing happens when you rub cocaine on your lips. I didn’t know that (I’ve never tried cocaine, and my experience with hardcore coke users is limited), but it seems like a slightly reasonable theory. My guess is that Lindsay is getting her lips professionally plumped with collagen or whatever, and she’s using coke. Just a guess!

Now, for the cracked-out shenanigans of the weekend: Lindsay Lohan rewarded a deli owner who had found her cell phone by calling the cops. Apparently, when a deli clerk ran out to Lindsay’s cab to check if she had left her phone, Lindsay said yes, but refused to verify the phone number. Lindsay tried to grab the phone, failed, and so she called the police. Dude… Lindsay called the police? Do you think she hid her stash before the cops got there? Where did she hide it? Wait… I don’t want to know.

Talk about high maintenance! Here’s how Lindsay Lohan repaid a good Samaritan who tried to return her cell phone: She called the cops.

According to gossips at the New York Daily News, Lohan reportedly left her celly on a deli counter in Little Italy. When a clerk ran out to the street and knocked on her cab window to ask if it was her phone, she said yes.

But before he handed it over to her, he asked her to verify the number since there had been many customers in the place. When she couldn’t, and perhaps miffed that he didn’t recognize her, she tried to grab it out of his hand. When she failed to snatch it away from him, she reportedly said, “I’m calling the police! I’m going to arrest you for not giving me my phone!”

A friend of Lohan’s called 911. When the cops arrived, the clerk handed them the phone. After the police verified it was her phone they returned it.

“I was just trying to be honest. Now I have police and trouble already,” the deli guy said. “Who is she? Is she a star?”

Well, we think she used to be.

[From E! Online]

Yes, I really do think Lindsay called the cops because the guy didn’t recognize her. And because she’s addicted to drama at any cost. Only Lindsay would get so pissy and need a cracked-out confrontation (with the cops!) because she couldn’t be bothered to verify her telephone number.

By the way, this is only for the die-hard Project Runway people – how weird was Lindsay’s appearance last Thursday? It was obviously filmed last year, but Lindsay was still wearing the same pissy, cracked-out expression she’s been wearing for the past few months. As commenter Trillion noted, Lindsay seemed to be the deciding factor in kicking off the crazy, delusional Samantha-Ronson-lookalike designer. If Nina Garcia had her way, she would have kicked off the guy who basically draped pantyhose on his model. But Lindsay had to subconsciously rage against the faux-Ronson.

Oh, and one more piece of Lohan news – in the Robert Rodriguez film that she’s attached to, Machete (which will be one of those few-and-far-between paying gigs for Lohan as of late), Lindsay’s character will be the wild, promiscuous daughter of… Robert DeNiro. Oh. My. God.

Here’s Lindsay shopping in NY on 8/19/09. Credit: Fame Pictures

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30 Responses to “Lindsay Lohan’s drama with her new lips & her phone”

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  1. Hieronymus Grex says:

    Maybe its just the way the window glass in warping the light, but she looks TERRIBLE. Like she aged 10 years overnight.

  2. JM says:

    it definintely looks like an allergical reaction to smth. amd this smth definitely is either tanning spray or hair dye.

  3. Aleksa says:

    I asked my hubby to guess her age (he´s not into celebs and doesn´t know who anyone is), and he guessed her at his older sister´s age!-she´s 43!)

  4. Jazz says:

    Not Robert De Niro! Nooooo. Their names should not even be in the same sentence let alone the same movie.

  5. Kevin says:

    This girl is mentally ill. I’m not treating her, but then again neither is Dr. Drew and that never stopped him. OH! I’m not a doctor, but that doesn’t stop Dr. Phil either! I’m starting to pity this bitch. She’s in the Brittney melt down territory. Her suicide would not surprise me at this point.

  6. barneslr says:

    At least Britney had her family to step in and help her. This poor girl has no one; her parents are useless beyond redemption. This is a real tragedy unfolding before our eyes. What a terrible shame. She just doesn’t stand a chance.

    It won’t be long and we’ll be saying the same things about her little sister, too.

  7. ash says:

    LOL @ Project Runway premiere. The woman who was kicked off DID look just like Samantha, which made my sister and I laugh out loud. I have no idea why they let her on the show, she gave absolutely no insight or constructive criticism at all. The only thing she said repeatedly was “I like the dress”. Thanks, Lindsay, now GTFO. She looks like she just emerged from the swamps.

  8. Praise St. Angie! says:

    Jesus H. Chr*st on a popsicle stick…

    she looks so unbelievably haggard in that top pic.

    I’ve got more than ten years on that girl and spent several summers sitting out in the sun as a lifeguard, and she looks WAY older than I do.

  9. Brandy M says:

    at first I thought it was angelina jolie all cracked out! lol

  10. omondieu says:


  11. My first thought was “David Lee Roth”. My advice for Lindsay: 1) Put down the straw/pipe/needle. 2) Put down the peroxide. 3) Have a sammich.

  12. Kate says:

    Sad, lost Girl!

  13. Tia C says:

    Cocaine doesn’t make your lips puffy, at least, not in my experience. She’s doing cosmetic stuff to her lips, injections of some sort. But what is going on with her skin? Man, she looks rough!! Holy Meth-Face, Batman!

  14. the original kate says:

    she looks like a hogan.

  15. Beth says:

    Lindsay’s photos reminds me of the ugly girl episode of Seinfeld. The woman was pretty but get her in certain lighting/situations she looked horrible. Sometimes Lindsay looks really pretty and put together, other times she looks 50 years old and messy.

  16. texasmom says:

    That first photo makes her look like a 70-year-old Shiloh Pitt-Jolie.

  17. Fat Elvis says:

    Her hairline appears to be receding at a record-breaking pace. Keep up the good work, Lindsay!

  18. Trillion says:

    At first glance I thought this was shot on set while she was in full make-up for her character: a 40 year old tweaker.

  19. jenny says:

    she’s tryin’ too hard. lilo is over.

  20. Anoneemouse says:

    Enough pitty has been shed on this raggedy crack-whore. I say, GO FOR IT, Lindsay. Cocoon yourself in your home and go at it until you’re dead. Don’t stop until you’re done. There is no hope for this girl whatsoever. And her parents continually cover up for her and enable her to feel the entitlement she so clearly sees for herself. If it is meth, won’t you look pretty with no teeth? Yo have thrown away so many opportunities that people would DIE for.

    And the next person that tries to help this cracker out by giving her phone back, remember this article. It may be wiser for you to sell it to a pap and make yourself some money.

  21. Cillanyc says:

    She got injections – may be Collagen gone bad. I do not believe the puffiness is due to any drug habit. Nobody rubs cocaine on their lips; on their gums – yes. Now she kinda looks like a very cheap and trashy Angelina Jolie, specially on the 1st picture. The poor girl…

  22. Cillanyc says:

    LOL @ #14, “she looks like a hogan”

  23. Zoe (The Other One) says:

    Dear sweet Jeebus, will you look at the state of it. I never get tired of watching this car crash. I am waiting for her to OD for attention.

    I’ve said it before but it bears repeating; Vile. Oxygen. Thief.

  24. Who Cares says:

    She looks likea blond coked out Angelina Jolie.

  25. Trashaddict says:

    She went to her plastic surgeon and said, “I want Angelina Jolie’s lips”

  26. Shanny says:

    I can not imagine how rough she is gonna look at 30. So sad the lindsay story, it really is. It is a shame she has/had no positive guidance.

  27. GatsbyGal says:

    THANK YOU – I totally thought Lindsay voted to kick off the chick on Project Runway because she looks like Sam!

  28. Magsy says:

    She does look like a druggie. And she has the worst hair, like Britney. It just never looks good. Whatever color she picks never suits her. Shave it Ginger Locks—Shave it.

  29. skeptical says:

    I actually like Ari Fish. If I ever went into fashion, I hope I could be as quirky and individual and down to earth as she seems to be.

    ofc i get most of my info from the internet. Pictures, articles.. you see so little during that fast blurb of a show.

  30. sarah says:

    oh lindsay i always was one of ur biggest fans, u were so damn pretty and i liked evan the blond hair but these rubber boat lips are just ugly as hell. on top of that u look at least 10 years older and 10 years more used… no more commentz