Police remove Lindsay Lohan from hotel after fight with Samantha Ronson


Yesterday Kaiser wrote about Lindsay Lohan pulling a complete diva act at the G-Star show during Fashion Week in New York. Lohan didn’t like where she was sitting, so she started tossing the seating cards of tons of much bigger celebs and arranging everything to her liking. When the event organizers came over to her, she told them, “Don’t f-cking touch me.” Kaiser suggested they should have called the police – and it seems like others agree that’s generally the best way to handle Lindsay Lohan.

According to Hollyscoop, last night Lindsay and girlfriend Samantha Ronson got into one of their epic fights. I’d link the past examples here except I think the servers might explode from so much work. I can’t link four hundred fights. I’m sure this pair argue in their sleep. They’ll fight from their graves. It’s all their relationship is based on. Anyway, last night Lindsay and Samantha were still in New York, staying at the Bowery Hotel. During one of their screaming matches (I mean it was a Thursday, got to have the customary late-week brawl), Lindsay hurled a room service tray at Samantha’s door. Only it turns out it wasn’t Samantha’s door. She was off by a few. Naturally the guests inside that room called the cops, because there is seriously nothing more terrifying than a rage-filled Lindsay Lohan outside your door. I know that sounds sarcastic but I really do mean it.

Police arrived on the scene and Lohan was eventually dragged out of the hotel by the cops. Hopefully kicking and screaming, as instinct tells me she’s not likely to have left with dignity.

Lindsay Lohan is back to her old tricks! We suspected Lindsay wasn’t 100% “sober” like she’s been claiming, but this story pretty much confirms our speculation.

Inside sources tell Hollyscoop that Lindsay Lohan was kicked out of the Bowery Hotel in New York City last night after a blow-up fight with Samantha Ronson.

Police were called to the scene after Lindsay reportedly “threw a room-service tray at what she thought was her girlfriend’s door” during a heated fight.

The only problem was…she threw that tray at the wrong door. As a result Lindsay was kicked out of the posh hotel, with authorities escorting her off the premises.

The same source claims Lindsay’s friends and family are planning on staging an intervention to get her back in rehab for the fourth time!

It’s official! Lindsay is a mess! Her family and friends have a right to be concerned for her health and her safety. She’s clearly a threat to herself and those around her!

[From Hollyscoop]

You know what would be fabulous in addition to an intervention? An arrest. I know the cops are more likely to try to settle a dispute in a case like this instead of arresting someone since no one was injured. But with Lindsay’s cracked out history (she’s had plenty of arrests, mostly involving stealing cars, running over people’s feet, and high speed chases through the streets of L.A), she should have been arrested. I realize the NYPD has bigger fish to fry, but Lohan is capable of being more dangerous than she appears. I would absolutely not put it past her to hurl something at a cop, given a chance.

Lohan is normally a prolific Twitter-er, but she’s been totally mum since 9:27 Wednesday evening, when she denied the rumor that she was in a psych ward. Hey, maybe that’s true now!

Here’s Lindsay leaving a party with friends in New York on Monday night. Images thanks to Pacific Coast News.

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45 Responses to “Police remove Lindsay Lohan from hotel after fight with Samantha Ronson”

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  1. QB says:

    Samantha should get away from Lindsay she is clearly dangerous.

  2. Firestarter says:

    Well maybe if they had arrested her, it might keep her from doing these things over and over again. Seriously, if anyone of us had done the same thing, we would all be in jail right now, waiting on someone to bail us out and facing a court date.

  3. Cinderella says:

    What on earth will it take for Samantha to cut this lunatic out of her life? Seriously.

  4. MARKY MARK says:

    To sort of paraphrase you “Kaiser” there is no way to go into everything thats wrong with this Damn woman.
    Is there a way for the entire state of New York to put a restraining order on this crackwhore to keep her out of the City limits?

  5. vale says:

    An angry Lindsay Lohan is probably not scary, just seriously seriously aggravating (to say the least). Something smells fishy if Samantha Ronson keeps staying with her.

  6. Green Is Good says:

    I hate to state the obvious here, but if a person behaves in a manner that they need to be removed from a hotel by the cops, isn’t it a given that person should be arrested too?

  7. Lem says:

    Chateau Marmont is either relieved or jealous. hard to tell

  8. bigelle says:

    sounds like the eternal conundrum ‘good sex in a bad relationship’ but at some point Samantha has to realise there is nothing but aggravation (if not worse) going on here. No-one can know the reality of LiLo’s life but nevertheless she has to start taking responsibility for her actions. Round about now really!

  9. Lay-Low says:

    A tip for “White Oprah”:

    If everything’s going to be out there in the public eye – and it is – consider pitching your addict to A & E’s “Intervention.”

    I smell a “Celebrity Episode” around the corner!

  10. Mimi says:

    People Samantha ENDED this relationship probably 50 times and still cant get ride of this bitch that tread to kill herself if Sam doesn’t come back to her i think that Sam should make ALL US a favor and don’t come back let’s see if Linds have the “balls” to do if she does well she will be the last cried celebrity of all that die this year. PS WE WILL NOT MISSY U LINDSAY go away alright u don’t NEED to Die just GO FAR FAR FAR AWAY

  11. Sam says:

    The story’s not true. the sites rplus and gossipcop spoke to her people and found out she’s in texas and ronson’s in la. couldn’t have happened.

  12. moo says:

    Intervention? Please…. she has no interest in becoming clean. She’s completely blown having an acting career so acting out and being a stupid dumb bitch is the only other way she can have her “audience” and get attention.

  13. Sakota says:

    Sounds like she’s having psychotic episodes. I suppose Samantha stays because she feels she needs to.

  14. Eileen Yover says:

    The stuff nightmares are made of: a 45 yr old looking cokeyface Lindsay Lohan throwing serving trays at your hotel room door. I’d be calling the armed forces.

  15. Sani says:

    May be if there was a massive out cry then she will go away but there is not one. Lindsey can do whatever she wants. Her words not mine.

  16. skeptical says:

    I think Samantha has tried to cut lindsay out. Several times. It just doesn’t work.

    or did we already forget of lindsay following sam around in london?

    or lindsay waiting on sam’s doorstep in the early morning hours and demanding “where were you? where were you?”

    what about lindsay following sam to the prive club in vegas and how sam ditched her there and lindsay had a nice loud breakdown?
    that was the fight that preceded the famous window-smashing episode with cops outside Samantha’s old home.

    It’s so easy for all us armchair watchers to say “dump her Sam!” but who here could really keep up her resolve in the face of that CONSTANT unending begging and crying and stalking and twittering and calling?

    maybe sam is still reaching out.. maybe not. but to my outsider’s view it looks like sam is trying to let lindsay down easy. To get away without making lindsay go completely insane.

  17. Ggirl says:

    I used to pull for her to get clean and work on herself and quit trying to drag everyone in her life down with her. Clearly this doesn’t seem like it is going to happen. The ugliness of her actions is astounding even by drug addict standards. The family ‘intervention’ rumor has been recycled so many times its moldy. I don’t think they can find a way for an intervention to be financially profitable for them so they don’t bother. Her parents are worthless and not capable and/or willing to help their own paycheck, I mean daughter…

  18. gg says:

    Sorry, I’m not buying the “sam tried to get rid of her but can’t” routine.

    This is called CODEPENDENCY. It is ADDICT BEHAVIOR and it takes TWO. It’s an old, old story and it’s been played out a zillion times. There are ways to handle an abusive relationship like this. For starters, Sam should get a restraining order and have her arrested when she comes around. But she keeps letting her in. I’ve been stalked when I was young and getting free of your stalker takes effort, but most certainly can be done. But not if you keep hooking up and doing drugs together and letting her come in, then it’s just your own fault. honey please. There is no excuse for any of this childish BS.

  19. GatsbyGal says:

    Good on the folks in that hotel room for calling the cops. I hope they’re able to book her for something, because this kind of behavior is fucking ridiculous. She’s how old now exactly?

    If she doesn’t just kill herself or get thrown in prison, I have this terrible feeling that she’s either going to a) kill Sam, b) stab a cop, or c) drive drunk and run over people on the sidewalk. I wish I were joking, but I really don’t see her doing much else at this point. I mean, is she supposed to somehow recover from this type of behavior? This is who she is, and she’s a terrible person who deserves to either be in jail or be dead.

  20. mia says:

    Typical lesbian jealousy with mega drama.

  21. viper says:

    People do like LL she is a very sweet girl. She’s never really abused her fans or invented reasons to promote things. She’s just been through alot with her parents, people using her left and right. I mean you guys heard her messages, people really do use affection to get into her life, These petty people and LL I guess wants love so much that she gives into peer pressure and fell into the wrong crowd.

    She does look alot healthier than she did a few months ago. So hopefully she does get a balance again. We all remember redhead LL when she was a little kid with big dreams. I def dont want her to become another hollywood statistic.

  22. TEK says:

    What a sad waste of talent!

  23. Michelle says:

    Lohan is never reported on for doing anything nice/normal/non-psychotic. Not just by this blog, but practically every other blog as well. She’s manipulative, violent, abusive, and has an overwhelming sense of self-entitlement. She’s a textbook sociopath fueled by drugs. Remember Angelina Jolie’s character in “Girl, Interrupted” ? That’s Lindsay’s reality, only she’s not in a ward because she has too many people kissing her ass (why?) and enabling her.

    Basically my point is Lohan is not a nice person; she’s a total piece of sh*t. I wish she’d either go away and get help or just effing od already. The stories are beyond redudant and old… she’s just plain stupid.

  24. notsoanonymous says:

    @ #27… I think we are well passed seeing the freckle faced red haired girl of Charlie Brown’s dreams… 🙁

  25. SoSo says:

    the nypd is too busy harrassing and shooting minorities to actually do something about lindsay’s pyscho ass

  26. clare says:

    @viper: I agree.

  27. Firestarter says:

    @Sam- It has been confirmed by many actual news agencies that she was indeed back East and that this incident is quite true. I just read today that she sheepishly made her way back to L.A after embarrassing herself in New York in an actual newspaper in the entertainment section.

  28. Sakota says:

    Why are the police so intimidated by celebrities? In other countries they’re the lowest of the low, yet they are able to get away with literal murder in this country and have better access to the president than we do?

  29. The Domestic Goddess says:

    When are people going to stop paying attention to these people? I mean honest to god, what do they for others? They are nothing but selfish spoiled little brats all of them! I am at the point of just stopping reading anything online or in mags anymore. Sorry but life is tough enough on us regular folks just trying to get by, without having to see this crap all the time.

  30. ccoop says:

    She threw a tray at what she THOUGHT was Sam’s door….so how in the world were they conducting this fight? Were they tweeting death threats, or IMing accusations at each other? LOL

  31. skeptical says:

    firestarter.. that would totally rock.. but.. source please?
    everything i find either has no reference at all or references Hollyscoop.

    this totally sounds like something lindsay would do though.

    i did find a number of stories, independent of each other far as i can tell, who reported on lindsay’s attepmt to change seatings at some fashion show. not all the stories claimed it was because she wanted to sit next to a certain guy though. just that she changed the cards.

  32. skeptical says:

    i just thought of something.

    how many times have we asked “why doesn’t lindsay get arrested?”

    as the link in this post says, she’s already run over people’s feet, had cocaine in her pants, multiple DUIs yet keeps escaping jail.

    well….what if Samantha has already tried to get lindsay arrested but can’t? What if lindsay is avoiding that the same way she’s somehow avoided doing jail time for every other arrestable offense?

    if this story is true.. then once again she’s avoided arrest. what if sam’s hands really are just that tied?

    am suddenly hoping this story is a lie.

    honestly this relationship sometimes looks like a textbook case of domestic violence . how often are domestically violent people really made to pay for their actions?

  33. Whatever says:

    two sides to every story.

    Heck I just want to bang Lindsey

  34. gg says:

    @ Whatever: She costs too much for you. Unless you want a hot mess throwing trays at your neighbor’s front door at 4 in the morning.

    @ skeptical: I’m skeptical that Sam has really tried to do anything about it. Except that once when they had some sort of Ronson family intervention, which effects lasted all of 2 days, and then they were back throwing things at each other. 🙄 Sam has her part in every single drama. If she ever realizes this is ruining her non-career, she might do something about it. But caving and letting her back in every single time is not the way.

    I know a lot of teenagers that even if you loaded them with substances wouldn’t behave like this.

  35. Fat Elvis says:

    moo: Exactly.

  36. Jenn g says:

    @Firestarter– COULD NOT AGREE MORE! If it were you or I we’d be awaiting an arraignment!! This celebrity “justice” is bullsh*t!

  37. Lay-Low says:

    @skeptical: GOOD POINT! You may be spot on…

    Domestic violence has a way of skirting legal repercussions. So much of it happens behind closed doors, and gets instigated by manipulative narcissists.

    Hadn’t even put these two together on that level before, but it’s textbook! D-aaamn.

  38. la chica says:

    Lindsay seems to have borderline personality disorder. The saddest part for me is how she has turned out exactly like her father, now including violence. i wonder if Sam is afraid to sever ties completely bec she believes that La Loca will kill herself. which she just may.

  39. skeptical says:

    @lay-low yea scary.. and the real kicker, just like any other textbook case, is how the victim gets blamed for “putting herself in that situation”

    ie the whole “Samantha is just as much to blame”. (you can see it on the forums of any gossip site, not just this one)

    which is really a strange accusation when the language used is considered.
    Samantha “caves” or “gives in” or “lets” lindsay back in

    the language itself suggests collapsing under pressure.. yet somehow Samantha is still to blame.

    if lindsay can avoid the consequences of multiple DUIs, running over someone’s foot, insane car chases on highways, stealing coats from coatrooms, cocaine in her pocket, drinking on camera while still on probation, etc etc etc.. what’s bruising one little girl really going to matter?

  40. princess pea says:

    Oh dear sparkly vampires… she’s tweeting again. So she’s not in the hospital, but she is PISSED at Sam again. And HBO security (?) – maybe they didn’t let her into an Emmy party last night?

  41. Kelly says:

    any chance you can post her tweets? I must be the only person in the world not following her

  42. trichster says:

    @ Domestic Goddess- you are hysterical… Please, how did you ever come to this site?? The irony is toooooo obvious…

    @ princess pea..are you serious? Does she tweet actually that’s she’s “pissed” at SR? I don’t tweet either. Enlighten us on this!

  43. intervention says:

    most popular celebrity now getting drug addict. The best way is to get them on drug rehabilitation.

  44. skeptical says:

    lainey has the tweets:


    luv ya CB.. but someone did ask for the pics. and there they are

  45. 4Real says:

    Bet she’s carrying a knife in that bag.