Paula Abdul and Kathy Griffin engage in backstage drama at Divas concert

2009 VH1 Divas - Show
Paula Abdul was the most coherent I’ve seen her in years at the VH1 “Divas Live” concert – she even turned in a not-too-shabby impersonation of her American Idol replacement, Ellen Degeneres. But even though Paula showed off her new-found lucidity, not to mention a sense of humor, one person she still doesn’t find funny is comedian/reality star/best-selling author Kathy Griffin. Abdul has been the punchline of many a Griffin joke, and when the two were asked to work together at the VH1 event, Paula bristled at the idea of sharing stage time with Kathy.

After a barrage of insults from Kathy Griffin, the former “American Idol” star nearly refused to co-present with the comedian at Thursday night’s VH1 Divas concert.

“Paula had to be coaxed onstage to present with Kathy,” an insider reveals. “Kathy has made fun of her A LOT in the past, and she’s still pretty offended. She was leery about what Kathy might say about her in public.”

The flame-haired funnygirl continually roasts Abdul for her alleged penchant for popping pills, calling her a “junkie” with a “Vicodin problem.” She’s even mentioned in Griffin’s new release, “Official Book Club Selection.”

“It’s very tough for me emotionally,” Griffin has joked of Abdul’s departure from “Idol.” “I can’t imagine my life without Paula. In a way that Paula can’t imagine her life without, let’s say, a little Vicodin.”

Griffin certainly didn’t seem to realize anything was amiss at the concert, where she delivered zingy one-liners like “I see you giving me the evil eye, Paula,” and asking if the former judge had ever seen her co-star, Simon Cowell, naked.

Abdul finally got her chance to get Griffin back. She took an uncommon amount of pleasure in retaliating, “Have you ever banged anyone? Hey, listen, Firecr—h!”

But is all well that ends well? Hardly. Paula asked Kathy to promise – in front of the live audience – that she won’t make fun of her kooky ways anymore. But unlike Paula’s scripted question, Griffin went off the TelePrompTer and said, “I pinky swear I won’t make fun of you … until Kelly Clarkson comes on.” Since that moment was about 10 seconds later, it looks like Kathy still isn’t ready to make nice.

And although the ladies were cordial backstage, a second source says they definitely wanted to go their separate ways once the cameras were off. Griffin ditched the Divas’ Save the Music post-concert fete in Brooklyn, while Abdul was the life of the afterparty.

Chances are the harmony won’t last. “You know Kathy,” laughed the insider. “She’s going to make fun of Paula the very next chance she gets!”

Griffin and Abdul reps didn’t respond to calls for comment.

[From NY Daily News]

I love me some Kathy Griffin. She sure does have a lot of showbiz enemies, though. I like how she has built her entire career out of being snubbed by celebrities – it’s to the point where a lot of stars are afraid to even be in the same room with her (including Barbara Walters), because their Hollywood antics will undoubtedly end up in her stand-up act. My take on it is this: if you’re famous, and you walk around acting delusional, full of yourself, or like a self-entitled jerk, then you should expect a few of Kathy’s barbs – but for heaven’s sake, don’t take it personally. It’s a comedy act! Let’s face it: anyone who’s watched American Idol can see that Paula Abdul, sweetheart though she may be, is definitely popping a few pills. I mean, there were nights when she could barely speak! It’s the worst kept secret in Hollywood. Kathy doesn’t take any prisoners – that’s how she rolls. If a few fragile egos can’t handle that, then maybe they should stop acting so loopy in public. Just a suggestion.

2009 VH1 Divas - Show

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16 Responses to “Paula Abdul and Kathy Griffin engage in backstage drama at Divas concert”

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  1. Neelyo says:

    Wow they’re both rocking some cheap wigs.

  2. Hieronymus Grex says:

    Oh Paula, that’s just adding fuel to the fire.

  3. QB says:

    Is not like she is lying about the shit she does. Kathy build her career about telling people her encounter with celebrity and how they truly are. If you don’t want her to say something negative about you then don’t do it.

  4. Firestarter says:

    I am so tired of Kathy Griffin.

    Yeah, that is what comics do, make their money off the backs of others, but find some NEW material Kathy and maybe take a look in the mirror. The way she acts sometimes, one might wonder if she too, isn’t popping pills.

  5. girl says:

    MSat, I think your assessment of the situation is spot on. I have very divergent views of life in contrast to KG but she is funny as hell and a very talented comedian.

    My guilty pleasure read this week is KG’s new book. If you have seen the pics in the book, you will know that the woman is pretty down to earth.

  6. BitterBetty says:

    I love me some KG, too!!!

  7. Meow Mix says:

    Just finished reading her book as well. Very funny. She writes the same as she talks.

    People should wish they are so famous that she pokes fun at them.

    Most people need to lighten up. Even Kate plus eight or whatever show had a sense of humor about the spoof Kathy did of her. She said she laughed her ass off when seeing it.

    Celebrities can be rude, obnoxious and delusional and she calls them out on it.

    Go Kathy!

  8. lilred says:

    Firestarter have you seen KG live or her show? She does make fun of herself alot.

    I like her…I kind of have the same sense of humor.

  9. Firestarter says:

    Lilred- Yes. I have and you are right, she does make a good amount of fun of herself. I guess I just liked her better when she wasn’t around quite so much.

  10. Taya says:

    Love, love Kathy. She is telling it like it is.

  11. For Sooth? says:

    I’ve seen her live as well. She was hilarious but she should lampoon Rosie and all the other bitches like Joan and Melissa Rivers, not just Barbara Walters, and get off of the easy get like Paula. Heck, if you won’t harpoon people who deserve it then your credibility starts to wane. In short, Kathy is starting to test my last nerve. I used to love her but now I tolerate her. Her victimhood is wearing very thin .

  12. Aspie says:

    Kathy is just not very funny to me at all. She’s offensive, much in the same way as Perez Hilton. Ugh, I don’t get her appeal.

  13. blind item reader says:

    Abdul referenced her old employer throughout her god-awful medley of ancient tunes. Sad.

  14. CYANN says:

    I like Paula, but maybe if she had gotten off the pills, Idol would have paid her what she wanted. I couldn’t justify paying someone that much to be hammered. It did make the show more fun at times though!

  15. 4Real says:

    Kill me now. They both look like trannies.

  16. This is good info! Where else can i find out more?? Keep up the good work 🙂