Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake pose miserably for a clingy photo-op

Jessica Biel arrives back from filming 'The A-Team' and pouts her lips
The pictures we refer to are linked in the text below

All the drama is still going down around the alleged Jessica Biel-Justin Timberlake split. Us Weekly kind of started the damn thing with their cover story this week. They alleged that Justin had broken up with Jessica over the phone a month ago, and that Jess was in “severe denial” about the split. After a full day of “they’re totally broken up” rumors swirling, People Magazine issued a “no, they’re still together” story Wednesday afternoon. The People article was weird though – part of it seemed to be written by Jessica’s publicist, in an effort to make Jessica not seem like the clinger most of us think she is. The other half of the article was like a more subdued, cautious version of Us Weekly’s story. People’s sources claimed Jessica and Justin were going through a “rough patch” and they are “spending more time apart”.

Perhaps the most unintentionally hilarious stuff to come out of this rumor mill are the absolutely ridiculous photos that came out of Justin and Jessica as they, in People’s words, “were photographed together while on a getaway in Northern California”. And the paparazzi just showed up right? Some random “getaway” in “Northern California”? Where were they, Alcatraz? Look at these photos (here and here). Oh. My. God. Could Justin look more over it? Could Jessica look more like she’s thinking “We’re going to do this goddamn photo-op and I am going to be. Your. Girlfriend.” Look at her face! If that the face of “severe denial”? Perhaps!

LaineyGossip had a great theory about the photo-op and the breakup rumors, and I think she’s dead-on. Lainey says: “Most celebrity weeklies close on Monday night. This means that at some point prior to Monday 11:59pm, Us Weekly would have reached out to reps for Jessica and Justin for comment. It’s standard practice. Therefore, they KNEW what the story was. They were notified. And then…on Monday night, Jessica and Justin are photographed hand in hand. Coincidence or conspiracy? Gossip amateurs are pointing to the handholding Monday pictures as evidence that the two are still together. The problem for Shelfy however is that it’s backfired. Because in engineering the photo opportunity she inadvertently PROVED Us Weekly’s story. ‘A heartbroken Jessica refuses to let go’.”

So is this all some kind of conspiratorial backlash against Jessica Biel’s extreme beauty? Or did Justin dump her, take her back, but is still looking for a way to dump her again? My honest-to-goodness guess is that Justin didn’t really dump her in the first place – I think they were having problems, and they were probably “taking a break” or “taking some time apart” and Jessica really thought that they were going to work their sh-t out. But I really think Justin has been looking for a way to leave her for a while. As far as the Rihanna rumors go – well, we’ll see.

Jessica Biel fills out customs forms before boarding a flight, Vancouver

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23 Responses to “Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake pose miserably for a clingy photo-op”

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  1. buellblaster says:

    Forget a thousand words…that picture screams just one…MISERABLE!

  2. Jazz says:

    They’re breaking up because Jessica is too beautiful. Her astounding beauty is too much for one man. lol!

  3. Linda says:

    Who cares??? Really – who cares about either of them??? The real story should be – what kind of dirt does Jessica have on Justin to force him to do this type of photo op!!!

  4. ligeia says:

    She should do the right thing and hook up with someone new and famous before Justin officially dumps her ass.

  5. Praise St. Angie! says:

    dang, she’s practically DRAGGING him in those pics.

  6. stacy says:

    looks to me like they are just trying to get the hell outta dodge. but yeah she is dragging him pretty awkwardly.

  7. Granger says:

    Not saying they didn’t break up, but IMO, these two look this miserable in almost every photo I see of them. It’s no secret they hate the paparazzi.

    Besides, why would they feel the need to pose together just because it came out that they’d broken up? What does faking that they’re still together do for either of them personally or professionally? Seriously — someone enlighten me, because I just don’t see the point.

  8. raven says:

    I don’t know what the heck any woman sees in him He’s a wimp.

  9. Zooni says:

    There was a blind item floating about a few weeks ago about a ‘super’couple on the verge of a break-up because they couldn’t stand each other. But the break-up has been put on ice for the time being, to draw out the publicity for the both of them. I’m guessing these two fit the bill for that blind to a T. They have NEVER looked happy together. What on earth is the problem?

  10. Catherine says:

    I have yet to figure out why she is labeled as being so “beautiful’. I think she is pretty, but not blindingly gorgeous like she talks about.

  11. Heavenbound says:

    I, actually have never seen any of her “movies”. She just does not look appealing to watch. I think the only reason she gets press, is because of Noodle Boy, I think that as soon as this romance is over, she will fade away. Unless, she gets some acting classes and a personality transplant.

    She has a bad nose job too. And the duck lips don’t help either.

  12. Eileen Yover says:

    I don’t even know who she is or why she’s famous and I could take or leave Justin UNTIL he started doing all the hilarious skits on SNL. I love Omletteville and Dick in a Box. I now kinda get why the girls love him. He’s no Gerry though.

  13. Praise St. Angie! says:

    “Besides, why would they feel the need to pose together just because it came out that they’d broken up? What does faking that they’re still together do for either of them personally or professionally? Seriously — someone enlighten me, because I just don’t see the point.”

    Granger, while I don’t have an answer to your question, it is something that celebrities feel almost obligated to do…maybe it’s a control thing and they don’t want to have to “confirm” a rumor that’s out – they want to announce it themselves. so, when one does come out, they plan a joint appearance to squash the rumors until THEY are ready to announce. (Madonna, etc…)

    EDIT: Eileen, I also never really saw his appeal until his SNL appearances. He’s got a few songs that are kind of catchy, but his SNL bits made me realize he’s got a great sense of humor and doesn’t seem to mind making fun of himself.

  14. Corina says:

    Eileen – glad to find another omeletville fan, seriously isn’t that the best ever? I love his giant costume gloves when he pretends to flip eggs!

  15. SolitaryAngel says:

    @ zooni: I remember that article, and it also said that they were each other’s beards and THAT’S why they were still “together”. That’s the *only* reason I can come up with as to why the charade must go on…neither one wants to come out. I’d think JT would rather be labeled a heartbreaking cheater than what we all know he really is. I don’t understand how some of these people think they’re getting over on us–like Will & Jada. It actually is pitiful, but then the lengths they’ll go to to “convince” us they’re straight get downright entertaining, don’t they?

  16. Jojo says:

    Her amazing beauty is why bshe can’t get any work – and also why her relationships fail. Poor girl LOL

  17. Sigh. says:


    They would have looked more “together” if they WEREN’T holding hands.
    And leaving at different times.
    Out of different doors.
    Of different restaurants.
    And getting in seperate cars.
    In different cities…
    You get my point.

  18. Kathie says:

    My question is why this otherwise beautiful young woman always looks a hot mess? Is it some misguided anti-beauty theory?

  19. kimberly says:

    who cares she’s a crappy actress who couldn’t even get real scripts while she was dating someone like JT.

    It didn’t work with Katie Holmes-Cruise’s career either?

    See ladies it doesn’t really matter who you’re dating or married to if you just plain suck.

  20. Tania says:

    Justin is totally banging RiRi, there was a blind vice a month ago and then it was revealed to be JT getting a slap dance and MORE from RiRi. I read alot of Teddy’s stuff on Awful Truth. Ted loves talking about those Dude’s who are far back in the closet. Justin Timberlake is many things and being Gay isn’t one of them. Mama’s Boy and Weak YEP. Gay, eh NO. This reminds me of when Brad and Jen where together and rumours where going round that Brad was with Angie. Brad and Jen pretended for a while and then Brad moved to Angie and the rest is HISTORY. Jessica (KlingON)needs to move on…I have no clue what the true story is but… Justin was dating both Jessica and Scarlett before he decided to date Jessica. I think Justin has not recovered from Brit Brit as Lainey has said…he needs to recover and then be with a strong confident woman who is successful in her career. Jes is becoming Z List and keeps saying they are no roles of pretty women in HW. She is Boring. She looks bored and she needs to LIVE.Gym, Gym, Gym is not the be all and end all.

  21. Zooni says:

    @Tania – LOL at your post. Especially the ‘gym gym gym’ part.

    On a slightly related note, has JB had any work done on her face? She looks so drawn and tight and definitely not as attractive as she used to be. Having a hot body is one thing but if the face ain’t all that then is it worth it?

  22. blah says:

    Photo op? Other sources say they were simply on their way to/from dinner. This site is boooring. go to

  23. the original kate says:

    i was on a plane recently and the in-flight movie was “easy virtue” starring jessica biel. she was just godawful – stiff and awkward, and she couldn’t even make noel coward lines funny.