Creepy ‘How To Score’ Pepsi iPhone app helps guys pick up chicks & tweet it

Jezebel introduced us to this jaw-dropping new iPhone/iPod application by Amp, an energy drink put out by PepsiCo, aimed at helping men identify and score with women based on one of 24 types. “How to Score” provides tips and quotables for man-boys to impress the woman in their drunken, insecure sights. Perhaps the worst part of the app is the feature that allows you to update your Facebook and Twitter status with your conquests.

I really want to download this app to test it out, but it requires a software upgrade and I’ve lost my iPod cable. Instead, I have to review this based on reports and other people’s opinions and they either love it or hate it. Many reviewers on iTunes say that the application is incredibly offensive toward women. It stereotypes them and then offers men covert ways to make it seem as if they share their interests. Some are vowing to boycott all Pepsi products. Others say it’s just for fun and that the “feminists” should get over it. Reading the very suggestive introduction on the iTunes store, you can tell that PepsiCo knew exactly what kind of sh*tstorm they were stirring up by creating this app.

Tired of looking forward to a night out with the ladies, only to wind up scuttling home clutching nothing more than your limp ego?

Oh, yes you are.

Introducting AMP UP BEFORE YOU SCORE – a handy, free app from AMP Energy that’ll change your game and raise your expectations.

AMP UP BEFORE YOU SCORE is a roadmap to success with your favorite kinds of women – 24, in all.

Is she an Artist? Quote some Picasso. Indie Rocker? Here are her favorite songs. Sorority Girl? Good thing you know the Greek alphabet. Know what makes her tick before you open your mouth, so she’ll like what she hears when you do.

Here’s how it works:

1. Identify Her Type
Got your eye on a girl, and aren’t sure how to get started? Pick out her profile, flip the card, and study up quick with a cheatsheet on the stuff she’s into, with lists, links and some surefire opening lines. (Surefire to what, we won’t say.)

2. Keep a List
Get lucky? Add her to your Brag List. You can include a name, date and whatever details you remember.

3. Brag
You got it? Flaunt it. Keep your buddies in the loop on email, Facebook or Twitter.
Here’s who you get:

Aspiring Actress
Foreign Exchange Student
Goth Girl
Indie Rock Girl
Military Girl
Out-Of-Your-League Girl
Political Girl
Punk Rock Girl
Rebound Girl
Sorority Girl
Women’s Studies Major

[via Appshopper]

Twins and Women’s Studies Majors? Are you kidding me? Jezebel’s Hortense breaks down the controversy well, and basically says that this app is incredibly lame and offensive. More than that, it contributes to a culture in which this type of behavior is encouraged because it sells products to naive guys looking for any advantage:

If the rationale is that the target audience for AMP energy drink is filled with pathetic douchebags, then perhaps instead of continuing to feed this audience and encourage this kind of behavior, we should offer them something different and stop shoving bro culture down everyone’s throats as if it’s totally acceptable to Tucker Max-it out at all times. Until then, the best we can do is to mock it mercilessly; if people actually think this kind of thing is attractive and effective, they’ll continue doing it, but if it’s ripped apart as often as possible, the “awesomeness” factor of stupid crap like this might be dulled a bit.

[From Jezebel via Smaknews]

Pepsi has apologized for this app through their Twitter account. As word got out about it, the term #pepsifail became a trending topic on twitter. The Pepsi company tweeted “Our app tried 2 show the humorous lengths guys go 2 pick up women. We apologise if it’s in bad taste & appreciate your feedback. #pepsifail.” Somehow I don’t find that quite adequate. They need to issue a real statement along with withdrawing the app if they’re serious about it.

If I had to pick the most offensive part of this app I would say it’s the tweeting feature. Inventor Spot points out that this isn’t the first iPhone put out by a useless male-oriented product that’s aimed at helping them score. Lynx body spray has an app called “Weapons of Mass Seduction” that includes video tips on the art of the pick up.

Even if this is a joke, shouldn’t Pepsi know better?


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15 Responses to “Creepy ‘How To Score’ Pepsi iPhone app helps guys pick up chicks & tweet it”

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  1. Mary says:

    Quote some Picasso? Picasso was a painter. How can you quote a painting? I can see my loser ex-boyfriend trying to do this though.

  2. CandyKay says:

    A lot of really, really nice guys need a conversation starter, or they never start talking to a girl they would otherwise love to get to know.

    I really don’t care if a guy sees me as an indie rock girl or an artist or a businesswoman, all of which are relevant, as long as he takes a chance. I live in a country (Denmark) where men very rarely take a chance, and women need to make the first move, and the second move, and often the third and fourth move too.

    The “brag” thing is childish, but otherwise I don’t really have a problem with this app.

  3. Firestarter says:

    It would take some things a lot more interesting than a Pepsi App can offer to pick me up. Not that I am such a prize, but I do know a stupid line when I hear one.

  4. bo says:

    candy, it’s not about ice breakers. it explicitly says it’s about scoring, having a successful night, and reducing women to types then basing your behavior on how to score with them.

    in the very least, it’s completely unnecessary for advertise a drink this way.

  5. hatsumomo says:

    Let me get this straight, You pick an app that best describes the girl and recite the lines they give you to ‘score’. Athletic, ok. cougar, ok. But Married, no. Foreign exchange student, no. Rebound girl, no.

  6. hatsumomo says:

    Firestarter, I’m sure you are a prize.

  7. knotstu says:

    i’m not one to do that sort of thing myself.
    There is only one girl for me…. I just need to win the lottery to support her ellegant lifestyle…. and i want to spoil her…. He…he
    I love you truffle

  8. omondieu says:

    Or let’s say you’re a total loser who’s looking for nothing more than connecting with a woman on the most superficial level before a quick roll in the barn!

    We’ve got your back.

  9. Alarmjaguar says:

    Well, I was ready to be outraged (and I still kind of am), but any guy that actually uses this is such a huge loser (which would be obvious in about 5 seconds), that it is hard to work up the steam. I do think the bigger message about women is incredibly problematic. If I didn’t already think Pepsi sucks, I would avoid buying their products.

  10. Firestarter says:

    Hatsumomo- Somehow I am doubting the sincerity of your statement! LOL! : )

  11. Daniel says:

    sorry but I’m a guy and I find this VERY offensive, especially including a “married” type in there. Total BS, what the heck is wrong with ad execs, pr firms, and the fashion industry lately? It seems that there’s no respect for women or the institution of marriage anymore…wow…

  12. Annabelle says:

    Umm woah.. totally disrespectful. Brag? Wtf Pepsi?

  13. SuperNova says:

    I’m a female, and I’m actually not offended. Hell, if there existed a free app to pick up guys, released by an energy drink company (why would they even be taken seriously as a “reference” anyways?), knowing it’s all a publicity stunt, for sure I’d check it out. It’s for fun and, if anything, should be used as an alarm for women to detect potential douchebags. Great!

    Women are getting their panties in a twist because they claim that men shouldn’t put us into little boxed in categories (how dare they!) but don’t we do that all the time? “Ooo, I like the “bad boy” or the “funny guy” or the charming “geek”? It’s not like they weren’t doing it before, just that now women are made blatantly aware of it.

    Is it because in the case of Lynx’s app, we KNOW they’re already sleazy, we just weren’t expecting it from Pepsi?

  14. stacy says:

    I wouldnt say i was offended but it seems to be a bit much. MARRIED? what is the world coming to when a cell phone app gets you laid by a married woman? i thought pepsi usually did american dream type of advertising, stuff with families and shit in it.

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