Bronson Pinchot clarifies his Tom Cruise & Denzel comments

"Sly Fox" Opening Night

This may be the biggest comeback story of the year, and all Bronson Pinchot had to do was give one gossipy, hilarious, intelligent interview to The Onion’s AV Club. Earlier this week, we reported on Pinchot’s interview, where he slammed Tom Cruise (as “homophobic” and “the biggest bore”), Denzel Washington (describing Denzel’s attitude as “cowardly” and “abusive”) and Bette Midler (a “bitch”). The interview has been getting a lot of play, and the Wall Street Journal decided to contact Bronson to see if he wanted to pull any takesies-backsies. He didn’t. He even goes after Denzel harder:

The Wall Street Journal: Were you serious or joking when you said Tom Cruise made “constant unrelated homophobic comments” while on the “Risky Business” set?
Pinchot: The context of the question was, “how did he strike me as a person” at a point in his career when he was a virtual unknown. And my answer was that, coming straight out of the world of theater, as essentially all the supporting male actors did, where homophobic language was not heard, I remember thinking his use of it was remarkable and excessive; however, it is also true to say, in hindsight, that for a 20 year-old with no background in theater, such language is actually unremarkable. Which I did not know at 23.

What about the remark that Denzel Washington is one of the most unpleasant people you’ve met?
I regret my choice of words there, and would like to amend my statement by saying I found his willingness to be ungenerous, unkind, knowingly hurtful both mentally and physically to myself and the crew to be the saddest misuse of stardom I have ever experienced or hope to experience.

Did either actor, or their reps, contact you after the story broke?

Are you surprised at how quickly your remarks went viral on the Web?

What do you think of celebrities who have Twitter accounts and Facebook pages?
Well, I am on Twitter but I have no idea how to use it.

Is it strange to suddenly be in the media spotlight again?
Being in the spotlight is the same as riding a bicycle or having a zit; once you’ve experienced it, no matter how much time goes by, it’s just like old times.

Have you heard from anyone unexpected?
My mom called and said she very much liked the Onion article because I said I was sorry for being brittle with Rebeca Arthur (who played my girlfriend on Perfect Strangers) toward the end of the run. And I am.

In interviews, do you generally talk openly and honestly about people you’ve worked with/experiences you’ve had in the industry?
I don’t believe I ever have been quite so forthcoming as I was in The Onion. In the same spirit of letting-it-all-hang out, I mentioned less-than-admirable aspects of various people, I don’t think I was any less forthcoming about my own weak points. Of course, no excerpted version of the Onion article will ever be able to communicate that, and it doesn’t make a juicy sound byte, but it’s true.

What if, for instance, I asked you what Scorsese was like on the set of “After Hours” or what you think of Eddie Murphy who you appeared with in the Beverly Hills Cop movies, would you answer forthrightly?
Yes, absolutely. Scorsese gave me a great one-liner for all my film work, for all time, and Eddie has seen the highs and the lows and is still gettin’ ‘er did.

[From The Wall Street Journal]

I’m surprised Xenu hasn’t issued a missive to all of his minions: “Take Down Balki.” But maybe Tom has bigger fish to fry. And, hey, maybe in Tom’s eyes it’s not such a bad thing for a former costar to describe you as a homophobe and a bore. That’s certainly not the worst thing Tom’s ever been called. As for Denzel… well, I’m willing to acknowledge that he may be a total douche. I’m taking Balki’s word for it.

"Sly Fox" Opening Night

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36 Responses to “Bronson Pinchot clarifies his Tom Cruise & Denzel comments”

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  1. Feebee says:

    I love that he clarified by reiterating that Yes, Denzel Washington was an ass and No, I’m not taking any of it back.

    What a refreshing take.

  2. Firestarter says:

    Well he pretty much stood by his original statements, so good for him not being afraid to speak the truth, as he sees it.

  3. Sumodo says:


  4. Rosalee says:

    Love it, love him, and love that he “clarified” his comments.

  5. jule says:

    holy cow wow, what a breath of fresh air….I have slight hope in humanity again. Team Balki all the way!

  6. Livia says:

    It’s TOTALLY TRUE: He’s on Twitter, and he really does not know how to use it. Someone please help him!

  7. Tia C says:

    I agree with everyone’s comments so far. Love, love, love that he is standing by his comments. Honesty is so refreshing. And he’s honest about himself as well. He has humility about himself, so he’s not coming off as bitter or anything, just… honest.

  8. Lem says:

    great follow up!

  9. Susette says:

    I saw this this morning on another site. The headline was about how he wanted to clarify his comments, and I gave an eye roll, because I was waiting for the usual “taken out of context”, “misquoted”, etc…BS.

    It amused me to no end when I read his “clarification”. This is so refreshing.

    By the way, Cruise’s publicist did make a brief comment about it. He said something about it being out of character for Tom.

  10. dbaby says:

    Why do we only remember him from “Perfect Strangers”? He was AWESOME in “True Romance”. I will love him forever for that performance.

  11. DrM says:

    OMG a celebrity who actually doesn’t talk s*** every day all day for their entire life…

    GO Bronson Pinchot!

  12. Popcorny says:

    Because Perfect Strangers was a hit show that was on weekly and then daily in reruns … and also that Balki was a very endearing character (a human Nermal, *blink blink*).
    I know that’s why and where I remember him 99% from. The only other time I can recall him was when he played a hotel bellhop/receptionist type in an Eddie Murphy flick -and even then he had to be pointed out to me the 2nd time I saw it (very unBalki-like).
    I hope he does make a comeback.
    … Richard Dreyfuss looks like he got the crap kicked outta him -he’s just missing the cliche bandaid.

  13. WTF?!? says:

    Okay, I completely love him even more now.

  14. Jules says:

    Maybe he should run for office.

  15. Lee says:

    Best “clarification” statement I’ve ever read! He’s awesome.

  16. Kaboom says:

    @Susette: “saying something out of character” .. for an actor that would mean speaking as himself, right?

  17. Lantana says:

    C’mon people. It’s THE ONION.

  18. tooey says:

    dbaby, I remember him best from True Romance also, great flick!

  19. Susette says:

    @Kaboom – LOL! I guess that would be right.

  20. gg says:

    Balki rocks solid. Go Bronson!

  21. Cristina says:

    Still can’t stand him, still don’t know why he was even given this attention

  22. Taya says:

    He is the best. It’s about time a celebrity was actually honest in an interview. I love you Balki.

  23. Essie says:

    The interview was awesome and I’m happy to read the follow-up.

    I don’t think Bronson needs a “comeback” because he is a character actor now and is in loads of films/television and he also does plays. His only problem now is that he’ll never do another movie with Denzel or Tommy Girl, but that can’t really be all bad!!!

  24. Beth says:

    I’m surprised he’s getting so much attention for this interview. He’s pretty much a hasbeen talking about actors he met 15-25 years ago. It’s a good soundbite but I wouldn’t want to be judged on who I am today by who I was 15+ years ago.

  25. DiMi says:

    I would support his honesty if I thought what he was saying was true. I work in the industry. Denzel is polite and warm,and that’s what everybody says about him. Do you really think a black actor would have been this successful if he was physically violent as Pinchot suggests. I’m no Tom Cruise fan, but Cruise has ALWAYS cultivated his gay audience. This just isn’t believable. Pinchot is just jockeying for publicity, and it’s working for him.

  26. Jazz says:

    He’s such a b*tch! I love it! I hate it when people backtrack or have to apologize, so good for him!

  27. la chica says:

    stick to your guns Balki. love it!

  28. michellllle says:

    So tired of people trying to justify shabby behavior… would not want to be judged by who you were or how you behaved 15 years ago.

    Please, stop making excuses. Chances are if you behaved like an asshole years ago it’s because you were an asshole. But to justify it today about yourself or even in defense of another means you’re still an asshole & those trying to excuse your behavior are probably just as sad.

  29. i swear he is still a dunce, dont clarify it, you said it, now, own it and move on… but i guess i wouldnt either this is the most publicity hes had in a while and i see hes gonna milk it up!! i agree with christina and dimi i dont like him i just dont, im no lover of tom or denzel either but this cats rubs me the wrong way!!! two thumbs down for “PINKNOTT” OR WHATEVER HIS NAME IS

  30. fizXgirl314 says:

    wait, how could washington be physically abusive? that like illegal :/

  31. kim says:

    I heard that Denzel was arrogant jerk back then he has even admitted himself implying he was unfaithful. This was before he became religous/spiritual and started attending West Angeles Church of God w/Paulette regularly years ago.

  32. Jo 'Mama' Besser says:


    The interview was actually conducted by The Onion A.V. Club, which is affiliated with The Onion in name only. Whereas The Onion is a satirical publication with a stable of writers/actors who trade in fictional journalism, The A.V. Club is a professional film/television/music/literature review site. Their site has been expanding rapidly over the last few years, and is really rising in stature. They regularly send their critics to report and review at international festivals, and I’ve seen them blurbed in a few instances. I think the head offices of The Onion and The Onion A.V Club might actually in different states.

    At any rate, this interview was conducted as part of a regular feature called ‘Random Roles’, wherein the interviewer consults an actor’s IMDB, and asks questions relating to said actor’s experiences on the selected projects.

    Which is my long-winded way of saying:

    The Onion= Satirical

    The Onion A.V. Club= Online Professional Criticism

  33. lanette says:

    I doubt that Tom and Denzel cares about this guys comments.

    If I were either of them i’d be like oh well.

  34. Ursula says:

    Poor little Balki, I can bet there will be no career resurrection soon. He does come off like an a- hole. Now how ironic, calling others out while doing the exact thing you are calling them out for.

  35. Bunny says:

    Ive always loved bronson ever since i was a kid, now that im a woman i love him even more, especially for that big hot throbbing ummm intellect of his. <3 him. btw how do i find him on twitter? i dont know how to use it either?!

    • Marta says:

      I like Bronson and I had heard things about Denzel Washington in the past, that he was difficult to work with. Tom Cruise, eh is all I have to say. I remember Bronson as Balki and some of the other parts but I mostly remember his remarkable performance in Langoliers. He does a variety of things and has a home show on TV at the moment. I don’t know any of these people personally so I cannot judge except Cruise who has openly made a fool of himself.