Katy Perry’s paint-filled Willy Wonka-themed birthday party


Katy Perry had quite the messy, outlandish, attention-getting birthday party over the weekend. Talk about a party that fits the host’s personality. Katy requested all her guests wear white. And then there was some sort of painting involved – all over people’s clothes. Of course the guests weren’t aware of it beforehand, and a few looked a little terse on the way out of the restaurant.

Sadly the whole thing was shut down by the fire marshal. And if you ask super-accurate blogger/guest Perez Hilton why, it’s because they were having too much fun. Yep, I could see how that could bother the fire marshal. I’m sure it had nothing to do with safety.

Katy Perry threw a colourful birthday party this weekend, which saw her guests covered head to toe in paint. The singer left her 25th birthday covered in splashes of paint, but new boyfriend Russell Brand did not look so amused in his ruined jeans and T-shirt. Katy had asked all her guests to dress in white for the Charlie And The Chocolate Factory-themed party but did not tell them they would be doused with neon paint before the night was over.

She wore a low-cut, tight sequinned white dress to the event, and had her nails painted with the faces of Oompa Loompas. The bash was held at restaurant The Beach On Sunset in West Hollywood on Saturday night and it was transformed into Willy Wonka’s factory. The evening began with a sit-down dinner, which celebrity blogger Perez Hilton, who was a guest, said included ‘lots of yumminess, especially some deelish yellow and green mashed potatoes’.

He added: ‘There was so many sweets downstairs for dessert that we’re surprised we didn’t go into a food coma.’ Guests included country singer Taylor Swift and P.Diddy, as well as her mother, father and sister. P.Diddy, who is known for his white-themed parties, was reported to have sent his assistant out for six new pairs of white Levi jeans. Katy looked all white at the start of the evening, as she nibbled on a huge Wonka-style lollipop

One partygoer told Radaronline.com: ‘They got a little crazy with the paint! I wasn’t expecting it but everyone got painted – even Taylor Swift.’ This evening Perez Hilton wrote on Twitter: ‘When I say @KatyPerry’s birthday party last night was epic – I’m not exaggerating!’ Katy and Russell are said to be head-over-heels about each other and arrived at the party hand-in-hand. Country singer Taylor Swift was at the party in a strapless white dress, which was later daubed with colourful paint

‘They were totally loved up,’ an eyewitness said. ‘Katy was having a ball and Russell was catering to her every whim. At one point he was down on his knees bowing and offering her a huge swirly lollipop. She grabbed it from his hands and pretended to knight him with it.’ But Perez revealed on his blog that health and safety officials put an end to their fun. He said: ‘We all had soooooo much fun that the lame ass fire marshals put a damper on the whole party and kinda shut it down after Katy’s blowing out her birthday cake turned into a food fight and cake was splattered all over the dance floor.’

[From the Daily Mail]

Russell looks particularly grumpy exiting the restaurant. I’m sure it’s because his clearly expensive outfit was ruined. You know that’s going to set him back another $8 at Kmart. Katy has some fun pictures from the party on her Twitter. I always enjoy the photos celebs post. They’re just a little more fun than the pro shots. There are also a ton of photos on The Cobra Snake’s website. Looking at them, I can see why the fire marshal shut it down. It looks like a slippery, messy, potentially dangerous time. If there were a fire, you’d have to make your way through what appears to be an epically messy, slimy floor. It does look like a good time though.

Katy kind of annoys me for her blatant need for attention, but on the other hand she knows how to make colorful photo ops. And I’m sorry, but her birthday cake is pretty much the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen. New goal in life: have Oompa Loompa-festooned birthday cake before I die.

Here’s Katy and Russell Brand along with guests and celebs Matt Dallas (from the show “Eastwick”), singer JoJo, Taylor Swift at Katy’s birthday party. Images thanks to BauerGriffinOnline, Pacific Coast News, and INF Photo.

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14 Responses to “Katy Perry’s paint-filled Willy Wonka-themed birthday party”

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  1. Firestarter says:

    Since it was her birthday, I suppose, celebrate how you want. Me personally, I would have been happy to have the Willy Wonka themed party, sans the food fight. I just think food fights are for babies and there is nothing fun or cute about them. The painting stuff, okay, I can go along with that, but throwing food is gross, and sorry but it is wasteful when there are people starving who would appreciate having something to eat.

  2. Lantana says:

    Yuk. That does not look like fun to me. Did her parents not give her a kindergarten birthday party? How do you get a restaurant to allow you to throw buckets of paint around? Did she buy the place? So many questions.

  3. Annie says:

    I guess I’m the oddball in this discussion, because I think it looks like a hoot!!

    Life’s too short to be serious all the time!

    It reminds me of the foam parties I went to back in college. Good times.

    Although I will agree that the food throwing part, not cool. The paint part? HILARIOUS.

  4. Trillion says:

    I’m with you Annie! I love the idea of someone “ruining” P. Diddy’s undoubtedly anally put together outfit. Sounds like way more fun than most parties I’ve been to in a while. It’s hard to tell if Russell is upset about being painted. It’s not unusual to have an expression on your face for a split second while you’re thinking about something totally unrelated to the present moment.
    I’m betting Russell Brand is giving it to that little idiot Katy Perry pretty damn good.
    OK, I’m sort of jealous.

  5. Sassie says:

    It looks like a great party. You people need to lighten up, good lord.

    It’s refreshing to see a celebrity not caring so much about the way they look or the cloths they’re wearing. She’s having f-u-n. You should try it.

  6. Firestarter says:

    I don’t think a food fight looks like a fun time, pardon me for not being 10.

  7. snowball says:

    Sassie, what you missed was that the guests had no idea they were going to get slapped with paint and cake.

    I don’t care if Katy and Russell covered themselves with glitter – it’s not nice not to tell your guests that they’re going to have their clothes and hair ruined when they obviously were expecting something classier.

    Ugh, Katy Perry and classy in the same sentence? She’s fun though – I bet she’s off P.Diddy’s list for the next black and white ball.

  8. BW says:

    Maybe it’s just the way my screen wraps the headline, but I read it as:

    Kate Perry’s Paint Filled Willy

  9. Annie says:

    I love the idea of someone “ruining” P. Diddy’s undoubtedly anally put together outfit

    OMG ME TOO!!!! lol. It’s giving me the giggles right now just thinking of all the remixes he’d make over it! “Take that take that!”

    /shrug call me 10 if you’d like, but at the end of the day, it’s just clothes and it’s just about having fun. If not caring about clothes and wanting to mess around (no one got hurt!) at a friend’s birthday party makes me 10, then I suppose I’m 10.

    And you know what? Yea, maybe they didn’t know, but hey, they can either, choose to keep the clothes as a memento for the hilarity that probably ensued or they can auction it off for charity or just give it to a goodwill, where someone will find it and think the paint is awesome! Like Taylor Swift’s dress! I’d wear it with all that paint, I’d probably even add more!

  10. Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

    Shouldn’t she be bouncing off of cakes? I’d be peeved, too. If there’s going to be cake, it needs to go my mouth. No exceptions!

  11. la chica says:

    a friend of mine did something similar. the problem was that she did not give any of us advanced warning so her prank did NOT go over well. i’m still pissed over ruining my favorite DKNY.

  12. Why Do I Care? says:

    Let us ALL pardon Firestarter!!!

    So from what I understand it was more of “Cake Fight” which really wouldn’t concern the starving children of the World… Unless you are implying a “Let Them Eat Cake” senario here.

    And I seriously doubt Mr. Brand was in the dark about the party plans… I would imagine he helped her plan the festivities.

    And could it be possible a few including Brand looked “terse” due to the party being cut short by the party pooping Fire Marshal???

  13. LB says:

    When you have as much money as those people do I don’t think a little cake or paint matters. Most celebs won’t even wear an outfit twice to an event. So who cares??

    Maybe you should revert back to being 10 – you probably wouldn’t have that stick up your arse! Haha.

  14. Gify says:

    What happened to her face?
    Regards Janet Gify