Exclusive: Bipolar sufferer and author addresses Britney’s issues

We have an interview with Terri Cheney, author of Manic: A Memoir, which tells the harrowing story of her struggle with bipolar disorder. Ms. Cheny is a former Hollywood entertainment and intellectual property lawyer who represented high-profile clients such as Michael Jackson and Quincy Jones. She suffered bipolar disorder for years, and can understand Britney’s behavior and see the parallels to her own battle with mental illness. She provides us with her unique insight in this exclusive interview.

Ms. Cheney speaks candidly of her feelings of invulnerability at the height of her illness and the way she coped with the occasional pang of guilt. We should feel compassion for Britney, but hold her to the same standards as the rest of society, she maintains. As for Britney’s chances at recovery, Ms. Cheney is an example of how bipolar sufferers can turn their lives around with the help of professionals, but she says it has to happen from within first.

1) What do you think is going on in Britney’s mind right now? How much control do you think she has over her actions, in your experience, and how much is her disorder compelling her to make poor impulsive decisions?

As for what Britney is feeling right now, I know a lot from my own experience. Even though I was a well-educated attorney, when I was at the height of mania, I didn’t have a clue what was going on with me. I refused to listen to what anyone around me was saying, because I felt completely invulnerable – very similar to how Britney has shut out her family and friends. Only now and then, I’d be forced to confront the consequences of my erratic behavior. Then I’d feel a twinge of terror, realizing that I was at the mercy of forces I couldn’t control. But that moment of awareness would quickly pass, and in a heartbeat I’d feel invulnerable again.

2) Is it fair for us to impose our standards of “normal behavior” on someone suffering from severe bipolar disorder, if that is indeed what is going on with Britney?

I don’t think Britney is entitled to any special exemptions from social convention, just because she is a celebrity who may be suffering from a mental disorder. What she does deserve, however, is our enlightened compassion. Her conduct may not merit our sympathy, but her illness does.

3) What is the difference between histrionic personality disorder and bipolar disorder and how do we know Britney has one and not the other or both?

Personality disorders involve pervasive patterns of behavior and symptoms, which psychiatrists have grouped into various classifications. “Histrionic personality disorder” is characterized by overly dramatic behavior and exhibitionism, excessive attention-seeking, hypersexuality, etc.

Bipolar disorder, however, is a chemical imbalance in the neurotransmitters required for healthy functioning of the brain. It is first and foremost a physical disease.

It is certainly possible for a person to have a personality disorder along with bipolar disorder. Only a thorough psychiatric evaluation can determine whether Britney has one, or both – and, to my knowledge, she has yet to undergo such an evaluation.

4) Is there any chance for Britney to get better and what does she need to do to start making that change?

I think once Britney gets the help she needs, she has every chance in the world of finding her way back to sanity. As I described in my book “Manic,” I suffered severely from bipolar disorder for many years — terrible episodes of dangerous mania, followed by crushing bouts of depression. For me, medication made all the difference. It was the foundation on which my recovery was built. Individual and group therapy have also been very helpful.

The critical step for anyone who may be suffering from bipolar disorder, especially someone as out of control as Britney, is to find a good doctor. With Britney’s resources, she obviously has access to the best medical care in the world. I only hope she finds a moment of clarity to say, “I need help.” Change can’t happen without her cooperation.

Ms. Cheney’s book, Manic: A Memoir, is available on Amazon.com. You can learn more about her and the book on her website, TerriCheney.com.

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