Family Guy actress says Sarah Palin has no sense of humor

Actress Andrea Fay Friedman, 40, was the voice behind the character on Family Guy’s Valentine’s Day episode that become the object of Sarah Palin’s ire. Friedman, an actress with Down Syndrome, (I remember her as Corky’s love interest in Life Goes On and she’s been on TV shows like Saving Grace, Law and Order SVU, and ER) played a character with Downs that described herself as the daughter of “the former governor of Alaska.” That’s the only line that could have been construed as a reference to Palin, and by many accounts the character was pretty typical for an episode of Family Guy. Of course Palin, who has a one year-old son with Downs, was all over that with an indignant response that was likely tempered by the fact that she’s employed by Fox News, a sister channel to the Fox Network that airs Family Guy. Palin quoted her 19 year-old daughter, Bristol, who wrote stuff like “People with special needs face challenges that many of us will never confront… so why would anyone want to make their lives more difficult by mocking them?” According to Friedman, it’s all in good fun though and the Palins need to lighten up.

Friedman wrote an e-mail to news outlets that was only partially published in The NY Times, as Gawker points out. In the full e-mail, she mocks Palin for using her son Trig as a prop to garner sympathy and votes.

The father of the actress who provided the voice for the character of the young woman on the episode of Family Guy, which Sarah Palin described as “a kick in the gut”, has sent this e-mail to a friend of palingates:

Below is a copy of a letter to the editor that Andrea has written and sent. Please feel free to circulate it on the web or in any other manner that you choose.

All best wishes,

Hal Friedman

My name is Andrea Fay Friedman. I was born with Down syndrome. I played the role of Ellen on the “Extra Large Medium” episode of Family Guy that was broadcast on Valentine’s day. Although they gave me red hair on the show, I am really a blonde. I also wore a red wig for my role in ” Smudge” but I was a blonde in “Life Goes On”. I guess former Governor Palin does not have a sense of humor. I thought the line “I am the daughter of the former governor of Alaska” was very funny. I think the word is “sarcasm”.

In my family we think laughing is good. My parents raised me to have a sense of humor and to live a normal life. My mother did not carry me around under her arm like a loaf of French bread the way former Governor Palin carries her son Trig around looking for sympathy and votes.

[From Palingates via Gawker]

That’s priceles! Meanwhile there’s an interview with Friedman in the NY Times that shows how witty she is. When asked “do you agree with what she and her daughter Bristol were saying, that the character and the jokes were insulting to people with Down syndrome?” she answered “It’s not really an insult. I was doing my role, I’m an actor. I’m entitled to say something. It was really funny. I was laughing at it. I had a nice time doing voiceover. It was my first time doing a voiceover, and I had fun.” Friedman clarified that “I was making fun of Sarah Palin, but not her son.” When she’s not acting, Friedman works at a law firm where she’s been employed for 20 years.

I’m not going to editorialize too much here as this is a sticky subject, but I’ll just say that I’m impressed. Oh and deaf Oscar winner Marlee Matlin said something similar when Family Guy made fun of her. She said “lighten up, people.”

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82 Responses to “Family Guy actress says Sarah Palin has no sense of humor”

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  1. Leticia says:

    I wish that Sarah Palin would go into permanent hiding, but the last paragraph is too harsh:

    “In my family we think laughing is good. My parents raised me to have a sense of humor and to live a normal life. My mother did not carry me around under her arm like a loaf of French bread the way former Governor Palin carries her son Trig around looking for sympathy and votes.”

    Very, very harsh.

  2. Praise St. Angie! says:

    “I think the word is “sarcasm”.

    heh heh heh…

    also laughing at “the loaf of french bread” comment…

  3. fizXgirl314 says:

    yeah I’m sorry, not everybody needs or wants to have a sense of humor about their children… just because we don’t agree with this woman’s politics doesn’t mean they are fair game for ridicule… There’s all this outrage that we’ve become too politically correct… I fail to see that when we can openly and freely make fun of peoples’ personal problems… which she should not be required to have a sense of humor about. If someone made fun of a member of my family, I wouldn’t think it was “funny” in any way…

  4. daisyfly says:

    Go Amanda.

  5. Lizzard says:

    Well, this Friedman girl sounds like she’s not exactly a fan of Palin’s in the first place. And as far as the show making fun of grown-ups who are saying they find it funny or we should lighten-up that’s one thing- but Family Guy made a blatant joke at the expense of the Palin family who does have a child with downs. Regardless of the difference in character verse reality it still is a slap in the face. Trig is still an infant and can’t defend himself in this situation. I’m glad that this girl grew up with a fairly normal life, but she’s an adult now. I’m sure if her parents were in the Palin’s situation and had seen a show that basically mocked her and her disability when she was younger they wouldn’t think twice about saying how cruel it is. And of course Trig is going to get carried around- he’s an infant and probably can’t walk or walk well at least.

  6. Schnauzers!!!! says:

    ….I loved her as Corky’s girlfriend on “Life Goes On”…

  7. Obvious says:

    I love Andrea. She has a sense of humor, and as it was pointed out the episode did not really make fun of people with Down Syndrome, just this girl for having a crappy personality, and a jab at Palin, but she really gets defensive about anything that might possibly in any way by construed at pointing at her children. Chillax and when someone does say something about your underage children then attack. Allow Bristol to fight her battle,s and if you keep attacking everyone with an opinion no one will listen to you anymore.

  8. Peach says:

    This woman is an inspiration. One of the things that bother me about Palin is the constant victimization of both her and her son. Yes, Downs isn’t easy, but if you don’t know anything else, it’s normal for that person.
    Plenty of people with Downs function fine within society. But they aren’t a holy grail. I’ve met assholes with Down’s and really sweet humans with Down’s. Just like everybody. To treat them as if they’re ‘incredibly precious and special’ is condescending as hell.

    But know what is important for kids with Downs? A stable, quiet home. Because they are easily upset. But what did Sarah Palin do? Yup, toted him all over the country in front of bright, flashing lights. If Palin was that worried about kids, she wouldn’t subject her son to that.

    So yeah, what she said.

  9. sarah says:

    I remember her on Life Goes On. I loved that show. Corky was such a great character. I don’t watch Family Guy because it’s just stupid to me.

  10. Oi says:

    I think Palin was right about this one, and about the Letteman one. Her kids are her kids, and its not fair to just tell her that she should lighten up about them. They are her kids. No one should have to lighten up about that.

    Why do people bother to make fun of her and her family anyway? I honestly don’t understand the ire directed at them. Sarah Palin is not anymore stupid or ignorant than the majority of our politicians in case everyone hasn’t noticed. If you ignore them they might go away.

    and the show is just plain disgusting all around.

  11. bros says:

    I dont think anything she says is harsh. palin acts like she is the only person on earth with a downs kid, and she isnt. she isnt the standard bearer for disabled children and she isnt their spokesperson. she pretends she is the f*cking patron saint of downs syndrome and the reality is that there are prochoice parents with downs kids and downs kids with senses of humor about their own condition. and she is absolutely right that palin drags around her kid as a prop and a political statement. there was no way that baby was getting the care he needed on the campaign trail, and i think its sick to drag around your special needs child to make a point during a campaign and then to act like she is has the final word for what is and isnt inappropriate when it comes to public discourse and pop culture.

  12. princess pea says:

    One sentence in the entire show was in reference to Palin. It was probably intended to imply that Palin is stupid and also to get a little extra attention. It was a guarantee that Palin would respond. The rest of the story was about a girl with Downs who is not that different from everybody else, despite preconceived notions. This was not a mockery of Palin’s children, and attempts to make it seem like such are just ridiculous.

    Now, please stop making me defend Family Guy. I hate that misogynistic piece of crap.

  13. Attagirl says:

    This is one of the best articles on Sarah Palin I’ve ever read – it gets to the crux of her incessant righteous indignation…

  14. Ellie says:

    @bros—Word. BTW what “caring mother” would fly for several hours after her water broke?

  15. Jess says:

    Marlee Matlin is an adult. That argument doesn’t fly.

  16. Ellie says:

    @ Jess, so is Sarah Palin. The voice of the DS characted spoke out that it was not to make fun of Trig (paraphrasing here), she was making fun of Sarah Palin using her son as a prop or an excuse.

  17. princess pea says:

    @ Jess – So is Andrea. What’s your point?

  18. mollyb says:

    Hilarious and harsh. Also–Palin needs to give her victim act a break. The only line in the entire episode that even referenced her was the character with Downs Syndrome stating that her mother was the former governor of Alaska. What exactly is that implying about Sarah Palin? That she was the former governor of Alaska? That she has a child with Downs Syndrome? And . . . that’s it?

  19. princess pea says:

    @ mollyb – Maybe she thinks she is the ONLY former governor of Alaska?

    It’s starting to seem to me that Palin believes any mention of Down Syndrome at all is an insult. I really don’t agree with that.

  20. Ellie says:

    I am proud of the way Andrea stands up for people with DS. She (not Silly “fancy pageant walkin’ Sarah) should be the true face for people with development disabilities….

    P.S. I wonder what Fatty Mcfatterton (Rush) will say about this new round.

  21. Annabelle says:

    Just want to make sure I have this right: anything is funny as long as a liberal says it. I’ve got it, right? Could you be any more biased? How would you feel if your son had the condition that was mocked and blatantly tied to your family by naming you directly in the episode? And btw, learn to spell “priceless.”

  22. Iggles says:

    How is this making fun of people with Down’s???

    This more Palin with feigned indignation. Give the victim speech a rest.

    I love the actress’s letter. Palin isn’t the defacto spokesperson for people with Down’s Syndrome. Team Andrea!

  23. Ursaline says:

    @ princess pea: Well said!

    I hate Family Guy beyond belief, but I have managed to hate SP more. The fakery, the hyper-opinionated talking points retoric, and the “sack of baby”-toting all over the public stages to whore herself out for the spotlights is just repulsive. It wouldn’t hurt my feelings to have SP go away and let Miss Friedman have the stage in regard to disabled peoples’ rights.

  24. girl says:

    Minor children should be off limits. Point blank and period.

  25. ghostbuster says:

    Im not sure many of you saw the episode or maybe i didnt ‘get it’. i thought the whole humor of it was that chris’ gf was a demanding beeatch and he thought she was nice cause he thought all people with downs syndrome are nice. i saw no relivance to palin besides the brief ak comment. i dont think the episode was offensive. they made the character a strong demanding woman whom chris fell in love with, just like any other person

  26. Ellie says:


    That’s why Palin didn’t get offended at Rush saying r******d and called for Rahm Emannuel to step down right?? Cuz you know, only Republicans can properly use satire right?

  27. Alex says:

    GEE, I though Sarah Palin was the ONLY ONE who understood how hard it is to raise a Down’s Syndrome child or to have Down’s Syndrome. She’s the SAINT of all those with “Special Needs,” don’t you kow? What will she do now that someone with Down’s Syndrome has challenged her? Hmmm . . . I’ll be eagerly waiting for her response.

  28. Ellie says:


    That is what I got out of it too. Brilliant move Seth McFarlane.

  29. fizXgirl314 says:

    oh so it’s only ONE reference to the character being SP’s daugther… you at least need to have 2 or 3 references to be properly outraged? *eyeroll*

    this “letter” is tragic and offensive…

  30. cara says:

    I want to hear what Chris Burke has to say about the matter!!! And why do I have a feeling this wouldn’t be so funny if the ONE’s girls were at the butt of the goddamn joke.

  31. california angel says:

    Ya, what is your point Jess? I mean people are living longer these days but 40 is about as adult as it gets.

  32. Corina says:

    @Peach I agree with you 100%! I feel like Palin’s kids are to her what the Gosselin’s kids are to Jon and Kate…an accessory. I’m all for working moms and I absolutely believe that women and men can juggle a career and family life. That being said, your decisions as a parent should be to put your kids in front of your career. Carting them all over the place, sticking them in front of cameras, and generally using them as a media ploy (hello, they were on a gossip mag cover BY CHOICE) revolts me. Michelle Obama has discussed many times how she balances her children and the upheaval they deal with because of Obama’s political career. Palin just seems to think that her kids are obligated to come along for the ride. Obviously they need a more stable home life – I mean does anyone really think Palin is doing a great job raising her kids? And again, this isn’t just a Democrat vs Republican thing. I wish to God that I could get behind Sarah Palin because I would LOVE to support a woman in such a high political position – but I sincerely feel that she specifically is a disgrace to this country and to her gender. If Michelle Obama, or Hillary Clinton, or Laura Bush, or ANYONE said and did what Palin does, I would feel the same about them. Long story (rant) short – guess what Sarah, you’re not the only person with a kid who has special needs. The world doesn’t revolve around you. Stop being a hypocrite.

  33. snapdragon says:

    why does sarah plain keep releasing statements about her baby? because sarah palin needs to be in the spotlight at all times, which is why she is always playing the victim. that is, whenever she’s not quitting her job, giving “shout-outs” & winking at the camera, or collecting $100,000 for her insane, rambling speeches that say absolutely nothing.

  34. Shane says:

    I would have a lot more respect for Palin if she was consistent in her criticism. She went after some Obama guy for calling people “retards” but then said it was ok for Rush Limbaugh to say EXACTLY the same.

  35. lucy2 says:

    bros and Alex, I think that’s part of what bugs me about Palin – she feels like she should be the spokesperson for all special needs children, and takes any opportunity to position herself as such. I’d be willing to bet she didn’t even see the episode or anything beyond that one line, and jumped at the chance to be the indignant victim yet again.
    Andrea’s letter would hopefully make her think outside her own perspective for a moment, but doubtful – as with most politicians, I think she’s all talk, no listen.

    I have no issue with her standing up for her kids and agree that ALL kids should be off limits, but like with the Letterman thing, she seems to always take it too far, and rather than defending her kids for the sake of the kids, she seems to do it in an effort for attention and to push her agenda.

  36. simplicity says:

    Sarah is rapidly rising to the peak of her game, a reality show.

    After the turkey slaughter behind her as she did her cheerleading in front of a camera, all cred was lost.

    So easy to rebut.

  37. Shannon says:

    “My mother did not carry me around under her arm like a loaf of French bread the way former Governor Palin carries her son Trig around looking for sympathy and votes.”

    Oh my lord that is hilarious! I like this woman, she’s being very pragmatic about things.

  38. bros says:

    true lucy-she doesnt have to see it or be there in person, as evidenced by calling for rahm emanuelle to resign after reading his remark in the newspaper. she literally must have people scanning the papers and the airwaves for people using words or doing satire that offends her. she is in all places at once waiting to be indignant.

  39. Cheyenne says:

    Agree with Shannon. That really was hilarious. Friedman is a very down-to-earth woman and functioning very well for someone with Down syndrome. I remember her from Law & Order SVU where she played a rape victim with an overprotective mother and was impressed with her acting ability. Palin is a nitwit with the brains of an ant and no sense of humor.

  40. Gigohead says:

    I love this girl! Kudos on her letter and the nice hit in the NY Times! Her star is just rising!

  41. yae says:

    The sitcom Big Bang makes fun of a group of college kids with Asperger.

    I find it hilarious. Someone close to me has it.

    People need to just learn to have a good time.

  42. Nadia says:

    I love Amanda!

  43. BeckyR says:

    The episode on TV was tasteless and a slap in the face to Down’s sufferers. The actress is being manipulated to make some kind of poitical statement. Mrs. Palin feels hurt that these kids are being exploited for comedic points. It makes me sad all the way around. The cute little actress and the Palin child will never have a 100% life. Leave them in peace.

  44. Megan says:

    Mocking a 1-year-old’s disability because you don’t like his mom’s politics is wrong. He’s not an adult so it doesn’t make any sense to compare this to teasing grown people in any way.

    P.S. I voted for Obama [lesser of two evils deal for me, to be honest] so this isn’t coming from a Palin fan or anything 😉

  45. snowball says:

    Did McFarlane deliberately set out to provoke the right-wingers, Palin in particular? I’m pretty sure he did. That’s what he DOES. That’s what South Park does. If you don’t find that brand of humor funny, don’t watch. I don’t see the point of watching Fox News, so I don’t watch. I don’t go bitching about it either.

    So what’s next for Palin to be up in arms about, since she’s the Down’s Syndrome spokesperson? Is Corky on her list now? Surely she can find something that was offensive on that show to keep her righteous indignation going.

    So she’s the authority on teen abstinence, teen pregnancy, what jokes are appropriate on Letterman, what television shows (infamous for their biting satire) can talk about.. I know there’s more, I just forget because I do my best to tune her idiotic voice out.

    She did carry Trig around like a loaf of french bread. When my son was Trig’s age, I would never, ever have hauled him around with one arm under his armpits like a damn football. If she wants to start looking for a-holes to take down over their treatment of kids with Down’s Syndrome, she needs to start with herself. There are plenty of places to see her treatment of Trig during the campaign, hauling him out like some prop.

  46. skeptical says:

    bleh… sarah just wants another grab at the spotlight and a chance to talk herself up.

    she thinks she’s in the running for sainthood or something “look at me look at me look at how much i work hard and suffer and try to provide a good life for my poor little Trig who has Down Syndrome watch how cute he is as i carry him around in front of all the cameras”

  47. me says:

    It seems to me she was already a Palin hater so it was easy to put out this statement against her. I dont understand why people hate her at all. I wonder what would happen if Sasha and Maila were maligned and attacked? How are her kids carried around as props? Is she supposed to hide them?

  48. CeeCee12 says:

    I can’t stand Palin and her out of control narcissism. Nothing is worse than a person without a sense of humor.
    Andrea is a great example of someone making the most out of her life and NOT playing the victim all of the time.

  49. noname says:

    woa, BeckyR: “that cute little actress” is a 40 year old woman, talk about insulting. and who are you to say that neither she nor Trig will ever “have a 100% life”??? that’s probably one of the most insulting things i’ve ever heard. it sounds to me like Ms. Friedman is living an extremely accomplished and fulfilling life.

  50. Mia C says:

    “The episode on TV was tasteless and a slap in the face to Down’s sufferers. The actress is being manipulated to make some kind of poitical statement. Mrs. Palin feels hurt that these kids are being exploited for comedic points. It makes me sad all the way around. The cute little actress and the Palin child will never have a 100% life. Leave them in peace.”

    Down’s SUFFERERS? Seriously? You really just said that? As the mother of a disabled child, let me take the opportunity EDUCATE you. People first language. She is a woman with Down’s syndrome. She does not “suffer” from it-She is a woman first, who happens to have Down’s syndrome.
    And if you’d happened to watch the episode, the character she voices is a fairly independent person- something I wish more people knew needed representation in the media. That way, ignorant people like you wouldn’t say stupid crap like this, because maybe they’d know better.
    And I can assure you, no children were made fun of.

  51. Chana says:

    I am appalled at 43’s comment.

    People with Downs are not “suffering”. I knew several people all the way through my schooling who had Downs and they were quite fine and lived “100%” lives.

    And she is a grown woman, not a little girl.

  52. chshc says:

    I didnt realize Sarah Palins husband was an accountant. The character in FG mentioned 2 parents. Her father was an accountant and her mother was the former gov of alaska.

  53. texasmom says:

    I think it is possible to make fun of Sarah Palin’s use of her children as political props without making fun of the children themselves. I think the Family Guy did that — David Letterman, on the other hand, failed miserably and was out of line. I never thought much of SP’s parenting skills after we all learned she unblinkingly was willing to make her oldest daughter the world’s most famous unwed teen mother. I dislike her for doing that to Bristol — out of respect for Bristol, not to pick on her.

  54. michelle says:

    Oh Snap. She busted Palin so beautifully. Brilliantly Done!!!!!

    This actress is smart and funny, and she is showing us all what somebody with Down’s Syndrome can achieve. She’s not a victim so don’t talk down to her. She doesn’t sound like she’s being manipulated. She sounds like she was annoyed, and she’s having her say like a very funny and thoughtful person.

    She just got a new fan! Me!

  55. GatsbyGal says:

    The joke in that episode wasn’t really about Trig. The joke wasn’t even written into the script – the joke was Sarah Palin’s reaction and the butthurt responses of everyone who got all indignant and uppity about something they percieved to be there that actually wasn’t. It’s pretty brilliant. I’m sure Seth’s still having a giggle.

    Also, that aside, a lot of folks in the comments here seem to think that people with Down’s syndrome should be placed in a little glass china cabinet behind lock and key, never exposed to anything but sunshine and candy rainbows. People who have Down’s syndrome can do anything that a person without it can do. They’re not stupid or simple, and to treat them as such does them a great disservice. I can’t believe some of you, saying they’re “sufferers” or that they can’t live “100%”. You make me sick.

  56. Doe says:

    FG was making fun of Palin because she defended a republican when he used the word “retarded” because she said it was in satire. Then, she attacked a dem for saying it… So FG used it in a satire fashion to slap her on the face for being such a hypocrite. I’m a republican, and I think it’s funny because I’m tired of Palin’s hypocritical ways.

  57. GatsbyGal says:

    Oh, and @chshc – Where did you get your information? Sarah Palin’s husband is NOT an accountant. He was a production supervisor for BP for a long time, then he was a production operator, then he retired from that. He’s also a commercial fisherman and he used to race snowmobiles. Accountant?? Who the heck told you that?

  58. Kate says:

    Wow Becky.. for someone who is lecturing everyone else, you offended me more than anyone else commenting (for all the reasons stated above).

    Anyways.. I watched the episode, and only the briefest mention was made to SP and I took it more as a small joke than a 20 minute jab at either SP or her son. I think if FG really wanted to make the episode about Palin they easily could have and wouldn’t have hesitated to. I think most of us are reading too much into it, but that’s just my opinion..

  59. Em says:

    I agree with what Peach and princesspea said.

    The episode did not mock people with DS. I don’t see the problem beyond Palin not wanting to be made the butt of another joke.

  60. sickofit says:

    Team Andrea

  61. Dhavy says:

    If Sarah Palin feels so passionate about children with Down Syndrome then she should just make a career on the cause. She uses her child for attention because she thinks she’s the country’s savior.
    I think she should shut her trap, go into hybernation and watch Russia from her backyard

  62. LaCuerva says:

    Laughter is the best medicine. Even when faced with hardships or difficulties in life, we shouldn’t take ourselves too seriously. We lead much happier lives when we are able to laugh at ourselves.

    Hence, get over your oversensitive, knee-jerk reactions to another hilarious episode of Family Guy. The beauty of Family Guy is that they poke fun of all of us, including themselves.

  63. AnonPlus says:

    “My mother did not carry me around under her arm like a loaf of French bread the way former Governor Palin carries her son Trig around looking for sympathy and votes.”

    Alas. The truth has been said!

  64. Kelli says:

    “People with Downs are not “suffering”.”

    Some do. My cousin has one of the severe cases and even said so him he suffers from it, because it has a rippling effect on both mental and physical aspects.

    Just because some people live happy lives with it doesnt mean others do. The people saying becky doesnt get it obviously don’t get it either. Not all downs people are the same. some DO suffer. just because you know people who DONT doesnt mean that all people are the same way. mental AND physical illnesses have different effects on people. Look it up and gain knowledge yourself before you criticize someone else.

    because if Becky is a foor for saying all people suffer, then you’re all equally a fool for saying that all people dont. ignorance is obviously going both ways here.

  65. Bobby the K says:


    Is there any other elected official dragging their family into the public spotlight as much as Sarah?

    Why does she keep using them and their drama in this way?

    Her supporters should call her on it and tell her to just stick to whatever business she is in and leave her family out of it.

  66. Chana says:

    I’m sorry Kelli that I’ve proven myself to be a complete ignoramus on the subject of Down syndrome.

    You’re right, I don’t know anyone who is suffering from Down syndrome. That is the extent of my personal experience with it therefore I concluded that people with Down’s don’t suffer.

    Perhaps it’ll do me some good to do some research on the subject before I get annoyed at someone who calls a full grown functioning woman a “cute little actress”.

  67. Mairead says:

    I saw the programme. I wasn’t that offended, it makes a change from the usual rape “jokes” (Peter and the bull from a couple of weeks ago was far more offensive I thought).

    But I didn’t think the episode was funny, just like the majority of Family Guy episodes in the past couple of years, and that the Palin reference was just to get a rise out of her. And of course she fell for it. I’ll have to stop watching FG before watching American Dad, because it’s crappiness is taking the shine off the genius that is AD.

  68. Eileen Yover says:

    Cheers to my new hero Andrea!
    “My mother did not carry me around under her arm like a loaf of French bread the way former Governor Palin carries her son Trig around looking for sympathy and votes.”
    Me thinks Andrea should run for office!

  69. Seer says:

    @ Kelli who wrote: “Not all downs people are the same. some DO suffer.”

    I’m so glad you said this, and were able to educate some people, especially the “experts”. Good going Kelli! [smiles]

  70. San says:

    Thank you Andrea.
    I think Palin carried her son around like a loaf of bread to.
    I believe Palin use her son to get attention. So past time for Palin’s game to come to an end.

  71. JustGoAway says:

    my sense of palin is that she is a woman of average intelligence and humor who found herself way outside her comfort zone during the presidential race. her grasp of world politics is minimal and when challenged she postures and blusters and blames the other guy. i am sure she loves her son, but she is not above using him for publicity or votes or wherever else he comes in handy. i would rather see her on cable reality tv. she certainly has the personality for it and best of all i would never have to watch her. that sarah palin might have a shot at the white house gives me nightmares…

  72. Kim says:

    Sounds like this young girl got caught up in the fame and sold her soul by making fun of herself to get a job in Holywood. She wasnt hired for her acting skills, she was hired because the part needed someone w downs to make fun of downs. I dont think making fun of down syndrome is ever funny. Even if you have it i dont think it gives you carte blanche to make fun of it.

  73. Kim says:

    So if Im walking down street and I make fnun of this girl she cant be offended right because after all Im just being saccastic. Even if you have downs it doesnt give you carte blanche to make fun of it. It was in poor taste and this young girl got caught up in fame of Hollywood and sold out by making fun of herself for a gig. Family Guy took advantage of her whether she realizes it or not. She wasnt hired for her acting skills she was hired because they needed someone with downs to make fun of downs. They couldnt have used a actress w/out downs becayse they woul dhave gotten tons of flack and they know this. So they offer this poor girl a chance at fame hidden behind ok now we are off hook because if we used girl w downs people cant be offended. And now the girl HAS to defend why she did it. Shame on Family Guy for “using: this girl in this way.

  74. Kim says:

    Who really thinks Sarah Palin used her down syndrome son for publicity? Thats extremely insulting to the mother and child. Im not her biggest fan but no mother would wish downs on their child and no way did she exploit him in any way. She was showing him off as any proud mama would.

  75. Arma Geddon says:

    @kim:I am sure under normal circumstances Palin would be loath to use her son, but when on the campaign trail one might use whatever one has to “connect” to ordinary folk. Whether the boy had downs or not, he would have most assuredly been riding her hip as she campaigned… just like her daughter’s pregnancy was aimed at the pro-lifers as proof of her “Christian” views. Who knows if that little guy would have seen the light of day if they had not been afraid an abortion would come to media attention? People use what they have, and yeah, I do think she would use him and anything else she had to divert attention from her limp grasp of the issues and her abject unsuitability for higher office.

  76. snapdragon says:

    “Family Guy took advantage of her whether she realizes it or not. She wasnt hired for her acting skills she was hired because they needed someone with downs to make fun of downs.”

    thank goodness you’re here to let people with Down’s know when they are being taken advantage of, because obviously they are too dumb to realize it. even a grown woman who makes her living as an actress and was hired to be an actress needs protecting by people like you. you don’t even realize how condescending that attitude is.

  77. me says:

    Wow how do you guys carry all that hate around? I guess Gov. Palin should just get back in the kitchen, right? I’ve got kids and I suppose this lady would say I carry them like a loaf of bread. I saw nothing wrong with her taking her kids to campaign stops. I”m sure all mothers would love to have a job where their kids can tag along.

  78. snapdragon says:

    “Wow how do you guys carry all that hate around? I guess Gov. Palin should just get back in the kitchen, right? ”

    why would you say that? nobody said she should get back in the kitchen. just because i disagree with her politics doesn’t mean i don’t support her right as a woman to be political. enough with the knee jerk reaction already.

  79. syffitf says:

    Being offended by proxy is just the city cousin of obnoxious patronization of disabled people. Like the thing with Matlin, if she’s not offended, why are you?

    And it seems like Sarah Palin missed that the point of the episode was that the girl with Down’s was just like all the other girls, even though the Griffin kid thought she was “different.” Isn’t that a good thing?

  80. Nick says:

    Uh, yeah, the only thing in that episode that alluded to Palin was that the girl claimed her mom was the former govenor of alaska. Aside from that, Trig was never mentioned, Down syndrome wasn’t really addressed negatively either…so what’s the damage? Sounds to me like people just want to treat Palin like she’s untouchable. This isn’t even about her kid in my opinion, just assholes on their high horses acting like this bitch of a woman deserves respect when she really doesn’t.

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