Will Angelina Jolie & James Franco play lovers in ‘The Golden Suicides’?

*Images courtesy of Agent Bedhead*

Epic thanks to Agent Bedhead for this story, which I hadn’t been following. It’s a really juicy scoop too! According to Agent Bedhead’s sources, Angelina Jolie and James Franco are at the top of a screenwriter’s casting wish list. The project is called The Golden Suicides, and it’s based on the real story of the lives and deaths of artists Theresa Duncan and Jeremy Blake. The name “The Golden Suicides” comes from the Vanity Fair article written about their deaths (complete VF article here).

The gist of the (true) story is that artists Jeremy and Theresa were a married couple with two successful art careers. Then, sometime around 2004-2005, things started to go off the rails. Their careers began faltering, and they began cutting themselves off from friends and family. Those people who did spend time with Jeremy and Theresa noted that seemed increasingly depressed and paranoid. They blamed their faltering careers on the Church of Scientology, and claimed CoS was harassing them, defaming them, monitoring them and following them. They moved back to New York after spending four years in Los Angeles. Then Theresa committed suicide on July 10, 2006 and her husband followed her on July 17, 2006.

Their paranoia about the Church of Scientology followed them to their grave, and there are several of their friends who think that there might be something else to these suicides. CB (who is more of a CoS conspiracy theorist than me) thinks that CoS isn’t above murder its critics to silence them, and might make the deaths look like “suicide”. All in all, an intriguing story, and one that would make an interesting movie.

Anyway, it’s not like Jolie or Franco have confirmed that they’ll do the film – Agent Bedhead says the script is still being written. Bret Easton Ellis is writing/adapting the story for the screen, and Ellis recently tweeted: “Keep looking at the script…Angelina and Franco for Theresa and Jeremy?…It doesn’t matter…I wrote it for them anyway…I just spaced…” Agent Bedhead and Slashfilm are loving this casting rumor, with Slashfilm writing “Jolie and Franco would be perfect casting for the broken, charismatic couple at the heart of The Golden Suicides, but at this point it sounds like that’s just wishful thinking on the part of Ellis. Hopefully the script is good enough that they’d be interested.” And Bedhead agrees: “Absolutely, these two actors (particularly Jolie) would be excellent at portraying the two eccentric and extremely creative lovers. The fact that Ellis had Jolie in mind automatically gives this project some integrity and credibility that would otherwise be lacking. Furthermore, Theresa would likely be thrilled by the mere thought of it. Too bad she’s not around to, you know, actually see it happen.”

My thoughts? This could be really wonderful with Jolie and Franco. I hope it happens!


Photo by: KG/starmaxinc.com 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 2/26/10 Angelina Jolie on the set of

The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles Celebrates 30 years with MOCA

Photo of Jeremy and Theresa courtesy of Vanity Fair. Additional image of Jolie/Franco and Jeremy and Theresa courtesy of Agent Bedhead.

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59 Responses to “Will Angelina Jolie & James Franco play lovers in ‘The Golden Suicides’?”

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  1. lucy2 says:

    I’m so-so on a lot of her films roles, but I think this would be a good one for her and Franco.

  2. Praise St. Angie! says:

    whoa! I guess Jolie has put the rumors of botox (around the eyes) to rest with that pic!

  3. meme says:

    since when is jolie so in demand? she’s a crappy actress and unless it’s an action movie, her movies flop. i don’t get it.

  4. sarah says:

    I love her. I love him. It works for me. 🙂

  5. Melanie says:

    Meme, I agree. She is a shite actress IMO. And, boy, does she look old.

  6. The Queen Bee says:

    I think they could both rock these parts if the script and director were good enough. Agreed with Bedhead that Angelina definately can work that brokeness and eccentricity she brought to Girl, Interrupted. She’s a good actress, she’s just been in a string of action films which usually aren’t focused on the acting or the scripts.

  7. DoMaJoReMc says:

    @ Melanie:

    My thoughts exactly! But, for fear of sounding like a hypocrite, I will say that at least A.J. is willing to grow old(er) gracefully.

    But I don’t see her talent. Just sayin’

  8. Other Laura says:

    @Melanie & Meme

    Didn’t you get the memo? You’re not allowed to criticise anything about AJ unless you want to get called out as a “Jenniston Hen” (Sorry if the name is incorrect, just going off of what I read)

    Oh and you’ll be harassed for not “being over a divorce that happened five years ago”

    And Albus forbid, you just don’t care for her and think she isn’t that talented outside of playing action/crazy roles, just because you can. There has to be an underlying reason.

  9. mslewis says:

    Melanie and Meme, say what you will but there is no doubt in Hollywood that Angelina Jolie is box office gold. I know in your little minds you think her movies flop but that’s just wishful thinking on your part. Every movie Angelina has done (excepting her very early ones, perhaps) have made money. You and the other haters only count the domestic gross and ignore the international gross. Angelina is an international star and she is gold at the box office. If she weren’t she would not be at the top of everybody’s list.

    Moving on . . . I doubt Angelina will make this movie. She is already signed up for the Scarpetti movie after “The Tourist” and Angelina only makes one movie a year. This movie would have to be way down the line. I have to say though, it does sound interesting. I remember this story and I also remember laughing at them for thinking the CoS were “after” them. From what I’ve heard the two of them were major druggies and that was what made them paranoid.

  10. nnn says:


    I for one prefer crappy actresses with an Oscar on their belt doing crappy movies with the likes of Clint Eastwood or Johnny Depp than crappy actresses in constant demand doing crappy movies with the like of a dog or an SI model suddenly turn out actress, wifey of a tennisman.

    There is crap and major crap. To each is own.

  11. photo jojo says:

    Whoa! James Franco’s hair is about to attack his face!

  12. ThunderC*nt says:

    She only has about a year or two left to be relevant.

  13. Beth says:

    Wow Laura, get a grip. To me it’s amusing when people say she’s the worst actress in the world yet she keeps getting major award nominations and critical acclaim. I don’t understand why this is even a story. This is just the writer’s wishlist of wanting Angelina and James in the roles. It’s not as if they are in talks and probably haven’t even heard of the script.

  14. N.D. says:

    I get really pissed off on people saying that she looks old. I’m one year younger than her and I have all the same “problems” like visible wrinkles when I smile and those creases around my mouth (don’t know the right english word, we call it monkey face). And I’m not using anything and don’t wreck homes etc so it’s not karma :D.

    Yeah, there are some lucky people with the right genes who are not yet troubled with such things at that age but there are not so many of them among those who age naturally, and definitely not so many among those with kids and jobs and active life. HW standards of appearance based on early start of botox usage and face lifts and other crap really have pushed things too far. Now women of 30 something who age naturally and actually do look their age and not 10 years younger are seen as freaks and wreckages and whatnot. And then the same people have the nerve to slam Meg Ryan and Nicole Kidman for “what they are doing to their faces”. They are doing it because of that pressure you put on women to look 25 forever! It can’t happen naturally! Neither in 35, nor in 45!

    re the golden suicides – weird story. Are they going to show if there really were some moves from CoS against this couple? Because if they will – that’s gonna be a very risky move businesswise as it seems that about a good half of HW are adepts of CoS.

  15. Solveig says:


    Tim Buckley sold few hundred thousand albums during his entire life and after his death. GaGa sold millions and collaborated with dozen talented artists (Elton Jones, i.e.): which is the talented one?
    The fact that Angelina made a film with Eastwood is just for cash and publicity to the movie itself. The movie was crappy, and I’m talking as a lover of Clint’s movies and as a person who dislike Angelina as an actress (not a hater). I was very disappointed over not being able to appreciate The Changeling, but no matter what, that movie was a low-quality work in Eastwood’s movie directings. And I’m not the only one stating this opinion.

  16. Rianna says:

    I just don’t get the big deal about her. Apart from one or two films, every single film she has done has her as the “sexy gun toting bitch”.
    I do not think that she is the best actress out there but she does stir up the tabloids so that is why she keeps getting parts. She (just being AJ) will promote the film.
    That is just my 2 cents. And I am not a Jennifer Aniston fan either before any of you start. I think she is about as great as a plank of wood behind a film camera. Brad has really bad taste in actresses.

  17. Maritza says:

    Yep, these two would make a perfect combo for a movie.

  18. Anne says:

    yes like we will be interested in watching aunty-boy romance…

  19. dee says:

    Don’t think she’s doing this movie. People just like to attach her name to every movie because it helps them get publicity or maybe they’re looking for funding. Look at many movies she’s been rumored to do and how many of those she’s actually signed up for. She keeps an open schedule. After Salt finished filming, she wasn’t scheduled to do anything except voice work for the sequel to Kung Fu Panda, that’s why she could sign up for the Tourist.

  20. snowball says:

    mslewis, I don’t follow the box office receipts, but did Wanted, Beowulf, A Mighty Heart, Alexander and Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow really make money? Because if I remember right, they all fell off the top five in one week. IIRC, Changeling didn’t do that much better.

    I watched Wanted a few nights ago when I had insomnia. Worst. Performance. Ever. Aside from her “issue” movies, does she have any range beyond Lara Croft-like characters?

    Ugh, her Scarpetta thing is due in 2012. So Patricia Cornwell has two years to continue to turn out crap like her last half dozen so she can finish up ruining any credibility and fan base she ever had.

  21. teri says:

    I simply love Angelina and think she’s a great actress. So several people don’t like her movies, next really who cares. Don’t let them get to you. She’s simply the best I’ve seen and she’s in high demand meaning she’s pretty damn good. You don’t win all those awards for nothing.

  22. Interesting story. I’d love to see her act in it. Perhaps get back her Girl,Interrupted spark.

  23. Melanie says:

    I really think she gets roles based on her personal life, not on her skills. I could not watch the Changling all the way through because her acting actually makes me cringe and feel uncomfortable. Characters should draw you in, not make you aware of the performance.

  24. ThunderC*nt says:

    Wow, looking at the links above you’d think Lainey was the only important Asian girl out there. She, like Tila Tequila relies on “the Asian Fetish” to keep her name out there. What about educated and pretty Asians like us?

  25. Mairead says:

    Just co-signing on what N.D. says. I’m the same age as N.D. and despite avoiding the sun, never smoking, rarely drinking, I have those crows feet when I smile, and the lighting is bringing it out more. She doesn’t look old, she looks her age. And if you think 34 is old, then, that says it all really.

    The concept of the film is very interesting and James Franco is developing as a fine actor.

  26. shell says:

    I think she’s great. She brings charisma, and a certain magnetic quality to the roles she plays–even when it’s a little over the top. She’s certainly a better actor than some out there. To each his own.

    It’s always amusing to see the same people saying the same thing over and over and over. NOT fans? Who would have guessed? It’s only the 450th anti-Angelina post by the same people.

  27. H says:

    I wish we could have one f’ing tread about Angelina and not have Jennifer brought up by either side and visa versa. It’s getting old. I like Angelina but I like Jennifer too.
    I like Angelina’s acting so I’ll probably see her films and if you don’t like her then don’t watch her movies. Pretty simple can we all just move on.

  28. TG says:

    I liked Angelina in Mr. & Mrs. Smith because it was fun, but she is not a believable bad a** character to me. She has absolutely no muscle tone in Laura Croft, Wanted and Gone in Sixty Seconds. I could believe Jessica Biel or Jen Garner before they went through “thinnification” as Lainey likes to put it!

  29. Majosha says:

    Solvieg: Excellent point about Jeff Buckley. It will likely sail over the heads of the more rabid Jolie fans, but most logical arguments do …

  30. Tess says:

    What is wrong with her arm?

    I’m serious. Does she have some kind of medical condition that would cause a young woman to look like she’s wasting away, not to mention the huge, cordlike veins?

  31. Trillion says:

    H, I just read all the comments and if my short term memory serves me correctly, there are only 2 that mention Aniston. And one of them is yours.

  32. hmm says:

    LoL The haters hate Angie for having botox but then pix come out showing that she actually HAS naturally lines on her face like every HUMAN and they hate her for that too. kate winlset looks 50 Drew barrymore looked old before she fixed her lines no it’s only Angie that gets the hate. Wonder why? Could it be jealousy because she is with brad? Franco has wrinkles and looks pale but no uproar.
    I think she’s a great actress.

  33. hmm says:

    LoL Shell… I haven’t been here in ages and yep it looks EXACTLY the same as it did the last time I came here. With the same negative Angie haters. is this what they do every day? Never get tired of hating?

  34. cecil says:

    oh no. another movie is ruined for me thanks to angelina jolie.

  35. V says:

    since when is jolie so in demand? she’s a crappy actress and unless it’s an action movie, her movies flop. i don’t get it.”
    …jennifer aniston is so beautiful and talented that all her movies are blockbusters, right ???

  36. Cheyenne says:

    @Snowball — see what a little googling can do for ya. Go to Boxofficemojo.com.

    A Mighty Heart
    Production budget $15 million
    Box office $18 million

    Sky Captain
    Production budget $70 million
    Box office $57 million

    Production budget $75 million
    Box office $341 million

    Production budget $155 million
    Box office $167 million

    Kung Fu Panda
    Production budget $130 million
    Box office $631 million

    Production budget $55 million
    Box office $113 million

    Since a movie has to make double its production budget to break even (50% of the box office goes to the studio and 50% to the theater owners), AMH lost $6 million, Alexander lost $72 million, Sky Captain lost $44 million, Changeling made $3 million, Wanted made $191 million and KFP made $371 million.
    Total loss — $122 million. Total profit — $568 million. Net profit for all six films — $446 million. So yeah, on the average, her movies make money.

    (Somebody check my math just in case.)

  37. Cheyenne says:

    I’d bet my next paycheck she has not even considered doing this movie. The studios are using her name to promote their movies. Every other film on the drawing board, the studios claim she’s going to be in it.

  38. Ana says:

    I’m almost 22 and I’m starting to see crows feet when I smile. Sheesh!

  39. Goosie says:

    Oh man, can you imagine the tabloid coverage that movie set would get? Because c’mon, Franco and Jolie would be *hot* together.

    What an intense, interesting story the movie is, though. I will see it regardless of who ends up getting cast.

  40. Ursula says:

    Hmmm, so that break to raise children is still on hold.

    Didn’t she go with her botox woman to Venice. She is due for another face lift.

  41. betsy says:

    “The Wit of the Staircase” was an interesting blog, to say the very least. Jeremy’s art, was also interesting. I think this would make a great movie and hope they do it justice, except I think they will stop way short of what one can find out with some googling.
    I think James and Angelina would be great in the roles.

  42. LOVE ANGELINA says:

    Sounds very interesting but its touching on a touchy topic and I am sure Angelina wouldn’t touch it. This project would defame CoS, and I think Angelina wouldn’t want to be attached to such a controversial project. If she does I would be super thrilled but I seriously doubt she would. They know people who are CoS and it could make people uncomfortable. IDK I love Angie and I would totally support whatever she does.

  43. CeeCee12 says:

    Angie was great in Gia and has had some good roles. I think she is good but I am not always a fan of her choices. I thought she kind of disappeared into her role in The Changeling. Which I thought was good acting.
    I would like to see her stretch a little more and this movie would be perfect.

    Ageism seems to be directed at women only. Maybe she has smile lines because she is happy and smiles a lot. So what.

  44. julia says:


  45. jayem says:

    I read the article about them in Vanity Fair and I think those two would be absolutely perfect. That article was great, if anyone wants to read up on them.

  46. lisa says:

    There is always this stupid speculation on what films she is doing. They attach her name to get Publicity. She does not sign up for movies years in advance. That is why she was able to do The Tourist when it was offered. They were saying over a year ago that she was doing Wanted 2. Note Angelina NEVER said she was doing the film. Now they say she dropped out. More like she said no when they gave her the script. Then there was all the talk about Tomb Raider, Catwoman, Bond film, Sin City 2..and I could go on. Well none of those have proven true. She seems to be making a film a year. Hardly overworking. Plus the animated film KFP 2 just takes a few days. It was about a year ago that she did SALT. Most actors are making 3 or more films a year. So I is really unlikely that she is doing these films. The only one that seem likely is the Scarpetta films.. and I believe that because that has been confirmed. since she has actually met with the author. But there is no script, director or anything. Well except the money is there if she says yes.

    And all this talk about her ruining a film. Well lets just say in these economic times. She has no problem getting a film (big budget)financed. The woman is in big demand. I am confused why people who don’t like her acting are still paying to see her films. And if you are not seeing them then it is a bit unfair to talk about her being a bad actress. She works with the BEST. Most actresses out there would give a limb to get the movie roles she is offered or turns down. Angelina is hardly a has been. And I really doubt she gets offered roles because the tabs put her and her partner on the cover. That is just beyond a stupid comment. Her last Oscar nominated film made more money then the films of any of the other actresses nominated that year. Yet they are not bashed for having a film not being successful. HER films make money. And are marketed on her even when she is not the Star.

    Can’t wait for SALT and The Tourist.

  47. Solveig says:

    Cheyenne, you can’t list those box office data not considering that in most of those movies Angelina wasn’t the lead actor (or not the only lead actor). The movies where she was the star bomb. Why don’t you consider those facts when you show to the world the Majesty of The Empress Jolie at the box office?
    I say it again, I’m not a hater and I almost liked her (not as an actress) before she became that “sanctimonious” saviour of the world hypocrite, but I’m quite annoyed by those fans and magazine who try to portray her as the biggest/greatest actress of all times.
    And academy awards mean NOTHING considering that e.g. Johnny Depp won none and e.g. Martin Scorsese won his first Oscar for Best Director 3 or 4 years ago albeit incredible movies such as Taxi Driver, The Goodfellas, Cape fear, The Last Temptation of Christ, New Tork, New York and so on…
    Those are facts, believe it or not.

  48. Ursula says:

    AMH and Sky captain which were her vehicles bombed.

    I don’t think anyone went to see Kung Fu Panda because Angelina Jolie was voicing a character. With or without her, it would have been a success.

    Its been ages since she was good in a movie. She just shouts and pouts and pretends to shoot. She looks the same in all roles and you can tell that it is her playing pretend.

  49. crab says:

    Never mind her lines, her teeth look like a roller coaster track!!

  50. Goosie says:

    @Betsy & @LoveAngelina

    Yeah I read the VF article and then googled to find out more! Fascinating, to say the least. I’m hoping someone is writing a in-depth investigative type book, because this story has really caught my attention. I think this article is worth reading, too…lots of the same info as in the VF article, but still good:

    And I am totally talking out of my ass here, but I’m thinking that the movie version will either portray the CoS stuff as complete and total unjustified paranoia on the parts of Blake & Duncan or will use some other stand-in cult in place of CoS…I just don’t see how the movie could get made any other way, you know?

  51. Cheyenne says:

    Solveig, Snowbell asked the question about those films and I answered it.

  52. Xena says:

    @ Ursula and Solveig
    Why waste precious time and energy on someone you hate? Why do you guys continue to click on the Angelina posts even though you loathe her? That makes no sense to me.

  53. mslewis says:

    Xena, of course it makes no sense. They only click onto Angelina post to sprew their hatred and get people to notice them. I think they both sit around all day on the computer and as soon as anything about Angelina comes up, they click. Pitiful!!

    And FYI to Poor Ursula: Angelina appeared in “Sky Captain” for less than 15 minutes in total. The stars of that movie were Gwyneth and Jude. “A Mighty Heart” did not lose money because it didn’t cost that much.

  54. Solveig says:

    I don’t hate her, I just state my opinions and enjoy the comments cause most of them are hysterical. Angelina’s threads aren’t the only ones I read and post in.
    mslewis, thank you for your kind words. I think that we are very similar: I spend my spear time and my insomniac hours talking about Angelina, you spend yours criticizing and judging other posters. It takes all kinds to make a world.
    Even a pitiful one.

  55. Sophia says:

    This could be amazing. I’m kind of tired of Angelina as an undercover spy or whatever, I think this will be really interesting and a compelling if it goes ahead.

  56. Chana says:

    I don’t want to get into this, really, but a point has to be made. Kung Fu Panda, as Ursula said but none are taking seriously, would have done well regardless of Angelina’s involvement. That character could have been voiced by anyone and that would have been a box office success. You cannot seriously call it an Angelina Jolie movie.

    So according to Chey’s figures, the losses would be 122 million; the gains 194 million (191 million of which was from a film that she wasn’t the lead actor in). On average, her films made 72 million dollars, which is nothing to sneeze at but not exactly crazy good numbers in terms of movie money.

  57. Chana says:

    Now with something relevant to this story, I don’t think this would make a good film, personally. All it is is a story about a couple of hipster artists who got paranoid and killed themselves. Suicide is not a glamorous thing. It’s a terrible, terrible thing. The sense of loss the people left behind feel is beyond that of someone who loses someone to natural causes or disease.

    I personally do not find stories like this interesting, fascinating or important to tell. I read the story about them and could not get past their apparent need to be important tragic artists who smoked and drank too much and cared too much about their art and each other. Some people find people like that glamorous. I find them sad and pathetic.

    It’s sad when someone chooses to end their life; you never really know what is going on with people.

    But I do not think that it would be advisable to make a movie that would likely glamorize their destructive lifestyle.

  58. CB Rawks says:

    “All it is is a story about a couple of hipster artists who got paranoid and killed themselves.”

    Except that they say they were being terrorised by the church of scientology. Totally believable and worth putting out there.
    They were not the first to say it, and based on the church’s looney behaviour, I’d like to suggest a scheme where we chip-in to build them a mothership, and then corral them on board somehow.
    It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t really fly, we’ll supply the cool aid when they strap themselves in.

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