Are Jessica Simpson & her friends ‘ugly Americans’ on ‘The Price of Beauty’?


I watched Jessica Simpson’s new travel docu-reality show, The Price of Beauty, on VH1 last night and was struck by how superficial and frankly dumb it was. Simpson is travelling around the world with her two best friends, hairstylist Ken Paves and her former assistant Cacee Cobb, ostensibly to learn about and document the way that beauty is perceived and practiced in different cultures. Instead, they look like a bunch of fools making fun of different cultures and sticking out like sore manicured thumbs. It doesn’t help that Jessica is so dim that she’s amazed by simple cultural differences, like the fact that Thai women want pale skin as opposed to American’s striving for an orange tan.

The show is also very fast-paced and slick, with background music and beautiful visuals. It’s entertaining for a while, but it fails to impart a lesson beyond the basic concept that beauty is culturally influenced. I learned more about the way that young people can act like idiots in foreign countries. I also found Jessica and her friends kind of offensive at times. At one point they met a Thai woman who had attempted to bleach her skin with over the counter products and ended up with a face burnt by the sun. Her face looked like she had a port wine birthmark. When Jessica and Cacee met her, they cried and looked pityingly at the woman, who initially seemed stoic but broke down in tears too. I found it patronizing, to be honest, and when Jessica (who meant well I’m sure) knelt down to hug the woman I frankly cringed. From what I understand, it’s not customary to hug people in Thailand and Jessica barely knew that woman. Would she have pitied a burn victim like that?

The Washington Post has a good assessment of the show and I agree. Here’s part of what they wrote about it:

Will she eat a fried cockroach? (To derive its
beauty-enhancing nutrients?) Will she pass gas during a cleansing but
aggressive body massage in Bangkok, only to crack the obvious “happy
ending” joke? Can she get through a Buddhist prayer session to purify
her soul without giggling?

Soon enough it’s clear that Simpson and her friends are on a trip
around the world to make jokes and get free spa treatments. Sure, “The
Price of Beauty” tries to serious things up a bit (they visit a woman
who irreparably burned her face in search of the Thai ideal of pale
beauty; they go out to visit those tribal women who elongate their
necks using heavy rings), but these efforts fall flat.

At best, “The Price of Beauty” reminds you of the most clueless of
ugly Americans who are sometimes seen in “The Amazing Race,” barking
in Spanish (“muy rapido!”) to cabdrivers in Mozambique; Simpson’s
naivete about the world beyond her own crosses a line from mildly
clueless to patently offensive. What’s striking about this show is
that Simpson, nearing 30, has apparently done little in the way of
maturing or learning since the buffalo-wing days. Even if it’s all a
dim-bulb act, it’s a tired act, and if we’re talking about real
beauty, this sort of ignorance looks unattractive on a woman her

[From The Washington Post]

Here are some of my favorite stupid ass quotes from Jessica in The Price of Beauty

On her painful Thai massage “I thought that Thai massages had happy endings. I’m wondering where mine was.”

On her palm reading at a market in Bangkok
I got chillbumps from head to toe from the fortune teller. He said ‘you’re really going to fall in love.’ Of course right now I’m single. That was comforting

On laughing in a meditation session in front of a Buddhist monk
I couldn’t control it. I felt like I was back in church and you’re not supposed to laugh and you do.”

On eating a worm
I’m thinking to myself, how are you going to do this Jessica? You can’t even eat salmon.”

To be fair to Jessica, Ken and Cacee, they did seem considerably less rude and genuinely affected when they met a tribe in the north of Thailand made up of women who elongated their necks using thick rings. It was too little too late though. One sort-of reverent moment can’t make up for how clueless they were the rest of the show.

You can watch full episodes of The
Price of Beauty on
Photos courtesy of VH1.



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63 Responses to “Are Jessica Simpson & her friends ‘ugly Americans’ on ‘The Price of Beauty’?”

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  1. JDizzle says:

    She’s a dumb hick… what do you expect?

  2. Kevin says:

    Is salmon chicken or fish? DUH! Thai women are, in my personal opinion, some of the most beautiful in the world. Jessica isn’t mature enough to do this show I’m afraid. Maybe that’s the point. I don’t know.

  3. bite me says:

    simpleton strikes again

  4. Pont Neuf says:

    And people are surprised by this, because…?

    First of all, what sort of lobotomized, drunk gibbon had the idea to give a complete fool like Jessica (bless her heart, she is very sweet, but is a millimeter away from being less intelligent than a potato), the even more idiotic Cacee and the utterly stupid Mr Paves, a pretentious travel show that is meant to ‘analyze’ (HA!) the way in which beauty is perceived in different cultures?

    Jessica probably thinks that houses in Switzerland are made out of chocolate, ‘Asia’ is an L.A. suburb and ‘tribe’ means ‘uncool kids at school’.

    Which would be fine, if she hadn’t been given a platform from which she can stupidly show to the world her shocking ignorance, rabid ethnocentrism and infantile sense of humour.

    Jess, darling, get some singing lessons and record a proper album or get married to another Z list celebrity/ex-football player and shut up.

  5. Erin says:

    That picture of the three of them lined up “meditating” reminds me of the Three Stooges…

  6. lucy2 says:

    That’s a shame. The concept of the show is interesting and could be quite enlightening about perceptions and cultures if done properly, but this sounds like sending a couple of spoiled kids on an all expenses paid trip.

  7. snowball says:

    Maybe we’re not her target audience? I’d rather stick a toothbrush down my throat than watch Jersey Shore, but someone’s certainly watching.

    There are vapid, waste of time shows everywhere, especially on Bravo. So she’s not Mensa material. At least she’s out there and seems to be genuine, even when it comes off as idiotic.

    Again, who exactly does Jessica hurt by being herself?

  8. mollination says:

    Ugh, girls and instances like this make me cringe to be a blonde, caucasian American female. When I travel this summer I’m going to need to wear a costume or something…thanks for helping the global perception of us (Americans), Jess.

  9. Oi says:

    This could have been a great idea. Why is it so hard to find smart people to manage the Jessica Simpson’s of the world, so they don’t embarrass themselves and others?

  10. jerky says:

    Just b/c jessica wasnt aware that in different countries its beautiful to be pale doesnt make her dim. I am college educated and did not realize that the darker you are in some countries the less beautiful you are. AND im guessing if you were sooo smart & educated you prob would be doing more than writing on a gossip site. I think alot of times jessica is trying to be funny, considering this show in on in USA. It doesnt all seem insulting bc im sure alot of people can relate.

  11. bite me says:

    i blame papa joe for this mess

  12. Neelyo says:

    Oi, better yet, just don’t those smart people front and center instead of the Jessica Simpsons of the world. But alas, as a culture we’re attracted to bright, shiny blond things, no matter how stupid they are.

    Won’t watch it, even to laugh at it.

    Agree completely with Pont Neuf.

  13. Belle Epoch says:

    Totally agree with Oi.

    Is there really an audience that wants to watch Jessica’s boobs travel around the world?

    I saw a few minutes of the show in which someone arranged for Jessica to talk to an anorexic woman in France. Obviously all the preparation is done by the show and all Jessica has to do is show up with her trained monkeys. You just know she is wondering where the nearest McDonalds is.

    At one point the camera cut to Jessica’s face, which is utterly devoid of ANY emotion or understanding. She is just staring blankly into midair. She finally attempts to show some empathy, but you get the feeling nothing registers with her.

    Why do the networks keep recycling the same losers instead of finding new talent – with brains?

    Jessica needs to go away and grow up.

  14. hatsumomo says:

    Ill prolly skim through the best parts in a bit(dont have enough interest at the moment), but I do want to point out I love Caycee’s top in the header pic and her green and gold print skirt in the bottom. So pretty I would definitely wear the skirt. and I like the dramatic drape of the top(dress?).

  15. DrM says:

    @ Jerky were you college educated in the United States? You must not have done much in the way of social sciences or you would have have some idea of the differing ideas of beauty…(this is not intended to be an insult…just an observation…this is a common subject in sociology, women’s studies and anthropology classes).

    This show is a very good example of American ‘humour’ and social understandings NOT translating well anywhere else…just because people can ‘relate’ to Jessica Simpson’s ignorance doesn’t make it somehow ok to be so vapid and uninformed.

    And for clarification about who may or may not be ‘on’ this site.. I have a PhD, I’m a sociologist, I read CB regularly and here I am commenting…reading these sights doesn’t denote a lack of ‘education’ or insight. There are some very switched on people on here who have some interesting things to say and popular culture and the cult of celebrity is immensely interesting… in all its forms 🙂

  16. Shawna says:

    It’s the first episode: let’s see if this goes anywhere deeper. Give her a chance.

  17. Zelda says:

    No, you’re not stupid for not realising that.
    But you are ignorant.
    College gives you books, it does not give you brains.

  18. jerky says:

    Um zelda please bite your tongue. I am NOT ignorant! Pardon my education….In my books facts are stated. What countries considering beautiful is an opinion. No I dont have my master in sociology. In Public relations/Human resources you dont focus on try and focus on actual knowledge like their govt ect.

  19. blaugaro says:

    As some people here have said: good idea, bad means.

  20. guesty says:

    the theme song is my favorite. (followed with a *major eye roll*)

  21. dude Seriously says:

    Some people on here are sooo rude! I can not even believe it! Judgemental as all get out! Jessica is an entertainer, not a medical researcher. What are you expecting?

  22. Zelda says:

    ignorance (def.): lack of knowledge, information, or education

    How can you say that you are not ignorant for not knowing that many cultures find lighter skin to be attractive when it is, in fact, a very real issue in your own culture? Has the concept of race and ethnicity vs mainstream beauty completely eluded you? Because if it has, I reccomend taking you head out of your books, looking at the world around you, and interpreting/ deriving meaning from what you see, rather than accepting everything at face value.

    And I too have a University degree, and could never have gotten through several of my classes without at least touching on issues of cultural relativism. Unless you went to a trade college of some kind, I find it hard to believe that your professors never raised this topic.

  23. mfishey says:

    @Zelda – Your response to Jerky was eloquently stated – and might I add, right on the mark!

  24. Madchen says:

    I’ll skip the dumb/not dumb, educated/not educated topic and get to the part of your message that was truly offensive: Why do you think it’s okay to use a gossip column as a forum for a personal attack on its author?

  25. dude Seriously says:

    as you listed LACK OF EDUCATION which i do not have. And if you indeed do have a college degree from Havard or what ever prominent university you went too, You would know what its RECOMMEND.
    I did not say that I agree that the lighter complexion you have the more beautiful you are. SO no i am not completely eluded to the world around me. AND how can you say it is a real issue in my “own” culture when you are unaware of my ethnicity. I really have no idea what your post means, I truly do not! It makes no sense to me what so ever. AND not because im ignorant, but b/c it had nothing to do with my original topic. I never stated my own opinion regarding other cultures definition of beauty. What I had said is that I wasnt completely aware how many countries believe the lighter the more beautiful. Then here you go on this unnecessary rant.

  26. Lala11_7 says:

    I tried to watch it…

    But I was too embarassed FOR the human race to do so…

    It’s like…she didn’t even do any research…

    Millions of dollars was spent on this…and she couldn’t even get on the internet and study and come up with some insightful questions…make some relevant coorelations back to her audience…


  27. nAynAy says:

    I wonder who she had to sleep with to get this gig??

  28. bros says:

    kazaaam pont neuf! exactly right

  29. Brittney says:

    “I am college educated and did not realize that the darker you are in some countries the less beautiful you are.”

    Yes, this does make you ignorant. No matter WHERE you live or WHO you are, if you’re reading this blog, you’re familiar with racism and with a pop culture which, yes, tends to favor white skin over black the majority of the time. What your fellow commenters fault you for is a failure to correlate the root causes of skin-bleaching trends in Asia with the racist aesthetics of a long-standing white patriarchal Western society.

  30. Sakota says:

    When I start traveling overseas, I’m going to make it a point that the people who do this are Hollywood filth and as such are not an accurate portrayal of normal Americans. Then I’m going ot point out my disdain for people in that industry, no matter how much I might gossip about them.

  31. Sigh. says:

    DANG! Did she EVER go to the “Small World” ride or Epcot center when she worked at Disney? Kidding…

    I agree with (mostly) everyone —

    She’s never showed an inch of depth before, and that’s fine for her career path. But to take her lack of cultural education on tour and somehow brand her forced, inappropriate responses to other cultures/situations as purposeful “humor” is a bit of a stretch. No, it’s quite the stretch.

    I get the point is that she’s supposed to be learning with us, not preaching to us, but she’s a distraction. It’s obvious the PRODUCERS did THEIR research, probably threw a few bits of info at her (“Her name is_____, she’s from ______, and she ______. Look _____.”), and then pushed her out there, hoping we’d be charmed by her “aw gosh, ma’am” naivete. Tweedle Dumb and Dumber are just following her lead, mooching off her payday.

    What this show unintentionally does is highlight her sheltered American life, which is sad, because as long as she’s been in the entertainment industry (and on this planet) you would THINK she would have unique opportunities to grow more aware and wiser, but alas…Her and John Mayer were too busy napalming…

    It’s still a good idea, and hopefully she does some changing in attitude (not personality) as the season wears on.

  32. Zelda says:

    @Seriously/ jerky (?)
    No one said you have any opinion the beauty of light or dark skin. That is a different topic than the simple aknowledgement that skin colour is an issue in your culture (culture is not ethnicity–I don’t need to know you to estimate your cultural background. You are English speaking (?), use the word “college” (American) and sufficiently westernised as to even be on this site–so I have a ballpark idea). Since you are obviously backtracking on your original argument by adding the qualifier “how many”, and generally not understanding me I think we can leave it alone.

    But I’ll leave you with the following:

    1) “or” (def.): (conj.) used to join alternatives. Meaning you do not need to have all three of the stated options. Merely one. Therefore, you may lack education OR intelligence OR knowledge OR any combination of the three. (I recommend the following classic, train-themed awesomeness for really learning your conjunctions: )

    2) I generally don’t pick on spelling, because who bothers to spell check on message boards? But since you are so concerned with it, you might like to know that: “whatsoever” is one word; “I’m” and “wasn’t” are contractions and require apostrophes; sentences should begin with capital letters.

    3)You need to look up the word “eluded” in the dictionary, too, while you’re busy spell checking. You seem to not really understand it.

    Anyway, you SHOULD respond to Madchens very interesting question.

  33. juiceinla says:

    well, we all knew Jess was not the sharpest nail trimmer in the manicure set, sooo… I blame Paves and CeeCee Deville (or what ever her name is). Paves is a clueless fop, and the friend is a mooch.

  34. bellaluna says:

    Okay, my Social Studies instructor had this conversation with us in high school: In most every country/culture other than the U.S.(blanket statement by HIM, NOT ME), lighter skin is considered to be a sign of higher societal and financial position. Those are not my words, they are his. Do NOT attack me for parroting them. I am not saying I agree, I’m trying point out that I LEARNED this in high school, no less!

    It’s make me ashamed to see how Americans’ ignorance reflects on the rest of us on TV. I do think Jess means well, but I’ve been reading for a long time now that she was not the “ideal” beauty ambassador (or whatever they’re calling her), so I will not watch.

  35. Kim says:

    HELLO its a reality show on VH1 not a Nat Geo documentary of course they are going to put in stupid sound bites of things & music etc. They did NOT come off like rude Americans making fun of other cultures at all. Not 1 bit. This author obviously doesnt like Jessica Simpson.

  36. DrM says:

    Subsequent comments uphold my argument that there are some very switched on people on this site…:)

  37. Kim says:

    To all of those people afraid of being viewed as a rude American in other cultures I have news for you some cultures dont like America period. It wont matter if you are nice – they wont like you simply because you are American.

    The rude American tourist is a cliche. There are no rude French tourists or Middle Eastern tourists, etc? Of course there are. Personally i have experienced other cultures being far ruder than Ive ever seen any American. Americans need to not buy into the “rude American” myth.

  38. Bored@Work says:

    How about the “elephant looks like a giant scrotum”. The article refers to “a woman her age”.. She should really be a little bit mature after all she’s been through but she is an entertainer and still seem as dumb as the chicken of the sea days! LOL…Its too funny watching her act as if she is still a child..giggling at the meditation…Man..!!

  39. Mel says:

    You said it Zelda!

  40. Sumodo1 says:

    This show is one big shill for Jessica’s clothes, shoes and accessories. Did you notice all the split screen commercial plugs? PS, her hair looked really shitty in her solo “confessionals.” Roots! Split ends! Brassiness! Ken, your basic hairstyling skills suck if this is how Jess looks most of the time.

  41. Hautie says:

    I was not offend by the show, simply cause I knew it was a fluff show, not intended to be a documentary.

    Yet I wonder if her crazy father is producing and editing the show. Because that alone could explain what made the cut to the actual episode. Lord knows he made Nick Lachey look like a dumb ass more than once with that Newlyweds show.

    What I am offended by, is Jessica’s HAIR.

    I have seen her on alot of talk shows in the last week and every time it looks like she is wearing a busted old ratty wig from the Farah Fawcett Collection @1978.

    I am stunned that no one ever mentions how horrible her hair looks. How in the world does Paves get work, when everyone of his clients end up with busted looking weaves or wigs?

    If Jessica really wanted to change her path in life. Fire the father/manager and hire a legit team of people to get her career going in a positive direction.

    Then fire Paves, who is doing her no favors by keeping her hair in that bad of condition.

  42. kelbear says:

    I actually like the show. But I am sure it’s just mainly because I have always been a huge fan of hers.

  43. lin234 says:

    @ Brittney

    “What your fellow commenters fault you for is a failure to correlate the root causes of skin-bleaching trends in Asia with the racist aesthetics of a long-standing white patriarchal Western society. ”

    Actually, lighter skin has always been more favorable with Asians. I think some people have mentioned already that it’s a sign of wealth and privilege: it shows that you don’t have to do manual labor outside. It’s been this way for centuries before foreigners even invaded China. It’s always been a standard. Not ragging on anything just letting you know Westerners don’t always have influence on everything.

    I grew up going to Taiwan but I lived in a state where there have only been a handful of Asians (if that)at the schools I attended from elementary to high school. Most of my classmates had never even been out of the country so I have no idea if this is common knowledge or not and when people learn about it. From my experience, most people who have no knowledge about Asian culture are pretty clueless I guess when it comes to the idea that lighter is prettier in Asian culture. (Especially when some Americans think Asians all look the same, I guess they assume we all have the same coloring too.) But I don’t fault or look down on anyone who doesn’t know. Live and learn. 🙂

  44. Mairead says:

    In western society up to the 1920s having pale skin was considered the most desireable for women as well, as it denoted that you were well-off enough not to have to work outdoors or in a factory, if indeed you had to work at all.

    In all of western art history, right back to the Bronze Age, women are shown has having light skin, regardless of whether it was practicable or not. In the 18th and 19th century from increased travel brought some darker-skinned women into the fray, but these were seen as exotics only.

    It was all Coco Chanel’s doing that made the tan a “must-have”.

    I’m familiar with the current desire in many countries, such as India, for women to have pale skin, not from my university lectures but rather from tv and Cosmo, so in this instance I reckon the “who’s more educated than whom” debate is rather moot.

    But yeah, this dopey act was cute 10 years ago – at nearly 30 a bit of sense wouldn’t go astray.

  45. Emily says:

    Yeah, the pale skin thing is similar to a few centuries ago, when curvy chicks were in, as it meant that they had enough money to eat well.

  46. archiepelago says:

    The ‘happy ending’ comment sounds like something I would have said. I can’t be hating on that.

  47. Kelly says:

    Anyone batshit enough to watch this mess expecting some sort of cosmic insight deserves everything they get!! This limp chicken wing can’t even tie her own shoelaces without getting lost and confused. I used to think her lobotomy act was well, an act, but now I really think she is that stupid, which is amazing.

    As far as the ugly American thing goes, as someone who’s lived in several countries, travelled widely and visited the US, I would say it’s all down to the size of your shitkicker demographic. The plain truth is, there are more mouthbreathers with the cash to travel in the US than in any other western country, so Americans tend to swamp the competition. That and for some reason, many Americans tend to talk VERY LOUDLY which makes them horribly conspicuous. Hence the perception.
    Just saying.

  48. ViktoryGin says:

    BWAAAAAAAAAAHHH! I’d kill for this gig!

    Dr. M and Zelda and Pont Neuf…well-articulated.

    I don’t fault Jessica for lack of formal education as her involvement in the music industry since her teens effectively preempted one, and university is not always an accurate measure of knowledge. I know those who didn’t go, but who pick up a book and/or watch the news. I’ve also met some whom I would I suggest looking into getting a refund.

    With that said, she obviously doesn’t cue herself into the world around her. This is where I take issue. There are plenty of intellecutally accessible media outlets that explore these kinds of socio-cultural issues: Oprah, Tyra Banks. One doesn’t have to be an avid devotee of NPR or come within a mile of an anthropology course to have awareness of these things. The problem is that she’s a cloistered bourgeois “beauty queen” from TX (I’m Texan, I can verify) and this kind of behavior is pitifully typical. Her framework is ethnocentric and myopic, and the only thing that will change it is her desire to want to change it.

    @ Kim,

    While I do agree that there are some who will despise Americans regardless; what offends many non-Americans is our seeming obstinancy to learn something outside of our culture. Admittedly, it’s difficult because we are saturated by our own culture and have to go searching for alternative experiences, but exhibiting some knowledge…like that Australia is not in Europe…goes a long way.

    A side note…

    I went Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand a couple of weeks ago; and that Jessica was in Thailand and was unaware of the infamous SE Asian massages is cringe-worthy. Too bad she wasn’t a sex tourist, then she would have gotten her happy ending.

  49. ViktoryGin says:

    @ Kelly,

    Yes…that we talk too loudly when we go abroad is something that I hear often…and see. It wouldn’t be so bad if most of the time it were about something of substance.

  50. sandra says:

    the name of this site says it all! to each their own! love it!

  51. CeeCee12 says:

    The only thing this twit should be hosting is a variety show on Public Access.

    She is 30 years old for crying out loud.

    The ugly American is no cliche. I ran across him in most of my travels. I have traveled extensively. Sometimes though he is traveling with the unattractive Englishman and the overly obnoxious German.

  52. NicoleAM says:

    I was channel surfing late last night, and I literally only caught about 5 minutes. It was when she spoke to the woman whose skin was so damaged from trying to bleach it. Look at JS’s and her friend’s facial expressions when they’re talking to her. To me it looked like they were trying their darnest to look upset (bad acting). Anyway, I don’t plan on watching ti again.
    Side note: I learned in elementary school that many cultures past and present favored lighter skin because darker skin prob meant you were out all day busting your ass in the fields (ie you were poor).

  53. Kat says:

    How the eff did a post about Jessica Simpson turn into an argument about COLLEGE?

    Huge leap, CB commentators. Huge leap.

  54. VIktoryGin says:

    @53 (Sorry, can’t see your name)

    Pretty easily.

    Jessica Simpson – ignorance – education (lack thereof) – college

    The trajectory seems pretty linear to me.

  55. AE says:

    VH1 showcases reality programs like Rupaul’s Drag Race, Tool Academy, and the Rock of Love. Plus there’s a host of other questionable reality shows out there, but the Washington Post is dissing the sophistication of the Price of Beauty? Oh Right. She wasn’t rude or disrespectful, but the intellectual elite love wearing their superiority complex like a monster mask and try scaring people into seeing what wasn’t there. They’re going to explain to all us common folks the meaning of American ignorance, all the while personally attacking someone because…..why? Is she deemed too old to learn, or is it because she’s blond with boobs, or divorced some dude and didn’t live the dream they had for her? ugghh…..the whole premise of the show is “learning.” So whether it’s Jessica or many of the viewers who probably knew as much as her, what’s the incentive to learn anything when the reward is ridicule for not previously having that knowledge? <>

    I enjoyed the 1st episode of the Price of Beauty. IDK what future episodes will hold, but I was entertained and will be interested enough to watch more. There are so many great examples out there of “ugly Americans” and that 1st episode of the Price of Beauty doesn’t fall anywhere close to that description. After watching Rupaul gush about one of her “girls” wearing a bridal gown with a keyhole next to “her” no no hole? Well, it’s really starting to look ridiculous that a cute little ol’ gal from Texas is taking so much heat because of an inappropriate giggle or gag, or because she never noticed nor was indoctrinated with the ignorant concept and history of dark skinned people being the under class of the world.

  56. ghostbuster says:

    so i watched the show. i like jessica. i think she is honest and goofy with a really big heart. she may not be acting all polished and smooth, but her search for beauty and her kindness shines through. i think she is an excellent person to do the show because of all the crap shes been though and her wide eyed look of the world. theres a beauty in her ‘innocence’. well its just my opinion and thought id put it out to try and diffuse all the hate

  57. t says:

    The Washington Post reviewer is right. Simpson’s persona is tiresome. What’s also tiresome, are her fans who can’t seem to support her without personally attacking people who do not find her entertaining.

  58. Emily says:

    @Kelly and ViktoryGin, yeah, I think it’s just the loudness. But it could be, that as English speakers, we’re able to pick their accents and thus know we’re they’re from, easier than if they were speaking a different European language, or an Asian one.

    Plus the more intelligent American tourists are more likely to realise that speaking loudly about your ignorance of whatever country you’re in is a bad, embarassing idea, and, you know, speak quieter.

  59. ViktoryGin says:

    @ 55

    While I concede that television is littered with low-brow programming with daft hosts trying to hit pay dirt, the reason that people are being especially derisve of this show and Simpson is two-fold: the subject of the program IN CONJUNCTION with the choice of host.

    By the producers’ decision to hire Simpson they have effectively compromised what is a sensitive topic. Contrary to what some may believe, dealing other cultures well is a skill; and it takes awareness, patience, understanding…and, yes, a certain degree of knowledge informal or otherwise. This is why not just anyone can be a diplomat. This is why international relations is an accredited major at most universities. Granted, Simpson is not a politician and this program isn’t being featured on PBS; but that doesn’t mitigate the that these issues ought to ideally be dealt with using aplomb that Simpson just doesn’t have. She seems like a nice girl, but they really should have had her hosting a show about hair weaves or something. To use an example, it’s similar (though not exact) to when the BBC hired Lohan for their child trafficking documentary, which was absolutely contemptous. Lohan doesn’t have the character or experience to treat something as grave as 8 year girls being sold for sex seriously. While Simpson’s show isn’t about trafficking, the point here is that the producers who are the brains behind these programs are mishandling culturally pertinent issues by throwing star power in front of them to boost ratings at the expense of the people on the other side of the dialogue…namely these people of the other cultures who probably don’t appreciate being objects of triviality for bored and uninformed Westerners.


  60. ViktoryGin says:

    @ Emily,

    Perhaps, but I’ve also heard this from non-native English speakers particularly Koreans and the French.

    I do hear it a LOT from Irish, Aussie, and Brit acqaintances, so I agree that it may be a factor.

  61. Jasmin says:

    I am a Thai American, so I wanted to see how she would react.

    Wow, she should have at least known the basics of the culture or somone should’ve informed her.

    Thai women are conservative and half the time she or her friend were in shorts and had a little cleavage going on. Half the time, they didn’t do the proper greeting either.

    I was shocked when the two were practically vommitting in the market place because of a fried bug. Really? Maybe it is a culture shock but what did you expect, that’s really disrespectful and immature, you could at least try to not be so rude. I’ve had a fried bug before and I didn’t cause a scene. I remember she said, “If Cacee does it, I’ll do it too.” In regards to eating the bug, well does that mean if Cacee starts gagging and making puke-sounds I’ll do it too?

    And then of course the whole laughing while meditating with the monk and practically flashing them when she went to bow.

    And let’s not forget how she had to ‘rest’ her feet on the man who was guiding the Elephant. That’s a huge disrespect to place your feet on someone in Thai culture.

    Maybe if she wasn’t wearing high heels she wouldn’t have had to.

    This doesn’t personally ‘offend’ me but I’m just surprised because you’d figure with the purpose of the show and the opportunity she would handle it with more respect and seriousness and actually give a crap about the culture.
    This was awful to watch.

    But then again, what was I expecting it’s Jessica Simpson.

  62. sky says:

    struggling to watch episode 3 listening to the snide comments/insults and laughing at yet another culture by these 3 rude morons. the concept of the show is okay, however, cay cee cobb and ken paves are even less appealing with no talent whatsoever. they are more obvious than most hanger ons celebs have to deal with. poor Jess has foot the bill for Cay Cee for years and now her newest leech is repulsive Ken Paves.

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