Katie Holmes moves from Stepford wife to nag

The gossip rags have moved on from calling wan Katie Holmes a brainwashed Stepford wife to championing the changes in her after she made an appearance at Paris fashion week without Tom. I guess a new face makes all the difference.

In Touch says she’s calling the shots now, and claims she’s trying to get her career back and is taking advice from Victoria Beckham to make sure her man is under control:

Until recently, Katie has rarely been seen unless she is attached to Tom’s hip at his kid’s soccer games, on the red carpet and at charity events. After she met Tom, Katie shut out most of her old friends in order to give Tom constant attention. However, her new, close friendship with Victoria Beckham is changing everything.

The duo travelled to Paris on January 23 to attend Couture Week. Strong, confident Victoria, 32, “is helping Katie assert her power and independence,” and insider says, and – as the mother of three boys… giving her tips on how to be a working mom…

Lately, Katie seems stifled around Tom. At a party for musician Prince at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel on January 15, “Tom practically had to drag her around,” an onlooker tells In Touch. And when Tom had a conversation with 24 star Keifer Sutherland, “Katie just stood there, looking totally bored,” the witness says.

[From In Touch print edition, January 12, 2007]

The article goes on to say that Katie is focusing on her career now and that she is in talks to star in what is sure to be a crappy movie with Queen Latifah called Mad Money. They say Tom wants more kids but that Katie probably won’t be popping out another one soon.

In Touch is most likely checking out the pictures and making this story up, but it seems fundamentally true. Katie is branching out, and if we can be forgiven for engaging in this same overanalysis of paparazzi photos, she looks like she’s having a good time, but also that she’s acting for the cameras and no longer thinks Tom is a God like everyone else in his cult religion.

If you check out the pictures of her out with him in Miami on Superbowl weekend she has this faraway look in her eye. It’s possible that she’s planning her next move, and that she really has broken out of that Stepford mold. Those must be the thetans talking though, and some intense auditing should cure her.

Here are Katie and Tom leaving their hotel in Miami on 2/3.

Story via Sammie’s Effluvia. Pictures from KatieHolmes.com.

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8 Responses to “Katie Holmes moves from Stepford wife to nag”

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  1. declanium says:

    wow! is the contract up already? Nicole had to put in more years than this no-talent hag……….

  2. aneurysm says:

    i can’t stand katie holmes but those sunglasses she has on are a diff story.

  3. UrbanDK says:

    Maybe its the hat … whenever you dress like a Depression era Newsie you get that smart alekky Mickey Rooney vibe going strong …

  4. countrybabe says:

    She certainly looks like baby Posh in that hat with the sunglasses. That shirt is awful. This article seems half true in its analysis. It seems like she morphs into whoever she is with.

    She can work at it all she wants, it seems like her career is over. She’s not stupid, maybe she sees Tom as a sinking ship.

    Since when isd Posh a working mom?

  5. Bette says:

    I cannot WAIT for the implosion!

  6. anonymous says:

    Run Katie, Run!

  7. frewtloop says:

    Oh My God – Connor looks like a little Tubbs from Miami Vice in the white linen jacket and mirrored shades. Tom’s turning him into a dork – he should be dressing like a teenager not a pimp.

  8. muah says:

    how weird would it be to marry some actor who has a cult following that thinks that he is their personal jesus??
    their world must be like an acid trip.
    id like to see katie dump him and go be with her former love chris klein, the probable father of her baby. its a pretty baby, but im sorry, suri is an ugly name. xenu gives me gas.

    katie is only a few years older than tom’s adopted daughter.