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26 Responses to “50 Cent’s Long Island home burns down in suspicious fire”

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  1. vdantev says:

    West Coast M……. F…… !!

    Seriously, I believe in child maintenance and parents (not JUST dads) paying their share, but this sense of entitlement is just grotesque! Your kid doesn’t deserve a mansion just because you want one.

  2. Cici says:

    is it me or does that house just look like a bigger version of a manufactured home? i don’t know why, but i had higher expectations.

  3. Devilgirl says:

    Like any man would “promise” half of his earnings for life to a woman. Men promise lots of things during pillow talk, but half of their life time earnings isn’t one of them. As to who the arsonist is, my money is on her. If she can’t have the house, and her case seems weak, I bet she felt that he shouldn’t either and torched it. She probably figures his past and present associations will shine the light of guilt in him and he will be blamed. She also probably figures she will get something better because she and the child are now displaced.

  4. JayBird says:

    Yeah, I’m really into supporting single mothers, but it’s the sense of entitlement this woman has that is ridiculous. She definitely deserves good child support in line with her kid’s father’s income. But that doesn’t mean he owes her a multi-million dollar house. He owes paying for half of his child’s home. Not the same thing. And I agree – that house is ugly and generic looking. If it were built anywhere other than where it is, it wouldn’t be worth 1/3 of its value.

  5. Bodhi says:

    So her other child isn’t 50’s? So she expects 50 to support another man’s child as well as his own? Um… that doest seem right to me…

  6. Bellatrix says:

    That house looks rather cheap, indeed, CiCi. Much ado about nothing…

    What I am still trying to understand is how one can call their son “Marquise” which is a noble title for a woman. Not a man (that would have been “Marquis”).
    Sometimes I remain speechless.

  7. Enonymouse says:

    I think I get were she is coming from. 50 cent has to buy a good house for his son (not the mother) to live in and of course the mother, being the primary care taker, will enjoy the benefit of that. I think 50 cent is the type of person who likes to get a ‘one up’ against his ex just for the sake of it.

    Also, I agree. That house does not seem to be worth that $2.4 million price tag.

  8. Devilgirl says:

    Why does he owe her anything above child support? What about the father of her other child? Does he owe her a house too? Or is it 50cent the only one who owes her something because he is successful? Supporting your child, I agree, and I think that she can do it on $22,000 a month. I know women who get $500 a month and seem to make it o.k supporting their kid. He doesn’t owe her jack. He owes child support to a child that was conceived with a woman who he never married and that is it. I am soooooo sick of these women, married/dating celebrities making ridiculous demands, when lets face it, most of them came into these relationships with eyes, legs and wallets WIDE OPEN!

  9. RaeJillian says:

    the value isn’t so much the actual building but the layout and the land. that house in the middle of a field in another state would be considerably less.

  10. Persistent Cat says:

    My money is on him. He seems like the kind of guy that would rather destroy something than let someone else have it because that would mean they “beat” him.

    I hate when people give kids french names not knowing the masculine/feminine structure. Case in point, Shiloh Nouvel. Should be Nouvelle. But it sounds all fancy n’ shit so …..

  11. Jill says:

    Easy solved, she did the dirty work. She wants sympathy from the judge. 50 has millions and millions of bucks. He has too much to loose. She did it.

  12. daisfly says:

    She apparently went to the Heather Mills School of Gold Digging…

    No child needs 5 digits worth of ANYTHING a month unless he’s got some terminal illness.

    Maybe that’s it.

    He’s got golddiggermamaitis.

  13. elisa says:

    To be fair, 10 years ago 50 wasn’t that successful…so she probably wasn’t a golddigger when she slept with him and gave birth to her son. But her demands now are ridiculous.

  14. Devilgirl says:

    Persistent Cat, in the case of Shiloh “NOUVEL” it should be spelled just as it is, as the middle name is after Pitt’s favorite architect, Jean Nouvel. 😉

  15. Cari says:

    OMFG. Daisfly, that is some funny sh*t!!

    Devilgirl, ITA with your first two posts.

    And it’s ridiculous that this being a post about “Fiddy”, someone found a way to throw in a comment about Shiloh. 🙄

  16. fearnot1 says:

    This Baby “Mammie” Drama has went too far. I Do Not Believe 50 had 1 thing to do with this Burning-MESS. This Ghetto Chick is totally WILDNOUT all over the place, she is totally STUPID. She gets $15,000 dollars a month to take care of her and 50 son and all she does is complain on TV and try to set him up. 50 Go N Get UR Son before the wicked WITCH and her Boyz from the Hood come up with a more STUPID deadlier plan.

  17. Predatory Cougar says:

    It’s me, I set the fire! Shaniqua and Fitty are innocent. I was jealous of the Mc Mansion!

  18. rose says:

    @ fearnot1
    The word “mammie” is considered a racial slur against black women and the word holds many negative connotations.I would appreciate if you no dot use that word in reference to a black woman no matter how you feel about her.

  19. fearnot1 says:

    Well Rose where I’m from the word “MAMMIE” means an UNFIT MOTHER, because where I’m from just having a BABY doesnt make you a Mother regardless of COLOR, taking care of, loving and protecting our children makes us Mothers any other female with children who dont conform are Mammies, you are more than welcome to stick to your old rituals that your right but some of us have chosen to move on into the truth. We dont give honors where I’m from we EARN them in the LIFE we live and we are from all nationalites of this earth.

  20. rose says:

    Tell me? Did Shaniqua served as wet nurse to your children? Because that is what a “mammie”is.
    You must be from Mars then because the word “mammie” is a racial slur and is considered offensive in this country no matter how you try to spin it.

  21. Persistent Cat says:

    @ Devilgirl,

    If a francophone wanted to name their child after a man named René and they had a girl, they would name her Renée. If they wanted to be correct, they would have named her the female equivalent, which is Nouvelle. This just shows their pretention.

  22. Cari says:

    ^^ 🙄 ^^

  23. PRADA… says:


  24. Persistent Cat says:

    If you look at his timeline on, it doesn’t seem like he was making bank until 2002.

  25. Caddi says:

    Her boyfriend and people who should not been there probaly got mad cause thier good times was coming to and end. And she had it done saying if I cant leave in the house no one will.
    50 cent I got your back caddi out the 305.

  26. Ami Lemery says:

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