50 Cent plays with $500k in cash, posts photos on twitter: obnoxious, funny or dumb?

50 Cent isn’t getting enough attention for impersonating his dog, dating what’s her drunk-face, and being a homophobe, so he tweeted some photos of himself playing with 1/2 a million in cash. He should have gone for something more interesting, like diamonds, but he definitely wouldn’t have had as much bang for his buck. Adriana Lima’s diamond bra was worth four times that amount and she has great boobs to draw our eyes to the gems. You know, 50 could have just converted that money to dimes and nickels and then waded in it naked. That would have taken more planning though. As is is, he probably went to the bank and withdrew the money just for this little photo op.

Here are 50s pics in order from oldest to newest, along with the captions he tweeted.

I’m eating good baby and I’m still hungry. Lol

A half a mill for lunch anyone ?lol

I’m designing a house now I have a good idea. Lol

Who said I don’t have a heart. Lol

This is the life baby I’m going to Vegas to gamble with floyd ill double this quick.

Holy shit bat man I think I’m rich. Lol

I don’t know what I’m going to do today but I’m going to have fun. Do you believe me?

50 is only proving that all the money in the world can’t stave off boredom for a narcissist. It also can’t buy creativity, common sense, sensitivity or skill in photography.

Story via Gossip Cop.

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54 Responses to “50 Cent plays with $500k in cash, posts photos on twitter: obnoxious, funny or dumb?”

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  1. Randomness says:

    F U 50. You’re as cheap as your name implies.

  2. Deeta says:

    He is trying so hard to stay relevant!

  3. STACY says:

    If only he could buy himself some class , an actual hit and/or some relevance.


  4. Crash2GO2 says:

    My vote is for obnoxious.

  5. alwayssurprised says:

    He looks lonely 🙁 Money doesn’t buy happiness….

  6. Me1st says:

    me thinks he is going to get robbed by his neighbors or wanna be burglar bunch kids that stole from hollyweird last year

  7. Praise St. Angie! says:

    obnoxious, and a vulgar display.

    I don’t really have a problem if a celeb buys a nice house, a nice car, goes on a nice vacation, has nice clothes…they earned the money to spend how they want to. And they’re not doing those things to show off their money but to enjoy it.

    but to post with/show off half a million in cash, just to show that you have that much money?…


  8. Jen says:

    Wow, what a class act, huh?

  9. anoneemouse says:

    Give it to charity freak-face

  10. nvrmnd says:


  11. anoneemouse says:

    Although…..it could have been worse…he could have posted pics of him and horse-face rolling around in it.

  12. Sarah says:

    @ Randomness, the first thing that popped into my head was F-U 50 cent. lol.

  13. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    What a dumbass. One of my doctors walked up while I was reading this and her take on this was -DUMB

  14. lu says:

    I hate twitter and twit pics, it is only for narcissist famous assholes.

  15. Miss says:

    This is kinda sad.

  16. lucy2 says:

    What an opportune moment for a flash fire, or at least just a big gust of wind.

  17. Goober says:

    I think of all the people out there who didn’t make it and are living on the street, penniless, now in this time of economic collapse.
    Brothers and Sisters who are starving, children etc.
    This kind of display is as bad as the Banks and Government who made many of us poor. I’m sure the big execs are playing with their bailout money in their backyards too. They are just not as dumb to post pics of it.
    Not impressed.

  18. truthSF says:

    50 Cent plays with $500k in cash, posts photos on twitter: obnoxious, funny or dumb?

    ALL THE ABOVE!!!!!

  19. Delta Juliet says:


  20. Praise St. Angie! says:

    right on, lucy2!!!

  21. Sigh. says:

    Right or wrong, the first thing that popped into my head: “MAN, his penis must be REALLLY small.”

    True story.

  22. aenflex says:


  23. womanfromthenorth says:

    Obnoxious Douche

    When so many are doing without, this is sick.

  24. jamie says:


  25. JB says:

    Someone should rob that douche.

  26. Lois says:

    My jaw actually nearly hit the floor when I saw these photos, what a total idiot! >:( Just go away please…

  27. Tawana says:

    Honey Hush! He can do no wrong!

  28. Jan says:

    Stupid is as stupid does. He does not have the brain power to use that money to buy himself some class or education.

  29. Jaquebelle says:

    Enjoy it while it lasts lol. The money never lasts and pretty soon 50 Cent will represent his bank account balance. It might also behoove this fool to Google MC Hammer’s career. His future will indeed involve a great deal of paper. Paper or plastic. One love.

  30. jeane says:

    In the words of the fabulous Dorothy Parker:

    “If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to.”

  31. Manda3 says:

    BOOOO. Go f*** YOURSELF.

  32. LOL he is such a loser, we know that isn’t from his last 2 flop albums…
    What do you wanna bet Kim K hangin round him soon? lol

  33. GatsbyGal says:

    Okay, if it was just that one photo of him trying to the eat the money with a knife and fork, that’d be pretty funny. But after the third picture it’s like…we GET it, 50, you’re rich. Stop rubbing our faces in it and go, like, donate it to Doctors Without Borders or something. Seriously, if 1/2 a million is nothing to him, he really should do more charitable things with it. Lots of folks in need could actually USE that cash you’re putting in your mouth, 50.

  34. Sharonkings says:

    LOL! I’ve always like 50. Pretty douchey move but then again, its 50.

  35. Sassy says:

    Gross, douchey and obnoxious. People are losing their jobs, homes and trying to make enough to feed their families and this jackass does this? I don’t care if someone is rich – great, more power to them. BUT there’s no need to be such an asshole about it.

  36. Kyli says:

    Just another ignorant, new money hustler. The type that will be bankrupt in 20 years because he “forgot” to pay taxes. If you have that kind of money great, keep it in the bank. Showing off that you have “cash” just proves how ignorant and new you are to having that kind of lifestyle. Truly wealthy people who actually sign this ignorant jackasses paychecks would never sink so low….

  37. mauweebound says:

    so many people hope they’ll be able to pay their mortgage every month, myself included since the economy tanked and then you see this, what a douche!

    ( not meaning to throw a pity party, just the way it is)

  38. Kristin says:

    Man, I would bone him so hard!

  39. Heat says:

    I’m no Fiddy fan by any stretch, but what exactly do we want from him? He’s a rapper! Being bad-a$$ is what they do. He’s not going for any humanitarian awards, right? And, since we are talking about him at ALL means that the ploy worked.

  40. Chris says:

    Mwahahaha, I’m rich! Rich I tell ya! mwahahaha mwahahaha.

  41. Ricci says:

    I am with Kirstin! He is HOT!

  42. gg says:

    Heat, this is precisely WHY I HATE RAP AND RAPPERS. You can’t buy maturity or class. Disgusting.

    Kyli, you are correct.

    And didn’t this maroon buy Mike Tyson’s house in some grossly overpaid amount and now can’t get rid of it so he’s stuck with this money pit he can’t afford to keep up? And he’s playing with cash? What is the politically correct term now ? – developmentally disabled?

  43. sobriquet says:

    50 cent: pictured with the last of his money

  44. jover says:

    Heat there’s nothing bad ass about this; bad ass would be walking through the hood flashing this cash; wonder how long it would be in his hands – a loser a yes the MC hammer comparison is apt, but isn’t MC a minister now. Sad, but without the money he’s just another uneducated black dude with no skills in a post industrial economy.

  45. Heather says:

    Looks more like a ball sack than a heart

  46. Dr_Venkman says:

    Is he sucking a dead president in the last pic?

  47. PD says:

    @jover – Agreed. Walk through any area and see how long you can keep all that money you are playing with.
    It just shows what an ass he is.

  48. gsspgrrrul says:

    Dude, someone tell him to use some of that cash to buy patio furniture and get rid of those director chairs…

  49. kiki says:

    stop hating chelsea shes funnier than most and we need more female comedians

  50. milesaugust says:

    Only in America, he should be on his knees thanking his lucky stars every day. Anybody who calls this a racist country is nuts, plain and simple.

  51. LT says:

    I want to like 50, but he’s making it really difficult.

  52. Anonymous says:

    I was reading a story recently about how Social Network sites are havens for Narcissistics. They compared it to people who like to constantly look at themselves in the mirror. I think these pics are the epitome of that.

  53. loopygorilla says:

    money doesnt buy class and this shows.
    and plus, he is sooo desperate these days, since people are no longer “shocked” by him.

    maybe he can bang kim kardashian and release a porn tape like she did with ray j.

    it might extend his 20 seconds of fame.

  54. bagladey says:

    What’s the point? Going at the money with a knife and fork? What was that – a photo shoot? Why does 50 have so much time on his hands? Why isn’t he in the studio working on an album? 50 looks like a desperate fool; he’s pushing hard against the “has been” title that’s creeping up and he’s staging stunts. Maybe Chelsea Handler is a stunt too.