Did Gwyneth Paltrow Botox the hell out of her face?

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This is perhaps the question of the week, even more so than “Why does Angelina Jolie dress like supervillainess Velvet Dong Tug?” and Is Michael C. Hall a douche to women? Ever since many of us saw photos of Gwyneth’s (allegedly) jacked, Botoxy face this week, the question has been “What the hell did Goopy do to herself?” Us Weekly even ran a mean piece online called “Did Gwyneth Paltrow Botox Her Forehead?” Anyway, I think she did. CB thinks she did. Some of you agree, some of you disagree. But a new layer has been added to the speculation! Goopy’s mom Blythe Danner (Mother Goop) gave some quotes to Us Weekly that suggest, in a round-about way, that Goop did in fact get ‘Toxed:

Blythe Danner has a message for Hollywood: there’s nothing wrong with a little Botox.

The day after daughter Gwyneth Paltrow, 38, stepped out looking especially fresh-faced, the actress, 67, hinted at her own dabbling at Wednesday’s Little Fockers premiere in NYC.

“Well, I think we’ve all fooled around with it,” Danner told UsMagazine.com. “I won’t go into detail, but we all need a little help from our friends!”

Continued the star, “I think, you know, we’ve got so much at our fingertips now, why not take advantage of it? There are extraordinary things that can help us now.”

Still she told Us she’s not a fan of all plastic surgery. “I mean I can’t stand the big, puffy lips,” she said. “That stuff is just crazy! And the cheekbones that come out to here! I feel like, “Why do they think they have to do that?”

A little Botox wasn’t the only thing Danner was gushing about. She told Us of Paltrow, “She is a fantastic hostess! She is a great, great cook. I really don’t know how she does it all.”

Her top skill? “She’s the best mother I’ve ever seen,” said Danner. “She’s unbelievably patient.”

As for Paltrow’s kids with hubby Chris Martin, 6-year-old Apple and 4-year-old Moses, “They’re so perfect — truly, they are,” said Danner. “Quite remarkable! I’ve just never met children like this, that are so secure and have such great self-control and self-image. They’re just great kids.”

[From Us Weekly]

So is Blythe defending her daughter’s Botox usage, or is she just speaking in general terms? That remains to be seen. But I tend to think Goopy was ‘Toxing, and that she’ll probably come out with some strange defense sometime soon, probably in a Goop newsletter: “My dear friend Michelle Obama called me recently for parenting tips, and to compliment my Christmas wreath design, and she mentioned a special organic face cream that is only sold to rich people. I said, ‘Oh, Michelle, are you talking about Fluffertox Diamond Cream? I’ve known about that for YEARS, darling. Here’s the Swiss bank account number where you‘ll need to wire the money! They only accept Kronors.’ And that‘s why I look this way.”



Photos courtesy of WENN.

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57 Responses to “Did Gwyneth Paltrow Botox the hell out of her face?”

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  1. WhiteNoise says:

    Based on these 2 pics, I think she looks way more natural in the 2010 one. So whatever she’s doing, she’s doing it right.

    But yeah, you’re right, she would totally do any number of procedures and explain them away as the direct result of her own extra special superior form of positive thought. 🙂

  2. merry says:

    I love Blythe Danner! She’s an adorable woman, incredibly professional actress, it would seem. How the eck did Gwyneth grow to be FrozenStick McGoopy is a mistery to me.

  3. Henriette says:

    Blythe is an intelligent, complex, interesting person. It’s sad that most accomplished men of her age, if single (whether always single or thru divorce or becoming widowers), prefer to go for women half their age. She deserves to grow old with a romantic partner!

  4. Sara says:

    Gwen looks beautiful!!!
    If she did use botox, I can’t tell!!!

  5. Rachel says:

    If there was work done, it was good work. The other women of Hollywood should take note and get the number of her doctor.

  6. Embee says:

    I think she looks the same, and natural. Blythe is really lovely, isn’t she?

  7. Marjalane says:

    I think she did it, but I think she had it done by someone who really knew how to do it well. Someone needs to give Nicole Kidman that number.

  8. janie says:

    you would die before feeding your kids top ramen but inject Botulism toxins right into your forehead.hmm.

  9. The Truth Fairy says:

    She is so gross.

  10. serena says:

    I don’t think so. In the second photo she looks tired as hell, hair much more blonde, and very pale foundation.

    Those are the only differences.

  11. Hautie says:

    Isn’t Gwennie 38/39 years old? Her complexion looks great. I don’t really see the tox on her.

    The only thing she seems to have issue’s with, loving bad hair do’s. She is another one with naturally curly hair that beats it into submission.

    But this new movie of hers. Looks like a red hot mess.

  12. Delta Juliet says:

    OMG Kaiser

    Your “conversation” between Goopy and Michelle Obama had my cracking up at my desk.

  13. Louwho says:

    Her face didn’t look as weird that same night on Conan. It almost looks like she’d been crying or something that morning because she didn’t get nominated for a Golden Globe when Angelina was in the musical/comedy category, just to get Brangelina to show up at the ceremony.

    And of COURSE she has botox, but I think it’s usually well done and not the cause of her strange puffiness that day.

  14. Mrs.Darcy says:

    I still see slight (natural for her age) forehead wrinkles, and the skin tone is much tanner/heavier eye makeup in the first pic so it’s hard to say. I vote no for now. I really can’t ser her doing botox unless they invent some organic ayurvedic botox that the minions cannot access!

  15. bored says:

    She just looks a bit older but in a really beautiful way.

  16. cprincess says:

    Of course shes had some filler and botox but they main thing she needs to do is darken down her eyebrows a little and put some contrast in that fried hair….
    I find her completely sexless.

  17. summer_solstice says:

    She looks ok. I can’t tell if she has had anything done.

  18. poppy says:

    wtf?!?! i used to love me some danner and always wondered how she spawned such a beast but wtf?
    it is ok to botox but you can’t do anything else?

    the before and after pics make it look pretty obvious she had a mini-lift (brow and/or eye) a few years ago that is settling well. the work she has had done is the best. botox and fillers definitely. she used to have little smile lines around her eyes when she was in her 20s so where did they go?
    when a celebrity is falsely accused of botox it is easy to quash the rumor…
    all they have to do is scowl or raise their brows in surprise in one picture. good luck finding pictures of her, angelina, kidman, hell, almost all of them, making a face that would lay to rest the rumors once and for all.
    if there are pictures, please let me know. i’d be happy to change my tune.

    i’m so disappointed in blythe.

  19. OXA says:

    She has the chipmunk cheek thing going on, if she ain’t careful she could look like Heather Locklear.

  20. annaloo says:

    GAWD, WHY is she trying so hard???! On her clothes, her singing, her face, her kid’s betrothal…just working so hard to stay in the spotlight

    She was annoying enough as it is, but it’s admittedly difficult to watch Miss Holier-Than-Thou grovelling for acceptance and giving into the fear…

  21. K-MAC says:

    She looks great! Whatever it is, it has been done extremely well.

  22. original kate says:

    “I find her completely sexless.”

    this comment made me laugh, and i agree. there are some famous people i don’t particularly like but i can see their sex appeal because they are either gorgeous or you know they would have hot dirty sex all night. goopy is neither to me, just bland, boring and tedious. she always looks so cold, like you would have to put on mittens to touch her.

  23. lucy2 says:

    Hard to tell, drastically different lighting in the two photos. If she did anything it’s minor and looks fine.

    I really like Blythe too, and I think the difference is she seems to have more of a sense of humor and doesn’t take herself as seriously – she has all the elegance and sophistication, but doesn’t have to tell people about it all the time.

  24. samihami says:

    Not a fan of Goopy’s, but if she had work done, it was done well. Can’t fault her in that regard.

  25. Happymom says:

    Did you guys actually read Blythe’s comments about how amazing Gwyneth and her children are?! I know she’s a proud mother and grandmother-but good lord! No wonder Goopy thinks so much of herself!

  26. hellen says:

    I want some of those happy-pills that Blythe is so obviously taking.

  27. anti says:

    her 2010 pic looks a little like kirsten dunst…

  28. everly o says:

    Happymom— I was thinking the same thing!!!! And in regards to the botox question– yes I think she’s done it–so what.However I do think it looks HORRID,it makes her even more manish looking if that’s even possible.

  29. Jeri says:

    Goop looked really wrinkled on Glee, maybe she watched it, went “EW!” and tried to make herself look younger.

    Or one of her good friends phoned and told her what an old hag she was turning into.

  30. terryo says:

    Beautiful women grow more beautiful by the year. Gywneth is on her way to becoming a goddess!

  31. LololoL says:

    She doesn’t have any lines at all. She’s gonna end up lookin like Nicole Kidman.

  32. gg says:

    Black eyeliner like in the picture on the left always looks bad on blondes – hell it looks bad on most people period. Can’t really see eyes, just blackness.

  33. Mary Stevens says:

    The one who has ruined her looks with fillers and/or surgeries is Blythe Danner. I was shocked by recent pictures of her with Gwyneth: she used to be much more naturally beautiful than her daughter; now she looks stretched and pulled almost beyond recognition. The Joan Rivers syndrome, almost. I regret that Ms. Danner had all that work done by doctors less than well qualified. She is no longer as lovely as she’s been throughout her lifetime. Alas.

  34. melangie says:

    I agree with most everyone here- what she’s done does look good. It looks like she’s had the tox above her eyebrow. Getting it there will give a little lift so you see more eyelid- less droop for goop.

  35. KsGirl says:

    Definitely Botox above the eyebrows. Whoever did it did it fairly well, but if you know what to look for (it’s hard to explain – a sort of ‘more open’ look to the whole brow/forehead region) it’s easy to spot. I think she’s had some subtle filler work, too.

    This is what happens when you get relatively good work done. There’s a debate about whether or not you’ve done it.

  36. Jaxx says:

    I don’t understand why anyone would paralyze their face. With Botulism. I know they have massive pressure on them to stay young but ewwwwwwww, not for me. I’ll take being able to form an expression anyday. Even with wrinkles.

    Can’t stand goop.

  37. jojo says:

    That is the first time B. Danner has come across as annoying to me. People seem to like to crawl up B.D’s ass and I am sort of over it. It’s not like she is Shirley Maclaine or Jane Fonda.

  38. Bill Hicks is God says:

    Danner’s arrogance in this interview is astounding, “There are extraordinary things that can help us now…”

    For people your son-in-law advocates for Blythe, that extraordinary thing is called “food,” and I don’t know, maybe “water” or is that too extravagant?

    Jesus, we’re talking about injecting botulism toxin into faces as an extraordinary thing to help people? You mean rich/famous/narcissistic people. Pull your head out of your self-entitled ass.

  39. april says:

    She looks like she had her nose done. It’s much more shapely now. It looks like she also had a lot of fillers in her cheeks. It gives her more volume and youthfulness. She looks much better with the cosmetic procedures done.

  40. Jojo says:

    eyes done – in the old pic you can’t see outer sides of the lids, in the new one you can. Maybe cheek implants, but I’m not sure on that one.

  41. Dragana says:

    let me ask you something… is this important news?

  42. lala in nYc says:

    she’s beginning to look a lot more like her mom

  43. Kim says:

    DUHHHHH – Obviously YES! She looked so much better before. I dont get this overbotoxing???

  44. hyuch says:

    Blythe Danner is less up herself than Goop? Ummm, did you READ her comments? HER daughter is the best mother in the world, HER grandchildren are “remarkable” or whatever. How incredibly smug. No wonder her daughter is a total pain in the butt. I think that whole family needs someone to prick their ego baloons and bring them back down to earth.

  45. Dana M says:

    I think she looks better in the 2010 pic. Whatever she is doing looks great. I think she is very beautiful. Who really gives a rat’s IF she’s had any work done!? I don’t. Good for her if she did cuz it looks very natural.

  46. Trashaddict says:

    Maybe she just got laid.

  47. Kath says:

    I’m so sick of her, couldn’t care less about her face.

  48. JenJen says:

    She just had that ugly mole on her forehead removed, finally.

  49. JenJen says:

    Of course they are all great and perfect!
    Why doesn’t Blythe buy a wig then and finally do something with that mop? No we don’t all need botox, beotch……
    If the G’s kids have such great self-control why does she need so much patience? What BS phonies.

  50. Elmer says:

    looks more natural and actually kinda hot on the 2010 pic

  51. frewt says:

    She’s had an upper blepharoplasty – its quite obvious. If you look at previous pics, she had hooded eyes that didn’t expose any of the lid just above her upper eyelashes. Now that lid is quite obvious. This is the result of a minor surgical proceedure called a blepharoplasty where the excess skin is removed and the scar hidden in the crease. I know, Ive had it done also and so has Catherine Zeta, Maddonna, Jane Fonda, Sharon Stone and numerous others. Paltrow was a perfect and obvious candidate for this procedure because although those hooded lids looks quite lovely in youth, the excess skin sitting on top of the lashes can become quite aging and problematic in middle age. She may have combined this with some botox or a keyhole brow lift which has raised her brows slightly.

  52. original kate says:

    @ bill hicks: thank you! that is exactly what i thought, too. how horrible they all are.

  53. dj says:

    @ original kate. HA-lariously stated. Couldn’t agree more.

  54. Desi_Chick4 says:

    She oozes ugly.

  55. Johnthing says:

    Same old boring hairstyle.

  56. buena says:

    I thought she was Heidi Montag. Where’s Spencer? Where the hell is Paltrow’s husband?????

  57. smh says:

    i wish she did my poor eyes a favour and put a paper bag on it. can you imagine the horror that her children face everyday? yikes!