Bradley Cooper on the success of Limitless: “We were all very surprised”

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A tousled and scruffy Bradley Cooper was on the Today Show this morning. (Video above.) He came across pretty well and only talked about his new movie, Limitless with Robert DeNiro, and his upcoming film Hangover 2, which is out at the end of May. No one asked him about Renee Zellweger, and you know that Ann Curry and her sperm eyebrows* were just dying to get the scoop on the breakup but that she was told to put a lid on it ahead of time. Bradley’s “mistress is his work,” though and that’s all he’ll talk about now that he’s a leading man.

On his movie Limitless being number one at the box office
Crazy, we were all very surprised. It’s a drama, it’s a thriller, it didn’t cost that much, it cost like $27 million dollars… It’s a unique story you never know how that’s going to play out in the marketplace.

On working with DeNiro
[It was] scary in a way… He’s such a great guy. It was probably the easiest time I’ve ever had acting. He’s just very present. He forces you to be present.

On his role as a lead
You’re by yourself with the director… I wish we could have shot it in sequence. Before he takes the drug he’s supposed to be heavy, so I would eat a lot of Chinese food the night before.

On Hangover Two
I’m so excited. I really feel like it could be just amazing.

[Transcribed from Bradley Cooper on The Today Show, 3-24-11, video above]

He seems like a decent guy and I don’t buy the stories that Renee was his beard but it’s very hard to get a read on him. Like he’s closed off somehow and seems secretive, which is how those stories got started in the first place. (That and his four month marriage.) Bradley is a big box office draw now, so we can look forward to hearing about whichever woman his publicist sends him out on a date with next. You know that will happen soon.

*I’m sure I got that sperm eyebrow thing about Ann Curry from Michael K at DListed. Photos are from the Limitless premiere on 3/8 and outside The Late Show on 3/15. Credit: Fame and





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27 Responses to “Bradley Cooper on the success of Limitless: “We were all very surprised””

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  1. DenG says:

    Stubble face–man, oh, man, I can’t escape. Commit to clean shaven or legitimate facial hair, buddy. Scruffy ain’t good.

  2. brin says:

    Paging J Biel….ready for your next hook-up.

  3. CoffeeTalk says:

    He seems queer as a three dollar bill to me but I appreciate the fact that he doesn’t talk about his personal life and keep his appearances about promoting his projects like an actor should.

    I’m kinda surprised that it’s done well (because it looks awful) but at the same time people really believe that nonsensical urban legend about us only using 10% of our brains.

    If we only used 10% of our brains, we wouldn’t be able to function.

  4. Az says:

    I saw him on Inside the Actors’ Studio and he came off as very funny and charming and very, very gracious.

  5. Sassy says:

    Ditto, CoffeeTalk….a THREE DOLLA’ BILL FO SHO!!! Sorry, can’t help but say that…can’t exactly put MY FINGER ON WHY THAT IS…but for me, it just “rings true.”

  6. Johanna says:

    “queer as a three dollar bill”

    WTH does that even mean? Wait, don’t answer that. I don’t mean to attack you but your statement is offensive.

  7. Katie says:

    I’m a big Bradley. When I saw Hangover, I fell in love, but then I realized I had seen him in things before and never noticed him. Don’t know how I missed him. I love him especially b/c he has an English degree from Georgetown. I have two English degrees and am a DC girl, so I feel like Bradley and I would have a ton in common. Ah, pipe dreams.

  8. CoffeeTalk says:

    Johanna: It’s just s silly expression that means the person in question is queer, i.e. gay. Since when is calling a gay person “queer” offensive?

    You’d better tell the Queer as Folk and the Queer Eye For the Straight Guy people that they should be offended by the titles of their shows.

    Quit with the knee-jerk reactions.

  9. ordinarygirl86 says:

    Ok I wouldn’t consider Bradley a big box office draw maybe it’s just me? Hangover was an ensemble effort, with A-Team I heard it was a bomb but this was an ensemble cast also, and then there’s Limitless which won it’s weekend but then again it didn’t have much competition.

    Meh whatever…so when are him and Jessica Biel gonna hook up already?

  10. Amy says:

    I can’t ever decide if I think he’s hot or not. It’s like that Seinfeld episode where Jerry is dating a girl who is ugly one moment and beautiful the next…

  11. wemmz says:

    he’s so beautiful.
    him and Alexander Skarsgard are the most beautiful blondes.

    oh, ever so beautiful.
    i’ve always want to see Bradley Cooper punch someone. SO I WILL BE SEEING LIMITLESS 😀

  12. Johanna says:

    It was a rhetorical question. Of course, I know what it meant or else I wouldn’t have gone out of my way to have a knee jerk reaction. Which btw I’ll have as many as I see fit, how’s that?

    Yeah, what’s the big deal those guys use that word too. Elton John can say it & it would still be offensive. Everyone on this site is so witty & funny without having to use “silly expression(s)” & to answer your ridiculous question, Since when is calling a gay person “queer” offensive? ALWAYS! Call them gay. That’s why the word was invented. Couldn’t you have just said that he looked gay? No, because that doesn’t sound so witty.

  13. Amanda G says:

    I’m tired of everyone thinking a every good looking man is gay. I don’t think Bradley is, but IF he is, I don’t care. He’s hot. I’m not quite sold on his personality though. He seems to try REALLY hard to be funny and it kinda falls flat 50% of the time.

  14. Myra says:

    I can buy that she was his beard. It seemed like he was shopping for girlfriends all of a sudden and chose Renee Z. for whatever reasons. He was getting attention for The Hangover, so “dating” him got her attention too. He doesn’t have to be gay or bi for their relationship to have been phony, so either way what I didn’t buy is their relationship.

    If the rumors are at all true, maybe he’s not gay or bi, but slept with men to work his way up, get more connections. That I could probably believe the most.

  15. jane16 says:

    We like him a lot. He’s a cutie. Glad to see his career amping up, he deserves it & has paid his dues.

  16. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    He’s soooo sexy! how can you not see it? If he is gay, he’s a sexy gay!

    And CB “sperm eyebrows” that is funny as shit!!

  17. Buckley says:

    The smarm is strong with this one.

  18. Kim Possible says:

    Bradley Cooper is hot. I’ve like him since he was on Alias. I wish much success.

  19. Maritza says:

    I saw the movie “Limitless” it was really good and full of action. Bradley Cooper did a good job with his role. I think he would make a great couple with Jessica Biel.

  20. Sam says:

    Whether he is gay or bi, it don’t really bother me and he doesn’t really strike me as the type…however, there is no denying he’s a gorgeous man with really beautiful eyes and a sweet, charming personality to boot!…can’t wait to see Limitless!! 🙂 …xx

  21. Camille says:

    Ratty McRatface, won’t go away any time soon will he 🙁 .

    I don’t like BC as a ‘leading man’ and I don’t buy him as one either. He is best in the side kick roles. Not a fan and I don’t get his ‘appeal’ either.

  22. CoffeeTalk says:

    Johana: You are at perfect liberty to have as many knee jerk reactions as you like just as I am perfectly at liberty to say however many witticisms as I like.

    Why is “queer” such an offensive word to you? The gay community doesn’t seem to take much issue with it-i.e. Queer as Folk and Queer Eye for the Straight Guy winning (or being nominated for) GLAAD awards. Seattle’s Gay and Lesbian film festival has a group called the Three Dollar Club which you can join to get discounts on festival tickets.

    Seems the only person who takes such issue with it is you-how do you know I’m not gay? How do you know that I don’t associate myself with people who proudly call themselves queer?

    Take all the offense you want, as it is your right, but be aware that quite a few people do not share your opinion and that queer is NOT always offensive.

  23. Amy says:

    Been aware of Bradley Cooper since Alias (never saw The Hangover which was his huge breakout role). He always seemed gay to me… I assumed he was.

  24. munchies says:

    lourdes behind him trying to get his picture

  25. labyrinth says:

    Johanna, the word ‘queer’ is not offensive to gays. The gay community OWN that label.

  26. KY says:

    Loved him since Alias. So happy for his success. I know he’s gay but I still have the hots for him.