Jessica Simpson lost 20 pounds in two months

Here are some photos of Jessica Simpson out on 3/26 and she looks incredible. You can really see the difference in her face in that it looks thinner and more angular. Star Magazine estimates that she’s lost 20 pounds in a couple of months already, and it’s definitely possible. (They have a comparison photo from early January.) We know she’s been working out and dieting, although she’s trying to downplay how important it is to her. Good for her for getting healthy for her wedding, which may or may not happen soon.

Star claims that Jess is doing “up to six 100 minute-sessions” of cardio and strength training and that she’s eating 1,600 calories a day. That sounds too sensible for someone working with Tracy Anderson.

There’s another story about Simpson in this week’s tabloids that cracked me the hell up. The Enquirer reports that she was at the DMV recently and got told off by an employee when she asked for special treatment. That one deserves repeating:

“Jessica didn’t want to sit with the average Joes who were ahead of her. So she went to the front desk [of the DMV in Hollywood] and asked in a low voice if she could have access to a private room while waiting for her number to be called,” an eyewitness divulged…

“The no-nonsense female staffer answered Jessica in a loud, forceful voice, saying, ‘Miss Simpson, we didn’t do that for the governor and we certainly aren’t doing it for you!” the eyewitness revealed.

The 30 year-old former reality star… went back to her seat and the verge of tears and played the diva role to the hilt until her name was called two hours later, the source added.

“Jessica pouted and scowled as she sat with her arms folded and stared straight ahead, kicking her foot,” said the eyewitness. “But hopefully she learned two big lessons – everyone gets treated the same way at the DMV and next time, make an appointment!”

[From The National Enquirer, print edition, April 11, 2011]

I have a dumb question – can you make appointments at the DMV? You must be able to in California I guess, but I’ve lived in other states on the east coast and you can’t make an appointment at any of the DMVs I’ve known. Of course they were smaller and easier to deal with than the DMVs at bigger cities.

I love how that DMV clerk was all “the governor doesn’t even get special treatment, sit down!” It’s a bitch to go to the DMV but there’s no escaping it. I do dream of a day in my life when I’ll never have to go through airport security again though. That’s ten times worse than the DMV and it lasts a fraction as long.


Here’s Jessica on 12/13/10 for comparison:



Photo credit: WENN and Fame

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73 Responses to “Jessica Simpson lost 20 pounds in two months”

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  1. brin says:

    She looks good, her face looks so much better(from what I can see with those huge sunglasses).

  2. clouie says:

    It is true, you can make an appointment at the CA DMV and you will be in and out in half an hour.

  3. lisa says:

    I never understood why people don’t like her.

  4. HelloKitty says:

    Kudos to Jessica. I feel for her because everyone always talks about how much weight she has gained. I hope the media and everyone else praises her for her weight-loss as much as she is criticized for her weight gain.

  5. Catherine says:

    Yes you can make an appointment for the DMV here in CA and watch all the pissed off people who have stood in line for hours get all mad as you pass them by in line. It is fantastic.

  6. lcat says:

    She still looks bad.

  7. NayNay says:

    I really do not notice the difference, but if she has lost the weight, YOU GO GIRL!!!

  8. guesty says:

    She looks fab. Good for her.

  9. Hautie says:

    Unfortunately, she has added in those tragic hair extensions again.

    She was just getting her own hair looking healthy and long.

    I had hoped by Paves being removed from the bff list. Meant her hair would finally recover.

  10. Jack says:

    If those are pix of her sitting at the DMV, then what’s with the double chin if she’s lost weight ? Same old Jess … fug handbag, messy hair, stunned grin, unflattering sunglasses. And those are some noticeable lines on her neck for a 30 year-old, gah …

  11. jska says:

    She is really a beautiful girl whether she is chunky or not. Go Jessica!

  12. serena says:

    She’s so much better now!

  13. Rianic says:

    She’s the same height I am, I believe, and just a small amount of weight makes a huge difference. I’ve lost ten in a month, and my face is leaning out. Unfortunately, I don’t have her tatas….

  14. Miss Marie says:

    She still looks fat. See her double chin…

  15. cici says:

    she looks awesome now! i think she’s really pretty.

  16. irishserra says:

    So excited about Mad Men! Just sorry we have to wait so long!!

  17. anti says:

    maybe they put her in a faux coma like elvis to lose weight.

  18. Quest says:

    If only she could lose the fiance just as she did with the pounds. [sigh]

  19. Flounder says:

    I hate how everyone is always evaluating her based on her weight. I think she’s beautiful with or without the 20lbs….

  20. Kaboom says:

    Most of that weight loss can be attributed to her de-junking her purse, I’d say.

  21. Alarmjaguar says:

    It always boggles my mind that the two places that the public interacts with the government (state and fed) on a regular basis — the DMV and the Post Office are always have such long lines! If I ran the world, I would make sure that those two offices had the best and most efficient service. Duh, no wonder people get all cranky about paying taxes when that is the face of gov’t they are most familiar with. It is about marketing people!

  22. Cha Cha Loca says:

    Geez, who cares. It’s not like the girl was obese.

  23. MikeyAngel says:

    You can make appointments with the DMV here in Florida. I think she looks good here. She has always been a pretty girl, but she is short, so the extra weight doesn’t do her justice.

  24. kelbear says:

    I lost 20lbs also and my favorite part about the weight loss was that my face looked so much better.

  25. Franny says:

    I think she looks great and will use this as “thinspiration”. Ive been feeling a bit chubby lately and especially in the face, so I’ve also been trying to work it off. I think all you bitches who are calling her fat are insane. She looks great…and always has.

  26. the original bellaluna says:

    The best thing about the DMV in CA is that you can do ALMOST anything online. The second best thing is being able to make an appointment.

    The worst thing is the people who work there. I’ll never understand why people who have a guaranteed government job; with guaranteed sick-days, holidays, and paycheck are so damn hateful to deal with.

  27. Isabel says:

    Aw, she looks healthy. She lost the bloat. Good job, Jess, you look lovely. 🙂

  28. trollydolly says:

    Guys, Ireland calling – what is a DMV??

  29. TXCinderella says:

    She does appear thinner and she has lost that double chin. Good for her! Jessica, please don’t think you are above waiting in line like the rest of us “little people”.

  30. Hunchback Geek says:

    I did’t mind the 20 pounds. Everyone is built differently and I am okay with that.

  31. BRE says:

    This is what I think Jessica’s plan is. You can see in the face that she has lost weight but she still is covering up with big purses and clothes. I think she is going to lose all the weight (not by 1600 calories a day – for Tracey it’s usually less than 1000 that has you eating). Once she hits her goal weight she will show up at some even in a tight dress….this will then get her on the cover of EVERY tabloid the next week…he dad will plan it right when she is about the launch something new (clothing, tv, cd or whatever).

    Think about it, it would suck to work at the DMV and have to deal with the general public all day (which tend to include a lost of snotty and stupid people). I probably would have been even ruder if I worked there. you know EVERYONE tries to get special treatment when it comes to the DMV or Jury Duty

  32. anon33 says:


    Department of Motor Vehicles. You have to go to register your car with the state that you live in, get your driver’s license…pretty much anything having to do with owning or driving a car.

  33. mommyesq says:

    yes, you can/should make DMV appts in CA. oh—and 6 100-minute sessions. i’m sure.

  34. hstl1 says:

    Good for her! I wish I had Tracy to beat my butt into shape.

  35. Justalark says:

    For those international readers who are confused:

    DMV = Department of Motor Vehicles

    (Where you go to apply for or renew your Driver’s License with Photo ID)

  36. JoGirl310 says:

    Isn’t it considered a bit unhealthy to lose weight that quickly? My concern would be that this is just another round of her typical yoyo diet/fitness cycle.

  37. Sarah says:

    I saw Jessica and fiance at lunch this week in L.A. He looks skinny / wimpy in real life (kind of like Casey Affleck). She wears HUGE clothes, so it’s hard to tell her weight. She’s very pretty without the caked-on makeup, though.

  38. fizXgirl314 says:

    omg those pants that hide your shoes are so fug… I wish people would ban them!

  39. Anon73 says:

    @Celebitchy – I am in CA and confirming you can make appts to go in. These can even be made online. It’s like an appt though, sometimes they take you at the exact time. Other times, you still need to wait a bit. While not 100% perfect, but it’s better than randomly showing up and having to wait.

  40. Elizabeth says:

    There was a TV show called “The Reaper” where some schlep had his soul sold to the devil and was supposed to catch souls escaped from hell. The DMV was one of the “drop off” spots where captured souls were sent back to hell via a tube that ran from the DMV counter to the entrance to hell.

  41. jenna says:

    Something’s “off” with her face, like her nose is different. Almost seems like her body looks the same, but her face is different. Maybe she had a nose job and some lipo or whatever around the jawline and on the neck. Just saying. I’m probably wrong. She’s probably been seen out and about in the last two or three months, with paparazzi pictures to prove it, so plastic surgery would have been obvious, right (bandages or bruising)?

  42. Anon73 says:

    also glad to see Jess back in shape. a fit Jess = a happy Jess. not that I am her biggest fan, but I know that bloated-I-am-unhappy-fat-look given I also tend to put on weight when stressed/unhappy.

  43. CoffeeTalk says:

    if you make an appointment and go early, there shouldn’t be an issue with standing in line at the DMV in California. I’ve never gone without an appointment but I’ve seen the morons waiting in line and I can’t help but think-you didn’t think to call or go online?

    I think she looks lovely but if it’s true, she needs to shut her trap. no one gets special treatment. Really, make an appointment, or stand your ass in line.

  44. Lisa Turtle says:

    No way she lost 20 lbs. The tabloids shouldn’t speculate numbers like that, its not realistic and its not healthy.

    Jessica claims to be 5’2″ I think she’s more likely 5’0″ – She is short. Very short. On her body 20 lbs would be Jessica the way she looked on Dukes of Hazard. That is at her absolute smallest, which was probably 110 lbs. At most, she’s probably topped the scales at 130-135. On someone that small, 5 lbs makes a huge difference. It makes a SIZE difference. 10 lbs and Jessica could be going from a size 6/8 to a size 2/4. She isn’t carrying that much weight as a number, she’s so small that only a little weight carries dramatically on her. It’s all about proportions.

  45. xxodettexx says:

    if she did lose weight, i hope it was bc she wanted to [a] and that she didnt it healthily [b]

    and i live in Tampa and always make appointment when i need to go to DMV, it is the best thing ever [and whoever said its fun for watching the pissed-off reactions of those that have been waiting forever: YES, FACT]


  46. TeeTee says:

    she looks the same to me, and sloppy, like a dish rag..I’ve always thought she had a pretty face.

    her hair looks limp and sloppy, and her shirts are never fitted to her waist EVA…I mean since she supposedly lost 20 lbs..she’s pretty but goofy looking.

  47. lucy2 says:

    I think 20 in 2 months is do-able, that’s about 2.5lbs/week. If she was eating a bunch of junk and then started this, she probably dropped several right away just getting rid of bloat.

    You know she’s going to be on every cover she can, showing off her “new” body though. These starlets can’t seem to resist that.

  48. The Truth Fairy says:

    All that gaining and losing, gaining and losing cannot be good for her body or her health.

  49. sorrento says:

    She’s young,in my opinion, beautiful and glamorous at times, plus a serious busineswoman, making tons of money and all anyone can comment about is her weight?
    She’s so tiny, a bit of salt or an off diet day can show and so whatI If she loses too much she’ll be marked anexoric and gains too much she’ll be ‘sporting a baby bump?’…argh, makes me crazy sometimes. Doesn’t anyone else feel this way????????????????

  50. Hakura says:

    @LisaTurtle“Jessica claims to be 5′2″ I think she’s more likely 5′0″ – She is short. Very short. On her body 20 lbs would be Jessica the way she looked on Dukes of Hazard. That is at her absolute smallest, which was probably 110 lbs.”

    The general average from sources online is that she’s about 5’3. I know she’s taller than I am, & I’m 5’1. But you’re right about small frames making even the smallest bit of weight lost or gained so visible. (It’s especially unfortunate for those who gain the weight in their face, as you can’t hide it & everyone notices).

    But that also means that ideal weights depend more heavily on one’s own body (as opposed to height). Genetics, proportion in certain places, water weight, metabolism. Too many women try to use *just* their height to judge their weight.

  51. MorticiansDoItDeader says:

    @Lisa Turtle, ITA.

    @Lucy2, 20lbs in 2 months doesn’t come easily for someone, like Jessica, who doesn’t have too much to lose. A weight loss of 2.5 lbs a week would mean she is burning and/or restricting 8,750 calories a week! The only people I know who have done that are either obease or just had a baby. Plus, with her history of sudden weight fluctuation, her metabolism is probably sluggish (which would make it doubly difficult).

  52. Zelda says:

    Quitting drinking will help though.
    So her previous weight COULD have been based on the regular OVERconsumption of calories, in addition to her new reduction. A heavy drinker taking in an extra 2000 calories/week is not crazy. That’s around 3 drinks/day (and I’m thinking she averaged more than that). Let’s say she ALSO ate 2 giant chicken caeser salads a week–there’s another 2000 in two meals…
    You can drop a lot if your current habits are unhealthy.

    Also, factor in bloat.

    At 5’9.5” I easily lost a full dress size within 3 weeks of quitting regular drinking, and my face especially looked much more defined and angular. If I’d have known what it would do for my cheekbones, I’d have cut back on drinking years ago.

  53. Bunnywabba says:

    I don’t feel sorry for her at all. How about when she was super thin and did that commercial washing a car in a bikini? “gimme attention! Gimme attention, say how great i look.” then when she doesn’t look great she wants everyone to shut up and not notice. Please. I am sure her hlf naked commercial made some women feel inadequate.

  54. Kiska says:

    Jessica is such a beautiful woman with an equally curvy figure. I’m glad to see she is working out and eating well and NOT starving herself. We all know by now that quick fixes never work out long term. Anyway, she looks really good at this point and just needs to maintain and tone.

  55. MorticiansDoItDeader says:

    @Zelda, congrats on the weightloss!

    At 5’7″ and age 28 it took me 3 months to lose 20 lbs of pregnancy weight. I went to the gym 4-5x a week (and burned 800+ calories per session). I also ate only 1500 calories a day and breastfed (which burns about 500 calories a day). I’m just going by my personal experience, and a background in nutrition, which tells me 20 lbs in 2 months is EXTREMELY difficult to lose (particularly when you don’t have a lot of extra weight on your frame, you’re no longer in your 20s and you’ve yo-yo dieted and damaged your metabolism). Even if what you’re saying about Jessica is true, it still wouldn’t add up to that amount of weight loss). I don’t doubt she’s lost weight. I just think, as Lisa Turtle said, she’s petite and even a small amount of weight loss makes a dramatic difference. Either way, good for her 🙂

  56. gee_gee says:

    Help me. I don’t know why I still have affection for this foolish girl. Maybe because she seems so harmless and genuinely naive. She hasn’t stolen anything, beaten anybody, done a ton of drugs or said anything mean about anyone so I give her a pass.

    I honestly wish her well and hope this works out for her.

  57. Hakura says:

    @Zelda“If I’d have known what it would do for my cheekbones, I’d have cut back on drinking years ago.”

    You know, they really should be using that on those ‘Alcohol Awareness’ posters. Sad though it is, teenagers & young adults are more likely to be worried about the possible affect it could have on their appearence, rather than all the dramatic DUI scenarios.

    Really, we should do a side-by-side comparison pic of Miley Cyrus 6 months ago & now. (I’m really convinced the change to her face is bloat from drinking.)

    I think it’d really get through to the girls, at least.

  58. tango says:

    Jessica could lose another 200 pounds if she would just dump that loser boyfriend of hers.

  59. Renee says:

    When I moved to Georgia (Atlanta, no less) I was able to make an appt at the DMV to get my license, I was in and out in 45 minutes, it was magical.

  60. Brittney says:

    I really hope she stops before she reaches that scary level of skinny where her head looks way too big for her body (see Daisy Dukes era).

    I’ve always hated the intense scrutiny on her weight, partly because I was a teenage girl when she first burst onto the scene, and her comments about body image and being curvy were just about the only positive, helpful quotes in my TeenPeople at that time. Hasn’t she also said that her happiness has a direct correlation to her weight… that at her skinniest, she was also the most unhappy?

  61. lucy2 says:

    I don’t know if she really lost 20 or not, just saying I don’t think it’s impossible. I find that a lot easier to believe than all the “10 lbs in a week!” crap the Kardashians always try to convince they did.

  62. JQ says:

    She looks SO much better! As for the whole DMV thing, that cracked me up. I think you have to be surly to get a job there, just like Patty and Selma from The Simpsons. As a former Florida resident, you can make an appointment at the DMV. You can schedule it online, if memory serves. It was much faster and easier and I wasn’t subjected to their angry scowls for very long.

  63. Hakura says:

    @JQ” I think you have to be surly to get a job there, just like Patty and Selma from The Simpsons.”

    It’s nice to know I’m not the only one who thought of Patty & Selma in regards to the DMV xD. I’ll have to remember the appointment thing, though. I have to have my license renewed this month, so anything I can do to make it as painless as possible is a gift.

  64. MeriJaan says:

    Wow, some of you people are so cruel. I think she looks great. Why all the hate? Give the girl a break already!

  65. Crash2GO2 says:

    She’s looking much better. And as for the complaints about her still having a double chin – give me a break. She’s still working on it. And that weight loss seems quite reasonable to me, since she probably went from shoving whatever she felt like eating or drinking into her mouth to eating very very clean and exercising, she no doubt lost a lot of water weight (bloat) due to going through her stored carb reserves very quickly. Now comes the slow hard part – losing the fat stores.

  66. JenJen says:

    That’s great that she is losing weight, maybe her Joe Schmo will marry her now. He gets what 500k after the wedding and 200k every year and a big bonus if he hangs around ten years. Poor girl, pathetic.

  67. leZombi says:

    I work at the CA DMV. I would have told her the same thing. And she may have tried to get an appointment at the Hollywood office but it’s usually booked solid for months.

  68. Dana M says:

    She looks great. Although, she looks pregnant in one of those pictures…the brown blouse looks like maternity-wear.

  69. ava says:

    Is anyone bothered by the fact that this poor girl looked just fine with (or without) an extra 20 pounds? Does it really matter? Disturbing if it does, (and no, I am not ‘overweight.’)

  70. honeyv says:

    Isn’t that unhealthy? I know you are not supposed to lose more than maximum 7 pounds/month. But whatever. I don’t completely believe she’s lost that much. I see a difference on her face but that’s all. She’s probably a yo yo dieter.

  71. Jayna says:

    They estimated 20 pounds. I doubt she lost that much in two months. It probably started losing a little bit before that.

    For those that say she looked fine, she looked okay before. But she is extremely short and the way she puts on weight, I was shocked at how she looked. Her neck looked like a linebacker’s, and her massive boobs with short legs made her look like she was going to topple over. Her face really did change. Some people carry weight and it distributes more evenly. Now, she is looking great, fit, and healthy. She’s really a beauty when she’s thinner.

  72. Hakura says:

    @Jayna“Now, she is looking great, fit, and healthy. She’s really a beauty when she’s thinner.”

    I agree. The ONLY aspect of her appearence that I felt was less attractive when she was heavier was her face. It’s the worst place for someone to gain weight, since there’s just no way to hiide it, & that’s what everyone looks at first.

    Plus there’s no ‘treadmill’ for your face… You have very little (if ANY) control over it, which has to be incredibly frustrating. I think Jess looks wonderful in these most recent pictures. You can see a defined jaw line, which really does a lot for her facial features.

  73. Vickyb says:

    I live near London and I know from an episode of Two and a Half Men (back when people watched it!) that you can make an appointment at the DMV. Obviously, it was Alan that made the appointment – would Charlie do something so sensible? :/

    I agree with an earlier commenter – I like Jessica. She hasn’t done anything dreadful – no marriage-wrecking (LeAnn), no crack-craziness (Lindsay), no alcoholism (Christina), no major breakdown (Britney). OK, so her taste in men is a bit rubbish but so was mine until I met the one. She just seems like a simple girl who wants to be happy and who, judging by the stories next week, has been canny enough to build up a pretty impressive business/fortune.

    And, 20 pounds or not, I think she looks great.