How did Lindsay Lohan do on Glee? Is she having a “comeback”?

It’s been over a year since I’ve bothered to watch “Glee,” and I honestly didn’t make an exception for Lindsay Lohan’s much-anticipated “performance” last night. Judging from the clip I just saw on Evil Beet (included here, below), which was almost all of her guest segment, I’m glad I didn’t. As we’ve heard, Lindsay was a massive diva on the Glee set. She was six hours late on set, she didn’t bother to learn her lines ahead of time, and she kept flitting out to her trailer to presumably do lines smoke. For all that trouble, you would think Lohan would still be capable of a small glimpse of the greatness expected from her at the beginning of her now-over career. She didn’t seem to be. She delivered her lines with about the same conviction and breadth she showed on Saturday Night Live, that’s to say, not much. This is what happens when people are blitzed out of their skull for years, they suck at the job they used to know and do well. Here’s an editorial from The Washington Post on Lindsay’s big appearance on Glee. A “comeback” it was not.

“Is there anything better than someone making a comeback?”

Lindsay Lohan, playing the role of Lindsay Lohan, asked that question — wink, wink — during tonight’s second hour of “Glee.” She also reminded us that she’s a twelve-time Teen Choice Award nominee and is in full-on “image rebranding mode,” which, of course, is why she agreed to do a guest appearance on the Fox series in the first place.

So how did she do?

Well, after all the hoopla about her appearance in tonight’s episode, it was disappointing to only have her included for such a short period of time. Specifically, the two minutes and 46 seconds required for her to do her one big scene with fellow guest stars Rex Lee and Perez Hilton. (Note: that almost-three-minute period did not include the moment pictured above, when she stood up at nationals and waved.) Honestly, I spent more minutes reading about how Lohan allegedly showed up late to the “Glee” set than I did actually watching her on “Glee.”

Still, she was given a couple of semi-amusing lines.

“I show up here and there isn’t even a red button I can push and a chair that can spin me around where I can then point at a kid onstage and say, ‘I want to work with you’?” she complained in a blatant reference to ”The Voice.” “I’m seriously firing my manager.”

And she delivered those lines adequately, although, as was the case when she recently hosted “Saturday Night Live,” she didn’t necessarily sell them. She was helped by the fact that she shared screen time with Hilton, who was totally irritating and used every opportunity possible (with an assist from the “Glee” writers) to promote his blog. Then again, a person can never see the words LILO ALERT in a hot-pink, all-caps font nearly enough, can she?

In conclusion, on the “Glee” cameo appearance spectrum, Lohan was not in anything resembling the same league as Gwyneth Paltrow and Kristen Chenoweth, but not nearly as annoying as Perez Hilton. Her image probably hasn’t been rebranded, but it also hasn’t been tarnished either. So … mission accomplished?

[From The Washington Post’s Celebritology, author Jen Chaney]

I agree with Chaney that Perez was somewhat annoying. I don’t want to come down too hard on the guy because he’s not a professional actor and you do have to acknowledge how far he’s come in his career. Lohan has fallen farther, though. If she would have even tried, if she would have even shown up on time, tried to muster up some semblance of humility, maybe she would have earned more screen time on Glee. This is the story of her career for the past handful of years, though. She screws up every. single. chance. she’s given. Is it any wonder she screwed up this one? I don’t even think the Cracken cares at this point. After years of drug abuse, she’s so messed up it’s hard to even put our “regular people” standards on her. She doesn’t show up to work, she has to go to jail to be reminded to do some simple community service, ad nauseum. She probably thought she was ahead of the game by even getting there and managing to be relatively sober-ish.

Photo credit: FameFlynet

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81 Responses to “How did Lindsay Lohan do on Glee? Is she having a “comeback”?”

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  1. Macey says:

    she sucked as usual and this whole ‘comeback’ schtick is old now.

    now onto more sad and heartbreaking news, Donna Summer died 🙁

  2. David says:

    Very weak!

  3. ladybert62 says:

    I read someplace else (and I have honestly forgotten where it was), that she went furniture shopping to spend all of her liz taylor money and that shopping spree will be on some reality show about furniture or home redecorating – has her career reached a new low?

  4. Tillie says:

    Perez looks so skinny!

    • Rhiley says:

      He looks horrible that skinny. I do think he played himself a lot better than LL played herself. If her acting is that poor in Liz and Dick it could lead to a real downward spiral for her. I hate Rosie Odonnell but I agreed when she sounded off about LL.

    • cmc says:

      Yup! And he worked really hard for it apparently. Good for him for doing it the “right” way – consistent diet and exercise over a long period of time. Also, I’m not a fan but I found him far more watchable and showing way more spark and personality than Cracken. Annoying spark, but at least there was something.

      • Veruca says:

        I honestly don’t know if it’s true, but I heard his radical weight loss is due to cocaine.

    • Serena says:

      He look like an anorexic horse

  5. hunter says:

    I watched it and she was TERRIBLE!!! The regular actors on Glee were MUCH better than her, her acting sounded like a table-read. She was on par with Perez who, as noted, is not even an actor!

    She was awful and her “acting” was atrocious.

    Perez on the other hand, should be commended for his weightloss but now he’s starting to look like a bobble-head and I think it’s gone a bit too far.

    • RocketMerry says:

      I agree. You know it’s bad when people can say that your performance is as good as a Hilton’s 😀

    • Sweettart says:

      I must be one of the few people who have never watched Glee. That clip was the first I’ve seen of the show.


      Trash reality TV all you want, but I would rather watch people making a fool of themselves than crap acting like that.

  6. marie says:

    I have to keep reminding myself when I see these pics that she is not auditioning for a part in Planet of the Apes.. make-up’s horrible..

  7. Rice says:

    I’ve only seen one episode of Glee and it was the one where that gay dude was trying out for the football team using Beyonce’s “Put A Ring On It”. I really tried to follow it after that and got bored. Anyway, after this debacle called The Cracken guests on Glee, I’m sure we’ll have lots to look forward to in the “Liz Gets Dicks” Lifetime movie.

    So sorry to hear about Donna Summer. Another talent has left us.

  8. brin says:

    If she considers that a comeback, she really is a delusiional crackhead…oh, that’s right.

  9. Miss Beca says:

    her face looks painful.

  10. layla says:

    Donna Summer died!!!!!!!!! 🙁

  11. serena says:

    I normally can’t stand her but she wasn’t SO bad in Glee.

  12. Mikey B says:

    complete overacting. sad

  13. Hanna says:

    Perez looks disgusting. How much weight did he lose?

    • OriginalTiffany says:

      There was a clip of him dancing in a speedo with his mother-super weird and inappropriate on Dlisted about a week ago. Watch and cringe.

  14. Boo says:

    Well hey, she is shopping to furnish her fabulous new expensive rental “mansion” (cough) in Beverly Hills! Where oh where oh where is she getting the money to pay the rent on this place? Many questions swirling around her and that kooky Liz Gets Dick director. Some theorize that he has set up a Producers-Like insurance scam by insuring her to the hilt…and then will summarily can her, with many good reasons any of us can guess ahead of time, thus collecting on the dough. Could it be that easy?

    • Bess says:

      I like that theory.

      I wonder if her chubby, greasy, Indian friend is chipping in for the furniture and rent money. I don’t see how she could afford that much per month in rent + her other expenses without some help.

  15. Courtney says:

    I’m kind of sick of how we put lindsay lohan on some sort of pedestal as a terrific actress in her day. She was in mean girls!! Let’s put some perspective on her. She was decent, but by no means was she amazing!

    • Kate says:

      I agree! I thought she was great in The Parent Trap, but kind of bland in Freaky Friday. Jamie Lee Curtis stole the show from her. And as for Mean Girls, I love Tina Fey, but this movie pales in comparison to movies like Heathers or Clueless. It’s solid and has great lines, but I always felt like Lindsay didn’t really sell it. She’s kind of wooden. It did so well, IMO, because it was an ensemble piece. That people act like LL had an amazing, lauded career before the crack is so odd to me. It’s not like she’s Brando, who got his comeback in The Godfather after making insanely good movies decades earlier. “The limit does not exist!” is no “Stelllllllaaaaa!”

      • Isabel says:

        I found it terrible. She didn’t look natural at all (the lips/general face AND her acting). I was thinking all the time; how is she gonna act her way through that Liz-movie? She will probably get replaced when the directors see her work, or the movie will never come out. Might be better though,she will become even more a laughingstock and Liz’s memory will be degraded.

      • Sugar says:

        don’t give her any ideas next she will think she is Blanche DoBois:/

  16. lower-case deb says:

    how is it possible that she makes that dress looks cheap. it can’t be a cheap dress, can it?

  17. Lisa says:

    When it comes to this girl people will literally find ANYTHING to bitch and moan and whine about. It was a f-king 3 minute guest spot, were you expecting some sort of Oscar-worthy mind blowing performance!? Smh.

    • Boo says:

      Since it was hyped more than the Second Coming, perhaps people were expecting just a bit more than 170 seconds of air time.

      • the original bellaluna says:

        They were, Boo. But since they had to actually send a car to the Chateau to pick up Blohan when she was 6 HOURS LATE to set, and she was such a pain in the arse to work with, they reduced her role.

        What was supposed to be 5 days of filming was reduced to 2. Poor Glee.

  18. loveyourwork says:

    I will be in the minority, but I thought she looked great and sold her scene.

    “Don’t call it a comeback, I’ve been here for years”

    • Lisa says:

      I’m not even a Lindsay fan but she did fine. It’s people who love to tear her down every chance they can to make them feel better about their own lives and issues, it’s pathetic.

      • Soxfan says:

        Hi Dina/Lindsay/Ali!!!

      • deep says:

        totally not true! LOL! I don’t have to tear LILO down to feel better about myself..Ha! Just watched that clip and she was horrible!!!

      • Macey says:

        Ppl dont tear her down b/c of their own lives. they speak the TRUTH about her non-existent “talent” that her family claims she has when she does not.
        The girl is an awful human being and an even worse ‘actress’. ppl complain b/c they’re sick of her being crammed down our throats every other day talking about a career comeback when she was never anything more than a child ‘actress’ playing herself in her films.

      • Lady D says:

        Not tearing her down, just commenting on her actions. If there was a problem with what was being said, you’d think she would change no? Or is she “someone who deserves adulation” in your eyes?

    • Zigggy says:

      I was thinking that too- I only watched the clip but I enjoyed her, it wasn’t bad.

  19. Babalon says:

    OMG, these photos of her. She looks dreadful. 🙁

  20. Cleveland Girl says:

    OMG. She was great! That was hilarious. Perez is disgusting.

  21. HappyJoyJoy says:

    I think it’s pathetic that networks keep booking her JUST for the rating spike. It is obvious she is in no shape or form ready to perform and deliver lines. She’s done too many lines actually.. this is a drug addict and a sometimes hooker (allegedly) who is now just pretending to act. Stop giving her parts! Let this parasite move to a small town in the south where she can build her own crack den and live happily ever after for the next two years or until her meth lab explodes. Crack heads have no business in show business.

    • Boo says:

      It didn’t work this time, as she brought nothing to Glee’s ratings.

      • deep says:

        Yeah, people tune in to see how awful she is, She just needs to go away. It’s so over for her. She ruined one to blame but herself. And, as far a playing Liz Taylor, that will never work. I bet it doesn’t even make it to Lifetime.

      • Lady D says:

        Hey Boo. Glad to hear that about the ratings. Hopefully other shows are paying attention. I really think that her SNL gig was the final nail in her ‘acting’ career.

    • Lisa says:

      Lol um people forget Hollywood is a BUSINESS. no one cares about all of that stuff, all they care about is buzz and whether you like it or not – as evident by this post and SNL spike in ratings, Lindsay brings in lots of buzz and ratings.

      • HappyJoyJoy says:

        I agree, what I meant by the last line is she’s a crack head, stop treating her like she’s an actress. She’s not. She is a rating spike for whatever show.

      • G says:

        I agree Lisa, but this performance was buzzless. She didn’t bring in ratings with her trainwreck image and she didn’t deliver anything new.

  22. deep says:

    She looks awful. WTH! She looks like she is in her 50’s. Not good. Please Lilo..go away!!

  23. Samigirl says:

    I don’t think it can be considered a comeback when she had less than 5 minutes of screen time. Honestly, I didn’t even notice her.

    I was a HUGE gleek in the beginning, but it has sucked here recently…however, I absolutely loved the most recent episode. I even cried when Rachel sang Celine Dion…and I HATE Celine Dion. She nailed it. And I cried at the end for Will too. I blame being post-partum 😉

    • Lady D says:

      Hi Samigirl. How be your beautiful baby girl? And how is Emerson handling his new big brother responsibility?

      • Samigirl says:

        She is wonderful, thank you! 3 weeks tomorrow, and finally out of preemie diapers. Emerson is over the moon. He looooves his sister. He wants to help give her baths, change her, and burp her after she nurses. The other morning, while I was in the shower, I found him standing at her bassinet reading ” Where the Wild Things Are.” She woke up and sweet big brother consoled her. I am such a blessed lady!

      • Lady D says:

        That is so flipping cute Samigirl. Now, how are you doing after the birth, lots of excess energy? (ha ha)

    • Samigirl says:

      Honestly, I’m refreshed most of the time. She only wakes up twice in the night to eats. She nurses for an hour and a half both times, then sleeeeeps. It’s much easier this go around, lol. Ems wasn’t much a fan of sleeping 😉 thank you very much for asking about us.

  24. SirSnarksalot says:

    All you need to know about her career is this:
    She just did a cameo with Perez Hilton.

    It’s over, Lindz. Pack it up and accept your fate as a call girl junkie. Word is she moved out of the Marmount into a house paid for by…wait for it…Chatwal, her married “John”.

  25. jover says:

    Sadly you are right lisa; please,someone,someone tell me how this show has been renewed; it has been widely reported that it lost 25 per cent of its audience from season 2 to season 3; how can a show stay on with that drop in viewership; does RM have something on someone; hell Lopez tonight was canceled and it had better ratings than Conan at one point; I don’t get it.

    • Lady D says:

      Puzzled too jover. The KK shows have 1% of the States as a viewing audience and they just scored a 40 mill contract. Glee has to be making money. I watched my first episode ever just the other night. It was the anti-prom episode. Based only on what I have read about Leah (Michelle?) I thought she would be a real bitch on the show. I found her actually likable (on the show).

  26. G says:

    Her camp’s need to elevate a tiny cameo where she “plays herself” and “mocks her issues”again (isn’t it like the 5 time in five years?)into a “comeback” is ridiculous.

    Do they really think that her cost inflating diva behavior created a performance that could ever justify it?

    Who knows, if she showed up on time and didn’t get her part cut maybe she could have made somehing out of this?

  27. skeptical says:

    Her own camp was hyping this short mess as her big moment? This is what all the fuss was about? My dog takes longer than this to water the grass!
    She is right about how she’s always been here tho…that’s actually her problem. She refuses to go away and get herself fixed. She’s convinced herself that she is perfect. That “jealous haters” are simply trying to bring her down. She’s a crackroach convinced that she’s a-list and she’s always looking for her next hit of attention.
    This lifetime movie (so hyped by her camp as if it were a big deal) is gonna be fun!

  28. Mytwocents says:

    I started to watch the show the other night and forgot that she was going to be on it. I hadn’t even heard that Perez Hilton would be on there. I don’t care for the show, but there was little else on TV so I started watching it but within 10 minutes I changed the channel because Lea Michelle is so horrible! I can’t stand her. I don’t watch the show regularly but when I do it is in spite of her being on it. I think some of the other cast members are much more talented than she is, not to mention much more attractive to look at, and it is a shame they focus so much on her instead of showcasing some of the others. I still don’t think they are all that great but I guess they are somewhat “entertaining.” But after 10 minutes I flipped through the channels and spent the next two hours watching a PBS special on Johnny Carson that was a 1,000 times more enjoyable and reminded me of how much TV has changed and how there simply is very little quality talent on TV nowadays. So I am thankful to Johnny Carson that he caused me to miss Lilo and Perez. Can’t stand either one of them.

    • Veruca says:

      I watched that too! It was fantastic. Didn’t it make you nostalgic for the days when entertainers actually entertained?

      They need to start re-running Carson.

  29. G says:

    I think the way her performance was edited (her part was cut, she had no close-ups or any real “moment”)speaks volumes about what Glee thought of her and her work.

  30. Ayame says:

    When she first started speaking she actually sounded drunk! And how pathetic that they mention Freaky Friday, that was NINE years ago! Can you imagine still bragging about your accomplishments from nine years ago!?

  31. skuddles says:

    This “comeback” talk annoys the heck out of me. Getting off probation and going on a talk show to claim (blatantly lie) that she’s a sober homebody does not a comeback make! She’s just as messed up and delusional as ever… and she makes a muck of any acting job she manages to land. No comeback involved – just same old Lindsay, same old crap.

    • Bess says:

      All of her offers, except for perhaps this “Liz & Dick” movies have been stunt casting.

      It will be interesting to see if The Cracken can make it through filming “L&D”. Her antics on the Glee set don’t exactly sound promising.

      • skuddles says:

        Oh I like that… stunt casting – that’s exactly right! And yes, will be very interesting to see if she makes a muck of this too or actually pulls a decent performance out of her butt…

  32. hillbilly in the corner says:

    That was awful…pure and simply awful.. She sounded just like someone reading her lines off of a paper… and what was with the windmilling her arms and hands around to emphasize her lines..Hell I’ve directed fifth graders in school plays who did better then that

    She never was much of a actress just a cute kid playing a cute kid and it showed as she got older….not much talent at all…Now she has nothing at all…and how can you come back to somewhere you have never been ?
    And this Comeback Spin is completely used up and over …..She is just a high priced Hollywood Whore and Call girl who once upon a time was a cute child in a movie or two…

    • Boo says:

      I finally watched it (I had to shore myself up for a few days before I could bring myself to do it), and I agree. Her delivery is so terribly off, and it seems like she is reading or reciting her words. She’s so wooden you could dive off her.

      I’ve now seen her overacting arm movements described as “pinwheeling” and “windmilling”–I love them both.

  33. apsutter says:

    I’ve just gotten back into watching Glee…I had to stop because it was so ridiculous. But, the two episodes this week were fantastic and none of the songs made me want to rip my ears off. I think it’s pretty clear that they cut down her part A LOT. Seriously, they hyper her up so much and she had like 4 lines and the deliberating scene lasted for like 2 minutes.

  34. Barbara says:

    I have never watched Glee, but I saw a clip of Lohan and Perez on his web site. Her acting is at the same level as Parent Trap….the delivery comes across as someone quoting memorized lines and being cutesy. No progress since she was a child.

  35. Renee says:

    So many better as yet unknown actors would have done a better job.

  36. Erin says:

    Wow. The writing in this show is awful.

  37. the original bellaluna says:

    Can’t tolerate either Perez nor Blohan, so this DEFINITELY didn’t not make me want to watch the show. (Which I’ve never watched anyway, so whatever, I guess.)

    From what I’ve read, she was lousy; a PITA to work with; and alienated almost everyone there. Not to mention 6 hours late.

  38. teehee says:

    Perez did much better. But he’s “just a blogger” and had way more dynamo than her. Seems she doesnt know her niche or character or what to bring into a character anymore- all she can do is a generic performance, which looks like bad acting. Maybe if she developed herself, she could do better. But, we all know she is doing the opposite of developing herself…

    • Annie says:

      Agree. Perez isn’t even an actor, but it was Perez who carried the scene, not Lohan. Even in this 3 minute cameo I wanted to slap the crap out of her, probably because she was playing her own whining, smug, arrogant, delusions of grandure self, and badly at that. The jokes about her bad image might be funny if it was stuff from 10 years ago and she’d made a real comeback, but they fall flat because these problems that they joke about are her problems NOW.

  39. Lisa says:

    Perez deserves an Oscar compared to the Cracken.

  40. Vera says:

    I’ve kept up with Glee and watched the one with Lindsay and I must say…it was really bad. Just her part, though. Perez was annoying, but that was his role, so whatever. But they introduced Lindsay as “America’s Sweetheart” and everything. It was awful. And when the judges were discussing in the back who would win they kept making jabs about her comeback and trying to make it seem like Lindsay wasn’t even phased and above it all. She was just awful in it. Pretty much everything else about the episode was fine, though. Just..her. She was not.