Rob Pattinson on the ongoing difficulty of sex scenes: “It’s always a big thing”

Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson is still promoting Cosmopolis for its UK release (we have to wait until August for the stateside event), and his interviews have gotten progressively quirkier. He’s not only talked about his new life mantra (to not be a p-ssy) but may have allegedly revealed himself to be a photoshoot diva. He’s also discussed how shooting the Cronenberg movie gave him balls, yet he still gets paradoxically hung up on his RPattz nickname and wants to strangle its makers. In the end, what will really matter is whether this movie is any good (and just from the trailer, it looks surreal and awesome). Now Sparkles has done an interview with GQ UK, and they ask him some strange stuff including questions about his worst haircut ever, which I suppose is due to his character’s odd quest for a haircut in Cosmopolis. Here are some excerpts:

Robert Pattinson

Sex scenes are still hard: “It’s always a big thing. Juliette Binoche is one of my favourite actresses and within five minutes of meeting her on this we were pretending to have sex. Which wasn’t in the script. With both sex scenes we were supposed to have finished sex before we did the scene. Both times David was just like, ‘Yeah, just have sex.’ That was a little awkward. I thought that Patricia McKenzie, who I did the other sex scene with, despised me up until that day on the set. We hadn’t said a single word to each other apart from when I asked, ‘Where are you from?’ and she literally looked me up and down. I was like, ‘I’m not trying to do anything – I don’t have any idea!’ Then on day of the sex scene she was like, ‘Hey how’s it going?’ I don’t know what kind of preparation that was for this scene… but it definitely did something.”

On his worst haircut: “I did this movie about Salvador Dali a few years ago and had hair extensions and a little bob. That was incredibly bizarre. The extensions were temporary as well. I was trying to swim to somehow get in shape two days before we started shooting in this apartment complex in Barcelona. There were all these children everywhere… and I was this weird, pasty, hungover person with a girl’s black bob, swimming in the pool with huge clumps of hair falling out. I had my whole body totally waxed as well because Dali didn’t haven’t any body hair. It was the most terrifying thing – this is terrible, but I saw the potential cannibal guy [Luka Magnotta] in the Sun today and I looked a bit like him.”

His guilty TV pleasure: “In America there is a channel called TruTV which is just reruns of ‘Cops’ and ‘World’s Dumbest Criminals.’ I could watch that the entire day. Someone told me – I don’t know if it’s true – that David Simon watched tonnes of ‘Cops’ to get the dialogue for ‘The Wire.’ I was like, ‘I knew it…'”

On gifts from fans: “I got given a first-edition signed copy of Money by a Twilight fan in Lisbon yesterday. She was trying to tell me that she found it in Massachusetts while we were surrounded by all these people screaming. It’s funny: there are certain things that get picked up on really quickly. I quit smoking the other day and didn’t even really realise that I’d said anything about it. I’ve been chewing these f***ing toothpicks all the time. Someone noticed in Cannes and literally the next day in Lisbon, then in Paris and in Berlin there were about 20 people on the red carpet giving me huge amounts of toothpicks. Thousands of them. I don’t even remember saying it in an interview but I must have said it somewhere. That was kind of strange.”

[From GQ UK]

Granted, this is not one of Sparkles’ most endearing inteviews, but he’s been promoting this movie for months already and has probably started running out of things to talk about at this point. The toothpick story is cute, and even though he worries about sounding pretentious, I doubt he’s in danger of falling into that trap. After all, he’s a much sought-after movie actor who is currently struggling to break free from Twilight confines, but in the end, Rob Pattinson is just a stoner dude who likes to watch old reruns of “Cops” on TruTV.

Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson

Movie stills courtesy of AllMoviePhoto

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35 Responses to “Rob Pattinson on the ongoing difficulty of sex scenes: “It’s always a big thing””

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  1. Snowflake says:

    i’ve always liked a big thing

    • Crazy Charlize says:

      “Sex scenes are still hard: “It’s always a big thing.”

      Oh, those lines were unintentional….not!!

  2. FreeSpiritedGirl says:

    He’s getting weirder day by day. Hehe

  3. ds says:

    He’s great in Cosmopolis. I said it earlier but have to say it again since I really had no idea he had that in him.

    • beyonce's bump says:

      is this a new film?? I never heard of it. I will have to find it online.

    • ORLY says:

      Ds, I saw it last night, I thought he was really good. Surprisingly so.

      • mia girl says:

        Wow, if you say it was good, I’m more apt to believe that then any critic. I know that you would not mince words if Pattinson sucked. 🙂

        I’m looking forward to seeing it in August.

      • ORLY says:

        Yes, Mia. I thought he was good. It was very dialogue heavy but I thought he delivered. He and Paul Giamatti have tremendous chemistry. I want to see them work together again.

  4. cupidityrox! says:

    That forehead deserves it’s own website

  5. Anname says:

    He does get quite goofy by the end of the promotion stuff! But I am always entertained by his answers. RE Cosmopolis, even those critics who hate the movie generally concede that he is very good in the role. So I think even if it is not a moneymaker, it will be good for his career.

  6. Crystal says:

    That top picture doesn’t do him any favours. His forehead looks huge !!!
    It’s a good thing he stopped smoking, it’s going to be hard but I think I heard the Kristen stopped too so they’ll help each other.
    I swear he has the worst taste in TV, I remember him saying he watched ‘House Of Payne’. That show is ratchet as hell.

  7. Dee Cee says:

    It’s a shame we can’t have great stories and acting in movies without the explicit sex details shown and if they were missing you’d not miss them and enjoy the movie, just as well.

  8. ORLY says:

    I don’t get why people keep referring to Luka Magnotta as cannibal, he didn’t eat anyone. He is just a nasty murdering murderer who dismembered his victim and mailed the body parts to people.

    • Another Nina says:

      Oh Orly, look now we also got synchronized!:)

      • ORLY says:

        Hi my darling. I agree with your comment below. Patz-fatigue is a very apt description. He is right about the market being saturated with him.
        He’s likely go away for a bit after this, then pop out in August for US promos. Then hopeful nothing from him (or her) again until late Oct/Nov.

      • Another Nina says:

        Orly, dear, how’s your man and soccer? Was he crying about Irish? My Russian and Danish parts of families are in mourning, including mom. And I’m in love with Andy Carroll(uk) . Have u seen him? I mean – Patz-who? and Becks-what? Andy Carroll for Finnick! And let him jump, like a lot!!!

  9. Another Nina says:

    I dunno, I think I have a Patz-fatigue. He had a better interview with Industria. I did not know that he was fired as a waiter after he dropped a bottle of wine on the guy’s bald head. So, they transferred him into dishwashing under the command of one-armed Turk. And that’s the image I’ll cherish forever.
    Speaking of Rob the stoner… I dunno, he looks to be in the health nut stage, and is hysterical about aging – that part I agree with him, he does look 10 years older than he is. Anyway, he does look high as a kite but I tend to think he is on prescription meds.
    On a separate note, Cronenberg is also going nuts from a promotion, and now answers the up-millionth question as to why he chose Rob with a short – because he was cheap 🙂

    • Anname says:

      He can look a lot older at times, but when he is skinnier and freshly shaved he definitely looks younger.

  10. Maria_Spain says:

    Not sexy .What girl see on him? he is creepy and not atractive at all -_-

  11. To-Go says:

    IA w/ the person above. There is something so creepy, about this guy. And it’s not only his face that gives off the creep’s vibe, I’ve read & watched a few interviews w/ this guy and IDK…weird.

    • bluhare says:

      He looks way better in the vampire makeup. Take him out of it and he just shrivels.

  12. Chickie Baby says:

    He made a movie about 3 or 4 years ago called “Remember Me”. The movie went nowhere, BUT it was a very emotional and engrossing film, and he did a fine job in it. Excellent supporting cast, too, which showcased him beautifully.

    Somewhere, in him, there’s a little bit of James Dean, trying to get out. If he keeps going after more serious roles, he will evolve into something impressive.

    • Another Nina says:

      Um, I think the movie made $59 mil globally, and since it costed only $16mil to produce, it did not go nowhere. But after surviving 9/11, I’m boycotting all artsy stuff about it.

  13. Kosmos says:

    Yes, he’s probably just a stoner guy at heart. I like his responses, which seem real, authentic. He doesn’t seem consumed with himself, but KS doesn’t come off as well for some reason. Her answers are too quirky and cannot stand her having to swear constantly in order to make a sentence.

  14. Patty foster says:

    Rob bores me now. His fos interviews make my head hurt.

    • Anname says:

      I find it to be the opposite of boring, most of the time it is more like wtf — he never quite says the expected thing,but still manages to remain mostly genuine. I find that way more interesting than the Efrons or whoever that just give the safe answer or the studio scripted response. Sometimes RP will give a cringe-worthy soundbite, but at least it isn’t boring.

      • Patty foster says:

        Remain genuine? Hes genuinely fos. It seems the general public is over him, a year ago he would have the most posts here but his constant bs is boring, imo. No one cares about him, he is being replaced by andrew g and the cumberbatch amd eddie r

      • Anname says:

        Yes the insane amount of attention has settled down, and that’s a good thing. No one can sustain that level of adoration for long – and it annoyed the hell out of everyone else (the non-fans). He has no interest in a maintaining that type of hype-driven career (as clearly evidenced by his upcoming projects). However I would disagree with you that he has less of a following than those 3 other actors you mentioned. He clearly has a dedicated core fanbase. And I guess you don’t have to read the fos interviews if they annoy you – I will continue to enjoy them and appreciate his unique sense of humor.

  15. Patty foster says:

    Funny that you say that his over saturation annoyed his non fans. According to his devout harem of female fans, everyone is a fan of Robs. Feel free to enjoy his interviews, i mean, somebody has to. The other actors have less bs surrounding them plus their interviews are funny and intelligent. Maybe it tales a special kind of woman to still find him funny after all these years

    • Anname says:

      Come on, resorting to insults is a total cop-out! I wouldn’t call you a “special kind of woman” for following the actors you like. I don’t find it necessary to insult you or other actors just because I don’t enjoy their work/personality. Agree to disagree I guess…

  16. Jordan says:

    I would never see any movie of his based on word of mouth just because of all the crazy Twi-hards out there. He would have to get exceptional reviews from critics across the board, I think – or at least a majority of critics. I’m surprised this site didn’t cover, or maybe it did and I missed it, his admission to arguing with Adele. Perhaps he was drunk, but I really hope he isn’t buying into his own hype.

  17. LittleDeadGirl says:

    He comes off as strange to me sometimes but I still find him a little endearing and I’ve had those days of just wanting to watch cops so that makes me like him more.

  18. Jane says:

    Well, some of you here declare Rob boring and soon to be forgotten yet you still write your comments about him. I think he is the most genuine actor out there and completely not into himself. He is on his way to being a great male lead with the height and the voice. If you don’t like him quit commenting about him. Try someone else and quit calling him SPARKLES. His name is Robert.