Robert Pattinson: “I was really fighting to not look pretentious for years”

Robert Pattinson

As we’ve already discussed on a few occasions, Robert Pattinson has been promoting Cosmopolis, which has him poised to be the surprise breakout star of the Twilight Saga. Who would have thought it possible? Certainly, I wouldn’t have believed it a few years ago, but his movie performances outside of Twilight have steadily grown better and more believable in terms of acting, and the Cosmopolis trailer looks relatively phenomenal in terms of a David Cronenberg-styled masterpiece. Now Sparkles has spoken with CBC host George Stroumboulopoulos about exactly how nervous he is to move on as an actor and how both Ryan Gosling and Adele have both inspired him to think differently when promoting his new projects. Here’s a few excerpts from the interview:

Was Cosmopolis a concerted effort to break free of Twilight? “This was not part of the plan at all. I just thought I was totally oversaturated everywhere, I wanted to do little tiny parts or maybe no parts at all. I got this three weeks before I was finishing the last Twilight movie, and I was really, really determined to find ensemble pieces or anything small just so I didn’t have to be in everybody’s face and annoying everyone. And then this thing came up.”

How to promote Cosmopolis: “It reminded me, I watched this interview with Ryan Gosling once, and he said when he did The Believer a few years ago, and people were saying – cause he’d done “Young Hercules” for three or four seasons – and then he did The Believer and everybody was asking about his craft. And it’s the most, most confusing thing. I was in Cannes doing these interviews, and I was really fighting to not look pretentious for years, and someone gives you one inch of the possibility of being pretentious, and you’re like grabbing it so hard, going around being the biggest douchebag. And now I’ve kind of reined it in again.”

On keeping true friends post-fame: “I just remember, I think I was pretty similar before. Like I would be one of those people who was desperate to go to a party and then they go to the party and just stand in the corner with the people they came with and refuse to acknowledge that anyone else is there. So I don’t really miss anything. And you kind of, you have all these fantasies if I wasn’t famous I’d meet all these random people in the street all the time. But you don’t meet random people in the street. Most of the time you’re trying to avoid everybody even if you’re not famous.

“Actually I had this argument with Adele, which is probably the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever said. I was saying, ‘you know, you can really just like reach for it,’ and she was like, ‘you do realize I am like the biggest-selling female artist ever?’ And I just for some reason just decided to get into an argument with her.”

On needing a second act to his career: “The only thing I ever thought about was thinking, I don’t want anyone to think that I somehow got trapped by something, you know. And I don’t know if anyone really does, the general public, about Twilight — but the amount of times you get asked, ‘oh, are you worried about being typecast?’ I’m just worried about people saying, like, ‘What happened to that guy?’ And also, you think, you want to do something at least a little bit worthwhile with what kind of power you’ve been given, through luck. And not just keep trying to extend the same thing for as long as possible.”

On his immediate future: “I’m desperately trying to get a superhero movie now.”

[From Movieline]

God, that last bit is hilarious. You just know that, aside of another Twilight movie, the biggest nightmare in Sparkles’ mind would be to put on some tights and star in his own superhero movie. That’s just a bit more of the self-deprecating nature that many of us have come to know and love from the bloke. At this moment though, Sparkles has said precisely the correct thing while attempting to make his transition to a more respectable actor than the Twilight franchise would ideally permit, and he totally gets it. When he said he “want[s] to do something at least a little bit worthwhile with what kind of power you’ve been given, through luck,” it’s totally believable. There’s no eyeroll and no pretentious attitude. It’s kind of amazing that his girlfriend of (at least a few) years, Kristen Stewart, has yet to learn such PR lessons that Sparkles seems to manage with ease.

Still, I’m not completely letting RPattz off the hook because — let’s face it — the real test will be what he says while promoting the movie where he plays the solder and interrogator who captures Saddam Hussein. In other words, grab your popcorn, mates.

Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson

Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News and WENN

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52 Responses to “Robert Pattinson: “I was really fighting to not look pretentious for years””

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  1. Jill says:

    Who cares? He and his “career” will be over after last part of Twilight crap. He has no talent or charisma.

    • Liv says:

      I doubt that. David Cronenberg wanted to work with him, that’s not nothing! I think it depends on his career choices now – if he’s smart, he will last.

    • Chris says:

      In opposite land maybe but he’s full of talent and charisma in the real world so I think he’ll be alright.

  2. cupidtyrox says:

    Um… did Adele really say that?
    Sounds like someone’s getting a big head

    • Waldemar says:

      I hope she didn’t. She has been the best selling artist of 2011, but of all time?? Don’t think so.

      • Jennipurrr says:

        I watched the interview (go George!) and I believe Sparkles meant that here he is trying to tell this super-successful singer how to do her job and he felt like an ass afterwards (probably after he sobered up).

        It was a great segment of George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight; Pattinson & Cronenburg were both hilarious. George is always great. I’m not just saying that because he’s my boyfriend. 😀

  3. Jackie says:

    him and his girlfriend are too whiny and neurotic for my taste.

    they take themselves way to seriously. your actors, not brain surgeons.

    • TXCinderella says:

      Totally agree. Although I do see improvement in his acting ability. Kristen, not so much.

    • lauren says:

      too seriously? He just mocked himself in this entire interview. In the press at least, he seems to NEVER take himself seriously.

    • Wren says:

      I agree, I have a friend who is a neurosurgeon, she is the most laid back and affable person. So really pretentiousness from 20something actors is inexcusable.

    • bns says:

      And they’re not even good actors ffs.

  4. Cate says:

    Hope he never tries to work in the UK again since he says Bristish things aren’t very good. Although I agree with him if he is referring to Bel Ami movie. His acting in that was not very good.

    • Anname says:

      I think he can say that because he IS British (you know, self deprecating and all…). Also, he says everything with a bit of humor or irony, so I wouldn’t take it too seriously. When you see it in print, it comes across differently than in video

  5. beyonce's bump says:

    I am a stark defender of Pattz and Kstew’s temperament. I GET them (I think). I really do. I can see how annoying it is for people who don’t know you to think you should be “more grateful” because you are popular and well off than most. It is called personality, some people just don’t feel the need to pretend to be something they are not. I never got that they act like divas or celebrities. Yea, maybe they are a bit hipsterish but I will take them any day over tay swift etc.

  6. Esmom says:

    Love him. And to the people who say he is untalented, so are tons of people in Hollywood. He at least seems to be looking to improve and to gain some credibility, rather than just coast and cash in on his celeb status.

  7. diana says:

    Go Sparkles!!!
    Can’t comment on his acting (I firmly believe guys mature into great actors only in their mid to late 30s) but his head and heart are sure in the right place.

    • VanessaP. says:

      Um..James Dean, Monty Clift, Marlon Brando, Paul Newman, Robert Di Niro, Al Pacino, even Leo DiCaprio? They were all already amzing actors before they even hit their 30s.

  8. maryoomba says:

    i don’t get the adele bit.. someone explain?

  9. Kristen says:

    I actually think he could be a better actor if he had a reasonable dialect coach (or could use his own accent). I just saw, “Water for Elephants,” and I couldn’t say that he was bad necessarily. It just felt like he’s not great at having to inflect well through a fake American accent.

  10. Anname says:

    His interviews are alway entertaining. Sometimes his humor doesn’t always translate in print though! I never feel like he is giving some scripted answer. I think he has an amazing career ahead, look forward to watching it unfold.

  11. Hanna says:

    Meh. I bet he’ll be gone in a few years time.

  12. Adeli says:

    When he said he “want[s] to do something at least a little bit worthwhile with what kind of power you’ve been given, through luck,” it’s totally believable. There’s no eyeroll and no pretentious attitude. It’s kind of amazing that his girlfriend of (at least a few) years, Kristen Stewart, has yet to learn such PR lessons that Sparkles seems to manage with ease.

    ^ THIS
    Take note Kristen. That’s what honest and real sounds like. This has been his attitude since the very beginning. He even calls himself out: “…someone gives you one inch of the possibility of being pretentious, and you’re like grabbing it so hard, going around being the biggest douchebag. And now I’ve kind of reined it in again.”

    This is the kind of self-awareness and humility that Kristen lacks. She’s so immature, I have to wonder how long this relationship will last.

  13. Amy says:

    I get what people are saying about Rob and Kristen being a “personality” and not just another Hollywood produced product or whatever and I respect that idea in theory, but not in execution when it comes to Kristen. I like Rob and I think he’s a decent, rather charming and funny guy, and I hope he keeps getting chances to work and practice and develop as an actor because he probably is going places beyond things like Twilight or Remember Me.

    However, Kristen just says the wrong things all the time. I get being outspoken and not falling into line like a little duck and being your own person, but she consistently phrases things wrong and throws things out there to get people to take her seriously; it just falls flat and she comes off as ungrateful and rude. But after you’ve done it time and time again, you need to learn. You need to figure out how to say what you want without coming off as a brat and she still hasn’t done that, which is why she’s not all that endearing to me, unlike Rob.

    Just something that I was thinking about too while I was reading this…do you think she’d be the same way if she hadn’t been in Twilight? Obviously no one (sane) takes Twilight seriously and that works against her. Just curious as to your opinions!

    • Anname says:

      I genuinely feel a bit of sympathy for Kristen, no matter what she does there is a crazy amout of hate thrown at her. And she definitely says/does things that do not endear her to others. But I think if you met her in person she would be fun to hang out with. She just can’t figure out how to translate that in interviews! I really like these 2 as a couple though. He “softens” her a bit, and it seems like they have very loving relationship.

      • Amy says:

        I don’t know about sympathy because at this point she’s been in the game for a while. You know how to work it and she’s just consistently bad at it. It’s not hard to stay true to yourself without sounding entitled or obnoxious and she doesn’t get it. I’m sure she’s a fun girl though.

  14. Jocelyn says:

    He is beginning to be as annoying as his girlfriend. His attitude seems to have changed. He is coming off like a cocky douchebag, IMO.

    • SimKin says:

      I’ve heard people say this, and I was wondering what made you think he was a cocky douchebag?

  15. another nina says:

    The biggest difference between Sparkles and his gf is that he is very smart and well brought up and she is just not. I do have a theory that she is not dumb, and could be potentially an intellectual (i.e. someone who could accumulate tons of knowledge) but she is just not smart.

    Well, did I understand correctly that Sparkles admits that he was pretentious douche in Cosmopolis round of interviews? I wrote it here, after the very first one in that French mag – which accompanied photoshoot – that he was just about to start talking about his craft, and look – he confirms! 😉 I seriously love it about Rob that he is capable of seeing himself real, I was afraid that he lost it.

    He sort of rehabilitated himself at the very last publicity event for Cosmopolis – Q&A in Toronto, where he appeared completely drunk, to the extent that Cronenberg volunteered to answer questions instead of Rob, and Patz approved him with quotes like “That’s why He is the director, and I’m just a whore” 😉 And then he almost fell off the high chair … How can you not love him?… 😉

    • Gabby says:

      She’s also only 22, whereas he’s 25 or 26-when I think back to some of the stupid things I said/did/thought in my late teens and early 20s, I’d sound a lot like her. I think she’ll mature into a pretty interesting person.

      • another nina says:

        I don’t think it’s age-related. Remember, he was 21, when Twilight came out, and he was still smart. Sorry, I don’t see Stew as potentially very interesting but I admit she could be a strong professional. Plus she has perfect skin and skinny legs. That’s it, I exhausted Stew’s appreciation minute 😉

      • lauren says:

        I don’t think it’s age related either, but she’s not Rob. She’s got such a different energy to her and attitude. Sometimes she’s annoying, but sometimes she’s just being direct and I appreciate that too. Rob and her actually mesh well, he seems to soften her edges in interviews, and she tends to help him stay on subject, he tends to meander all the time.

  16. mia girl says:

    I just love this guy. This whole interview does work better though when you actually watch it.

    Not sure why some are beginning to think he is cocky. Throughout the Cosmopolis press tour he talks about being petrified to accept the part because he wasn’t sure he could actually pull it off/was good enough. I don’t see how that is cocky. If he has gained a sense of accomplishment in having done something that he is getting better reviews for and relishes that for a minute, then I say good for him. Especially after being called a shit for 4 years. Plus, he does seem to have some self-awareness based on his “reigning it in” comment.

    I’m rooting for him. I actually think his self-deprecating nature and mild neurosis would work well in a Woody Allen flick. His interviews are so funny and charming that I wish he’d do a smart comedy (NOT a rom-com though).

    • another nina says:

      And I like Rob enough to admit that he sounded cocky over the Cosmopolis round of interviews and still root for him… I just credit him with enough brains to admit it too, and look — he just did 😉

      • teri says:

        No, I don’t really see it that way at all. He’s saying he always had to watch himself with twilight, cause twilight is crap. But once he had a project he was able to actually pontificate about legitimately, he took the bull by the horns. lol

        He’s not backtracking, he’s just saying the minute he was finally able to expound on something, he went for it.

  17. Happy21 says:

    I really like him. No because I’m crazy about him looks-wise but because he just seems down to earth.

    I do think he’ll have a great career. KStew I’m still up in the air about. She was great in The Runaways but has been good in very little else. I think there is only so long that people are going to give her a chance. If she keeps sucking then the offers will dry up and she’ll go away.

    Go Sparkles!!

  18. Beth says:

    I love Rob, but more than half of that article didn’t make any sense. And he really needs to stop referring to himself as “you” when he’s talking about his career choices. He’s been doing it for years and it drives me nuts.

  19. V says:

    Is his hair usually that reddish? Looks really red on the last pic.

  20. Crystal says:

    LOL. The difference between the comments here and the ones on the Kristen post are amazing. I wonder why??? Oh yeah, he’s a man. (but of course you guys will excuse it because he’s self-depricating’. As if she isn’t)

    He’s looking good these days. I usually think he’s fug but his suit game has been on point recently.

    He can’t act but you guys won’t hold it against him because like I said, he’s a man.

    I hope the Adele bit is true. I love Adele, she slays…she can say whatever she wants.

    As long as this fanbase are sexist in the way they treat Robert versus the way they treat Kristen, I’ll be rooting for Kellan Lutz and his chicken legs before i support this guy and his footface.

    I hope Kristen wins an oscar one day and robert becomes as irrelevant as Hugh Grant…just to piss you guys off. That post would be so epic.

    (watch this comment get deleted. If there’s one thing this site hates, it’s being called out on misogyny)

    • Anname says:

      Wow Crystal, I am sure Kristen would appreciate you as her fan wishing bad on someone she cares about.
      The hate Kristen gets is quite horrible and unjustified, I agree with you there. But why have you decided that it’s Rob’s fault? He gets plenty of hate from just about every man on the planet – sparkly vampire anyone?
      Kristen presents herself very differently than Rob, and tends to be a bit abrasive. She doesn’t seem to be that way personally, but her interviews sometimes come off wrong.

      • Crystal says:

        Lucky for me I give zero fucks about whether Kristen appreciates me because I’m not her fan (I like my actresses to be able to act). If anything, I’ve always prefered Robert (especially when twilight first came out, those old school interviews are so epic and funny). I’m not a fan but I’ll always defend her against the misogyny in the fanbase because when it comes down to it, no matter how much you want to deny it, they’re both very similar. They both claim to not give a fuck even though they give all the fucks in the world. And they’re both self depricating, not just Rob.

        Kristen bashes twilight= OMG she’s so ungrateful wah wah wah.

        Robert bashes twilight= Oh I love him he’s so charming and self depricating.

        Kristen cast as Snow White= It makes no sense, she can’t act wah wah wah

        Robert cast as the guy who captures Sadaam Hussein= Oh give him a chance to prove himself…

        Kristen rape comments= People still won’t let it go nearly 2 years later

        Johnny Depp rape comments= people forgave him after he apologized.

        See where I’m going with this ??? I wouldn’t care if the men on this site got the same hate as the women but it’s so predicatble when Robert posts are full of women creaming themselves and Kristen posts are full of the same women calling her names. I can’t stand them both equally, I don’t discriminate.

        You’re right though…I shouldn’t wish for Rob to have a bad career. He seems like a nice guy and it’s not his fault that his fans (and a lot of people on this site, lets be real) can be sexist.

      • Huh says:

        @Crystal. Rob and Kristen are two different persons. Once that is appreciated then it is also understandable why they are treated in a different manner. Rob and George Clooney do not get the same treatment. Neither does Rob and Carrot Top. Different strokes for different folks. Your whole life and attitude towards life and previous remarks inform the public’s opinions. They don’t just take one remark in a vacuum. If President Obama makes a political statement it’s a completely different thing from if Robert Pattinson makes a political statement. People are treated differently based on how they have positioned themselves in the public eye or the authority they have been given.

    • another nina says:

      @ Crystal
      dude, seriously, you are killing me. Yesterday, your comments were so brilliant, I wanted to learn them by heart and quote you endlessly. And today, you just sound like you have an agenda…
      The day Kristen comes up with an interesting interview, I’ll type my fingers to the bone, praising her…
      But that day is not here yet.

      • Crystal says:

        LOL. Aww bb. I love your comments too. Forgive me.
        I have no agenda but I just hate that Kristen gets so much more hate than Rob even though they’re equally as untalented (they both have potential but they both have a lot to prove) and equally as annoying. Kristen may complain a lot but so does Rob. Don’t lie. I don’t find Kristen interviews very interesting but that’s because they always ask her the same damn questions (how she feels about her persona as the ‘ungrateful, unsmiling bitch). I feel that women in general on this site get so much hate for the same things that men can get away with and the best example of this is Rob vs Kristen.

        Let’s just agree to disagree I guess. your my fave R-Pattz fan and I can’t handle arguing with you. Let’s make pretty, sparkly babies together ok?

      • another nina says:

        @ Crystal
        dude – you are THE voice of wisdom…! Now let’s get to business – the world could only benefit from our pretty sparkly babies!!!

    • chris says:

      He can really act though.

  21. chris says:

    I love this man so much! He’s so intelligent and has such a great attitude towards life and his fame.

  22. Amanda_M87 says:

    LOL! He looks really British in that first photo.

    • another nina says:

      I dunno about that, I just find his bright pink ears very distracting in that pic 😉

  23. LittleDeadGirl says:

    I did like that he knows he was in everyone’s face with Twilight and wants to step back a bit. It was nice on his part I’d have to say.

  24. Rory says:

    I think Pattinson has a real shot at a long term successful career. He has the right attitude and he’s self aware enough not to take himself so seriously. It’s this attitude that makes him bullet proof to the “what a self important idiot” remarks that dog Kristin Stewart. She could learn a lot from her friend Rob.

  25. Diana says:

    I just love him. He has the lovliest sense of humor and doesn’t take himsefl to serously; just my kind of guy.

  26. charmnsass says:

    I was at the Cosmopolis premiere screening in Toronto & had a front row seat for the Q&A afterwards with David Cronenberg and cast. Robert came across as a humble, down-to-earth & likeable guy. Although most questions were directed to him & David, he attempted to deflect the spotlight and include the other cast members when he could. Overall, I was impressed. Side note: Paul Giamatti was looking down at his phone and texting the ENTIRE time; pausing only to interject with hilarious observations and self-deprecating wit. Love him!