Bristol Palin’s son Tripp, 3, uses homophobic slur on TV, Bristol laughs

Trip uses the word at about 1:00 in. If this video is not viewable in your country, you can watch it here.

The last we heard about Bristol Palin, her reality show was being moved to a later time slot on Lifetime after dismal ratings and even worse reviews. Bristol’s show, “Life’s a Tripp,” was faring so poorly that it was replaced by re-runs of “Dance Moms.” We didn’t cover that story, because it seemed inevitable to me and I was relieved not to have to think about Bristol and her “career.”

Well “Life’s a Trip” is still airing and Bristol is still making headlines. In the latest episode, her son Tripp, 3, called his aunt Willow a “f*ggot” when she tried to discipline him. We know Willow has also used that anti-gay slur, as she wrote it on Facebook in an argument against a guy who was mocking her family, calling him “so gay” and “such a f*ggot.” Here’s more:

The Palins have never been known for being particularly gay-friendly — and unfortunately, it seems as if the youngest member of the family is following in the footsteps of his elders.

A newly-released clip from the Lifetime reality series “Bristol Palin: Life’s a Tripp” shows Tripp Palin uttering a homophobic slur when mom Bristol and aunt Willow won’t let him visit the swimming pool.

The Palin sisters gasp, and then giggle, when three-year-old Tripp’s temper tantrum culminates in the tot calling his aunt a “faggot.”

Though Bristol does confess that she’s “doing a terrible job disciplining Tripp…I know he’s going to continue to push the boundaries,” her son’s behavior doesn’t seem too out of step, given his family’s history of anti-gay activity. In 2010, Willow sparked controversy when she fired off at a classmate on Facebook, referring to him “so gay” and “such a faggot.”

Perhaps Sarah Palin’s grandson would be better served by taking notes from dad Levi Johnston, who in 2009 embraced his gay icon status on “The Joy Behar Show” following his steamy spread in Playgirl magazine.

[From The Huffington Post]

Kids repeat what they hear at home. I’ll admit that my son has used the other F word, the more common one, with consequences, but if he’s ever heard this one he knows not to say it. I once explained to him that it was wrong for his friends to call something “gay” in a derogatory way after he asked about it. It’s doubtful Bristol has had that conversation with her son. We know her position on same sex marriage rights. This isn’t the most open-minded family.

This makes me wonder why producers decided to leave that segment in the show. It’s for ratings obviously, but if Bristol wanted it cut she could have made a case for it. (Note that they did not cut out a part of Bristol’s argument with a heckler in which she asked him if he didn’t like her mom because he was “a homosexual.” This was reported incorrectly by some outlets.) In Bristol’s mind, Tripp saying that word is probably about the same as a kid using a mild swear word. She wasn’t horrified, she was laughing.

After I wrote this story I found a blog Bristol wrote in which she claimed that Tripp used the other F word. Of course she blamed the media for claiming he said it, writing “I guess the temptation to label my three year old son is just too great for the lefty papers to resist.” It’s about her parenting, it’s not about her little kid, but I wouldn’t expect her to grasp that. Watch her kid say the word again and tell me he said “f#$@,” not “f*ggot.” It sounded like it ended with a “t,” not an “er,” but whatever. The Palins are always victimized by the media.

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113 Responses to “Bristol Palin’s son Tripp, 3, uses homophobic slur on TV, Bristol laughs”

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  1. cmc says:

    So disgusting. I feel really sorry for that kid- what kind of adult comes out of that childhood? It’s not his fault he’s going to be the second coming of the Cracken.

    • beyonce's bump says:

      so true cmc. Feel bad for the kid, can’t choose the kind of facked up, homophobic, racist, gun toting, dumb ass family u are born into. smh

      • Str8Shooter says:

        Well said. Complete trash all around, that family.

        I think it would be AWESOME if he called Bristol a FAT F*CK instead!

      • Tiffany says:

        I think you can’t blame the child…to a certain point. Tripp as a 3 year old, it is his mother’s fault and he is repeating what he has heard them say.

        When a child gets to a certain age, over 15 or 16 like Bristol is now, they get to make their own choices and chose their own path. Sadly, Bristol has chosen the path of ignorance. I don’t dislike her because of who her mother is, I dislike her because of who she has chosen to become.

    • lucy2 says:

      What kind of adult comes out of that? Just look at Bristol herself. And sadly they’re teaching this innocent little kid to be the same way.

      Isn’t Willow only 17 or something? Why isn’t she living with her parents and going to school?

      • Crystal says:

        +1 It’s just perpetuating the same sad cycle. The truly sad part is they are all living their life as if nothing they think or do is wrong like a lot of other narrow-minded people out there. smh

      • bk says:

        lucy2, Crystal, ITA. It’s like they do these really whacked out things and then wonder why all the hate. What seems crazier to me though is that S.P. was voted into the governorship of one of our 50 states. I can’t believe there are so many people out there who can stand by this kind of stuff.

    • erika says:


      Guys, great comments y’all made. Here’s the URL to her Facebook page- go ahead and leave a comment, anywhere. Maybe if she get’s enough of these comments (you know she’s vain enough to check for flattery on her FB page) She just might think twice (though I doubt it)

  2. Julie says:

    obviously her fault but people making money with shows like that and leaving the word in are nothing better. i think even worse. they know that its derogatory and thats why they use it because it will give them attention and ratings and they can blame it on someone else, “she said it, not we” yeah but you are earning money with it.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      I blame the TV network for giving this woman a show in the first place but I don’t blame them for showing this. This is *reality* TV right? Well, the *reality* is that this woman is raising her child to think that homophobic slurs are ok and she doesn’t seem even remotely ashamed of it, which speaks volumes imo. She could have used this as a teachable moment and sat her child down to discuss why words like this perpetuate hate but instead she laughs it off. Some people REALLY need to learn to put a jimmy hat on it-this woman seems ill-equipped to raise a child.

  3. the original bellaluna says:

    A sure-fire way to keep your kiddo saying or doing something they shouldn’t is by laughing rather than disciplining. The kid doesn’t stand a chance.

    Wasn’t anyone else concerned about the repeated “I hate you’s” from Tripp? My three year old hasn’t said “hate” um, well, EVER. And we call him “The Magpie” or “The Mockingjay” because if he hears it, he’s repeating it. Over and over and over again.

    Stellar parenting all around, Palins.

    • Esmom says:

      I know, seriously. And her comment about him pushing boundaries is crap…how can he push them if he doesn’t have any? Plus he’s way too young to be pushing boundaries even if someone was setting and enforcing them.

      The Palin levels of ignorance continue to boggle my mind.

    • jc126 says:

      Of course. That family is quite trashy. Their TV shows are hilariously awful, however. We’ve watched some of this crapfest, but the Sarah Palin’s Alaska was better. SOO funny – all Todd ever said was “Cool”, and SP would try to throw in some political messages in every segment.

      I really think Tripp looks like a demon-child, not a cherub.

    • mia girl says:

      bellaluna – I agree! We’ve taught our kids that the word “hate” is not one they should use. In fact it’s called the “h word” in our family. Just like the “s word” which refers to “stupid” Both of these words are used too frequently by others to hurt, so we skip them all together. But I am amazed by how often these two words are used in children’s programs/animated shows.

      Kids are exposed to all kinds of words/images early on, so if you dont set the boundaries that work for your family, kids certainly won’t set them for themselves – they don’t even understand why they need them. If child as young as Tripp is saying these words to express himself, it’s because no one is teaching him otherwise.

      • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

        @Mia, sponge bob says stupid all of the time. I told my 3 1/2 year old son that it’s a bad word and we can’t watch the show because of it. Now every time he hears someone say it, he goes up to them and says “excuse me, can I tell you something? That’s a bad word.” He also caught onto the fact that I’m constantly calling people jerks while driving. LOL. Tripp must her that word a lot for him to use it so freely, and their reaction all but guarantees that he’ll say it again.

  4. lisa2 says:

    I saw this.. but I thought the producer or someone on set said he said. FCUK and not the other word.. but still

    I find her and her family very distasteful. I’m just so shocked to think that this could have been the 2nd Family of our Country.

    Let that sink in for a minute.

    • Green_Eyes says:

      The thought scared me enough then.. I am just thankful we dodged that as a Country!
      This Kid however.. Sadly is going to grow up a mess and will someday be making some Therapist rather wealthy. That’s what happens when someone that has the same level of maturity both intellectually and emotionally as their little children. They definitely do seem to like to instill hate and the inability to accept others as they are. It seems to run in this

  5. Lily says:

    And? What have you expected? You have created her so… stop complain.

    • the original bellaluna says:

      Her parents created her, not us.

      • Lily says:

        Don’t pretend that you don’t know what I mean. Have you bought her crap? Have you watched her on tv? Have you listened to her bullshit? Yes, yes and yes. So you have created her – she is public figure. Thank to you my dear fellow Americans.

      • the original bellaluna says:

        That’s my point. I HAVEN’T watched her on TV, or listened to her stupidity (other than this clip), or bought her crap. (Nor have I bought into her crap.)

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        I think it’s actually good that C/B is covering this, especially during an election year. Keep repping the conservative Republicans, Bristol!

        @Lily- Nobody here watches this sh*t. Hell, I don’t even have cable. For someone who seems so angry about the attention this woman is getting, you don’t seem to take issue with driving up hits on a blog post about her with your comments. So actually, you just contributed to her fame by complaining about her.

      • QoFE says:

        Bristol Palin, does not represent any Republicans I know. Don’t insult us all that way…..

      • Green_Eyes says:

        Didn’t create here, as Orig Belluna said, thank her Mother for that mess! I have never watched her, didn’t even watch the clip, didn’t have to…was watching lifetime this weekend when they showed this Clip as a Commercial for her show (wasn’t watching then either was doing laundry, but walked past the family room and thought that’s what I heard. Asked hubby, he said yeap, that’s what I heard… Both agreed how ignorant that she was laughing over this.. Most would be appalled, Oh and I stopped watching DWTs when she was announced as one of the “Stars” on the show, as she is not a Star but wannabe. Hmmm kinda like her Mother, she didn’t really want to be Govenor ( who quits mid term) or I thi even Vice President (bet she would have quit mid term) they are all about the money and what it can get them.. If they WEREN’T, there would not have been a multiple million dollar book deal, the whole Bus Tour to go w/ it and Bristol hawking herself on a Dance show trying to get a Reality Show. Wish there was a Realty show that rounded up all Past and Potential Realtiy Shows and Those that are on them and condems them to an Island w/ NO CAMERAS! Imagine that! Somehow think those like Palin would still come out somehow ignorant and full of hate speeches… Just a lot wealthier. God Bless America, and we wonder why so many hate The US and the UK.. Reality Shows & the Civil rights that Ignorant (not as in Mental Health Disease or Issues.. But as in just plain hating a certain group as they would catorigize someone because they see them as different or do not agree with them and choose to publicly insight hate). I may start an unintentional something here… But I think it needs to be said. bEFORE Palin Sr had Trygg, I wonder if the word retard or retarded was used as openly as the word used Bristol’s son? As Someone stated lil ears repeat what they hear at home. I’m sure the word was banned in their home not due to sensitivity and concern for their own growing child… No, had it not been a brainstorm of an idea to make Palin look more compassionate and like every other mother that fights for their child’s rights you could probably hear those R words being used in their home as well. I know as I have Aunts and Uncles (some Cousins) that ignorantly still hang on to the souths derogatory names when it comes to the color of one’s skin. These same Aunts and Uncles have grandchildren (and Cousins have kids) of mixed race and VERY loved by their parents and Grandparents, yet the ignorantly use the derogatory terminology around the Kids as if it shouldn’t affect them at all. I don’t see how it can’t, but that’s a whole other issue and I have made my opinion of this stupidity known to my Family. Seems someone in Palin’s Family of they disagree should point out their ignorance as I am naively hoping someone has some compassion and common sense. So I stand by no one created Bristol but Sarah… I didn’t create Sarah, I didn’t like her from the get go…and not all Republicans are like her nor do they like her. My sister and father never could stand her and thank God they are nothing like her!!

    • ama says:


      If you stop reporting on this twat and her worthless family, they’ll go away. They’re obviously desperate for ratings and attention. Paying any mind to them is only feeding their bigot mouths.

  6. Agnes says:

    I love it that this awful, biased family always attempts to portray itself as the victims of the “liberal media” (while having zero issues using said media for personal gain). They are all a collective boil on the ass of humanity. I wish they would finally go away – it’s been way too long.

    • olcranky says:

      nobody would be assigning a label to her 3-year old or making comments about his behavior if she hadn’t chosen to make him a public figure

      • Green_Eyes says:

        Amen, case in point … Following her mom’s footsteps and using her kids for popularity. In her case thankfully it’s backfiring!

    • lucy2 says:

      I know – for people who supposedly loathe the media and liberal Hollywood, they can’t stay away from it.

    • Esmom says:

      “I love it that this awful, biased family always attempts to portray itself as the victims of the “liberal media” (while having zero issues using said media for personal gain).”

      THIS! Every time I hear the term “lamestream media,” coined by Sarah herself (or one of her handlers), I want to scream at the hypocrisy.

  7. says:

    Poor kid.

    Please please please let her show be cancelled soon.

  8. backwards says:

    This little boy is already learning to be a bigot….sad really.

    • claire says:

      Yep. We’ll probably be reading about his arrest for a hate crime in the next 15 years or so. That’s the kind of thing I expect from this family. Good gawd…I can’t believe these trash bags could have ended up in the White House.

      • flan says:


        Apart from it being bigotry, it also sounds so trashy for a family to have a kid who talks like that.

  9. WaywardGirl says:


  10. Samigirl says:

    Great parenting there, teaching your child hatred.

  11. mel2 says:

    That family has no class. I feel sorry for that kid.

  12. Bite me aka aniston says:

    What a great family, educated and dignified mama palin must be oh so proud

  13. Neelyo says:

    The poor Palins, victims again. If they hate the media do much they should go away. As proven by the ratings of her show, they will not be missed.

    And what’s up with the 70s pageant hair on the sister?

  14. KGWM says:

    There is only one word. Vile.

  15. Vivian says:

    Child never had a chance to start with; sad! I hope when he gets older he can learn to see the truth and give his mother and famy hell for all this lousy attempts at achieving celebrity status and not putting his best interest first.

  16. Kim says:

    Didn’t Bristol or Willow use a gay slur a couple of years ago online? Not suprised

  17. Messenger says:

    a 3yo is merely parroting what he hears. the palins continue to show who us who they are. believe them.

  18. FeverDream says:

    Just another little hillbilly in the making. Nothing new.

  19. telesma says:

    This is not a matter of “discipline”. It’s a matter of the company he keeps. Sad that such a beautiful child is going to be twisted by that family of haters.

  20. Sandip says:

    Igloo Trash!!!!

  21. Cam S says:

    Kids raising kids. Those girls look like his sisters, NOT MOTHER/AUNT. I fear for my generation as we get older.
    Where would a kid THAT YOUNG learn that word? Too young for school.

    • Erinn says:

      Obviously from the people in his life helping to raise him who have already gotten into hot water multiple times for homophobic slurs. They make it seem like they’re so innocent, but he’s learning the words from them.

  22. marie says:

    well, ignorance breeds ignorance so..

  23. Cathy says:

    That whole family is useless. Never watched any of their shows, and I never plan to. I feel sorry for the kid.

  24. keats says:

    I like the ‘my three year old said f***, not f******’ defense. Oh in that case, here’s a mom of the year award.

  25. Vee says:

    Disgusting parenting!

    Selfish famewhores will sacrifice their kids for publicity. You see it all the time.

  26. Johnny says:

    Wow! Mother’s judging another mom…. Speaks volumes about said parenting.

    Just noticed this was from Huffpo so, hate on!

    • videli says:

      Mothers. As one of those USA! USA! crowd that I’m sure you are, you could at least use your freakin’ mother tongue correctly.

      • Turd Fergussen says:

        God forbid someone chant the name of their country or be patriotic! Only American hillbillies do that, right? I’ve never, ever seen anyone in another country display that sort of idiotic behavior. *rolls eyes*

      • videli says:

        Chant away and spell correctly. That’s the least you can do for your country. And no, off the top of my head I don’t remember Danish throngs, for instance, hollering the name of their country in stadium-wide displays. That’s a more in the style of Mao Zedong.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        It always saddens me when people equate “USA chants” with patriotism….smh…

      • videli says:

        Kitten, I agree with you, though I actually don’t intend to doubt the patriotism of the chanting brigade. And I realize I must come as a humorless twat for thinking that you show respect through spelling.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        Videli-Turd is always on these boards voicing a dissenting opinion to anyone that supports liberal ideals. Frankly, I empathize wih anyone who has to defend the likes of the Palins or that parasite on humanity, Rush Limbaugh. It can’t be an easy job cleaning up all that verbal diarrhea.

        RE: Patriotism. Patriotism is love of one’s country. I love the USA, recognize it’s a wonderful place to live, but I have no problem criticizing the areas that need improvement. Blind love of one’s country is a dangerous thing and the antithesis of patriotism imo.

      • Johnny says:

        Well pardon the hell out of me for putting a ‘ where it did not belong… At least I am not telling others how to rear their children!

        As I stated earlier, continue with your hateful comments…

  27. ceyala says:

    Let’s hope he brings home a boyfriend in 15 years.

  28. Dee Cee says:

    It’s written and talked about all the time, mentioned in every movie, on TV.. in the news.. taught in schools.. can’t blame the poor kids living in the liberal world today..

    • Erinn says:

      I’m pretty sure people don’t TEACH that term in school. I think it’s picked up from other trashy students in schools, don’t you?

      What kind of movies or television would a three year old be watching that used those kinds of terms?

      I hope you were kidding, or trolling here. Because if you weren’t this is just sad.

    • lucy2 says:

      He’s 3.
      School? Movies? Perhaps if he were 10 years old, but he’s 3. His whole world is his mother and family (and I guess a film crew) right now. This is not something learned elsewhere, only in the home.

    • Bodhi says:

      What is written & talked about all the time? Homosexuality? Probably because it is & has been practiced in all socialites all over the world since time immemorial. In some societies it has been taboo, but not in all of them. Besides, the word “f—ot” is not written or taught by anyone other than bigots

  29. Flora Kitty says:

    I have never watched this show and I don’t plan to insult my intelligence by doing so. That kid looks like the male version of Rhoda Penmark (i.e. the child from the “Bad Seed”). I am waiting for Trig’s memoirs about life with the Palin family entitled “I Have Down’s, But These People Are Retarded”.

  30. hmmmm..... says:

    Why give this guttertrash any attention at all? They thrive on the “lame stream media” bashing them and wear it like a badge of honor. You’re just feeding their delusions of grandeur.

  31. dlc says:

    Used to feel bad for Bristol for having Sarah as a mom, but not anymore. She is trash.

  32. Jordan says:

    She is trash and unfortunately, that puts her child on the road to becoming trash because, guess what? They are famous, rich, and there are no consequences for them. That, in addition to not being taught values by his parents, means that this little boy has few options. Sad for him.

  33. Heather says:

    Bristol is a horrible parent. She acts like a (very young) sister and not a mom. Bristol needs to grow up and start acting like a parent. I feel really bad for Tripp. He is going to have one tough road ahead when he gets older.

  34. lilac says:

    As Celebitchy said, kids repeat what they hear at home. Its obvious that homophobia is deeply intrenched in the entire Palin household. Children aren’t automatically homophobic or racist or prejudiced, its something they are taught at home. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if we hear him use racial terms in the future either.

  35. Jackson says:

    There is so much wrong with those couple minutes I’m not even going to go through them all. Go luck to this kid.

  36. Elisabeth says:

    does anyone else think Tripp looks like one of the kids from village of the damned?

  37. mln89 says:

    i am so disgusted by this dumb b*tch and her bigoted, uneducated family. there is no way for a three year old to know that word and to know enough to use it as a way to INSULT someone without hearing it home. she’s teaching him to be a homophobe, the same as herself. she’s the only one to blame for how badly behaved her son looks on national t.v. when are these palin idiots going to stop blaming “liberals” for all their self-created problems?

  38. taxi says:

    If you don’t like Palin reality shows, email the customer relations depts. of the sponsors. Say you won’t buy any products advertised on the show & you’re disappointed that their fine company would sponsor this garbage. You can also email or write Lifetime & your cable provider & let them know this is not what you want to watch.

  39. Lisa says:

    Trash. Look at them.

  40. chalkdustgirl says:

    Talk about an idiot. She puts her child on a reality show, he uses a gay slur, and then she’s smug about people “labeling” him.

    Here’s a thought: If you don’t want a person to be labeled, don’t put them on tv for cash.

  41. kellyinseattle says:

    I think the boy is a beautiful kid; too bad they’re going to ruin him

    • Bodhi says:

      Ditto, he is really is a beautiful child. I had hair like that when I was his age. I hoped that my son would inherit my curls, but he got is daddy’s stick straight hair instead

  42. irishserra says:

    Ugh. So much wrong with that video. She is terrible when it comes to discipline. No wonder he says all the disrespectful things he does. So glad he’s not my kid.

  43. Shannon says:

    What a mouth on such a young kid o.O If he’d said “C U Next Tuesday” would she have thought it was fine too?

    If your 3 year old son is going around saying “f@ggot” you’re a bad mother. Period. I get that kids pick up on bad words, and no, you’re not a bad mother if your kid starts saying “@sshole” or the like. Saying the F word means that Bristol has either said it in front of her child, or allowed him to be around people who say it in casual conversation, neither of which are appropriate for a THREE YEAR OLD.

    This just shows that being a bigot isn’t natural – it’s taught by family members.

  44. Ryan says:

    Village of the Damned comes to mind when I see that kid.

  45. HappyJoyJoy says:

    Why is anyone surprised? I’d be surprised if she went back home and lived a quiet life out of the public eye where she so badly wants to belong. They’re a family of idiots.

  46. BabyCakes says:

    I live in Alaska. You wouldn’t believe the Carrhart wearin’, huntin’, fishin’ manly men that are homophobic closet gays here. The ratio of men to women is more. I don’t understand it. But a majority of people feel like Palin andthe rest are liars It makes me sick. Not everyone up here is that embarrassingly archaic. I wouldn’t be surprised if he grows up to be gay. Just. Desserts.

  47. amy benkard says:

    They are white trash trough and through. The kid learnt that slur from someone in the family, most likely his mother.

  48. anonymoose says:

    Palin apples do not fall far from the tree.

  49. mia says:

    Most of the middle schoolers and high schoolers I know use the term “faggot” with no regard to it being a “homophobic” word.
    They also call each other “bitches” without it being about a female dog or grouchy woman.

  50. erika says:

    God! Celebitchy has so MANY juicy articles today about rich, mean and emotionally messed up celebs today!!!

    I heard about this, and I WON’T even watch it. It INFURIATES me so much. Laughter? Really? Ok, first of all the term F****t is so derogatory, it’s a knife cut, forms a wound. SICK.

    Next, since you’re “OK” with your Arian Nation BRAT speaking offense slang, how about THIS?:

    Bristol “Tripp, don’t push your peas off your plate. Peas are good for you, now please eat your peas and be a good boy.”

    Tripp: “F***k YOU MOM! You COW! You’re such a trip of a B****H you couldn’t even keep Daddy around to love and take care of us! Now all the kids at school call me the “BUBBA B–T-RD!!! Cuz’ I ain’t nothin’ but a RED NECK, REPUBLICAN FATHERLESS CHILD!”

    How’s THAT Bristol? Dish what you serve up.

  51. chelsea says:

    such a creepy looking kid..

  52. Sheigh says:

    And the ugliness of this kid’s soul is rubbed off his face.
    Freaky Chucky doll!

  53. ezra says:

    Is anyone surprised?
    The next generation of knuckle dragging begins.

  54. kiyoshigirl says:

    Sorry, but in general this boy does not seem like a happy child. Sure, maybe he was tired and irritable and maybe he’s just repeating things he hears around the home, but what bothers me more is the ease in which he says that he hates his mother and aunt. I have three children and none of them ever said that to me. It just wasn’t in their hearts to say that to their mama. So sad that she thinks this is just pushing boundaries. Time to start saving for the teenage shrink fund.

    • telesma says:

      This. So much anger in such a little thing. I have two kids in college and never once has either of them screamed at me like that or said they hated me or anyone else. Not even in the worst of the angsty puberty years.

  55. RHONYC says:

    f*** that kid. he looks like an evil lil’ Chucky doll. 👿

  56. ElizabethR says:

    Victims of the media who do nothing but…manipulate the media.

    Seriously, who buys this crap?

  57. Hakura says:

    Doesn’t even have the grace to look embarrassed, either… Starts laughing…Ugh. Don’t know about everyone else, but to a kid, a smile as a response is generally taken to be acceptance & approval.

    It’s so sad that he doesn’t even really stand a chance at coming out decent, raised by this girl or her family.

  58. camden says:

    Thank goodness we dodged that bullet

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