Katy Perry on romance: “I’m a woman who likes to be courted, strongly”

Katy Perry

Katy Perry covers the September issue of Elle, and the heavily-banged (and wigged) look simply does not suit her well, especially with all of that purple nonsense still going on. Like, she already has purple hair underneath, but she’s donning a separate purple wig. It’s all so exhausting to keep up with, and now here she is yet again after promising (a few months ago) that an extended hiatus was in the works. Anyway, Katy is wearing a YSL dress on the cover, and she’ll be wearing Etro and Bottega Veneta within the feature itself. Her body looks spectacular, but the rest of her persona is so try-hard that it turns the entire package into an instant turn-off. Here are some excerpts from the interview:

Katy Perry

Will she ever marry again? “I’m a woman who likes to be courted, strongly. Never say never, I guess you’d say. I’ll let love take the lead on that.”

On her career: “I love what I do, and when I don’t love what I do, I’ll make a change…I can’t be the candy queen forever.”

On being a role model: “I have no regrets…I’m not going to be everything to everyone. I can’t tell a person when it’s time for them to have sex. Or if they should have a cigarette…But I try to live my life with a lot of integrity, and, hopefully, that sends a message.”

[From Elle]

Well, Katy’s right that she won’t be able to pull of her current shtick forever because her appeal is waning already. There’s a good chance that Katy might be able to squeeze out another successful album, but she’ll eventually fall by the industry wayside and then work her way into judging network musical competition shows. As for her declaration on wanting to practically be clubbed over the head and dragged back to the cave …. here’s a little message to John Mayer: This is how you get on that.

Katy Perry

Photos courtesy of Elle

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50 Responses to “Katy Perry on romance: “I’m a woman who likes to be courted, strongly””

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  1. Bobo says:

    This candy child-woman grates on my nerves!!!

  2. Ainsley says:

    I’d like to bitch slap her, strongly. And more than once.

  3. maria says:

    She ‘s such a beautiful girl but she ruins her face by putting all that make-up on. She ‘s like a drug queen. No offence to drug queens.

    • corny says:

      courted? is this 1877? unless she means the court jester which would fit with her style

      • epiphany says:

        I think she means she likes a guy to really pursue her, make it clear he wants her, and make an effort to win her over.

      • Lway says:

        ….while she plays hard to get continuously until the next man gets tired of having to chase her on a constant basis – i think her and Brand were great together, it’s unfortunate that we live in an age where you walk away instead of fixing your marriage – very sad.

    • ema82m says:

      You mean a drag queen????

    • Marianne says:

      She has all that make-up on because it’s a magazine cover. I’ve seen her plenty of times without make-up on. It’s not like she wears it 24/7.

  4. rumbleseat says:

    Why does everyone on this site hate her so much? It’s really bizarre. She has a fun kooky image. To call that try-hard is like calling Elton John a try-hard for playing piano in a Donald Duck suit. Either you find the wackiness entertaining or you don’t. As for her wanting to be courted, well, before the hot pants and frosting boobs, she was raised in a crazy ass Jesus family, so I think that pretty well explains that traditionally minded preference right there.

    • DSS says:

      Elton John is beyond talented…case closed

    • DetRiotGirl says:

      I agree with you! I’ll never understand why this girl is so hated on this site, @TheOneAndOnly’s essay not withstanding. My iPod doesn’t always need to be playing the Beatles or Pink Floyd. I like a bit of pop fluff every now and then. Plus, I kind of love her colorful styles.

      To me, the most annoying thing about all the negativity directed at KP by commentors on this site is how there often seems to be an underlying message that says “I like REAL music. I am smarter and better than anyone who likes KP in every way.” as if people can’t simultaneously like pop music and be a person of substance or think for themselves. I find that type of musical snobbery very insulting.

      *sits back and waits for the inevitable “I find Katy’s music insulting” argument*

      • Tommy says:

        I totally agree! Not all of us want to endure sleepy, sappy piano ballads performed by a lovable-yet-homely plump woman day-in and day-out. I like a little spectacle now and again, so shoot me!

      • TrustMeOnThis says:

        I actually *do* find “I kissed a girl” insulting. The rest of it… ehhh.
        She is wise to realize she can’t be the candy princess forever. I think those spinning boobs distract the eye from a savvy businesswoman.

      • Bobby says:

        There’s plenty of artists that put out wonderful pop music, no need to listen to mediocre Katy Perry.

  5. lola says:

    and by the looks of her suitors, is courted strongly code for golden showered courtship? I mean seriously, john Mayer and russell brand are hardlly the courtly types.

    • Ella says:

      Actually you’re wrong about Russell Brand … he’s a total romantic. He showered Katy with thoughtful gifts and attention and romance when they were dating, which is part of why she fell for him. He really goes all out, when he likes someone.

  6. Eileen says:

    I have no problem with her. My daughter ADORES her and I’m fine with it. Her music isn’t my taste, but she doesn’t bring any stabby feelings either. I think she’s pretty-when she tones her sh!t down and my daughter LOVES the way she dresses. But she loves sparkly,colorful things…I’m more of a hippie. To each his own.

  7. Joanna says:

    wow, talk about photo-shopping, i’ve never seen her look that small-chested or skinny. guess they’re trying to photoshop her into a model figure.

  8. SueAnn says:

    I love her. I can’t help it…

  9. TheOneAndOnly says:

    Rumbleseat people despise her for any of the following reasons:
    1.) people on this site know her real background she started in christian music but that doesn’t yield money or fame; so she chucked that and her label and image makers redid her; thus she’s is a corporate created act and a hypocrite;
    2.) even by today’s low standards of pop music she’s awful; no tone or range to her autotuned voice, screeching out junk disposable music;
    3.) Have you read some of her interviews like the one in Rolling Stone awhile ago; she’s a total dimwit with the maturity of a ten yr old;
    4.) SHe’s a complete famewhore while some many truly artistic female musicians out there starting with esperanza spalding are totally ignored she is shoved down our throats.
    5.) SHe’s on a major label soon to be bought out by SA Vivendi (read the Wall Street Journal, pop music is corporate capitalism and she’s an agreeable player) so her management team has millions to market her;
    6.) She like many other celebutards should not be on fashion mags; there’s nothing fashionable let alone hip or edgy about her.
    7.) She is an example that money and mediocrity (I’m being generous) rules.
    8.) Do we really need a movie about this vacant nitwit Yes The song remains the same was fine for Zeppellin but that was for the greatest rock band ever, not some fluffy retread screecher;
    I could go on but enough. Sorry for the rant.

  10. v says:

    I really dislike what she projects.Also her voice is awful.

  11. lettylynton says:

    I think she’s gorgeous especially in all the make up and with the purple and black hair. And look at those nails! She doesn’t sound try-hard at all to me in this interview. I’m not a huge fan of her music but love her style.

  12. jula says:

    Katy is NOT wearing YSL on the cover, she is wearing a Bottega Veneta dress from the Fall/ Winter collection.

  13. anti says:

    WOW, her face looks totally different.

  14. Random Devotchka says:

    I disagree. Katy Perry is a beautiful woman and her hair looks great. Her personality and persona is fun and colourful and it is so refreshing to see that in entertainment. I think Katy is great pop musician and has a few more hits in her future. And as she grows and evolves I feel her brand will evolve to match. TEAM KATY!

    • Trillion says:

      She’s a “great pop artist” for having industry pushed hits like McDonald’s is “great food” for selling .99 cent burgers.

  15. serena says:

    Love her nails.

  16. kelly says:

    im pretty sure they photoshopped her entire face..especially her nose. still pretty, though.

  17. Jaded says:

    She’s a vapid pop-tart. Her voice is nothing but over-synthesized yelling. The only thing she has going for her is, ironically, what Madonna does which is slick self-marketing and sexual titillation. Period.

    And to mention Katy Perry and Elton John in the same sentence is utter sacrilege. Elton John has written, scored, and created a bible of music incomparable to what KP and her legion of writers, producers and autotuners call music. He is a creative genius, his voice is astounding, his talent enormous. To compare the two is like comparing a molehill to Mount Everest.

    • mzthirtyeight says:

      Katy has probably written more of her songs(as she has for other artists) than Elton John. He even got successfully sued by the man who actually wrote many of his biggest hits. In saying this, I don’t mean to imply Katy is genius, but she is not talentless.

  18. blondie10101 says:

    She might not be a Britney, Janis, Cher, or even a Madonna but I do like the fun, happy image she presents. She makes happy and fun songs instead of depressing break up ballads. I like everything from Slipknot and Disturbed to Johnny Cash to Pink Floyd and Michael Jackson and I’m proud to say I have all of her albums. As far as music goes, I find variety to be the spice of life.

  19. Ruell says:

    No amount of good looks can compensate for unintelligence……. This is why Russell brand divorced the thick headed wigged one

  20. Patricia says:

    I can not tell from his personality, as I never saw her do anything bad in public, you are always having fun or drinking too much, or showing a movie in your life and say he wants to be courted and is rumored her with JM, seriously? So that I am 17, I know how it sounds weird.
    But I will talk about his music, I’m Brazilian (noticed my bad English) and I saw the Rock in Rio, and her voice is horrible, I felt ashamed for him, it would be a favor to let the public use to reproduce. Glad you all have a place in the sun, but not see how it goes in the music, except for being fun and everything.

  21. JGH says:

    Ruell: Brand divorced her because she’s dumb? That’s if that was a real marriage. No he divorced her because she wasn’t willing to become pregnant and housebound while he went out and f*cked every groupie he sees. He couldn’t take someone with a bigger ego than his. But he’s happy now, he’s apparently found exactly what he wanted, a famewhore that wants to raise a few kids while he gets to do whoever he wants, and it only took a few months? Yeah right. Probably found the girl #2 before he filed the papers.

    • Bette says:

      Wow, what’s your problem? A bit harsh toward Russell, especially considering you probably have no facts to back it up. I agree with you that he didn’t divorce KP because she’s dumb (even though I don’t like her) — I think he was really in love with her and didn’t consider her dumb. But it didn’t work out for various reasons, including different priorities — him wanting a family doesn’t necessarily = “wanting her to be pregnant and housebound”. They were just mismatched, and at different stages in life … why is that so hard for people to accept?

      • Yuelia says:

        Oh lawd, it’s one of Brand’s groupie two shoes to the rescue. Face it darling, the man’s a creep. I’ve gone to his shows. I’ve seen him in action myself. He’s a funny guy and has lots of nice qualities sure, and I admit if I had all my shots, I would, but the man is a selfish predator no doubt. If you just think for a minute about the way he talks about women, he infantalizes them and always reduces them to objects and talks about a universalized ‘woman’ with parts. A woman is a walking vagina to him. He never seems to see a woman as an actual whole person. I get the sense that he really likes the idea of having a “little woman” or missus at home and a pop tart was the ultimate trophy wife. He just had no clue she would get this big this fast and he couldn’t handle waiting for her for two of three years. If you ask me, if you marry someone and they want to wait a few years for kids, you should love the person enough to want to be with them whether there’s children or not. He’s a busy man that constantly travels–who do you think would have gotten stuck taking care of said children all by herself anyway? Children aren’t always healthy and happy. They are truly life changing. And pregnancy is a grueling and dangerous experience not something you do the minute you’ve just finished circling the globe a handful of times. Katy had a lucky escape if you ask me if she realized that she wasn’t ready. To be honest, I can’t stand her and she seems like she has a terrible personality. If he ‘loved’ that that’s all I need to know about him.

      • Gaile says:

        Bette, if you don’t like Katy, why are you reading articles about her. Maybe you have a little problem. Russell divorced her, leave her alone, you don’t have to patrol articles about her like a stalker to defend your golden god.

  22. Mrs. Ari Gold says:

    I don’t know what Russell ever saw in her. He is way too cool for her. She is so self absorbed that it is frightening. No talent and not attractive. I have no idea why she is famous. I pray she fizzles out soon.

  23. Marianne says:

    I like Katy, her songs are fun, but the girl can sing when it comes to a non pop song. I think she has worked hard to get to where she is now. She’s great to the fans, it’s obvious she is grateful to them. I think she did love Russell, but they broke up because either the stress of working so far apart or because they didn’t see eye to eye on starting a family (probably that). After watching her documentary (which was actually quite good) I have more respect for her.

  24. skuddles says:

    I actually quite like her look in Elle, especially with the pink dress and purple hair. The makeup is harsh but I think she otherwise looks really good.