Reese Witherspoon covers Red Mag: ‘I feel like I know what I’m doing now’

As I discussed in today’s earlier Reese Witherspoon post, the whole “how will Reese comeback from her drunken arrest and pulling the ‘Do you know who I am?’ card?” is still very much in the air. Reese is either going to put herself out there immediately to damage control for her image, or she’s going to wait until the kerfuffle dies down a bit and then she’ll launch some kind of comeback. Part of it might be out of her control though – Reese is supposed to be promoting her new film, Mud, right now. She canceled a bunch of TV appearances last week, but she wasn’t able to pull this magazine interview with Red. Thankfully, she doesn’t say anything bad and she doesn’t talk about getting her drink on. Some highlights:

Giving birth to Tennessee made her mind go loopy: “Ever since I had the baby, I can’t remember anything. Serious, this child stole my brain. I’m losing friendships over forgetting to get back to people. But you can’t keep up with everything. I’ve got a 13-year-old, a nine-year-old and a baby. It’s like CNN ticker tape running through my mind at all times [puts on robotic voice]: ‘Where is Ava? She’s okay. Good. Where is Deacon? He’s okay. Good. Where is Tennessee? Is he okay? Yes. Great. Back to Ava…’ It doesn’t stop.”

The gender pay gap: “Even now, in America, a woman makes 87 cents to every dollar a man makes. If you’re a black woman, you make 75 cents. You’re a latin woman, it’s 67 cents. And this is doing the same job. There is enormous inequality in pay and inequality in the workplace to this day.”

She displays her Oscar now: “Because Lord knows every day is not a success, every year is not a success. You have to celebrate the good.”

Her business sense: “I feel like I know what I’m doing now”

Her girl-next-door personality: “People definitely hug me a lot, and hand me their babies. But it’s better than people throwing stuff at me, right?” she jokes. “I’m always met with smiles.”

She friends with Drew Barrymore & Cameron Diaz: “They’re just as charismatic and fun as you would imagine. It’s nice to hang with Drew because we both just had babies and we can support each other,” she says of Barrymore, 37, who welcomed daughter Olive last fall. “And Cameron is such a funny, bright gal. She’s an incredibly sharp business-minded woman, but she disguises that side of herself. It’s her secret alter ego.”

Female friendships: “I don’t know what I would have done so many times in my life if I hadn’t had my girlfriends. They have literally gotten me up out of bed, taken my clothes off, put me in the shower, dressed me, said, ‘Hey, you can do this,’ put my high heels on and pushed me out the door!”

[From Us Weekly & The Mail]

You know what I’d like to see? I’d like part of Reese’s “comeback/apology tour” to involve not spending any more time with Chelsea Handler. I was thinking about this last week, as Chelsea Handler defended Reese’s arrest by saying it was “no big deal” – what would Chelsea have said if it was Angelina Jolie who got arrested? Chelsea would have thrown a parade. The tabloids would have thrown a parade. There would have been wall-to-wall coverage of Angelina being a terrible person and a terrible mother. So why does Reese get such special treatment? How does she get defended by Chelsea?

Photos courtesy of Red, Fame/Flynet.

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35 Responses to “Reese Witherspoon covers Red Mag: ‘I feel like I know what I’m doing now’”

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  1. Leah says:

    US Weekly takes on the “Real” Reese in this week’s issue:

    The Atlanta disaster started as a couple’s night out. “They were out having a good time and didn’t know how drunk they were,” says a Witherspoon friend. But the incident highlights one fault line in the two-year marriage. “Jim’s drinking has been an issue for her,” says a close Witherspoon source. Indeed, at his 2011 bachelor party in Ojai, California, a source says, the groom-to-be was passed out at 7:15 P.M. Says the insider. “Something like this was bound to happen.”

    The outburst also reveals a crack in Witherspoon’s sweetheart veneer. Though the Nashville debutante has cultivated a rep as a perky perfectionist who loves Tupperware and Southern recipes, those closest to her say she can go into diva mode. One insider recalls a magazine shoot where Witherspoon said she “didn’t want to meet anyone she didn’t already know that day.” Then there was the awards show, when, a source says, she snapped at a red carpet handler. “Reese looked at her publicist and asked, ‘Why is she talking to me?'”

    She’s even worse when people don’t recognize her. Last year, a waiter at her West Hollywood haunt The Palm caught her scorn. “She asked him to say hi to the manager ‘from Reese,'” says a source. “When the server asked,’Just Reese?’ She said ‘Reese Witherspoon’ in a condescending tone.”

    Well it seem the embargo has been lifted, the REAL Reese stories are now coming out *rubs hands together, grinning with anticipation*

    • Katie says:

      Her husband’s drinking “has been an issue for her” yet she still married him AND had a kid with him? Excellent decision making skills, Ms. “I feel like I know what I’m doing now”.

      That statement by a “source close to” Reese combined with her speed at suggesting rehab as an option for her husband AND selling the pictures of her wedding to People magazine says a lot about their marriage.

      • Emily says:

        Marrying and having a kid with him, I can understand. People don’t use logic in choosing mates. But she got drunk with him, got in the car with him while he was driving drunk, then flipped out at the cop who was doing his job. None of those are the actions of a woman who has a problem with her husband’s drinking. Those are the actions of a woman with both a drinking problem and an entitlement problem. And now she’s throwing her husband under the bus in an attempt to make us forget what she pulled, which means she has a heart problem too: as in, she lacks one.

      • Erinn says:

        I agree. If his drinking was a problem, you’d think she’d have enough sense not to get drunk WITH him so that she could help keep things under control.

      • Hakura says:

        Her husband’s drinking ‘has been an issue for her…‘, but she still went out drinking with him? (Not even to mention getting in the car with him).

        If it had really already been a concern for her (which means she knows this was a problem before ever going anywhere), she would’ve been smart enough to know he wouldn’t be able to drive them home… Yet let him drive them *to* the location, knowing that she also planned to drink.

        When my brother plans to drink, he leaves his car home. Drunks are stupid idiots that don’t consider dangerous situations. Better to take precautions ahead of time to avoid something horrible.

      • aims says:

        You’re totally correct Emily. You summed it up perfectly.

      • Violet says:


        Exactly! Instead of throwing her husband under the bus, she should step up and admit that BOTH of them were irresponsible idiots that night, and use this as an opportunity to raise awareness about the dangers of drinking and driving.

        Moreover, Reese and her husband should publicly thank that police officer for getting them off the road before anyone got hurt or killed.

  2. brin says:

    She needs to hang out with Drew a lot more and Chelsea a lot less.

  3. aims says:

    After the whole drunken, don’t you know who I am thing, and the general crappy attitude I get from her. I kinda done with Reese.

    Maybe Ryan isn’t such a bad guy. I haven’t heard him of him driving drunk and being a prick to law enforcement. That’s something he has over his ex.

    • Rhiley says:

      I am starting to like him a lot more as a parent. He is such a terrible actor I will never care for him much as a celebrity, but he seems like a caring father. He isn’t perfect though. He cheated on his children’s mother, knocked up some random girlfriend and is rumored not to have much a relationship with the child, and has been papped smoking a j while driving. Still, I think it is better than driving drunk, getting arrested, yelling at the cops when you have a 13 year old daughter who is impressionable and about to start driving herself.

  4. JenD says:

    Maybe she asked “do you know who I am?” because she had forgotten, having mommy brain and being drunk. 🙂

  5. JL says:

    Yo biotch;

    I know what you’re doing too.
    Court appearances and community service.

    Now sit down and STFU with your weak self.

  6. grabbyhands says:

    Reese Witherspoon covers Red Mag: ‘I feel like I know what I’m doing now’

    Unless it involves letting your drunk husband get behind the wheel, I guess.

  7. Dana says:

    She looks a lot like Chelsea Handler on the cover.

  8. Kaboom says:

    That’s quite ironic considering her recent episode.

  9. Emily says:

    Again, what’s this nonsense about her always having had a problem with her husband’s drinking? And then getting completely smashed with him? And then getting in a car while he was driving drunk? And then yelling at a police officer who was doing his job?

    This is the worst damage-control attempt ever. Even worse than Kristin Stewart’s silly “I wuv Rob” public letter. We are not going to forget that Reese was drunk too, and trying to shove it all off on her husband is only making things worse for her, because it shows her to be ice cold as well as entitled and irresponsible.

    • Lulu.T.O. says:

      Sometimes you deal with a drinking spouse by drinking with them. So you don’t mind it so much. Not that that is a good thing.

  10. Toot says:

    We all know if Angelina was in Reese’s situation the reaction would be much bigger and Chelsea would be making the biggest noise about it.

  11. OhDear says:

    The snippets from the interview reads like she’s trying to hard. “I’m a nice down-home girl! And a mother! Everyone loves me! But I’m also a businesswoman! I can do it all and I’m perfect!”

  12. Irina says:

    I think she looks gorgeous in the cover. I really liked her even though I hate people that drink and drive. Well I just hate drunks.

  13. Merman says:

    Bitch pls.

  14. annaloo. says:

    Oh REALLY, Laura Jeanne Poon? Really?

  15. Hakura says:

    She looks like one of the Olsen twins on the cover (what they would look like if they had their shit together in dressing themselves/doing makeup)…

    …& the last pic, of her with the dark hair… Looks just like Emma Watson a-la-the Bling Ring trailer.

  16. MisJes says:

    Laura Poon looks so ROUGH lately.

  17. Bread and Circuses says:

    “So why does Reese get such special treatment? How does she get defended by Chelsea?”

    Chelsea says whatever is necessary to keep her celebrity friends.

  18. Lulu.T.O. says:

    Why was she photographed having an orgasm in the back of a car?

    B*tch please.

  19. BooBooLaRue says:

    Well honestly, being “friends” with trashy Cami Diaz isn’t anything to write mom about…look what it did for Gywnnie.

  20. kay says:

    Never liked her. She is a bad actress, and a little more glamorous version of Jennifer Garner. Sooo boring.

  21. Noodle says:

    “It’s like CNN ticker tape running through my mind at all times [puts on robotic voice]: ‘Where is Ava? She’s okay. Good. Where is Deacon? He’s okay. Good. Where is Tennessee? Is he okay? Yes. Great. Back to Ava…’ It doesn’t stop.”

    Luckily, the baby is always with the Nanny and the kids are with Dad.

    Maybe they’re the ones who are running the ticker through THEIR minds to figure out where Mom is.

  22. KellyinSeattle says:

    It’s a sad state of affairs to be defended by Chelsea Handler.

  23. F5 says:

    “*Hic* don’t you know who I am?” *hic*

  24. Shoe_Lover says:

    if it was Angelina they would all have the knives out for her. You know why? because she is a mega star and they are not on her level and they are jealous

  25. Kate says:

    Obviously not.