Jaden Smith, 15, has been tweeting up a storm about how he thinks school is useless. He’s dropped such pearls of wisdom as:
School Is The Tool To Brainwash The Youth.
— Jaden Smith (@officialjaden) September 12, 2013
If Newborn Babies Could Speak They Would Be The Most Intelligent Beings On Planet Earth.
— Jaden Smith (@officialjaden) September 12, 2013
If Everybody In The World Dropped Out Of School We Would Have A Much More Intelligent Society.
— Jaden Smith (@officialjaden) September 13, 2013
First of all, unless those are titles to three anti-education treatises this kid is writing there’s no need to capitalize every word. Actually, that would be brilliant. Jaden needs to expand on each tweet in three 500 word essays in which he defends his point of view. You know that no one holds this kid accountable for anything, though, Will has said as much.
It’s easy for Jaden to denounce school and claim that it’s useless, he comes from more wealth and privilege than most people can imagine. For many kids, an education is the only way they’re going to move up in the world. I do understand the issue of deciding to weigh the high cost of a college education against the benefits, last year I watched a thought-provoking 60 Minutes segment on that topic. Jaden is not talking about college, though, he’s tweeting about high school. The data on high school dropouts is very clear, they earn less, they have less employment opportunities, and they’re incarcerated at a much higher rate.
Putting all that aside, Jaden’s education has surely been Scientology-based. I’m reaching that conclusion given what we’ve heard from his father and the fact that the now-defunct private school the Smiths founded used Scientology teaching methods. That’s probably why Jaden thinks education has no value. His education didn’t prepare him for much, other than signing a billion year contract with Sea Org.
photo credit: WENN.com and FameFlynet
I Really Do Not Like Capital Case. It’s Probably My Bad – The Dreadful Education I Had Is To Blame.
I Am So Stupid I’m Going To Let Some Kid Who Can’t Even Write Convince Me Babies Are Smart And School Is Dumb
School Is Not The Only Tool In this Post.
This kid is an idiot. But at the same time, he’s 15 – and a good portion of 15 year olds are idiots. Their brains just aren’t fully developed, and they think they know it all.
I would love to see all these celebrity kids try and survive in the real world – without their connections and bank accounts. Have them go to a real high school and see how they do – I highly doubt most of them are getting much of an education.
Yup, how many 15 year olds think they have the answers to everything and are the smartest people in the room? All of them.
25 year old Jaden Smith might look back on this and cringe. Maybe not.
But I can’t slag on the kid for being basically a “I think I know it all” teenager (since I was one myself, to my shame).
Sure Jaden… like being a nurse is such a bull*** job nobody needs to go to school to learn that set of skills.
Sit down kid.
Yeah, I cringe at all my 15 year old ideas about life. Like how I’d one day let my kids get high and drunk and do what they want instead of trying to “control” them. Add all that to a feeling of invincibility and you’ve got trouble.
I’ve read interviews Jaden & Will have given together- it’s very clear that Will still thinks he’s the most brillant person and also that he thinks Jaden is brillant, so if Jaden develops similarly to his father, he will still think he’s the greatest, not only when he’s 25 but also when he’s 45.
As a mother of a teenager, I agree with your take on this.
Honestly, when I was 15 I thought high school was stupid and I wasn’t a rich kid with a massive fortune to fall back on if I did drop out.
I don’t think that his silly statements are necessarily linked to Scientology, I just think it’s because (to quote Homer Simpson) he’s a “know nothing know it all.”
When I was fifteen, I felt I knew almost everything. Not enough to ever consider dropping out of school, though! School was important to me because it was something I knew I needed to succeed.
This kid needs to be reigned in. There’s a point where this shit can get dangerous. Stupid, spoiled rich kid needs to be sat down and taught the value of a good education. Ignorance never benefitted anyone.
And can we stop with this “kids have all the wisdom/answers” shit that is perpetuated in Hollywood? Baby Geniuses is not a documentary. I feel like this shouldn’t have to be explained to people.
He’s 15. Not 6. If he doesn’t know school is important at 15, he never will.
I knew school was the most important thing when I was 15. Because my parents said so, because my teachers said so, because I had a brain. All of my friends knew that too.
I don’t know any high school dropouts. You can barely get a decent job with a college education, but without a high school diploma?
Shut up kid and continue living on your parents expense.
@spooks for reals. My mommy told me school was important. Only time I really actually believed her. I was also a dumbass at 15. But not enough of one to ever consider NOT getting my education.
Spooks, I very much disagree with you that if you don’t know school is important at 15 then you never will. Also, smart kids do drop out of school for various reasons…I was one of them.
I dropped out just before I turned 16, with a whole 4 credits to my name. Didn’t care about school or much of anything and I certainly didn’t have rich parents to fall back on. It took going back for a GED and enrolling in college on my own once I was ready to and had enough insight to see that I wasn’t going to go anywhere if I didn’t.
Just because someone drops out at a foolish age it doesn’t make them a branded fool for life; nor does it make those that stuck with it any better.
Well, maybe not fool for life, but 15 is old enough to be responsible and know better.
Maybe it’s different in America, but here, without a high school diploma the best you can hope for is a minimal wage manual labor job. 15 is old enough to know that.
@spooks, it’s old enough to know on a concious level but young enough to lack the foresight into just how important it is; that’s why parents still have guardianship over 15 year olds: to guide them.
It’s the same here in the US, minimum wage job for the diploma-less; and in reality a high school diploma doesn’t really get you anywhere either.
Well, fine then.
I’ve never met anyone who even considered dropping out of high school.
I dropped out of high school at 16 and got my GED. And I agree school is the road to many accomplishments, but I highly disagree that you NEED school to be accomplished. It is not the only road, but in many job fields you DO need an educational degree. In others you need none.
School is the only guarantee of a successful life. Everything else is a risk.
I agree with Erinn…take them out of the celebrity world, give them $2.00 a day for lunch and she what happens. Jaden has that same stupid expression that Justin Beiber has. I think they practiced this look together. He must feel like he needs attention right now.
Exactly. It’s just that he is a 15 year old celebrity so people tend to forget that most 15 year old kids spout off brash and uneducated opinions. I certainly did.
So glad you said this! Took the words right out of my mouth!
My thoughts exactly. He needs to live like most other kids in America and I bet his tune would change. It’s easy to say you don’t need an education when your parents bankroll everything and there’s so much money your grandchilren will be set.
Baby Doucheface STOP, the only reason you are Yammering this nonsense is
A) cause your parents are CRAZY RICH
B) cause your parent are Crazy enough to Tangle In Scientolohole stuff
C) cause your parents arent teaching you how real people grow up, the value of a dollar or how real life works
Amen. At 15 I already knew school was my only ticket out of the boonies because we basically lived like Honey Boo Boo. This kid has no sense of reality.
^^THIS ++++
The smartest people know when to shut up.
Or in Jaden terms….The Smartest People Know When To Shut Up
And the smartest people don’t comment on other’s intelligence levels. It’s a non issue.
Great parenting Will and Jada! What do you expect from cult members whose leader David Miscavige has a 10th grade education? I’m not mean to kids but I just can’t stand Willow and Jaden! And that Brandon Walsh frown is so annoying!
!!! Brandon Walsh!!! Awesome. I google imaged Jaden once to prove to a friend he always does that to his face. Is he not hanging around Beiber anymore? Omg, why do I care!?
Hahaha I know right?!
he’s gonna need a boat load of botox to straighten out that forehead
luckily not everyone drops out of school so there will be a doctor available to do that for him
sacrilege! that was not Brandon Walsh, but Dylan McKay.
ok, carry on.
Thanks, doofus, I was ready to jump right at it. (Plus, am I the only one who thinks that wrinkling his forehead was about the only expression Luke Perry ever mastered as an actor? Honestly, it’s all he ever did to get ANY emotional point across!)
I think it’s hilarious that I agree & know the difference. I’m an oldster I guess (37).
Who is surprised that a 15 year old kid thinks school is pointless, really?? That aside, its not a bad thing that he is questioning conventional wisdom, didnt we all at that age? Growing pains.
There’s a difference between the average school-going 15 year old resenting school – normal and a child in an anti-education cult – not normal. He’s not doing it to question the status quo so much as he’s trying to recruit more kids to his pathetic excuse for a church.
Of course I do hope that he gets a hold of his senses someday, but I don’t think it’s easy to bust out of a mindset like that.
He is a CHILD, people. A child raised in a cult at that. Its bad enough that he has to grow up so publicly (wanna bet that he isnt the first teen to tweet this) but he has been raised in a very warped place.
Cut the kid some slack!
@Mindy, the reason he is the way he is is because everybody has been “cutting him some slack” since the day he was born.
Me. I didn’t think school was pointless at 15 and I didn’t know any other 15-year olds who did. It is NOT normal. It is Scientology dogma.
Agreed. I think it is perfectly reasonable to expect a 15 yr old to know that their education is extremely important to their future. I knew that at 15, my friends knew that, and now my 15 yr old son knows it. He’s a high school freshman and he is already preparing for college.
Jaden really needs a reality check.
Yeah. That’s some pretty straight COS propaganda. Especially the stuff about babies being so wise – if newborns are so smart why can’t they talk? I mean, really.
“They can, but only other babies can understand.” -Rose Nylund
High 5s all around for the Golden Girls reference!
Ha! You made my morning.
“I speak baby.” – The 11th Doctor
*High 5’s*! God, that made my morning, too. I adore that show. (Makes me smile, but makes me miss it at the same time >_<)
@paranormalgirl BRILLIANT! I do honestly wonder though how many babies believe themselves to be “Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All” … I hope they grow out of that!
blue marie and paranormalgirl, you both win the comments today! XD
Because communication with others is just another chance to be ‘brainwashed‘.
He obviously hasn’t spent much time around newborns.
Not a bit surprised by this obnoxious, over privileged kid!. He has such great parenting backing him up. They don’t interfere in their kids lives, they know right from wrong already.. Unbelievable! They are now being “Home Schooled” since their private school closed! Think the Jenner girls are being home schooled with them, since their best friends? Does anyone’s kids attend school in LA? Where the devil is CPS? No one checks on anyone not in school at this age? The future? Be proud Hollywood!
Unfortunately, children not being in school is a low priority on CPS’s list of things to do. They have so much on their plates at any one time that it is not looked into. My daughter works in a NICU and babies born to drug addicts go home with mom and dad as long as there is a clean home to go to. Just saying. Truancy used to be high on the list but is not as pressing as child abuse, drug parents, etc. It is unfortunate for those children whose parents don’t value education. Some find that value on their own from friends and their friend’s parents, others just never do. Sorry for the long post as I am a retired teacher and cannot believe some of the excuses parents come up for their children’s behavior.
It bothers me too, Swack. Along with parents that think their job is just to keep their kids alive, and parents that don’t know how to be the one in charge, or try too hard to “protect” their kids from the big, bad world. Children need to be spoken to intelligently, imo, and be prepared for the day when you can no longer save them from harms’ way. Many parents, I believe, have good intentions but are setting their kids up for a very hard reality check in their futures.
You can not be home-schooled in my country. Unless you are seriously ill, elementary school is obligatory, and in the next couple of years, secondary education will become obligatory too. And thank God for that.
Thank heavens he can’t decide the world’s business. This is just idiotic on so many levels – probably because he hasn’t been educated properly.
I think what he means is that basically we are 3d brains stuck in a 2d body in a many dimensional existence, and that when its all said and done it doesn’t matter what u did for a living or how many degrees you hold, just whether your existence touched the surrounding dimensions in a positive way. Does this make sense to anyone? My own personal theory of existence, nothing to do with scientology, or at least that I know of
In a totally altruistic world, which this is not.
Because meanwhile, one has to pay money to landlords and mortgage companies and feed one’s self because most people don’t have filthy rich parents footing their bills. So to do that, one has to work and not be an idiot doing so. And that’s only the tip of the iceberg.
Gg, of course a home and money are important, and for me those things are not an issue, bc my husband makes decent money and we know how to budget, but for me, my life will not be measured by a 9-5, benefits and a 401k, but the mark I leave here when I am gone. Whether that is through my descendants, or a stranger I am kind to, but I don’t have to be 15 to still feel like my life is for a higher purpose, which to me is basically aquiring knowledge and giving of my kindness. Do we become so old that we give up on those dreams of greatness and higher purpose to fall into a life of routine and bills? I don’t think its ever too late to give up dreaming or wanting to make a difference just fall victim of normality. JMO.
His arrogance & entitlement are showing, he might want to tuck them in. This kid is such a pain in the ass to me. I mean, yeah, he’s 15 & thinks he knows everything. Most do.
But he’s also 15 worth 8 mil (I think it’s 8), with the world at his feet. As Erinn said, he has no f*cking clue what life is like out here in the The Actual World (I was gonna say ‘The Real World’, but seeing as he’s a celeb kid who has plenty of time to sit on his almighty entitled ass, I’m sure he’s plenty aware of what goes on on the show ‘The Real World’ x_x)
This boy is just a tool! He should step away from social networks until he is mature enough to say something reasonable! If he didn’t have rich parents and had to struggle like an average person to make earns meet I wonder if he would talk like this…
@Andrea1 – “He should step away from social networks until he is mature enough to say something reasonable!”
God, if only that were the rules. Of course then, social networks wouldn’t exist, seeing as it would slash 90-95% of it’s current population…
Newborn babies sleep, cry and poop in diapers- maybe that is this bratty Smith kid’s idea of intelligence? Wish it were his idea of accomplishment, that way I’d be spared his lame musings and limp publicity.
Well he is a contemporary of Baby Beiber right? That explain everything.
@TG – Nice connection >=3 I didn’t even think about that xD
The belief that babies come into the world with all the knowledge of #enu, then lose it as they grow up, is a hallmark of $cientology. It’s obvious the Pinkett-Smith’s are neck deep in that ridiculous cult.
The other comments are typical of a 15 year-old.
Considering their brains are not fully developed, how they concluded this is fascinating.
Dropping Out And Living A Life Of Privileged Leisure Is Really The Only Way To Go — Oh, You Don’t Have Wealthy Parents? Too Bad.
Hahahahaha. +1. You’ve pretty much captured the hidden subtext there.
Perfect assessment!
Ha Ha, Yes — That’s The Unspoken Caveat In A Nutshell!
Child, get off Twitter and go read a book.
But make sure it’s ‘Xenu-approved’! Wouldn’t want to go reading anything true or brainwashing…
How in the world does he even know what school is like? I thought he was home schooled? He’s able to get plenty of individual attention and I’m sure all his little interests are catered to – what exactly is he complaining about? He’s rich enough that he doesn’t even need to read or write or do math (I can just hear him saying Barbie-style, “Math is hard!”). He can already hire people to do that for him while he sits around playing video games all day. (Not knocking video games, having just finished Level 52 of Candy Crush….) If he wants to rebel against his upbringing, he’s going to have to go to college and then grad school to get, say, a Ph.D. in physics (his parents would be shocked and horrified).
I understand his attitude at 15 but he also has to realize that he is reaching through Twitter, many young impressionable children who take what he says as word. His parents need to teach him how to filter what he says or expand and explain why he feels that way. Good luck on Candy Crush! Have you reached the chocolate that multiplies yet? I was on level 68 for about a month!!! LOL!
Don’t a lot of kids at his age think that school is worthless? Maybe he isn’t doing that well and needed to tamp down feelings of inadequacy by minimizing the importance of formal education. Maybe he thinks his time and everyone else’s would be better spent doing kid things. I think this is teenage angst speaking, more so than CoS influence.
I’m so glad I didn’t have twitter when I was 15. I had a lot of uninformed opinions about things.
OMG yes, I agree. Thank God For No Twitter In My Youth.
Dude. My 8 month old shits herself and wants to eat it. #babiesaresmart
…Thank you for sharing. #TotallyNeededThatWhileEatingLunch
I get that he’s trying to be hip and cool and avant garde or whatever, but I really dislike when people do things like this. Make a blanket statement that such and such would be better if we did XYZ. No Jaden, for some people education is a way out. I’m all for encouraging free thought and ‘bucking’ the system or whatever but your entitled life doesn’t give you permission to tell people how to live.
I agree and I hope there is a lot of back-lash directed at his parents for this. He is in a unique position to influence so many kids. While traditional education has its problems, getting an education at all is such a blessing. Just makes me think of kids in Afghanistan and elsewhere that risk their lives daily for an education.
Shame on Jaden and his parents. Someone ahould be monitoring his account, but that would infringe on his right to manage himself (which is against his religion and all).
This is a kid who would greatly benefit from some sort of Freaky Friday situation, where he wakes up the unspoiled child of working class parents, has to go to school, work an after school job, and has to study and work to get into college.
The Smiths have the opportunity to send their kids to the best schools and get them the best education possible. Instead they push them to be stars, and let them do whatever they want. What a shame. I hope Will’s oldest, who has wisely stayed out of thd spotlight, is on a better path.
consider, of course, that Will’s oldest has a different Mom.
one who CLEARLY has more sense than Jada.
@Lucy2 – I knew Will had an older son, but really didn’t know much about him, so I googled him. GOD. Those ‘Smith’ genetics must be strong, he just looks like a 20 yr old Jaden. But to the point. He apparently attended ‘Oaks Christian High School’ in LA (& was considered a sports star for football).
He’s recently (earlier this year) debuted as a DJ (using the name ‘DJ AcE’) at a trendy Miami club, & is described as a ‘rising star’. He put out a dance song last year with Jaden rapping & Willow doing the simple ‘hook’ (called ‘Find You Somewhere’) So I guess he *is* in the spotlight, to some extent. (But in the song’s video, he really stayed in the background).
Off topic… Anyone else think it’s sort of weird that both Will Smith’s oldest son Trey (20), & Tom Cruise’s oldest son Connor (18), (both from previous relationships) are suddenly successful DJs? If I was a conspiracy theorist, I’d say it’s some scientology ‘mind control’ thing xD
Said by a kid whose parents are millionaires. Sure, why should the kids get an education? The world doesn’t need doctors, lawyers, engineers, meteorologists,etc.. etc.The kid is a moron!
I think Willow is looking pretty here. Jaden is looking just like he does in every single posed picture. He does have somewhat of a point here, but I’m certain they could afford some schools that have a more progressive curriculum. It’s a shame their parents don’t use their money to buy these kids an excellent education.
I admire Jaden’s pretentious mutterings about as much as critics and the general public admired his pitiful acting in After Earth.
Well considering his sister’s previous comments about not having enough time with her tutor and being behind the kids, I doubt education is much of a priority for the Smiths.
As much as I am thinking “whatever, another dumb 15 year old” I can’t help but want to shake some sense into his entitled idiot brain. Yeah Jaden you are soooo knowledgable about the world! Life for young African American males who drop out of school is a picnic. They have it made! :-/
Yes what we need is for newborns to be running the world. Brilliant
Hopefully the day will come, when this spoiled Child will experience the joy and satisfaction that comes from being educated. And hopefully he will realize that it´s a privilege too. He should try to develope his own mind and education is a step on that path.
He can’t act. The end.
another child, born on third and thought he hit a triple…
Well, I think that’s how most kids feel about school. Then again, he’s enrolled in a Scientology school or is homeschooled by scientologist people so maybe we can’t blame him, seeing how they operate.. One thing’s for sure, he doesn’t study enough since he still hasn’t learned to think before talking.
I just home in a few years he’ll be wise enough to have finished high school -at least- ad admit he was really just being stupid .
I’ve always love Will because he’s a Philly boy but he needs to start parenting this jackas$ son of his. A few months back he said he wanted to be emancipated from his parents. I’m sure it’s a real buzzkill living with Will and Jada. Sit down and shut up punk!
I don’t know about Jaden and Willow but if I have to have surgery, I would appreciate if my surgeon, perhaps, finished grade school at the VERY least
Yeah real smart… know what happened when the world was full of uneducated people? People died from chickenpox, thought the world was flat, and lived in caves with clubs, oh and they didn’t have fire
Easy to say if you’re filthy rich. Can’t stand these kids. Would love to see him in the real world!
I also have been a quite rebellish teenager but I have NEVER questioned education. Of course, school sucked and was annoying, but I just knew how important it was, especially being from a working class familiy where all the women had basically no education and were housewives. Being 15 doesn’t mean being completely dumb and delusional. Except when you grow up like this little spoiled arrogant fucker.
I never even knew anyone who questioned the value of an education when I was fifteen. I guess the druggie dropouts probably did, but I rarely even saw them because they didn’t come to school.
Ehhh. He’s 15. I kind of get what he’s saying but I don’t agree. I don’t know if I would blame scientology. I think he’s just really young but thinks he knows everything because he just read a really deep book or watched a really deep documentary. He’s being so thought provoking and rebellious.
I’m glad my parents always encouraged me to get an education. I’d like to see this kid in the real world. I had to go back to study as a mature age student, so I wouldn’t be unemployed in this GFC economy for the rest of my life.
This is disturbing but then again as many have mentioned he’s 15 and 15 year olds do and say stupid things. Esp when they have parents like Will and Jada Smith. Though I’m not totally blaming the parents. I had dinner with among others an 11 year old vegetarian and some of the stuff coming out of her mouth took me back a little. No one in her family is a vegetarian she came to this decision herself. Almost self radicalised… At 11… On one hand they’re thinking for themselves about good issues. On the other hand there’s some things they’ve got to learn.
I hope that the 11 year old vegetarian does at least some of her own food prep. A child old enough to say “I don’t want to eat meat” is old enough to do some food prep and cooking. I have had three year olds helping me bake cookies (they mix the ingredients together in the bowl).
Many girls who start self motivated vegetarianism as children are taking the first step towards an eating disorder. It may be more about control than any ideal. I say this from experience.
What an entitled, self-important and ignorant jerk. His daddy will fund his loser life, so of course he doesn’t need an education. This family is embarrassing to watch.
Sure, every 15 year old thinks school is stupid and would like the option of never having to go again. But that isn’t what he’s saying. He isn’t saying “school is dumb, yuck”, he is saying that there is no point to education and we would all be better off if everyone stopped going to school. There’s a huge difference there. Stop trying to excuse it “because he’s 15”. His comments are the result of CO$’s piss-poor attitude toward child-rearing and education, combined with a lifestyle that is in no way dependent on him being educated. If Jaden Smith never graduates, nothing about his life changes, so of course he won’t value education. Add to that the fact that CO$ is teaching him that anything that is not CO$ “philosophy” is detrimental to gaining the ability to fly and you have the perfect cocktail for a dumb f-cking kid. The difference between him and every other dumb f-cking kid, though, is that Jaden Smith will never have to grow up. He will always think education is a tool to brainwash people.
Don’t make excuses for this.
I absolutely agree…and what’s nore disturbing is this kid isn’t just anyone. The amount if people who retweeted this bs is horrifying.
Yes, we all may have had very misguided feelings about the world and school when we were 15, but this kid has fans – other kids who look up to him and to him. I know the argument against role models, and its not his responsibility to be a positive example for other kids, but the fact is at that age kids are more likely to turn to peers or celebs than a parent or teacher for guidance.
The whole situation is bad. Most of us could tweet whatever dumb thing we wanted and it wouldn’t really affect the world. The same can’t be said for him. I’m not sure where the answer lies besides teaching our kids why this isn’t ok, but that’s an uphill battle in our celeb worship culture…in the meantime I’m sure there are many kids ignorant enough to think what he’s saying has substance. I’d be very surprised if adults were retweeting this garbage.
If this isn’t a PSA for staying in school, then nothing is. Good thing, his family has money.
Dear Jaden,
There was a time when the overwhelming majority of the populace did not go to school or have any official education. That time is referred to as the Dark Age.
these kids are super messed up. Feel badly for them. THeir lives will be disastrous from lack of good parenting.
Celebrity $cientology kids don’t join SeaOrg, they become high profile spokespeople like their parents. $ceintology would waste that kind of exposure by turning them into slave labor. Its the kids of the rank & file members that essentially lose their lives to that insidious organization
Funny how the oldest never drops pearls of wisdom such as that, the school system is to blame.
School is the tool to brainwash youth? This coming from a cult member. How ironic.
Yes, Dorothy, but I don’t think a CO$ school would teach the meaning of the word “irony”. Too many ways it could be used against them.
He’s a dumb 15 year old who thinks he knows it all. I assume most 15 year olds are, well, dumb like that. The sad thing is that this kid’s opinions, unlike those of “regular” 15 year olds, are unlikely to evolve due to his wealth and religious background. Sigh.
hahahahaha “Scientology education” is an oxymoron.
The percentage of kids who graduate from Scientology’s Adelphi schools and go on to higher education is lower than average. The schools do not prepare them for actual course work, real homework, writing, etc. There’s no critical thinking involved in anything they do. I know of 3 different sets of parents whose children did incredibly well by Adelphi standards but weren’t able to get into any college. Only one of the 5 kids in this group had the stuff to drag herself through classes at a local junior college so she could catch up. She was finally, after 3 years of hard, post-high school work, accepted into a state university. A couple of the other kids married really young to other “church” members and got McJobs – they also still live in their parents’ homes w/their spouses but I don’t know if that’s the norm or not.
Education isn’t just for getting a job. It’s for preparing onesself to be a responsible adult and, importantly, a responsible citizen of a democracy. It also teaches critical thinking, which every single person needs. But Scientology is against all those things. It teaches that if you do something bad to someone else, it’s their fault for “pulling it in”, so no responsibility. It teaches that some people are inherently more valid human beings than others, so no civic values. And anyone with an ounce of critical thinking wouldn’t stay in the cult.
This kid needs to visit the town of Shutyatrap right now.
Even if he feels that way, he should have kept it to himself. Big dummy….not cool.
The Cult is behind Jaden’s blather. Mr. Miscarriage is finally going down. There is a case now in Texas that hopefully will bring the attention of the world to this dangerous, vindictive, ruthless man who has ruined so many lives, so many families.
All I can say is LOL and hope no one takes this kid seriously. Can he go away and take his family with him?
Of course he thinks “School Is The Tool To Brainwash The Youth.” The little schooling he’s had is at a CO$ school and they use their “schools” to brainwash and groom $cientolotots
I hope it’s puberty and that he’s not being brainwashed.
Here’s the funny thing: This nobody kid sends a tweet or a twitter or whatever it is and it provokes pages upon pages of comments debating the importance of an education. I’m all for healthy debate but it’s just so damn ironic that this kid has essentially no real education and everyone is piling on to decipher his flippant comments.
… Because $cientology is not a tool to brainwash anybody … 🙄
There is a difference between going to school and getting an education. We have been brainwashed into thinking that an educational system developed a century ago with a goal of turning out compliant factory workers is the only way to learn. My children have been unschooled, pretty much allowed to study what they want when they want. My 15 year old is a freshman in college planning to major in engineering. Jayden Smith is no doubt an idiot, the look on his face says it all, but I do think that traditional school may not be best for everyone.
Good grief, Will Smith’s genes are certainly the dominant ones — his children all look exactly like him. Under normal circumstances, I’d feel bad for the kids because of their unfortunate looks. However, in this case, I guess they are lucky to look like their moneybags Dad. With the mixture of their entitled attitudes and CO$ beliefs that children can call the shots, the Smith kids probably aren’t busting their humps on assignments and extra-curriculars.
Scientology is bad
I give him a pass. He’s still a kid. I’m sure a lot of us felt similarly about school when we were around that age. Hopefully its something he grows out of.
what a tool. but unsurprising since his own father once said in an interview that he didn’t think his kids needed to know history etc because that wasn’t important. Absolute bloody wankers
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
Jaden. Thanks For Remininding Me Again Why I Will Never Pay Any Amount of Money to See Anything You and The Rest Of Your Family Are In. I’m Not Funding Any Part Of Your Lavish Lifestyle.
Scientology Has A Lot To Answer For.
I wonder if he knows about Malala, and her fight for education? Do you think if he knew gals who were shot in their efforts to become educated he might feel differently about school?
It is sad that some kids today do not know how truly lucky they are to be afforded any education.
If I had Twitter when I was a teenager I’d be posting all my stupid unfiltered teenage ramblings on shit I know nothing about. Give the kid a break. Keep in mind he’s the product of 2 wacked out narcissistic Scientologists. I think that’s why he always looks so sad or confused in all his pictures. . .
When my third was born, he’d cry until he turned blue. That’s some deep azz sheet I guess.
This kid needs to stf up. He is a rich, spoiled brat who doesn’t *have* to ever work a day in his life, so of course school isn’t important…to HIM! His ridiculous words have gone way too far even if they influence one teen or young adult who is teetering on the brink of do I stay or do I go. Their life will never be a bed of roses like his, and school is the most precious road to EARNED success.
p.s. his Twitter pic is pathetic
I really do not like who this kid is turning into. Will stop treating your kids like little adults, take them in hand and put them on the right path like a parent should.
Why did Gary Coleman have to die?