These are not exactly new photos of Timothy Olyphant, but they are new to me! These pictures were snapped last June when Mr. Olyphantastic was tossing the ball around at Dodger Stadium before a game. He threw the first pitch and looked super hot while doing so. His hair looked all lustrous and shiny, which is the exact opposite of how it looked last season on FX’s Justified. Damn, he can wear the hell out of a pair of jeans.
Olyphant is promoting the new season of his show, so he sat down with Rolling Stone for a chat. He discussed plenty of stuff, and he tried to convince us that he doesn’t know how to be smooth with da ladies. I guess he really doesn’t have much tact in that department unless it’s scripted for him in a movie or television show. Remember how hot he was in Go? Katie Holmes got to make out with him in that movie, and I was so jealous of her. Compare that character to his slightly sketchy joke about dumping his wife if he’d have won an Emmy a few years ago. Oh and this is not so trivial — Olyphant talks about racism in small-town USA in this interview. Listen up, y’all:
On ending Justified after next season: “Whenever it ends, I’ll just count my lucky stars. Good gig. It’s hard to get your hands on this kind of character and this kind of writing.”
Creating his own take on Raylan: “I sound like an idiot. I start there. Then after that, the job is always the same. You’ve got to be funny, but you can’t acknowledge it. Elmore is a delicate dance. It tends to be light on its feet and every now and then, you go a little deeper and look for the unexpected.”
Is Raylan an anti-hero or a hero-hero? “I don’t know. Maybe it’s a little bit of a grey area. He seems to be happy at his job, he enjoys his work, and every now and then he gets to kill someone. Talk to a lot of Marshals and a lot of them tell you the way they came to the job is that they didn’t know the Marshals existed. But they told me ‘they’d give me a gun, a badge and the pay was pretty good — I’d give it a shot.’ Raylan seems to be all into that.”
On portraying rural America: “Lots of the stuff we’ve got going on is going on. There’s crime and sh-t-kickers and backward-ass white trash. I hate to tell you, but racism is alive and well in a lot of parts of the world. I’m guilty of when I first read this five years ago, I remember asking myself, ‘God, is this going to feel dated?’ But between that and shooting the pilot, I realized there is nothing dated about this at all. That was right at the height of Congressmen accusing each other of being racist; people were talking about a ‘Black president.’ Racism was a big topic then. We were outside Pittsburgh and people would tell me that the Klan was alive and well in those parts. I don’t know if we’ve tackled that issue as of late, but I know when we started, it was big.”
Raylan is smooth with the ladies. Is Olphant that way too? “No! [Laughs.] I’m happy to help out whenever I can, but I’ve been married 23 years. I don’t know if I’m the best person to ask.”
Has Justified led to more auditions? “No. What its led to is me spending summers sitting by the pool, walking the dog and driving the kids around. It’s really an unacceptable way to continue. [Laughs] I need to go get some other kind of work.”
[From Rolling Stone]
Racism is indeed alive and well in all parts of the world. In America, the stereotype is that it happens more often in rural areas just like on Justified. Racists are all over the place though. I live in a moderately big city, and my ex-mother-in-law is the worst kind of racist there is. Every time she drops my daughter off at my house, she tells her to run really fast to the front door so the black family two houses down doesn’t “snatch” her. She’s such an insufferable woman. So yes, there are people who talk like that in this day and age. They may not wear Klan hoods, but they exist, and they are awful.
Photos courtesy of WENN
he’s been married 23 years?! that has got to be some sort of record in hollywood
My reaction as well. I was also surprised that this must mean he’s in his 40s? I thought 30s easily.
To comment on his main point – people who think we live in some kind of a post-race world are ignorant, either willfully or otherwise.
I think he’s early to mid 40s, and met his wife in college.
I’m watching Season 4 Justified right now. This man does not so sexy.
YAS! We need more Olyphant coverage on this site. He’s all kinds of yum.
seconded! More Olyphant PLEASE. That man is a gift.
Makes him even sexier. Done. Swoon 🙂
Yes he IS delicious! His wife is a lucky woman.
As someone who recently moved from Saint Louis, MO to the rural south he is 100% right. It’s disgusting how comfortable people are with their racism here.
I live is STL and I had an encounter while I was volunteering for a run. I was told to tape down instructions on tables for everyone. Runners had not arrived yet so the volunteers bags were still on the tables and I had to work around them. As I got to one table this woman came running up to look over my shoulder. I turned around and then she said that I was trying to steal her coffee. I said just keep it at that and kept on walking. She tried to downplay it and make a joke about it and I flat out said leave me alone and don’t talk to me for the rest of our shift. It was ackward and that’s putting it kindly. It is crap like that that makes me lose my faith in humanity.
Tiffany, I’m confused about how your volunteer story is an example of racism.
As someone who has lived in St. Louis and in the south….neither has the market cornered on racism. It’s overt, in both places.
Southern racists do seem to be more “comfortable” with thier racism, I guess. Northern racists are far more “comfortable” being hypocritical with thier racism, saying one thing and practicing another…
Does it really make any difference? It’s a silly argument to me. Racism is racism. It’s evil, no matter who is perpetuating it or how they choose to do so, let alone what part of the world they choose to spread hate in.
Being orginally from the Midwest, and having grown up mostly in the South, I’d say your assessment is accurate.
There is definitely a comfort with racism in the south, especially with the older generation.. So much so that sometimes blatantly racist remarks are used as “compliments” – I am mixed race and lived in Nashville for two years. I remember being called “Sexy chocolate” regularly by this older cowboy lookin dude downtown.
Are they comfortable with it or just more vocal about it? I grew up in the rural south/Appalachia as a bi-racial person. Sure my family encountered racism but heres the thing…they encountered racism in other parts of America as well. I’ve lived on the West Coast for several years now and not only does racism exist here, it’s extremely polite and well hidden. Southerners tend to be outspoken and not restrained in what they say and speak what comes into their mind. Here, I’ve encountered people telling offensive pseudo racial jokes, saying “I’m know this may sound racist but….”, talking about minorities as them or they, it’s suttle and it’s causal drive by racism. Honestly prefer for racism to be out in the open and for the bigot to be honest about it and not hide it. The causal racism IMO is more dangerous because the person probably has embedded it into their heart and refuses to believe they aren’t racist.
@isabel: I’m also biracial and lived in the Bible Belt for two years. I’d say it’s both: people are more comfortable with it and more overt.
Lily, I live in the south and what you said is a crock of sh-t. Sorry there is no “comfort with racism” here that is any more prominent than any other part of the country but thanks for the judgemental bullsh-t.
Ummm…maybe it takes living OUTSIDE the south to get an objective look at it. As someone who grew up in Vancouver, BC then moved to Seattle then KY, yes, Americans are obsessed with race by and large! and Southeners are very comfortable (oblivious?) being open about racist attitudes.
The ugly effete snob needs to keep flying past my flyover state.
I’ve lived in the City of STL my entire life. Growing up here it was always North Side (mostly African American) versus South Side (mostly white) and politicians used that to their advantage. Over my 56 years I’ve seen a lot (too much) of racism on both sides. Words that always make me crazy…..”Well, I’m not a racist but….” Yes, you are. I worked for one of the biggest banks in this country and one of the managers who dealt with farm & ranch properties was among the worst racists I’ve encountered. So many great people at that bank but that one bad apple left a huge bad taste in my mouth. People also seem to think racist comments are okay as long as you look both ways (is anybody coming?) and then whisper.
The thing is…..I make insensitive comments, too. I don’t mean anything but after it leaves my mouth, I realize what an ignorant comment it was. I think we are all guilty in some degree. The better of us realize it, realize it is wrong and work on sensitivity. Then there are those who get all defensive, accuse others of being the “word police” and turn it around on the person who was offended. But the very worst are those who wear their racism like a badge of honor. A young man tied a Confederate flag on the back of his pickup and drove up and down the streets around the neighborhood for about 30-45 minutes. We had some black families move into the neighborhood and whether it was connected I cannot say. I just know my blood ran cold.
We’ve got a ways to go. I hope to live long enough to see a brotherhood of mankind. Sadly, I am sure I won’t.
Kudos on the 2nd half of your statement. I always try and catch my boneheaded comments and thoughts. It’s a continual process though….
As for racism — I do think a lot of progressive people try and look for a person’s humanity regardless of packaging that person comes in. 🙂 And you can find those people anywhere just as you can find bigots anywhere. I wish we all could see that humanity but I think racism and bigotry are alive and well even with all the hard work of some inspiring pioneers.
Where I live, my English teacher got leaflets from the local (I’m guessing) KKK clan in the mail–and I live within spitting distance from Canada… they’re in places you can’t imagine.
But in any isolated area, I think, there is a lot of racism and ignorance, especially.
We have the Klan in Canada.
I’m in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, in the Keweenaw…
VG, I’m in the Midwest and we have a large chapter of the KKK not an hour from my house. Heck, a small city south of Omaha is a known KKK town.
A former principal of my children (a very dear man) was picketed at an IA school by the KKK because he was Jewish. My son had to have another student removed from his middle school to keep my son safe as he was targeted aggressively for being Jewish.
Those things make me want to weep for the world. WTH are we teaching to our children? That hate is okay? I was so upset because I know that my son’s Neo-Nazi/ KKK bully learned those horrible things at home. I was just as upset for that boy as I was concerned for my son’s safety (and the other Jewish kids at the school).
Oh yes, because racism is only alive and well in rural communities. *eye roll*
Hate to tell him BUT I have seen far more racism in big cities than I have in my rural community. I have lived in both. I assure you the worst racists live right in the cities.
It really depends on how you measure it though. In my experience, I’ve heard the most racist statements in small, secluded areas in the American south. People in these areas haven’t come to terms with our past — for example, you’ll hear that black people were better off under slavery and also under segregation and Jim Crow (like the Duck Dynasty comment for example). You will not hear that in a city because city folk are, at the very least, forced to interact with a diverse mix of people, and, therefore, cannot simply dismiss the humanity of a whole group of people and relegate them to being enslaved or being wholly pushed out of their public space through segregation. Also, I have never heard of a city KKK-branch, at least not today…
I think that city folk are just better at hiding it. The people in the south are so sure of their power that they can say what they feel. Meanwhile, the people in big cities know enough to not spout off about blacks, gays, Latinos, women, etc, unless its behind closed doors.
I am from the South but lived in NY for years. A big cosmopolitan city but you still get it subtle, like the book Invisible man. Standing waiting to order my bagel I am 5’8 and slightly behind me another woman, the lady at the counter says, who is next? She comes from behind me to order, I turn and I am sure with raised eyebrow, she says “Oh I didn’t see you there” now how can you miss seeing me I am bigger than you and right in front. Yep it exists everywhere. Sad but true and if I thought about it often I would be in a bad mood all the time.
I think there is some truth to this, but it’s not necessarily the case that city folk are more integrated than small town people. Cities are very segregated. I have lived half my life in the south, the other half in the north–and to tell you the truth, there is just as much racism up north. I have never seen such a segregated state as Connecticut, for example. Whereas I went to very diverse schools growing up, had black neighbors, etc., I had friends from the Northeast whose schools had been entirely white growing up. You’d be hard-pressed to find that kind of thing in the South. Full disclosure: I have some majorly (overtly) racist Southern relatives. Thank god my father–by some miracle–didn’t turn out that way and I was raised differently.
I have to agree with @Delorb, I think that people in cities are just better at hiding it – at least in public. My FIL is a college-educated, senior executive making well over 6 figures and in public he’s nice, friendly…and the last time he visited he made a joke about people committing a “DWA” (driving while Asian, which I’d never heard before) which was particularly offensive as my best friend (and my son’s godmother) is half-Chinese. He followed it up with cracks about Native Americans and when he heard me speaking Spanish to my son cracked, “it’s good you’re teaching him Spanish, he’ll be able to talk to his maid.”
Yeah, needless to say our relationship is very strained. Point being that in public, when we’d interacted before he’d never let into any of this, but as he’s grown more comfortable with me it’s cone out in private between him and his friends.
The racism is there in cities, I think racists are just more conscious of having to hide it.
I’m with MD here. I grew up in Connecticut. I heard teachers referring to me as an “uppity n*@ger” once when they didn’t realize I was in the teacher’s lounge for a meeting with my geography teacher (ah, the joys of cubicle walls). You don’t even want me to get started on the insanity I endured having the audacity to be Black and be in advanced placement classes…
I did everything I could as a kid to get out of West Hartford, but at the time they had the best public schools in the area. It became so demoralizing that I got a scholarship to a boarding school for senior year and my Mom finally let me go (I’d been offered boarding school scholarships for my sophomore and junior years, but she wouldn’t let me go for whatever reason I still don’t understand). I’ve never lived in CT since and even holiday visits are painful. It was worse in Connecticut than it was when I lived in South Boston during grad school. No joke.
I live in Miami now. Miami makes West Hartford, CT seem like child’s play. I’m dying to move…
Completely agree @Delorb. When a person is more educated and ‘cultured’ they tend to know whats proper & politically correct. Educated racism is still racism but it’s more inconspicuous. ….and also agree @MD the South is more integrated than many parts of America. Segregation is very apparent in most cities. My family is bi-racial and grew up in a community of integrated white and blacks. Currently live on the West Coast and encountered people that have never went to school or worked with one black person, ever. They aren’t older either, millennials and Gen Xers. It’s honestly mind-blowing and a little alien to me.
@Aeryn39, that really sucks that you haven’t been able to find and settle comfortably in an area where you feel truly welcome and at home.
I’ve had a similar experience regarding feeling uncomfortable about visiting certain areas but instead of Connecticut, mine is Texas. I have an older sibling who lives outside of Houston and sadly, part of me dreads having to visit my family down there for the holidays, etc. each year simply because of the overt racism. Since I grew up in Maryland, I’m used to experiencing more subtle forms of racism so it was quite a shock having to adjust to the in-your-face racism that seems to be freely on display down there.
I once had someone leave a nasty note on my car calling me the n-word and welfare queen because I decided to treat my 7 nieces and nephews to a movie one day at the mall, and the racist note writer decided to assume all of the kids were my own and I was a chronic welfare abuser based solely on the color of my skin. That idiot had no idea that I was visiting during my college break to help out my sister after she had major surgery and that I didn’t even have any kids of my own! Of course the letter writer chose to not leave a name or anything because most racists are cowards but it was still something I had never experienced before in my life when living in Maryland.
That negative experience (among several others) happened over 10 years ago but the emotional wound still remains fresh today. It also unfortunately left a permanent stain in my mind about Texas and definitely influenced my decision to avoid a long stay/permanent move there.
Your ex-mother-in-law sounds like a real treasure. Sad that you’re forced to deal with someone like that! I’d go crazy!
Bedhead, I hope you are consciously and vigorously countering the crap your mother-in-law is feeding your kids. Hell, I think you should throw down an ultimatum that either she keeps her bigotry to herself or she doesnt see the grandkids. Exposing kids to hateful prejudice is child abuse in my opinion.
My daughter knows the drill. She’s like, “WTF is wrong with grandma???” Oh I have stories to tell on the topic. Including every time my daughter hears the word “racist” – she says, “Oh, like grandma.”
I was going to say that as well. I’m sorry that you have to deal with that garbage. Her racist, ugly self is not something you want to deal with. Children are so great that they can see right through it. Kudos to you for raising such a bright child 🙂
I would agree with him except to say that you don’t need to go to rural America to encounter racism. It’s alive and well in larger cities, it’s just that it is a bit more insidious. I guess at least you know what you are getting with the first scenario.
Or not so insidious. Having moved from the melting pot of SoCal to Knoxville, TN (which I love and it breaks my heart to say this) I noticed a street sign a block away from my new home that had the letters KKK spray painted on it. Horrifying. The man I hired to blow insulation into my attic was quite casual in his racism and declared that African Americans were not welcome in certain towns surrounding Knoxville and if they were so fool hardy as to move there, their lives would be considered forfeit. My sons P.E. teacher asked one of the Hispanic kids in class where another Hispanic boy was that day, the kid was like “I have no idea” and the teacher said that “everyone knows that Mexicans all live in one house”. The same teacher then passed a basketball to a young African American who told the teacher that basketball didn’t do much for him and the teacher pontificated that “everyone knows all black people love basketball”.
My son was horrified. No one called out the teacher who then tried to cover up his racism with “hahha..ya’ll know I’m just JOKING”. Except, no. He wasn’t.
It’s not just rural areas. I’ve personally heard some of the most blatant racist comments at MLB games in Baltimore and Philadelphia (in front of kids).
Yeah, sporting events seems to bring out the best in folks right? (heavy, heavy sarcasm) It’s disgusting..
It was really upsetting. We moved seats in Baltimore (this was about 5 years ago and there were a lot of empty seats. )
Racism is everywhere – the other day, my dad and I were walking to the train station and these guys were making monkey sounds (my dad is Nigerian btw) at him and told him to go home (which is ironic because he’s been a British citizen for more than half his life), so yeah, it’s everywhere, rural parts, major cities like London, it’s everywhere.
I am so sorry hear that. That sucks
Typical how people like these despicable specimens always do it it as a group. They’re cowards when they are alone and feed off of each others hate.
He looks like an entirely different person from the jump to the photos in the article.
I was on a biz trip somewhere – it was in the south, but I’m sure this could happen anywhere – and the people at the front desk of the hotel screwed up the reservations, and then screwed up the shuttle bus. I went outside to wait for the bus, and a woman started venting to me about the screw-ups…I was totally on the same page until she started saying stuff “those people” aka a certain race! “can never get it right.” I was absolutely stunned. I was offended that she’d think *I* would share her beliefs!!! That she’d be comfortable to say insane crap like that to a stranger! It made me realize that racism is alive and well. Ugh.
My absolute adoration for him knows no bounds. It’s ridiculous.
He’s so damn hot.
I agree. One of the hottest men n Hollywood without a doubt. He reminds me of Nikolaj-Coster Waldau who plays Jaime Lannister on “Game of Thrones” who I think is the sexiest man alive.
Right! I love that incestuous pig. So hot. I knew he reminded me of someone.
@Nerd Alert “I love that incestuous pig.”
LOL! Freaking love this sentence.
I grew up in a large city in Florida, and then went to college in the South.
I will never forget there being a class discussion one day and in the middle of making his point, this man just slips a hard N, into what’s saying. He later said he grew up hearing the word, and sometimes forgot when it was appropriate and when it was inappropriate to say it. Not that it was wrong to use the word to begin with, just that he forgot when he could use it.
I am white and my husband is black. We get looks in the North and South, big cities and rural areas, almost everywhere. I just got back from Madrid Spain and same thing there. The place we really never experienced it was in Montreal Canada. I am sure it is not as bad now as it was even twenty years ago but its still around.
On another note he is hot!
Martha’s Vineyard is a pretty cool place for mixed race couples, although pricey.
That reminded me of my neighbors–the two ninety year olds I told you guys about. They have a (white) granddaughter, who is married to her high school sweetheart (he’s black), and they just had a kid–and they live in Georgia. So I can imagine how it is for them…
Honestly, it’s not all that uncommon for where I live. (I’m in GA too) Granted I live in a bigger city but I see it all the time and while some stop and gawk, most barely bat an eyelash.
@ VC or.. (after taking some time to think about this) I could be too self absorbed to see what’s going on around me? which is sad on my part
Even in Madrid? I am the opposite Black/husband white and we live in London not here as too many mixed race here so no one pays any attention. I think Spain still has some issues about that and Italy as well. Son 8 monhts on my shoulders walking in Florence, and I hear monkey noises I thought who are they doing that to? Then I see 2 kids in the back seat of the car parents driving, they must have been 11-14?? Needless to say I haven’t been back to Italy.. and the son now 13.
I used to live in Spain (Valencia) with my roommate who was black (from NYC) and we were blown away continually at the blatant, public, outrageous racism she was subjected to. I can’t believe she lasted the whole year. It was so bad. Those racists would NEVER get away with that kind of behavior in the NYC or my city of SF. No way. Anyone within earshot would give them hell.
Madrid is bad. My friends mom who is not even Black but a medium skin Mexican was constantly referred to as an N word their entire visit.
Interesting about Spain. I lived with a black American roommate for two years there and she said she felt she experienced less racism in Spain than she did in the USA and this was in Madrid. The kids there (we taught English) didn’t even really think she was black. They would call her “morena” (so make that brown, not black) and were fascinated by her hair (in a curious, naive way, not a racist way). It was quite obvious from the way she looked she was not an African immigrant and she could speak Spanish well (you don’t speak any Spanish in Madrid, you are going to have a hard time, that I can guarantee). So I don’t know, everybody’s experience is different.
I can’t imagine staring at someone like that. WTF? Why is it a big deal? Why is it stare-worthy? I hear this a lot, and I just don’t understand why 1) people care who strangers are in love with and 2) don’t care that staring is rude. RUDE. *hates*
Christy, I hope all the staring was due to your husband being so hot =P
This man…. Sigh. Can I just…. Naaaaah. Let me just stop there.
It’s interesting. I grew up (and now live again) in a small, rural town. But we have a couple of universities nearby and it’s a pretty artsy place. And it’s not uncommon at all to see interracial couples & families. Not that racism doesn’t exist here, but blending is pretty normal.
In fact, when I moved to larger communities and cities (sorry, but especially in the South) I was stunned by the amount of blatant racism I found. I found the larger cities to be very segregated, which I wasn’t used to at all, and for people to speak very openly and stereotypically about people of other races. I’m biracial myself (Native American and White) and it was just a stunning realization for me, since I’d never experienced this sort of thing in my small town.
Also – he’s sooo hot. So hot.
Us “nice, polite” Canadians will go watch movies like the butler and twelve years a slave and talk about how awful whites in the states treat others Then we proceed to make the most disgusting remarks about native people and other visible ethnicities here in our city. (But mostly native) As a biracial woman who looks white, it is shocking what people feel comfortable saying to other “whites”.
we still have such a long way to go in how we treat native americans here in Canada. Even just in properly acknowledging our past actions against them. I have mixed race cousins that look white and the things they’ve told me they’ve heard would break your heart.
I’m also Canadian and completely agree. I grew up in a smaller northern Ontario town which is surrounded by many reserves and the town itself has a large native population. Many of them have severe alcohol dependency and are out in full sight, passed out or stumbling on the streets. What’s unfortunate is a lot of the towns residents use those people as an example to paint ALL First Nations people with the same brush. I have to admit though…when I heard the people of Attawapiskat reelected that crook Theresa Spence as Chief I was totally baffled and appalled.
Definitely. You wouldn’t believe the crap I’ve heard or have had written to me because I don’t ‘sound like’ a minority or have a name would reveal it. Reminds me a lot of, ‘You know we can hear you, right?’ But they have no idea to whom they’re talking. Canadians have not earned that racism smugness, that shoulder chip is awfully misplaced.
If you want your eyes opened wide about how entrenched racism is in America, check out the hate groups list on the Southern Poverty Law Center website. You might be surprised by what is happening just around the corner from where you live.
Bedhead – Your ex-MIL…lots of words come to mind. I’m betting she loves her some Tea Party.
She is a actually a registered Democrat. I don’t think that means what she thinks it means. Because she decided to stop voting when Obama ran for office.
When she registered could explain a lot. Particularly in the South. Party has changed dramatically since the Civil Rights movement.
Sounds like a truly horrible woman! Hope she doesn’t read CB today 😉
I love him. He’s my forever dong. I was thisclose to making my son after him but we went with a family name instead.
Edit: naming
Having lived in both rural areas and cities, I really think the difference is that in cities the racists know they have to hide it because that’s where most of the non-racists live. I grew up in a city and then went to HS in a rural town were people would just casually say things like “no, I don’t care for black people at all,” like they were talking about a flavor of ice cream. I was flabbergasted, utterly shocked (this is rural Colorado, and there were no black people like there are in the south). They also thought I might be gay because I had gay friends back in the city.
But then I came running back to the city as fast as I could when I turned 18, and as an adult I’ve witnessed countless acts of racism here–just differently executed. Not the least of which were multiple occasions of older racists whispering at younger racists to keep their “opinions” under wraps and how. The dumber ones start a lot of sentences with “I’m not racist, but…” and the smarter ones keep it in the family, like Bedhead’s ex-MIL.
One thing I’ve always appreciated, if that’s what you want to call it, about the rural/Southern areas is people are upfront about their racism. You know what you’re getting yourself into. In larger cities/Northern areas people tend to hide it. I worked in NYC and one of my colleagues got drunk at happy hour and went on a racist tirade about a Mexican server. We were shocked. She never gave any indication she was like this.
Exactly! They keep it under wraps until they *think* they know their company, or something slips. Then I have to be like, “well shit, bro. I thought you were cool. That’s probably the end of you and me.” It’s disappointing, because I invested my time rather than just steering clear in the first place. I also have a very racist co-worker. We have to work together closely and used to be good friends outside of work as well, but ever since I heard her rant about the “towel-heads” in her apartment complex I just can’t hang. I don’t want that in my life, period. At least in my rural community I never got blindsided like that.
I actually think that’s what TO is talking about here – not that it only exists in rural areas, but that there’s more openess about it. In the Justified pilot, there’s a white supremacy group, and several of the characters literally have that sort of garbage written all over their bodies with tattoos, it’s not hidden, and no one in that community speaks against it. My guess is he was reacting more to the openess it portrayed, and coming from a different environment didn’t know if it was still accurate or not. (Side note, that’s one of the best TV pilots ever, and a brilliant show).
Long story short, there’s awful people everywhere, but there’s also good people everywhere too.
True enough, lucy2. Good perspective.
My man and I like to start dramatic/serious shows 3-4 seasons after they’ve started, and we’re considering Justified (based on Patton Oswald tweets lol) now that we’re coming to the end of our Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones ropes. I had no idea what it was about, but I think I’m gonna start campaigning for it now. It sounds really interesting!
Nerd Alert, I cannot recommend it enough, especially if you like well crafted dramas, or if youre a fan of Elmore Leonard’s work. The writing, dialogue, acting, casting, characters – all of it is so great. It is dramatic, but also has a lot of humor in it too. Patton was fantastic in his role too.
Okay, you got me. As a writer trying to get published, I’ve only grown to appreciate good writing in TV/movies recently. I stayed away from dramas because they all used to be so boring and cliche. There’s a lot of good dramatic TV that’s come out of the woodwork in the past few years, great scripts and great characters, and I’m late to the game.
Also, I think Patton Oswald is seriously underrated as an actor and comedian. I support almost everything he’s done.
Oh, if you’re a writer yourself, I think you’ll love it (I hope!). Season 1 starts off a bit procedural/episodic, but about half way through finds its footing, and then it’s off.
There is definitely great material on TV in recent years.
Thanks for posting finally something about this amazing man. Love him forever. He and his show are so much more interesting than pretty much every guy that usually gets attention here. His TV interviews are the best. So much personality.
+1000 love this man…
Of course racism is alive in well in many parts of the world. There always has been racism, there always will be racism. It’s a sad fact but nothing new or shocking about it. Now…..let’s talk about Mr. Olyphant looking mm mm mm! 😉
P.S. Why is he wearing his ring on the wrong hand? Weird!
I noticed that, too! Hmmmm. On the racism comments by Olyphant, c’mon. It IS everywhere. “You don’t even look Jewish” is supposed to be a COMPLIMENT?
Racism happens on both sides. Whether it is rural America or the inner city. No matter the color, it is very easy to become the victim.
Please don’t try to defend skinheads.
His wife is so lucky. I would be all over that everytime it came home. 🙂
It’s so great to hear a white person say this because it’s a truth that a lot of Caucasians want to deny. I’m the white (biological) mother of half-black son who lives in the Midwest and I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve heard people say to me that racism isn’t really a big deal anymore, slavery was so long ago, blah blah blah and I’m all, “What the hell are you talking about?! I seriously just heard with my own ears a white person use the “N” word yesterday!”
And a hot man with a social conscience? SWOON.
Exactly! When you’re white, other whites think they can vent their nasty, racist opinions. I agree that RACISM IS ALIVE & WELL. But DYING.
A lot of younger people are letting go of tired racist attitudes, and are even influenced by black culture, especially music.
He charmed everybody’s pants off on Conan last week — could NOT be more adorable. Funny, gets better-looking as he talks [true charisma], really wears well.
And to be so blunt about racism is just refreshing!
I’m so glad he’s animating Elmore Leonard’s Raylan so beautifully — it IS hard because Leonard created complex characters.
My father was racist, and he was Latin!! My mother was not a racist. I believe that racism starts in the family. If you grow up listening to parents who are racist, you are more likely to become a racist. I was fortunate not to grow up a racist, and as I grew older, I became openly confrontational with my father about his racist comments/views. My children did not grow up to be racist. It is us as a society that makes racism as strong today as it was forty, thirty or twenty years ago. Let’s raise our children to know and believe that EVERYONE is equal, not matter their color, religious, or sexual preference/situation. I don’t see color, I see character.
I live on the West Coast of Canada. I went to a mall in a certain part of town, and they didn’t want to serve me because I was not of their culture. So yep, racism, all corners of the world, and all races, some worse than others.
I’m from Chicago, and the rascism here is ridiculous. Aside from a few more progressive suburbs (Oak Park, Evanston) you rarely see black and white people in social situations together. Even though the most famous Chicagoans are black (Oprah, Kanye, Jennifer Hudson, Derrick Rose), they are still treated like second class citizens. It’s one of the most segregated big cities in the US.
Yup. I lived on the Navy base north of Chicago and the whole area is VERY segregated. Rumour has it that the *only* reason Great Lakes Naval Base remains after all the base closures is to buffer the ultra rich white people in Lake Bluff/ Lake Forest area (South of Great Lakes) from the very black and poor city of North Chicago and Mexican Waukegan (North of Great Lakes). People would gasp in shock that I would drive AT NIGHT to Waukegan to grocery shop.
Sad, eh?
My 17 year old cousin goes to school in Marietta, GA. She’s a pretty little thing with a head full of gorgeous hair that hits right at the middle of her back. Her teacher may have been discussing genetics or some such thing because she singled out my cousin and said “see, black girls don’t have long hair. If they want to have long hair they have to get a weave, like Sasha”. My cousin advised the teacher that her hair was her own hair. The teacher told her that she was lying and then the teacher then walks across the room and starts putting her hands in Sasha’s hair rooting around for evidence of a weave. Now normally, my little cousin is very stoic and she’s dealt with things like this before from the same teacher. She was SO upset that the teacher not only put her hands on her, but felt she had the right to do so. Her mother was fit to be tied and I was ready to fly down to Georgia and open up 2 or 3 cans of whoop ass on that lady.
Situations like this one make me wonder how anyone could think that we live in a post racial world.
I’m shunned by my white boyfriends entire family. Apparently him dating an educated, caring, half black woman who loves their son is an embarrassment to their “family name”
I live in Nevada: so yes, racism is everywhere
Foremost, Timothy Olyphant is a very good actor – Rayland is complicated; his Kelly character (the Girl Next Door) makes acting look way fun! Second, Justified season 1, discs 1 & 2 have become more a CD than a DVD – I play them often. Third, Tim Olyphant offers up a nice, well-rounded package – I particularly like his hands. After watching all 4 seasons, more than once, I realized why I remain pissed with Raylan and lost interest after season 1: He dumps Ava – the only woman who completely accepts Raylan as himself; the woman who truly wants and needs Raylan as much as he needs her. Ava’s future downward spiral is heart breaking and Rayland could have – should have – saved her. Most irritating: Winona’s floppy tits are ridiculous as a Court Reporter. Regarding racism: I am ever blessed to have lived all over San Diego: So many different races and cultures everywhere that race is rarely an issue. Collectively we are far more tolerant of others differences; acceptance is the prevailing attitude and behavior. Our problems arise from socioeconomic imbalance – not at all easy to be poor among so many well-off people.
Foremost, Timothy Olyphant is a very good actor – Rayland is complicated; his Kelly character (the Girl Next Door) makes acting look way fun! Second, Justified season 1 has become more a CD than a DVD – I play it often. Third, Tim Olyphant offers up a nice, well-rounded package – I particularly like his hands.
After watching all 4 seasons, more than once, I realized why I remain pissed with Raylan and lost interest after season 1: He dumps Ava – the only woman who completely accepts Raylan as himself; the woman who truly wants and needs Raylan as much as he needs her. Ava’s future downward spiral is heart breaking and Rayland could have – should have – saved her. Most irritating: Winona’s floppy boobs are ridiculous as a Court Reporter. Regarding racism: I am ever so blessed to have lived all over CA, San Francisco to San Diego: So many different races and cultures everywhere that race is rarely an issue. Collectively we are far more tolerant of others differences; acceptance is the prevailing attitude and behavior. Our problems arise from socioeconomic imbalance – not at all easy to be poor among so many well-off people. Apartment life with no hope of buying a house is the best I can do as a single Mom.
Yes, I said Tim Olyphant’s hands are particularly nice – gentle, artsy, with athletic finesse. My ex, retired pro athlete, has very similar hands.
I would love to meet their Shilo Shepherds – I want to have my own, but I already have 4 rescue dogs that rely on me. I miss my soul mate, Heidi, my German Shepherd girl.
Sorry in advance for the long post! This is my anecdote experiencing comfortable, non-chalant racism…
I’m originally from Brooklyn – born and raised. When I was 17, my recently divorced mother went to South Bend, IN to visit my older sister who’d married and followed her husband there(his hometown) – I didnt make the trip with her and stayed with my other sister who also lived in Brooklyn.
One day, my mom calls me from Indiana and says “Guess what?” – I thought she was going to tell me my sister was expecting her second child but no, she told me, and excitedly so, “I bought a house and we’re moving to Indiana!” **crickets on the other end** – after the shock wore off, I asked her if I was being punished for something I wasn’t aware I’d done and she said “No, you’ll love it here – it’s nice, peaceful, it’s amazing”. Sure, if you’re not a teenager who’s faced with the reality that she’ll be moving from a very urban, lively area to (what I deemed to be) a boring, suburban town in the Midwest where I’d probably be one of the few Caribbean Latinos there – you’ll understand why I differentiated Caribbean Latinos from Latinos as a whole in a minute. My only saving grace was that I’d graduated from High School when I was 16 so I didn’t have to experience my final year in HS there; being the ”new girl” in any situation is always stressful and I’d imagine it’s intolerable for a teenager.
We move there, I, of course, hate it because it isn’t NYC, it isn’t urban and everything, everything, everything about it, is alien to me.
My sister worked at a bank and she got me a part time job there working in the Trust Dept while I also attended college. My co-workers were of an older(way older) generation with some young-ish people in the mix…all Caucasian as far as I can remember.
A week into working there, an older female co-worker approaches me and says “You know, my co-workers and I have a bet going on about you?”. Puzzled, I said “Bet? About me? What exactly about me?” and she says “Well, you have such long, curly hair and caramel skin color, some of us think you have to be MULATTO while others say you’re Mexican.” I was STUNNED! Never before in my short life, had I experienced such blatant racism. She said this as if she was telling me about the weather! So non-chalant, so comfortable with her choice of words, so ignorant, I couldnt believe this was happening. I’ve always had a sharp tongue so I told her “well, unfortunately, you all lost because even though I was born here in the States, I’m of Dominican descent”. The priceless ignorance kept on coming though, she asked “What’s Dominican? Do they speak Mexican there?” AMAZING, right?! Feeling like I was in The Twilight Zone, my final words to her were “It’s an island in The Caribbean and we, like ALL Latinos worldwide, speak SPANISH, that’s a language and there’s no such thing as “speaking Mexican” and I walked away.
It was surreal yet eye-opening at the same time; everytime I tell someone this anecdote, I STILL shake my head at the ignorance and blatant racism and how comfortable some people are with it – unfortunately and especially, those of the older generation.
I’m back living in NYC and havent experienced any racist moments – not saying there arent any here, because of course there are; I’ve simply not had one of those surreal moments since moving back.
Olyphant. Come unto me.