Johnny Depp and Amber Heard finally walked a red carpet together! Of course they’ve done this before during the 2011 Rum Diary tour, but that was back when they weren’t “together.” I won’t debate the timeline here. I did, however, get carried away with the number of photos from this premiere. Their body language is so interesting. Amber made Johnny leave the scarves at home. Good call.
This is a pretty “big” premiere for Amber. She didn’t tag along for Johnny’s Lone Ranger promotion, but now that they are engaged, Johnny made good by showing up to support her role in 3 Days to Kill. Amber plays a sexy FBI agent (LOL) opposite Kevin Costner, who plays a dying Secret Service Agent trying to win back his wife and daughter. You can watch the trailer here. It’s nothing special. The movie actually feels like one of the cheesy action movies Angelina Jolie did in her early career. I bring this up again because Amber is very much trying to execute “the Leg” like she did at the Globes.
I’m including some photos of Johnny’s crazy wing-tip shoes, but let’s talk about Amber’s dress. She’s wearing Alexandre Valthier with a dramatic v-neck and leg-baring slit. Amber’s body looks fantastic. Her makeup is just right even if the hair’s a little greasy. Perfect shoes are perfect.
I think Amber’s a total knockout. She’s not a terribly talented actress, but I have nothing but respect for her game. Amber may be pretentious and faux art-y (farty?), but she has made all the right moves in this relationship. Johnny’s the one who is falling all over himself. Amber also gave a press conference yesterday about how much she “loves” shooting men in the head. During movies:
Does she like shooting men in the head? “I love it. I love it. Absolutely. It’s a perk of the job. I would rather shoot the gun and save the girl or save the guy or be hated than be cute, sweet and adorable and loved. It’s way more fun. It’s always more fun to play a badass. I always fight for those characters.”
She’s very picky with roles: “I only make a few movies a year because for every one that I take, I’ve said no thanks to many romantic movies where I bat my eyelashes and catch the bouquet.”
On Kevin Costner: “He reminds me of where I come from. He’s a just good ol’ American guy. He reminds of the people I grew up with and who I was raised by, so I got him. He and I just got each other instantly.”
[From E! Online]
Notice how Amber never deviates from her message. She doesn’t waste time with silly romantic comedies. This girl is truly angling to be the next Angelina Jolie, which is fine because Angelina really isn’t interested in these types of movies anymore. Now can Amber rack up some box-office successes? We’ll see. I have my doubts.
Here’s some more photos from the premiere. Kevin Costner looks tanned and botoxed to the hilt. So strange.
Photos courtesy of WENN
She’s awfully tiresome.
She is boring.. thats why she didnt make it in hollywood even with Johnny Depp in her arms..
You know you’re a boring couple when 60 yr old Kevin Coster and his no name wife look hotter and have more charisma. Johnny keep looking.
I miss crazy Johnny. She’s leached away all of his “Depp-ness”, and managed to make him look…normal. His shoes are the only sign of life! He just seems uncomfortable to me, while she is posing for all she’s worth.
If she is trying to morph them into the next Brangelina, she’s in for a losing battle. Basically because we already have a Brangelina, and they have pretty much cornered that market. While very lovely to look at, Amber just doesn’t have the charisma and beauty of Angelina at her age, and Johnny Depp has a very specific persona and look. And more important, neither Angelina, Brad and Johnny have ever tried to be someone else. Amber just seems like she is trying to fit into some narrative that’s already been played out.
It’s wrong to take that away from him. I would even venture to say that all of the scarves, hats, jewelry and crazy accessories *are* Johnny. And as much as we all poke fun at it, I think the Captain Jack kookiness is pretty awesome in a sea of bland Hollywood sameness.
Edit: I’ve obviously given this way too much thought. I’m blaming the snow, extreme boredom and acute cabin fever. And the fact that I have watched all four Pirates of the Carribbean movies with my son today. Not my fault!
She is. Never heard of her til a few weeks ago and I am already bored. Maybe it will get interesting when she divorces Mr. Mid Life crisis and takes him for all she can. (Dummy is going to marry her w/o a pre-nup)
Agree, Kevin Costner is looking hot!
Thanks for that Bedhead *eye roll*
She’s not all that IMO. “Made all the right moves in this relationship”? Please!!! She’s set her self up for massive humiliation when Depp decides he’s done with her too. Just wait. His behaviour is textbook. She had better make the most of this if she has any real talent at all.
JD is not half the man he used to be standing next to this talentless wannabe.
Agreed. He looks so weird without all his bedazzlement…like he’s attending a funeral, not a movie premier.
She’s like a fancy Kristen Stewart.
Or a poor man’s ScarJo.
Walmart Johanssen FOREVAH!
Walmart Johanssen! I think we have a new name! Can be abbreviated to WalJo.
All of them are rather mediocre in the acting department, and have a sleepy, dead-eyed quality about them, imo. Lacking sparkle or charm, and too pretentious. Amber has a nice figure, though, and to be fair she doesn’t seem to have had that many opportunities to show what she can do, even with Depp in tow. I can’t say she’s ruined a great role or movie for me because I haven’t seen her in a good one yet.
@ mercy +1
She looks quite haggard.
Did no one tell her that both Megan Fox and Olivia Wilde (who most people will assume is in this movie since she’s Heard’s much prettier doppelganger) already tried and failed to be the next Angelina. News bulletin: no one is the next Angelina, she’s sort of incomparable that way. The mold is broken ishes.
They need to take keira knightly (if she feels like slumming), Olivia wilde, and this chick and make a movie about 3 boring thin faced, high cheekboned thin lipped sisters who are way overrated and cause people to nod off uncontrollably.
what has costner done to himself
he is giving me shades of billy bob in that pic.
I thought more Mickey Rourke IF his plastic surgery had of been successful. If you know what I mean?
he looks like her perv uncle…geez…
For some reason I can picture you saying this!!!
Perfect description.
The guy looks so gross and they have zero chemistry.
Even looking at those pictures is terribly uncomfortable.
Ugh. Both she and her dress look quite budget.
Total budget looking dress, makeup and hair. She looked better when she was single. Johnny Depp looks like a waxy old man hanging out with his daughter.
she seems to have lost weight, right?
Yeah, I was just thinking that. She doesn’t appear as buxom as she used to.
Yep, my friend loves her, but he said the same. she used to look great in never back down
Never Back Down was such a terrible movie. And not even terrible in a fun way.
I came on here to read the posts and see if it was just me who though she didn’t quite look as buxom as she once did.
I have never seen her in anything and to me she just seems meh. In my opinion, she’s about as generic as they come. There is nothing special about her looks and from what I’ve read about her acting. There are a ton of Holly wood actresses out there playing the same game as her. Her one up is that she scored Johnny Depp. LOL, although I’m beginning to think that Johnny Depp is just going through a mid-life crisis like so many men his age do and that she’s really not that special. She just starred in a movie with him at about the right time đ
She looks lovely. She’s a pretty gal with a nice figure: can’t hate on her trying to make it in the Game. Seen her in a few things, she’s ok/inoffensive/passable.
He: is all one colour. Seriously- his face is just one big shade of puce. Not hot. Makeup artist should be fired. He looks like an almost-sexy vampire with bad dress sense, desperately clinging to his next youthful victim.
Sigh….. Dude…. Try to age gracefully. Johnny and Joaquin and Norman Reedus have all jumped the shark lately.
Johnny likes em “heroin chic” thin I think.
I still like Johnnyboy but his suit looks a little big on him. He looks like a Little Rascal dressed in his father’s clothes.
That’s what it is—it makes him look short and little.
Is it me, or does Johnny have a ton of light foundation on?
he ´s dressing like a “pachuco” sorry i don´t know how to say it in english. they both are a joke!
he should be embarrased and she should stop doint the super movie star.. girl ur not.. and u never going to.
I think it is also pachuco, or the outfit would be a zoot suit. But you are totally right, I didn’t see it until you mentioned it.
Didn’t Miley Cyrus wear those shoes at the VMAs? Look at those little lifts! What height is he?
He has never really had suits that fit him right. The pants are always baggy and the coat always too boxy.
Wake me when it’s ov…zzzz
LOL! đ
Oh yes, I’m sure she’s turning down films right and left.
Right. To make meaningful films where she plays the sexy FBI agent. Uh-huh.
LOL this is what I don’t get about her. She always talks about how she doesn’t take on the typical hot chick roles, but…that’s all she plays.
Amber will never be the next Jolie…Amber is just another wannabe….she can get to the back of the line!
Whats up with Kevin Cosnter’s face….I want to smack him!
It’s like she found Megan Fox’s old play book in a dumpster. At least she hasn’t destroyed herself with stupid tattoos to REALLY go for the new Jolie title. (not saying tats in general are stupid, but Megan’s are. They’re really bad…)
Smacking Kevin Kostner in the face would be like slappinga water balloon-but at least that would be more interesting than watching Amber “act”. Johny looks worse than Kostner-as if he’s been dressed up at the nursing home “snazzy” style for his granddaughter’s big talkie premiere.
She is SO TRY-HARD! Girl, you are not all that! Sheesh.
Neither Kevin Costner nor Amber Heard can act. And Kevin’s worse than Amber……even my dad doesn’t think Kevin can act, and he’ll watch anything.
I think he’s just a one note actor. I watched “The Untouchables” last night and his usual emotionless face and monotone voice worked for the character. Other than that what movie has he been in that you reallyyyy remember??? I remember the bodyguard because of WHITNEY!! And because it was like a bad/good lifetime movie on a lazy saturday lol
Costner is pretty good in JFK.
Dances With Wolves? Didn’t it win a ton of awards? And Field of Dreams? I think he’s had some pretty good movies. Not a fan one way or the other, but I think he was on fire until he did Waterworld. Then he sank like a stone.
Bull Durham!!!
Virgilia, well said. Not only can he not act, he’s the grand master of douchebags. My poor husband has had to deal with him before, and we have seen how he treats other people. We never, ever watch any of his movies.
Dances with Wolves is my shit. I love Kevin Costner, I wish he was my bodyguard too.
Sorry if I’m going to pay $10 average for a movie it’s not because one of the actors is a tabloid regular. The story and the acting better be good. I’ll look at the and the opening weekend numbers. If they’re both bad I’m not bothering with it when it comes out on Red Box.
Her hair is just gross.
She looks like a crazy nut case that just rolled out of bed but only had time to fix 1/2 of her hair or is she trying to copy Johnny’s younger look now with the hair covering the eye?
It wouldn’t have killed her to actually fix her hair before going to her own movie premiere.
I can’t wrap my head around why Kevin Costner has won any awards — he is the dullest actor in history.
Have you seen Amber act…they could be vying for the dullest actor award!
Amber’s a lot better than Kevin….she and Johnny had really great chemistry in Rum Diaries…..but that ain’t sayin’ much, as she can only act as the hot girl, and barely that.
How can she be picky with choosing roles when her only options are B movies?
I’m sure she turns down all porn offers!
If she was so high-brow and such an artiste shouldn’t she be turning down the muscle brain roles as much as the romcoms? Surely if you’re a real craftsman of the trade go indie or go home?
‘Ah likes mah guns, and ah likes mah cars… oh yeah, and ah like Jack Sparrow too. Did ah mention ah used ter be one of them there lesbians?’ ART, BABY! It’s all about the art!
Great analysis, that is exactly how I see her đ
She is smart and beautiful but she cannot act…and does not have the charisma of Angelina Jolie, a true hollywood star. Kevin costner wife i absolutely lovely and gorgeous and look like she is in her 20’s still
*sigh* remember when Depp used to be cool and attractive?
Now he emanates the desperation and try that I feel coming off Jonah Hill…
Confidence is so hot, and his just seems to have disappeared like a fart in a high wind.
“Fart in a high wind” đ Thanks for that!
I don’t care for them as a couple. If they are happy, then great, but I wish they would tone down the publicity related to their relationship. It’s nauseating.
I think that Amber is really pretty, though. She’s not the best actress in the world, but I think she’s got the hustle to stick around for a long time.
I agree. I think she looks like Keira Knightley in that top pic. He, on the other hand, looks like grandpa.
I wonder if these men ever learn that having a Pretty Young Thing on their arms just emphasizes their own age?
I can’t stand the trailer for this – it sounds as though Kevin Costner is trying to sound like Liam Neeson in Taken. I just can’t with any of this!
I was just commenting about Katie Holmes and her shoes being a size too big. How do these people walk in these shoes? I’ve made the mistake of buying a pair that were a size too big because they were too cute to pass up but didn’t have my size. I teased myself with them in my closet for about a year before finally conceding that I should just sell them because walking in them with any grace at all was just impossible!
I saw JD on TV the other night, for the Beatle’s 50 anniversary concert. I could not understand one word coming out of his mouth. I don’t know if he was high, stoned, or drunk but he sounded like an idiot.
And it breaks my heart to say that because I used to love me some JD.
She looks a little different. Something around the eyes, perhaps?
In the first photo Johnny has that “Do I feel look like an old fool next to her?” look, IMO.
Love the dress, shoes, and lip. The hair, not so much.
She is beautiful though. And Johnny’s still a cutie imo. Good for them.
No matter what she does, she always looks trashy :/
Yawn…another Costner movie? He doesn’t act. He is the same in every single move, like “Dances with Costner” and “Robin Costner”…so bland.
Johnny is either shrinking or his clothes are way too big. Not a good look.
Amber bores me too, but her dress and shoes are to die for here.
What d’you think the running time on this movie will be? You know Costner only does movies that run for two hours or more.
Dances With Costner!!
Still chuckling to myself! Hee hee!
She looks like she will be entering in hypothermia with that dress and the “recently washed” hair…not a good look. She has a very random face, I don’t think I would recognize her without Johnny by her side.
If someone had told me that I would think Johnny Depp was a ******* no-hoper I would never have beleived it …. but ti’s true.
Is this version of his persona a “cleaned up by Amber” version? And please don’t try to convince me he wasn’t schtupping her when they filmed that atrocity together.
Depp has painted himself into a caricature of himself, with this relationship. Everything comes off hollow. He looks like Peter Weller (the old Robocop).
You know what it is…she thinks she’s sexy but she’s not. Sexy isn’t always in a mediocre or pretty face. Its not wearing a form fitting dress, heels and red lipstick either. She’s not sexy or unique. She’s average and young so in his eyes she’s sexy. There’s nothing about her that is uniquely attractive or talented. Amber is trying her best to channel kristen stewart, megan fox and the jolie but its not working. Those women have sex appeal its in their smoldering gaze(s). There’s nothing behind her eyes. She’d do better trying trying to channel grace kelly regarding style. She might be able to pass herself off as a lady instead of a skank in training.
Actually yeah, she’s trying way too hard with the sex appeal.
If memory serves correctly she actually looked much better during the Rum Diaries promo tour because she wasn’t trying too hard and had some of that old Hollywood styling you suggested. Take a look at:
Ironically she was so much sexier when she wasn’t trying. Dunno if it’s a case she thinks she’s a mainstay now so can get a little weirder and experimental with her look or if she really is trying to push the sexy but it’s not working.
she’s got “trophy wife” written all over her.
I’ll reserve judgment on her acting abilities until I see her in a decent role, but from what I’ve seen so far she has little charisma, likability or charm on or off screen. This awkward pairing isn’t doing either of them any favours. Johnny’s hat is way too big for a small man.
and the scarves are at home tied to the bed post cuz they’re both such free spirits ya’ll
LOL! I enjoyed that. Thank you.
her legs are white and fine, the largest shoe the foot, and she has a weird ass
ass is equal to waist, she has no curves.
Thats how he like them, boyish figures.
I must admit that I’ve seen Amber look far sexier than this. I hope her mid life man isn’t dragging her down.
The glaring age difference is making it look like he’s her dad. It’s kinda creepy.
She looks like a cheap accessory. He looks like a wasted, broken individual. Hollywood in a nutshell. After all those years, he’s finally sold out truly.
The shade in most of these comments is brightening up my dull afternoon. đ
Amber is a knockout, she looks wonderful here. I don’t love the hair, but I’ll give her props for always trying new things, it’s a lot better than the beehive she was rocking at the globes. Johnny looks amazing, its the best he’s looked for a while, including his Lone Ranger promotion.
The continous comments on age and him being “her father” are odd to me – she’s 27 years old and their relationship seems genuine. I agree that Amber is a hustling, but I respect her grind. Even though Bradley Cooper and Suki Waterhouse have a smaller age gap, I find their relationship FAR more desperate and creepy than this one.
The couple fascinates me though. In the 14 years of Johnny and Vanessa, when has Johnny EVER walked a red carpet at a Paradis film? Like, never. The only instance I can think of is a Chanel dinner with Karl L. I’m sure he supported her from time to time behind the scenes (at her concerts) but he’s never played second fiddle to her – it was always her at HIS premieres and HIS events and that stopped towards the end.
Why now, all the publicity with Amber? He attended the gala she goes to every year and now this. Is he completely smitten? He’s been bombing in theatres – is he playing the game for his upcoming films, Transcendence and Mortdecai? A combination of the two? I’m at a loss.
Vanessa Paradis always had a real thing about being known as Depp’s girlfriend, from day one. She kept her projects extremely separate from him, rarely even acknowledged he existed when promoting her films or music. She avoided walking the European red carpets for his projects when she had work to promote, so as not to look like Depp was part of her PR.
He talked Vanessa and her work up when he had the chance and he’d shown up to support previous girlfriends like Winona and Kate, so I really do think that was all Vanessa.
The reason people keep mentioning that he looks like her father is because he does, and could easily be.
She’s 27, he’s 50 (and looks older here), so definitely father-daughter material.
Costner and Baumgardner are giving off that vibe, too.
Baumgardner was his german nanny . I think they’ve had four kids together. They were married in 2006; she’s beautiful, but was in her early twenties when they married, he was in his early 50s.
She’s beautiful but nothing more. Another vapid actress.
The most amazing part about her is how she is complete denial about the real situation with her career. She always says that she chooses good and interesting movies that will show her acting skills (or something). And passes on those romantic comedies and those movies where she will play girlfriend.
Yet in 2013 she showed up in there B-list movies.
1. âSyrupâ where she played sexy girlfriend next to F-lister Shiloh Fernandez. And Kellan Lutz was in it. Which shows what kind of quality that movie has. Iâm not even sure it was in theaters. Maybe went straight to DVD
2. âParanoiaâ where she played pretty girlfriend next to Liam Hemsworth. That movie bombed.
3. â3 Days to Killâ where she plays another supporting pretty face next to male hero â Kevin Costner.
And then she gives interviews how she is choosing roles that she likes and passes on bad ones. Honey â those 3 movies are ridiculously bad. You play furniture in every one of them. Just pretty face next to male hero. And you take those because those are the only ones that producers offer to you.
At least if she would not give all those interviews when she behaves like she is some Jessica Biel or Katherine Heigl during their early career when they thought they would become big A-list actresses in future. Amber is not choosing between good and bad roles. They only offer her to play girlfriend in b-list movies that have no chances to cross even 30 millions. If she passed on rom coms that it means they were even more awful and would go straight to DVD.
In 2014 she will play Lead in movie âLondon Fieldsâ. Alongside b-listers like Theo James, Jaimie Alexander, Jim Sturgess, Billy Bob Thornton. Which totally means it will make no money at all. With Amber Heard in the lead role? Not a chance. Will it even make the wide release at all? Oh and Johnny Depp is in it somehow. And I donât understand â was it his movie and he asked producer to put his girlfriend in it? Or more like she was cast in this low budget b-list movie and he decided to play small part to give it more publicity.
And she will be in some âAutobahnâ movie with Nicholas Hoult and it is probably another low budget movie that will have limited release.
1.5 years since she is dating Johnny Depp and this is all she could score. She canât even land role of pretty girlfriend in some blockbuster. Only roles of pretty girlfriend in b-list movies. Gosh she is in such denial with her ambitions that she canât support with acting talent.
I agree – she could lay off the smarm in her interview. But, I think people are a bit harsh when it comes to her, though she could definitely learn a lesson in self-awareness.
In fairness, I think it’s hard to land dynamic films in hollywood as a woman. So many actors and actresses have done crap films at the beginning of their careers, Christian Bale and George Clooney have said as much – sometimes you have to pay the bills! She’s been working for a long time – but she’s only 27, this could very well be the start of something big for her, we really haven’t seen her in a starring role. Also, I get the impression that she tries her best at acting on set and then the movie comes out and she’s barely in it. Not because of poor acting, but because its the norm to give screen time to the man, and only give a woman camera time if she’s boosting him up or being romantic.
Also, its not necessarily every actors dream to do HUGE films, though she might have the potential to do so. She went from doing guest spots on television, failed tv series to acting along the likes of Johnny Depp, Aaron Eckhart, Charlize Theron, etc. Even if she’s not A-list, she’s definitely succeeding as an actress and making a living. Most aspiring actresses in LA could only dream of attending a movie premiere at their own film, no matter how shitty. She was doing this before Johnny, though I certainly believe she’s gotten a boost from their relationship.
I think she should give indies a try.
I she wanted to do indies she would have done it already. She has continuously chosen bad b-movies with fading stars like nicolas cage or costner or young actors who can’t act like liam hemsworth and kellan lutz and i would suspect its because the pay is better. If she was really that great an actress or so dedicated to her craft, she would work for less money with better casts. Something like taking a small part in an indie, instead she tends to do the lead girlfriend roles in b-movies. I don’t think she is a real actress she is one of those thats in it for the glamour and fame
Well, what’s she supposed to say when promoting these films. “I don’t like the films I’m shilling but I’ve got to take what I can get”? That’ll go down well. You don’t get to say that stuff until it’s ten years later and you’ve built up a lot of goodwill.
It’s actually not that easy to just get roles in good indies, a young actress is much more likely to be offered the kind of roles Heard is playing. If she has some success there, then some indie doors will open because she’ll be enough of a name to attract investors or get a film to a festival.
Also Johnny looks like a robot in all those appearances next to her. Or more like some 80 years old grandpa that has no idea what is happening around him and just stays there, staring at the wall.
“Ah likes mah guns,” that was hilarious. She is basic. I never know Who she is unless told. And poor Johnny, I used to love him, he looksikea little old man. Kevin was great in Dances With Wolves, but I dont think he has appeal any more. Oh, Thanks for letting me know it was not my imagination, her shoes are about to flop off.
Let’s all go see her movie because she’s attached to Johnny Depp. Isn’t everyone going? Admit it, you know she’s gonna be the next BIG star. đ
Johnny totally lost the hot.
These comments!!! I’m laughing so hard right now,tears are running from my eyes!!
She makes him look old. I don’t mean 50 is not old but next to her he has started looking it. It looks like father and daughter. I don’t think they look good together because of this.She also has something attention whorish about her. Bedhead chose the best pictures but in some of the ones posted elsewhere she has that slightly desperate for attention vibe about her
@Leah, you nailed it! Her youth actually emphasises his ageing. It wouldn’t be so bad if he were one of those super healthy types whom you know looks after their body/diet.
Johnny has spent almost 30 years smoking heavily, drinking, taking whatever illegal substances……and it shows. Even a facelift and a sh*t-tonne of makeup can’t hide it.
Facelift? lol
Ugg…he’s just gross to me now. He also very much looks his age standing next to her.
The best part of every new step on their relstionship, it’s to come here and read all the meltdown from the silly haters. Who hate them but still waste so many time talking about them…surely JD and Amber should be so worried to lose those obsessives fans, maybe they even spend a thought or two about this, between kisses and sex and planning their wedding LOL
Aren’t you wasting time coming here too…?
Please…we are just having a bit of fun. It’s not like any of us think twice about them after we click onto the next post.
Ironically, your comment makes you seem like you’ve given this way more thought than any of us. It’s kind of creepy. You’re the one who is actively following “every new step of their relationship” and fantasizing about their wedding and sex life, then rushing back here to call us out. Silly hater. đ
He looks ailing next to his granddaughter.
Lol j/k, but he does look sick.
I think Amber is a very pretty girl, I know it is bad form to pit women against each other but seriously, Kevin Costners wife is hot! Good going Kev!
can someone PLEASE remind me who she reminds me so much of?? whenever i see her face i automatically think shes looks exactly like another celeb out there… who am i think of? scarlet johannson?
lol i pretty much butchered her name, sorry!
Her biggest problem is that she has very ordinary face. She is pretty. But looks like any other pretty blond woman, Thatâs why she reminds you everyone. And her face is hard to remember. I would see her in the movie and would not know itâs her until someone would mention. I saw that trailer for Kevin Costner movie and the one with Kellan Lutz and If I would not read that itâs her then I would never recognize her. Thatâs why she will never become movie star and could not lead movie and make people go to theater specially for her.
Actor must have IT factor. They donât need to have prettiest face. Keira Knightly, Benedict Cumberbatch they donât have the perfect pretty face. But you see them one time and youâll remember them and would recognize on other movies. Amber can only play pretty girlfriend. And she kind of didnât show anywhere that she has the talent to look interesting. Thatâs why itâs funny how she gives all those interviews and behaves like some bright career of movie star and Oscar lie in front of her. She is new Sienna Miller.
Cant lie, I read all these comments and I loved every single one of them. Can we please stop trynna to make this girl happen? Its not going to happen.
Johnny is really aging. He’s still hot though. He looks like he could be Amber’s father. I doubt they will actually get married. I see a long engagemnet
Oh dear, that suit and that hat – he looks like a little wee old man next to her. They just look – odd. He looks like he’ll have a ‘kick me’ sign taped to his back when he turns around, the way he’s being played. đ Silly man.
Johnny Depp looks creepy and old, but Kevin Costner looks quite handsome.
lucky girl wanted Depp for one night in my bed, it looks beautiful as always.
why is ”fragile” such a turn on for this freak?
Winona Ryder, Vanessa Paridise, now THIS dip$*it *rolling my eyes*
Oh Johnny đ
There’s just not great chemistry between them, something’s off. Could we get something about Vanessa’s award she just won (and sang beautifully at the awards in France) with Benjamin Biolay? Sounds like the song she was singing could have been about her and Johnny-song for the old farts.