Tori Spelling’s new ‘True Tori’ Lifetime trailer: sympathetic or uncomfortable?

Tori Spelling

Tori Spelling’s last six months should be a lesson to any publicity hound. Six months ago, a Tori story was likely to rake in over 100 comments. Her money troubles were interesting gossip fare. Many of us tittered over Tori taking luxury vacations and claiming that she and Dean McDermott were too broke to pay for a vasectomy. Then sh-t pretended to get real when Dean was caught cheating with a Canadian random. I still can’t believe chicks fall into bed with this guy. I’m sorry, but he’s not exactly a catch. Always whining and making sexual demands and looking like he hasn’t showered in weeks.

Many of you are tired of hearing about Tori’s drama by now. She’s kept the tabloid stories coming regularly, and she must be the source on most of these stories. Why would the tabs bother otherwise? Tori moved copy for them at first, but the onslaught of Tori’s “bravery in the face of unspeakable agony” stories got old fast. By the time Tori announced her broken-marriage reality show, people stopped caring. Tori had overplayed her hand so much that a show seemed gratuitous. Now Lifetime has released the first trailer. It is SO painful and awkward. Here’s a transcript with video:

Tori: “Every tabloid always got it wrong. Every story you could create, they’ve told.”

Dean: “That’s my worst nightmare: I cheated on my wife.”

Tori: “I’m really mad!”

Dean: “I was out of control. Sex was an escape just like drugs and alcohol.”

Tori: “I could never give him enough sex. He’s never gonna be happy with just me!”

Dean: “You don’t think … you deserve ME?”

Tori: “I’m well aware that this might not have a happy ending.”

[From Lifetime – True Tori]

The scoop on this show is that Tori’s supposed to be working through her decision on whether or not to divorce Dean. We all know the answer already — he’s not going anywhere. That part of the trailer where they’re sitting on the couch at couple’s therapy is very uncomfortable to witness. Who knows, maybe he’s really a sex addict. Or maybe he’s pulling the addict card as an excuse to cheat. I don’t know what to believe anymore when it comes to these two. Tori’s made up so much stuff for publicity that it’s hard to feel sorry for her anymore.

Tori Spelling

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN

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44 Responses to “Tori Spelling’s new ‘True Tori’ Lifetime trailer: sympathetic or uncomfortable?”

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  1. Dean: “That’s my worst nightmare: I cheated on my wife.”
    Was he saying that when he was cheating on Mary Jo WITH Tori, while in the meantime in the process of adopting a child? Whatever. I don’t feel bad for Tori AT ALL.

    She knew she had an ugly, greasy, skeezy golddigger when she got him–his dong must be magical, because we all know he *thought* she had a golden vagina, but that particular parade was rained upon quite early.

    Also–I just got back from my grandma’s (the non drunk/crazy one), and I saw the Canadian version of Chopped. Good Lord. Dean is not good looking AT ALL, and he’s annoying as f-ck on that show. And all he does is give the contestants the times, not exactly a glamorous or interesting job.

    EDIT: Saw the trailer. They both deserve each other. I mean, seriously? Why is Tori surprised that he’s not content with ‘just her’? Is she that stupid? Are the chemicals from her hair dye affecting the two brain cells that she had left in her head? THEY WERE BOTH MARRIED WHEN THEY DECIDED TO SCREW AROUND WITH EACH OTHER. What is so surprising that he’d go out of his marriage? I’m convinced she hasn’t because she wants to be seen as the ‘good, poor, long suffering wife’ who did her best, for more sympathy.

    • What do women see in this rat-faced clown?

    • MonicaQ says:

      He has tiny eyes and it has ALWAYS freaked me out.

      • Arock says:

        That’s what it is. His eyes are too close together. Apparently farmers used to shoot horses whose eyes were too close because it was a sign of stupidity- terrible for the horses, not so much for Dean.

    • Christin says:

      Agree with all this. Why is she surprised and what is it about him that draws women (allegedly)?

      I can’t see either of them without thinking about the adoption and the allegations that she made fun of the ex’s age and fertility.

      • Of course she had to make fun of Mary Jo’s age and fertility–Mary Jo is gorgeous, a lot more naturally gorgeous, a whole lot better looking than Tori. And I imagine that once Tori got out of her dong haze i.e. after her father died, she realized that Dean was with her for the money that she was supposed to get, but now he couldn’t leave her—of course she’s going to go after Mary Jo. Plus I think she’s just a nasty person.

        I hope Mary Jo is just laughing at this all. I would be. My non drunk grandma had to go through the same thing–she had been with my grandpa for seven years–they met while she was babysitting his older twins, and had one son together. She was the one who worked on fixing up the house, raising three kids, going to work, cooking and cleaning for the family–while my grandpa was out getting drunk and screwing around with my second grandma.

        When my grandpa finally told my first grandma about his girlfriend, it was because he wanted a divorce—the night that she left with her son, my grandpa moved in my grandma and her daughter. They got divorced, moved, and my grandma did her best to not say a word about them. If she sent her kids presents, then she always sent one to my aunt, because she knew that what her mother did, had nothing to do with her, and didn’t want her to feel left out.

        But my drunk grandma and her daughter, to this day, talk shit about my grandma. Even though my grandma has done nothing to them, and has been nothing about gracious to both of them. And with the drama going on, surrounding all three of them, all she does is sit back and laugh.

  2. Dame Snarkweek says:

    It’s official. You *can* roll your eyes hard enough to induce a headache.

  3. Jmo says:

    The only ones deserving any sympathy are their children. The only thing they need is privacy. The only thing Tori and Dean will do is continue to give away their dignity. Such a ridiculous display, all for a pay check.

    • Froggy says:


    • InLike says:

      Agree completely.

      How humiliating for her kids. How gross for them as well.

    • Memme says:

      Who’s dignity? Tori’s and Dean’s? Because to be fair I think that ship sailed long ago. As for the kids, their dignity is intact. They don’t have a hand in the crazy stew their parents are brewing.

    • sienna says:

      Totally spot on! Who sells their marriage problems as fodder for their reality show…. is nothing sacred? I feel very sad that Tori thinks pimping her marriage problems is a worthwhile way to maintain her “lifestyle”.

    • JenniferJustice says:

      Yes. I feel sorry for the children and not just because they’re parents are a mess, but mostly because their parents parade their mess for money. Absolutely shameless!

  4. Assistant Rachel says:

    This is so gross on so many levels.

  5. Greata says:

    Dean: “You don’t think … you deserve ME?” Narcisstic as well as an ass*&#e!

  6. skipper says:

    Even if you don’t like them that is still a horrible thing to watch. I always liked their reality shows. This is just depressing. I couldn’t imagine putting this on tv for everyone in the world to see. I’m not a celebrity, though, so I guess it’s different for them. Like they are used to it and put their lives on display no matter how terrible it is.

    • Yet she says that the tabloids upset her children, but can’t manage to find something i.e. NOT a reality show, to support the family that doesn’t hinge or feed the tabloids….right..

  7. MrsBPitt says:

    Believe me, Dean, you both deserve each other…both vile!

  8. Loopy says:

    Like the old saying goes ‘How you got him,is how you will lose him.’ Good Luck with that!

  9. Lisa says:

    I agree they deserve each other and hopefully they will stay together so they don’t screw up any other lives.

  10. Tracy says:

    Hopefully the ratings for this will be worse than the Cracken show.

  11. Deanne says:

    Filming this is disgusting and shows just how low Tori and Dean are willing to sink, to get a pay check and stay on tv. Their poor kids. This doesn’t make me feel anything for Tori. She was fine with cheating,when Dean was someone’s else’s husband and in the process of adopting a baby. Did she really think that a douche who’d leave his wife of over a decade, young son and new baby, for someone he’d known a couple of weeks, was going to treat her any differently? If she did, she’s the only one and a complete moron. They are both so disgusting.

    • Size Does Matter says:

      PREACH, sister! Agree completely. Their hypocrisy (I can’t get the spelling right) knows no bounds.

  12. InLike says:

    I can hear Tori’s mom laughing her ass off.

  13. len says:

    ‘cheating is my worst nightmare’. With that he implies that is is beyond his control, like cheating is something that happened to him. Uh, no, it’s your own conscious choosing. How can you choose something and then call it your worst nightmare? I HATE how he doesn’t own up to being a cheating douchebag. Horrible.
    And I do feel sorry for her, eventhough I shouldn’t. That’s just how sympathy sometimes works. She had four kids with this guy and he betrays her.

    • DrM says:

      One comment was that Dean thought Tori had a ”golden vagina” I’ve always wondered WHY you would get out of one marriage by fooling around with your ”hot” girlfriend (you know…freedom, sex whenever wherever) only to then have a PILE of little kids in short order, thereby replicating the stresses of your first marriage…and then you cheat…again. Man isn’t very smart is he?

  14. Mandy says:

    These people have NO SHAME.

    • Suzy from Ontario says:

      I agree Mandy! They are pathetic. Reality show after reality show and especially this last one… how embarassing for their kids (especially when they look back later). Clearly these two will do anything for money and attention. Dean is creepy and gross imo. Yeah, I’m sure cheating was his *worst nightmare*. Please. Give me a break. Grow up, both of you!

      Tori should dump him and move on to an actual career doing something where cameras don’t follow her around recording her and her kids. And Dean needs to just go away.

  15. murphy says:

    I think she would have split a long time ago if they didn’t have so many kids.

    I do feel bad for Tori though-his unsatiable need almost killed her-she felt a lot of pressure to cater to HIM and was back to sleeping with him almost immediatley after having baby #3–doctors recommend a waiting window for a REASON. Then as you may recall she almost bled out with baby #4.

    • Mon says:

      Has anyone forced her to any of this? She’s an adult and makes her own decisions. If she prefers to make a victim out of herself instead of acknowledging he is a t**t then that’s her choice and now the time has come for th consequences of her actions. She clearly does not think to highly of him (or herself for that matter) and chooses to be with him cos she does not want to pay him what she would have to if they were to get a divorce. If she thinks money is more important than self respect then she deserves what she is getting.

  16. Kara says:

    He always looks sweaty or greasy..and like he has smelly balls.

  17. mollie says:

    Curious: His children (child? can’t remember how many) with first wife used to show up in photos now and again or in articles. I haven’t seen them mentioned or photographed officially in any of their promo stuff for a couple of years. Has his relationship with those kids deteriorated or does he have an agreement with first wife not to pap them?

  18. GeeMoney says:


  19. TheOneandOnlyOnly says:

    I feel skeevy just watching the trailer; With all their money, this is the best they can do? These people truly do live in a parallel universe.

  20. Fan says:

    I think the earlier she lets go of her husband the better her life is going to be. Make amend with her family and accept that she made mistake in her life.

  21. Christin says:

    Why is it that I suspect the ratings for this show may influence her decision? If the show fails, then she may finally give up on the marriage and try another public sympathy and money making angle. I don’t believe any of their self-created drama.

  22. TWINK says:

    I think he’s sexy in a douchebag kinda way, I do like cocky douchebags for hookups, I would never date them but hit it and quit it… hell yeah.

  23. Alexa says:

    I’ll watch this if it is on Lifetime (which I get). I actually have an extremely soft spot for Tori. MEGA! I liked Tori from the first time I saw her back in the 1990’s as Donna on the original Beverly Hills 90210. I didn’t know anything about her – or that she was Aaron Spelling’s daughter. To be candid about it, I just admired her looks – her big very dark eyes and her very ash light blond hair and her very flat tummy (but rounded t & a 😉

    Then – I remember several years go by and I’m working in an office and a few of my “superiors” at the firm (men at first, then women) would talk about how unattractive they thought Tori Spelling was . . . and then I’d start hearing “Tori Spelling is SO ugly” jokes and remarks from everywhere, it seemed. And THIS REALLY PISSED ME OFF! wtf? Why would grown adults decide it would be a good thing to single out Tori Spelling and tear her apart publically??? It’s absolutely so mean, cruel, and abusive to publically insult someone and call them HOMELY, UGLY, etc. Especially a young and comparitivly unassuming woman in “the industry.” I don’t think I’ll ever get over how horrible it was for people to jump on the let’s-hate-Tori-Spelling-and-call-her-ugly bandwagon. Nobody deserves that! So – YA – I feel sorry for her and care for her.

  24. BeckyR says:

    This is STUPID for so many reasons. Guess she will do anything for a paycheck. He is a complete idiot!

  25. MSat says:

    I’d like to know if these two nitwits even considered the negative effect this show would have on their children. They make me sick and I felt like I needed a shower after watching that trailer.

  26. Camille (The Original) says:

    If women are willing to go to bed with Cumberbatch and Hiddleston then I’m sure that this D List actor has no problem getting laid outside of his marriage. The lure of fame is a powerful aphrodisiac to many people. As for myself, well I wouldn’t touch any of the 3 I mentioned with a 10 foot pole. So fug.

  27. John says:

    Just the idea of this programme makes me cringe.