Scott Disick: Kourtney Kardashian keeps ‘suckering me into’ more kids

Scott Disick

I often go back and forth on whether I like Scott Disick. He’s an insensitive megadouche, for sure. A lot of that is his given role in the Kardashian Klan. This is a topic we’ve discussed on many occasions. I’m convinced that Scott has found a way to survive in the Klan. Unlike the other dudes, he will not be beaten down or chased off. Some would say Scott deserves his spot as villain. I think he rather enjoys it.

Scott hasn’t had an easy time of things lately. Both of his parents passed away this year, and he drank himself into the hospital for alcohol poisoning. Amidst all of this life upheaval, Scott and Kourtney learned that they are expecting their third child. The moment that Kourtney told Scott about this baby was not a private one. She told him in front of the KUWTK cameras. It did not go over well. E! has a clip of this argument/discussion:

Kourtney: “Can you shut the door for a second? I just wanted to tell you … [pauses for effect] … that I am pregnant”
Scott: “Okay, I thought you just … [sighs] … you just keep suckering me into these kids.
Kourtney: “I wasn’t, like, planning this.
Scott: “I can’t handle all this responsibility.”
Kourtney: “Responsibility? For what?
Scott: “I just can’t take care of more kids.”
Kourtney: “We have two children.”
Scott: “You’ve known this for how long?”
Kourtney: “Ummmmmm …”
Scott: “Well, when’s the last time you had your period?”
Kourtney: “March?”
Scott: “So you were pregnant when I took you away on your birthday?”
Kourtney: “I mean, I knew …”
Scott: “This is ridiculous. It’s always so sneaky with you.”
Kourtney: “Oh. My. Gosh!”
Scott: “You need to stop lying to me, and tell me honestly what’s happening.”
Kourtney: “I didn’t know.”
Scott: “What do you mean? You didn’t drink. Obviously, you knew.”
Kourtney: “My plan was to wait until …”
Scott: “Until the kid popped out of you?”
Kourtney: “Right. So you don’t have to be anxious the whole time.”
Scott: Oh my goodness. This isn’t good. I just kinda thought at two we weren’t going to have more kids. This is ridiculous.”
Kourtney: “This was not a plan.”
Scott: “You just keep suckering me into …”
Kourtney: “What? It takes two to tango. Like, what did you think was gonna happen?”

[From E! Online]

Yep, I transcribed that whole conversation. Mostly out of morbid curiousity and to analyze the language of a couple who argues about a pregnancy in front of cameras. Who does that? Kardashians. It does sound like Scott was genuinely taken aback by the announcement. Yes, he and Kourtney were obviously hitting it in order to make a baby. That much is true. I don’t know who to believe in this conversation. Is Scott really a douche who thinks Kourtney “suckered” him into having another kid? Or is Kourtney just as bad as Scott is? They’ve both admitted in the past that they rarely have sex. This family, I swear.

Scott Disick

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet

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62 Responses to “Scott Disick: Kourtney Kardashian keeps ‘suckering me into’ more kids”

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  1. Lizzie says:

    Just go away.

    • Lizzie says:

      Haha we have the same name and I was literally about to say the exact same comment!

      Spooky! 😀

  2. Audrey says:

    She seriously waited to tell him?

    That’s awful.

    But I hope the kid never sees the footage of dad’s reaction.

    • Suzy from Ontario says:

      I hope none of their children read this…”You keep suckering me into these kids”… yeah, that sounds like a Dad who really loves and cherishes his offspring and loves having them around. I think if I was his child reading that I would be hurt, but by the time they are old enough to search it out and read it (or see it on tv) they will probably already know what he’s like. These people honestly make me sick.

    • Anna says:

      The rest of the episode wasn’t included in this article, so before you run to make judgements you should watch the whole thing..

      and his issue with having a third kid is that he’s severely depressed and feels like he can’t even take care of himself anymore responsibly (after the death of his parents) so he doesn’t want to have a third child when he feels like he won’t even be able to be there for them properly. he later comes around to the idea of having a third child despite all his mental health issues. you guys should give him a break.

      • Ari says:

        Thanks for this. There is a lot more that goes on this show if people were to actually WATCH it lol…Scott is a douche yes but this guy is so freaking browbeaten for years by his girlfriend its beyond depressing. The way he acts out is like a little kid trying to get attention because Kourtney is a walking talking robot. There is a huge hole in that woman and as many times as they have tried different therapies and stuff like that – he always seems like the one who wants to do it and comes out of it learning something whereas she just becomes more and more distant – i cannot freaking stand her and them and their relationship its like when do you just break up already really!

  3. Gina says:

    Please. It’s not real. That conversation was totally scripted. She would have told him before, then they spoke to the show producers and discussed how to ‘reveal’ her pregnancy for maximum coverage.

    They are playing characters, and he’s been cast as ‘douchebag husband’ and she’s ‘sneaky, forever-pregnant wife’. If she’s 5 months pregnant, then he’s probably known for a couple of months at least.

    • hot chocolate says:

      well said!

    • SpookySpooks says:

      Yeah, I think Scott and Kourtney are pretty solid. He was allowed to play the good guy when Lamar was the main bad guy, now that Lamar is gone he has to be the bad guy again.

    • susiecue says:

      Totally!!!! First thing I thought. NOTHING on that show is real.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      This is completely true. I have known people who write for this show. They tell them the main idea of what the scene will be about, what parts to emphasize, specific lines for major plot points, and they do multiple takes.

      That a family would allow the father (or mother) to be portrayed in such a way is so terrible. The kids are going to have to deal with what the parents sold as “reality”.

  4. DanaG says:

    Who cares? They have nannies etc it isn’t like having kids has stopped him from doing whatever they want to anyway. She probably did trick him but then maybe he needs to learn how to use a condom for those rare times they have sex. Everything in the Kardashian world is scripted guess Scott needs to be in more meetings to find out what going to happen.

    • swack says:

      Or get a vasectomy. You would think by now they know what causes a pregnancy. Don’t believe he was tricked into it.

      • SnarkGirl says:

        Exactly! If he truly didn’t want kid #3, and is as untrusting of Kourteny as he play off on camera , he could have easily gotten a vasectomy.

      • HH says:

        Well… on KUWTK there was an episode in which Scott discussed getting a vasectomy with Kourtney and she was completely against it. Even after 2 kids. Also, she apparently isn’t exactly timely with her birth control. So upset that I know this. Hahahaha.

      • Mitch Buchanan Rocks! says:

        perhaps they have decided to have as many as ‘God will allow’ are the Duggars and Kardashians on the same network?

      • Jag says:

        He should be using condoms. A male getting a vasectomy isn’t as cut and dried as it seems. (Forgive the pun.) There are risks associated with it, even though it’s an easy procedure. Some men even end up impotent afterward, though it’s a very small number; for someone young and virile, thinking of spending the rest of his life impotent might be a big enough risk to deter him.

    • kcarp says:

      Right! We were going to have 2 kids before we had a kid. It just took 1 to show us how hard it can be.

      Why would they care if they have nannies, and money is no object. I actually think that Kourt. is the best mom of the bunch.

  5. Len says:

    They have such an odd relationship. They seem too genuinely love eachother and are commited to sticking together, but they are so distant and have such awful communication. Half the time she doesn’t know where he is and when they talk…well conversations are always like this one.
    But the question here is: when they had sex, did they not use protection? If not then she’s not suckering anyone. If she was on the pill and didn’t take it on purpose…that’s a different matter.

  6. NewWester says:

    If Scott does not want more children either get fixed or use protection. Birth control should not just be left up to the woman.
    Also Scott knows without the Kardashian Klan he would be a nobody( does he think working at Starbucks will allow him to use dollar bills as toilet paper?)
    Kourtney should have not made such a personal announcement in front of the cameras. Anyone in that family over the age of 16 is just gross

    • Audrey says:

      Yupp a vasectomy is an easy procedure

      Plus they can film it and get huge ratings

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      I hear you, but my ex-sister-in-law did the same thing to my brother. They got married. They discussed it, decided to wait two years to have a baby for financial reasons, although she wanted a baby right away. She was on the pill. She got pregnant right away. Accidents happen. They “decided” to wait two years to have another baby. Same thing – pregnant right away. They wanted more children, so he didn’t have a vasectomy, but he wanted to wait. Same thing happened. Then it happened again, then again. She wanted the kids when she wanted them, and she didn’t care whether he was ready or not. The problem was, she would just lie and pretend to agree, then do what she wanted. He loves being a father – that’s not the problem, but it should be a mutual decision. He stopped trusting and respecting her, and eventually stopped loving her. They’re divorced now.

      • Audrey says:

        That’s awful

        I wanted a baby about two years into our marriage but my husband wasn’t ready yet. I waited for him and I’m so glad I did. It was such a nice feeling to know that he was happy about everything.

        My mom also wanted kids before my dad. She told him, “I want a baby, I’m going off of birth control. If you don’t want one yet, use a condom.” He either wanted us or really hated condoms

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Yes, I think honesty is the key. Either wait until the other person is ready, as you did, or be honest about it, like your mom.

    • eliza says:

      About the comment about toilet paper. He was not serious with those photos or his comments. He was making fun of a San Francisco area teenager who goes by the name, It’s Lavish, who has an Instagram acct. where he posts pictures of his allegedly high living lifestyle. It’s Lavish also trolls the Kardashian’s and posts comments about them, so Scott did those pictures and made those comments poking fun.

      By the way, It’s Lavish is in jail now for selling a stolen iPhone. Lol.

      • Sassenach says:

        Lavish is in jail??!! Lol!!! There is also a video of him getting his ass kicked for IG trolling.

  7. Amy says:

    Dear Scott:

    There is a way to avoid future conversations of this type. It’s called “Vasectomy.”

  8. LadyJane says:

    Imagine hearing your father having this reaction to your mother telling him she was pregnant with you. This child of theirs WILL, someday, hear that conversation. That is so sad to me.

  9. The Wizz says:

    This has just reminded me to take my pill today….

  10. Loopy says:

    This relationship seems so loveless its a wonder how they manage to make babies. However Kourtney does only seem interested in being a mum, to a degree I do believe she just uses him as her sperm donor. She has stated that she want SIX kids.

  11. Barrett says:


  12. MonicaQ says:

    Oh that’s so scripted and not Raven.

  13. shannon says:

    I feel for him because I can’t imagine losing both parents so close together. However, he def. needs help with his alcohol issues. He looks terrible – esp. around the eyes.

  14. Wallamalooo says:

    In his defence (God, judge away) but I think his actual problem is that Kourtney NEVER involves him with decisions about their life and having kids is one of the biggest things a couple should discuss! He expressed it poorly, bit I have to sy, on this point, Team Scott. Now I’m going to have a shower, excuse me 😛

  15. Lucy2 says:

    Surely all scripted, but gross on both of their parts regardless. If he really doesn’t want more kids he can take care that was a quick trip to the doctor, and she’s just as bad as the rest of her family, playing out personal moments for the camera.
    I truly feel bad for the small children in that family.

  16. jwoolman says:

    She’s been talking about having another child for quite a while. There was nothing unplanned about it. They’re just playing roles for the camera and following a script. And laughing at gullible viewers behind closed doors.

  17. Dawn says:

    I believe that anything that is on their so called “reality show” is just a written script to make sure they all have something of interest to add to their show. Nothing more nothing less. This guy knows who butters his bread and he is going to be the jerk for the cameras. I doubt he really cares that much about their being a third child because he has the power to get snipped and that will make sure it doesn’t happen again. Just more baloney from this crew of grifters.

  18. tracking says:

    Poor kids, who get to hear on tv that their father didn’t really want them. Fabulous.

  19. Lynne says:

    So they went away for her birthday and being pregnant she didn’t drink and that didn’t make him suspicious? Not drinking at Kim’s wedding?

    Lol the show is totally scripted, he knew when she knew and she was obviously preggers and trying to hide it (for the show) at Kim’s wedding.

    Say it with me, the show is scripted………..

  20. JH says:

    You forgot to add “like” in every single one of her sentences. It was one of the first episodes of KUWTK that I’ve ever seen and was astonished by her vernacular.
    Every. Single. Sentence.

  21. Tulip says:

    Upon reflection, if I were the kid who saw my parents argue like this on tv (and I took it seriously) I would be very comforted by the fact that my mom really, really wanted me. If this wasn’t scripted (hahahahaha!), then what a vicious thing to do to your spouse, both in the present and in the future.

  22. Sayrah says:

    Totally scripted. Of course he knew. They play this role but I think they really love each other.

    Also, “suckered?” Please, it’s just bad. Being associated with the Kardashian fame is the best thing to happen to him and he knows it.

  23. word says:

    Come on their show is fake. She told him way before they started filming. That scene was “recreated”. These two need a new storyline, the producers came up with the whole “let’s pretend Kourtney suckered him into having another child”. Really, I bet they planned this pregnancy and it was not a “shock” for Scott.

    • I can’t see a Kardashian willingly agree to look bad. The whole point is to paint them in a positive light. PMK would never allow her children negative press. And I sadly side with Scott on this. (Ugh).

      • word says:

        I think you’re wrong. Drama brings ratings. No one wants to see everyone on KUWTK acting all “goody goody”. PMK is an excutive producer of the show and she had no problem making Rob look bad, Scott look bad, even Khloe look bad on occasion. She has even made herself look bad (the time she went to meet a former lover while still married to Bruce). This family has no shame remember?

      • Tiffany :) says:

        If they can’t be seen in a bad light, how can they pretend to be victimized by something! Lol!

        Its just typical dramatic structure like in novels or plays, etc. There has to be some kind of conflict or crisis that allows the plot to turn. A phoenix can’t rise from the ashes until its been burned down, you know?

      • Bob Loblaw says:

        Is that a joke? It seems every Kardashian is quite willing to look bad if it keeps the attention on them and their stupid fake show.

  24. He probably should have known when she agreed to have sex with him. Didn’t she admit she only has sex with him when she wants a baby (she said this on camera no less)?

    Scott is a douche but Kourtney seems extremely cold. It seems like she only uses him when she needs a kid. I can’t fault the guy for being mad.

    But he also gets blame because she is always going on about how badly she wants lots of kid, AND admitted to him that’s the only time they’ll have sex.

    They’re both shady douchebags.

  25. karkar says:

    Scott is a more believable actor then all of them put together!!!

  26. Lia says:

    He needs to keep Mr. Johnson in his pants. He knows she won’t be preventing a pregnancy.

  27. Annie says:

    In a January 2014 article in People about Scott’s father death it stated Scott was overheard (didn’t state who overheard) saying in regards to children, that he – Scott – wanted a whole soccer team.

    Sounds like the “suckered into” exchange between he and Kourtney was TV manufactured drama only. Surprise.

  28. 237 says:

    He looks so drugged up.
    He is the kind of trustfund-baby who drug, rape and videotape girls while his southhampton buddies cheer him on. Sorry to sound so harsh, but yeah, he seems like a real keeper.

  29. Nicolette says:

    God he is such an ass. What a wonderful comment for his kids to be able to read about someday.

  30. Marianne says:

    Hello, its obviously scripted for some “drama”.

  31. Jenni12 says:

    Dude? Vasectomy. Kourtney, if a guy doesn’t want any more kids and you do, don’t have them with him. Otherwise, you don’t have a relationship; you have a sperm donor you live with.

  32. Isa says:

    Didn’t she admit that she doesn’t use birth control? So he should have known better.

    I imagine if everyone’s parent’s reactions were filmed many of us would see similar reactions.
    I know my dad wasn’t overjoyed by me coming, but he has been nothing but a great father.
    I was very upset when I found out I was pregnant with all of my kids, but I love them like crazy.

    • Angie says:

      This is such a good observation. I bet alot of us would be shocked/appalled if we saw our parents first reactions to the news they were pregnant. lol

  33. JoJo says:

    I don’t understand these two at all. They’re still young! Yet, they lead completely separate lives, show absolutely no affection whatsoever, have separate bedrooms and never have sex. Um, ok.