Shia LaBeouf is so method he slashed his own face on the ‘Fury’ set

Shia LaBeouf

Over the past few weeks, I may have tweeted, “Shia LaBeouf is getting on my last nerve.” This was the precise moment I chose not to write a standalone post about our reluctant subject’s “metamarathon.” The fabricated event involved Shia circling an Amsterdam museum 144 times and calling it a marathon. Spare me, dude. It was great fun to talk about Shia’s neon workout ensemble, but he took it too far.

Now that I have that off my chest, let’s talk about Shia’s ongoing method acting. Shia appears in the upcoming Brad Pitt vehicle, Fury. Shia has curiously disappeared from the film’s promotion. This probably has to do with his most recent public displays of drunkeness. Brad is fine with talking up Shia as long as Shia’s not on the publicity tour. Because Shia takes his method seriously. So seriously that rumors continue to swirl about how Shia pulled one of his own teeth out for Fury. Shia has fed the gossip on Twitter:

The tooth-pulling topic is up for debate. I’ve heard conflicting reports. Some outlets say Shia yanked out his own tooth to be method. Others say an on-set accident resulted in Shia’s tooth loss. Who knows. Fury co-star Logan Lerman has spoken to British GQ (via The Guardian) about Shia’s method:

Shia’s “method” facial slashes: “We were in make-up and they were putting cuts on Shia and I said, ‘Yeah, yeah, it looks good.’ And Shia was like, ‘No, it doesn’t look real’,” said Logan, who appears alongside LaBeouf, Brad Pitt, Jason Isaacs and Michael Pena in David Ayer’s film.” Then [Shia] walks out into the hallway and says, ‘Hey man, wanna see something fun? Check this out…’ and he takes out a knife and cuts his face. And for the whole movie he kept opening these cuts on his face. That’s all real.”

Did Shia purposedly have his teeth pulled? “I mean, he didn’t do it himself, he did go to a dentist and asked them to pull his tooth out but yeah, what an odd request. He really spent every moment on that set. He’s the guy operating the turret in every shot, even when you don’t need to be in there as an actor. You know, you can have somebody else inside. But he was there, for every shot.”

[From The Guardian]

So much ART and so much method, and it’s growing tiresome. Here’s the thing — even if Shia wanted to get realistically bloody to go “method” for his “art,” cutting his own face is not the way to do it. There’s a reason that carob syrup stands in for blood on camera. It’s the same reason that glue is often used as a milk stand-in during cereal commercials. What a mess. I don’t know how Shia has convinced museums to allow his performance art on their premises.

Shia LaBeouf

Photos courtesy of Shia LaBeouf on Twitter & WENN

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39 Responses to “Shia LaBeouf is so method he slashed his own face on the ‘Fury’ set”

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  1. Halina says:


    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      +1 please.

    • Liv says:

      Such an idiot. There might be actors who are successful going method (like Christian Bale), but the real deal are people like Meryl Streep or Jennifer Lawrence who push a button and are another person in two seconds. Shia is so, so ridiculous! Mia Wasikowska talked about being so afraid of him, that she wanted to pull out of “Lawless”.
      I just always have to wonder what Carey Mulligan saw in him, he’s just a grown-up arrogant kid.

  2. Phenix says:

    JASON ISAACS?! I’m there! I can’t believe I missed that he was in the movie.

    Oh, and I don’t care about Shia.

  3. Belle Epoch says:


  4. NewWester says:

    We should be thankful he was not the lead actor in 127 Hours. I shudder to think how far he would have gone for that role.

  5. Marianne says:

    I think if Shia is able to clean up his act, I think he could have a really decent comeback la RDJ.

    • FingerBinger says:

      I wouldn’t exactly compare him to RDJ. RDJ had a long history with drugs and actually went to prison. I don’t know what’s going on with Shia. It might be drugs or mental illness or maybe he’s taking the “artiste” thing way too seriously.

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  7. Virgilia Coriolanus says:

    I don’t know what’s going on with him; he’s been going ‘down’ for the past few years.

    I don’t find him attractive–but I think that he is a great actor. Hopefully he’ll get himself together. It’s not even really entertaining anymore….just odd.

    • mystified says:

      I have never witnessed any great acting from him, but I agree he is unattractive.

      Why is this guy in movies? Many men who are a lot easier on the eyes have better acting ability than Shia.

  8. MrsBPitt says:

    I think the headline to this story was supposed to be “Shia LaBeouf is so MESSED UP he slashed his own face on the “Fury” set….yeah, I think that works better!

  9. Chris says:

    The kid needs to lighten up a little. He seems to be taking himself too seriously.

  10. Gwen says:

    He’s so far out (too far out) to be in a good place mentally IMO. I hope he gets some help and gets better.

  11. decorative item says:

    The guy in the background is in awe over his tights. As are we all.

  12. whatsmyname? says:

    I mean slashing your own face? come on this isn’t just someone being ‘method’. And he has been this way for a while now ,I feel like his issues is being brushed off as him being method and all about his ‘art’.

    • Size Does Matter says:

      It sounds like the beginning of a bad joke, “That actor is SO METHOD, he pulls his own teeth and slashes his face on set.” Whatev, weirdo.

  13. Frida_K says:

    I’m sure that the people who worked with him, especially the lower paid grunt work support staff, LOVED being put in danger of being in contact with his blood every day. I mean, let’s face it, who doesn’t thrill at the thought of maybe getting exposed to hepatitis, if not something worse?

    Or his fellow actors? I mean, think of the fun to be had! An up-close and personal scene is never complete without getting some of your costar’s blood on you so that you, too, can have a souvenir of the film that you carry for the rest of your life.

    I think they should stop using fake blood in Hollywood and make all actors cut a vein for the craft.


  14. Kiddo says:

    Meh. I don’t think cutting his face was so out there. The tooth pulling is another story: FEAR of DENTISTS.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Plus, pulling a tooth is permanent. Now he’s going to have to wear a partial thingy for the rest of his life, or hope the toothless look comes in style.

      How about that neon outfit?

      • Kiddo says:

        Yeah. But I still have a soft spot for Shia, I think he has an air of desperation.

        On the neon: Don’t make me bring back the photo of Mickey Rourke. I’ll do it, if I have to. lol

  15. lower-case deb says:

    is he doing a crouching start for a marathon, in that last big picture? i hope not, cuz that’s not very method.

  16. Brin says:

    I think you mean meth head, not method.

  17. Mia4S says:

    I’ve seen 3 or 4 trailers for this and not one had more than 4 seconds of LaBoeuf. It’s hilarious in its obviousness. Someone at the studio is pissed.

  18. Micki says:

    …”…So much ART and so much method, and it’s growing tiresome”…

    I don’t think so. What is the problem with being “method”?
    I remember the story about Meril Streep and Anne Hathaway in “The Devil Wears Prada” where Anne was greeted with something in the line “That was the last day you see me being nice to you”. And then Meril was the Devil the whole time. I haven’t heard her being criticized for being too “method”.
    At least Shia harms only himself. And BDY he “played” with real money when preparing for “The Money Never Sleeps” and actually made over 100.000 if I remember it correctly.
    I’d rather have a “tiresome” Shia than “tiresome” LiLo. I like it he takes his Job seriously and I like his acting too.

  19. Jessica says:

    I don’t care if he pulls out all his teeth, but I draw a line at having his real blood on set. That’s disgusting and there’s all sorts of risks of contamination and the spread of disease and whatnot.

  20. Sister Carrie says:

    We can always hope he’ll be cast as a mute transgendered albino. (not to make fun of mutes, transgendered, or albinos)

  21. pnichols says:

    He’s a cheesedick. So what now we all have to like him because Brad Pitt does. Puke. You’re not Brando kid. Get over yourself.

  22. Jaderu says:

    I don’t know if it’s the media (blogs, mags, news outlets) that are calling him method or it’s Shia himself? Cutting your face and pulling out a tooth is not method. At least not by the traditional definition of it. Method is based on emotion and memories. Maybe this is more “extreme acting”. DDL and Christian Bale are not method actors either. They use some method techniques, but they use more physical and appearance techniques in their style. Maybe I’m getting too obsessed with this. I’m method commenting now.

  23. mystified says:

    He’s like James Franco without the handsome face.

  24. Lexie says:

    There’s a well known (maybe false?) story about Lawrence Olivier and Dustin Hoffman during the filming of Marathon Man.

    Dustin was a Method actor, staying awake for days on end and just generally ruining his body for the sake of the role. Allegely Olivier took him aside on day and said “Why don’t you try acting, dear boy?”