Page Six: Amber Heard has Johnny Depp ‘by the movie-star balls’


On Sunday, Page Six had a summary of what’s happened with Amber Heard and Johnny Depp over the past four days or so, all of which we’ve already covered. But Page Six had a few new quotes, mostly from a divorce lawyer who is not working with Depp or Heard. A lot of media outlets are doing this, they’re going to divorce lawyers to get their “hot takes” on the Depp-Heard situation. Lawyer Suzanne Bracker, a New York-based divorce lawyer, told the Post:

“Honey, you know she’s jonesing for the real money, and she has him by the movie-star balls. If she keeps talking, his reputation is going to be mud, and he’ll start losing his female fan base. She’s looking for ‘shut-up’ money, which is a premium. He’s going to have to pay her to shut up….[but] The threat of this kind of exposure is much worse than the exposure itself.”

[From Page Six]

That last part is Bracker saying that if Heard wanted the big money, she wouldn’t have gone public with the domestic abuse and Heard would have simply negotiated with Depp’s people for her silence behind-the-scenes. Which, reportedly, is what she was trying to do – Heard went to Depp’s lawyers and she was trying to work this out quietly. My take is that Depp “forced her hand” when he was so publicly dismissive of Amber. Plus, his team had already gone to work on painting Amber as an unhinged, high-maintenance golddigger and cheater.

Speaking of, the Sun had a lengthy and exclusive story on Sunday, 95% of which seems to have come from Team Depp. Multiple unnamed sources paint Amber as a party girl who repeatedly got “too close” to her female friends. You can read the full Sun piece here. Some highlights:

Depp thought Amber was cheating. Amber and Cara Delevingne worked together in 2014 and “as they spent more time partying and flaunting their friendship, Johnny, 52, is said to have become increasingly infuriated by their behaviour. Johnny was ‘driven insane’ by his suspicions that Amber and model Cara were ‘making a fool of him’, a source close to the movie icon claimed last night. And his fears cast a huge shadow over their marriage as the actor lost all faith that bisexual Amber, who he wed in February last year, would ever be loyal.”

Amber was “indiscreet.” A source tells The Sun: “Amber’s friendship with Cara, which grew closer and closer over time, brought about the beginning of the end for her marriage to Johnny. They used to party together a lot and made no attempt to hide the fact that they were quite flirty. Amber always made her bisexual tendencies quite obvious. But that would spark furious rows with Johnny, who hated how indiscreet she was being. On one occasion he even screamed at her, ‘You’re making a fool of me’.

Cara & Amber partied together a lot in 2014. While Depp filmed Alice Through the Looking Glass, a source said: “He needed rest and sleep. But Cara and Amber seemed to have no respect for that. They were constantly partying hard going out and enjoying themselves. It didn’t help that Johnny couldn’t stand Cara. He found her obnoxious and disrespectful and would ask his staff to warn him when she was going to be around. He didn’t like quite a few of Amber’s friends, but he took a particular dislike to Cara. It was the friendship with her that really started to drive him insane.”

Amber’s relationship with iO Tillett Wright. Sources claim iO became “entangled” in their marriage troubles and iO is currently “staying with Amber in the couple’s home.” A source tells The Sun: “iO is another person who’s been very close to Amber and, as far as Johnny was concerned, has been much too close to her for comfort. They hang out a lot and confide in each other and he seemed to resent the fact iO played a big part in Amber’s life as the two of them were struggling. That was another thing that riled him up quite a lot.”

Amber has a dark side too. A source insists: “Amber painted herself as the beaten-down wife who did nothing wrong, but there is definitely another side to the story of their marriage. They have had a series of blazing rows, but Amber has a furious temper herself and she knew how to wind Johnny up and push him to the end of his tether. She would play on the age gap between them, calling him fat, uncool and old. He vehemently denies ever hitting her on Saturday night. He said that he never hit her, that she had a vicious temper and that he has only acted in self-defense. By the end of the marriage they truly hated each other and would slag each other off all the time. There was no love there anymore. But in spite of that, Johnny is devastated about all of this.”

[From The Sun]

First of all, a lot of abusers work for months and years to alienate their victims from the victims’ friends and family. An abuser needs to isolate their victim so that the victim will feel trapped, helpless and without support within the cycle of violence. It sounds like Depp simply had an issue with Amber being close to ANY woman. Taken with the Page Six story from last week where Team Depp seemed very close to saying that Amber was cheating on Depp with other women, I think Depp had real, significant issues with the fact that Amber had a tight group of girlfriends. I also think he had issues with Amber’s bisexuality. I’ll just leave these tweets here:



Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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220 Responses to “Page Six: Amber Heard has Johnny Depp ‘by the movie-star balls’”

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  1. roxane says:

    I know it’s her choice, but god I really hope she’ll drag his ass in court. I can’t stand him and his minions spreading lies over the internet. It seems they already have their next excuse, he hit her but it’s her fault she’s a cheater, a liar blabla. Oh is that revelant ?!!! If I wasn’t already conviced with all that pr blitz campaingn I would be now.

    • Queenie says:

      Sounds like the Page Six article is from her team.

      • Cherry says:

        I really hope that Page Six article is NOT from her team- I find it particularly distasteful. Talking about an -allegedly- abused woman in these terms?? ‘she’s jonesing for the real money’? ‘she has him by the movie-star balls’? Like, it’s some kind of contest? I know there’s a lot at stake here, money and reputations and all, but this is sending a really disturbing message to victims of domestic violence.

      • Goldie says:

        I think they’ve both leaked things to the press, but I honestly don’t think that these stories are from either of their camps. I’m sure the tabloids are having a field day with this scandal and making up stories to get more hits.

        That said I do believe that Depp’s team have been incredibly aggressive. The way that they planted those old Tiffany photos in the press to try to discredit her, just made him look even more creepy and controlling to me.

      • Naya says:

        Depps PR strategy is pretty obvious and its steeped in misogyny and homophobia.
        Step 1: paint her as conniving homosexual who “tricked” a man into marriage and carried on behind his back.
        Step 2: remind people she is a woman and therefore a disloyal nagging harridan who squabbles with her in-laws and baits her ever patient husband.
        Step 3: paint the power differentials in his favor. Sure he is wealthier and more powerful but Joe public should only ever be reminded of that part when he is reminding them that she is money grabbing, power hungry ho.
        Step 4: Send out friends and sycophants to dispute an incident that they werent even present during. I look forward to the smearing of actual witnesses.

        I hated how this site turned on him a few years back and I even remember typing angry defences back then. Now Johnny Depp absolutely disgusts me.

      • SilkyMalice says:

        Well said Naya.

      • ar says:

        What is a really disturbing message to victims of domestic violence, is false allegations of domestic violence, in a public atmosphere, for your own gain and aimed at the character assassination of your spouse. In this case of female-initiated domestic abuse – which is less prevalent, yet not unexistent, in our society – Heard is the actual abuser, and Depp is the actual target or victim. Let’s all read up on “the female psychopath” for once.

    • C. says:

      roxane, I agree with you.

    • JenYfromTheBlok says:

      Initially it was insinuated that he found her bisexuality to be alluring, making her “unique” for a starlet, etc. Combine his mid-life crisis with addiction and a CR*P ton of Disney money, It seems logical he would go off the rails. Plus he apparently never had an history of abuse toward his domestic partner, so AH got caught up the in the persuasive vacuum of an older wealthy celebrity. It makes sense he would “hate everyone” in her life, that’s abuser 101 to shame a partner’s support system. I see her as the victim in many ways, particularly in the slander from his team. He should own up at this point and apologize, get publicly remorseful and clean. Hunter Thompson wasn’t that cool Johnny so stop copying a man who physically abused his first wife and child, then called his second wife on the phone (when she was at the gym) and told her to listen while he shot himself to death. Not so Awesome of a role Model JD- and now it seems the Party is Over!

  2. UCatwoman says:

    I’ve read quite enough about all this. The truth lies somewhere in the middle and now it’s all spin from both sides.

    • toni says:

      When DV is the topic there’s no other side only one and that is the victim’s.

      • Snazzy says:

        Hear Hear Toni

      • Seraphina says:

        Agreed but the pictures of her laughing like a school girl that were published yesterday leaves me to question exactly what is going on. I hope that the truth does come out. She looked as giddy as a school girl who was just asked to prom by the top jock in class.

      • Katja says:

        Are people forbidden to laugh when something bad happened to them? I didn’t get that memo.

        People laugh, people smile, people even look happy, when the most awful events happened to them. People will meet friends and party, basically everything that makes them happy for a moment.
        If she escaped her abuser she has every reason to be giddy and relieved.

      • Erinn says:

        Seraphina – she’s probably overtired, and hey – maybe a small funny instance happened that got her laughing. Maybe one of the paps said something funny.

        People with clinical depression still laugh once in a while – it’s never black and white.

      • Carol says:

        Sorry, I disagree with you. I support women who have experienced DV and understand the mind games the abuser plays on their victims to alienate them etc. But I know first hand a person who claimed she was hit repeatedly by her ex-spouse but later admitted to me that he never hit her or even came close. She just wanted to have legal custody of her kids so she could move to another state with her lover (she was having an affair). The majority of the time, the victims are telling the truth but there are some women who will play that card to get what they want.

      • Anon says:

        “There is no other side…” I never comment but I’m sorry, this is wrong. My mother tore our family apart claiming domestic violence where there was NONE. Turns out she was not taking her medications and substituted said meds with cocaine. There was never abuse and her story was never true. Some people are unbalanced, mentally disturbed, on drugs themselves, etc., etc. Abuse is awful, but just because someone claims abuse, does not mean it’s ALWAYS true.

    • Jools says:

      Absolutely agree, UCatwoman.

    • kai says:

      Or giddy like a woman who just escaped a hellish relationship…

      • Seraphina says:

        I just really hope this woman knows what she is doing. If Depp was abusing her than she has every right to get out and it’s deplorable for him to lay a hand on anyone.

        I agree with a previous poster that there is some gray area here. And I’m curious how much she’s getting from him. Because she is not entitled to half his money after a mere 15 months. And if she was is the relationship she claims to be in, money would not be an issue, getting out would be.

        It’s a sad state of affairs no matter how you look at it.

      • Riemc526 says:

        Not to get too personal, but there was an instance a few years back where my then boyfriend almost killed me. There’s a picture of me about 5 days later with my female friend. I had left said boyfriend and she and I were at a concert (to get my mind off things). She took a random candid picture of me when we were being goofy, and I probably look the happiest I ever have in my whole life. You can’t base everything on a picture.

    • Naya says:

      We know his side; “she is a gold digging homosexual who cheated on me. She masterminded my rift with my mother by FORCING me to drink myself under the table and scheduling work stuff while she was ailing. She was emotionally abusive but I never hit her. She even made me perform at a concert, days after my mother died. She had an explosive temper but I never hit her. Every living person who meets her hates her and every living person who meets with me loves me. She really knew my buttons but I never hit her. Whats my alcohol and drug use got to do with anything? By the way, if a tape does surface of me hitting her……I was merely defending myself. Just remember the words gold digger, whore, bitch and you’ll be fine”.

      Its nauseating in how uncreative it is.

      • Alyce says:


        Yes!!!! Everything you said is spot on. This whole thing is making me sick. I was a Depp fan for years but I’m not going to let nostalgia make me willfully ignorant.

        Plus, as a bisexual, the way people are talking about bisexuality makes me so sad. I have tons of female friends that I have NO attraction to, NO sexual history with etc. Should all bisexuals be friendless and alone?

        And, for the record, I’ve never cheated on anyone! Or had a threesome. 😫

    • SilkyMalice says:

      How does the imprint of an iphone on her face fit into your ‘The truth lies somewhere in the middle’ narrative?

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      No, the truth lies in the documented violent act a man committed against a women. Please educate yourself about domestic violence. It’s not the same as ordinary fighting in a healthy relationship. If you find that hard to believe, all it means if your life has sheltered you from these hard realities. Be grateful, but don’t turn your ignorance on people less fortunate than yourself.

    • Corazon de Melon says:

      I still don’t know where to stand. The evidence is there. But I cannot help to think if they were both emotionally abusive and she sort of instigated him to hit her.

      I say this because my ex sister in law did this to my brother. During a fight she kept yelling at him to hit her, eventually he pushed her aside and got out of the house to take a breather. When he came back police was waiting for him.

      He still hit her, tho, and Im so so sad with this situation.

      • K2 says:

        Your brother didn’t smack her in the face with a hard object leaving an imprint. And I’m assuming there weren’t other incidents, witnessed by friends, who were also assaulted as he sought to get at your ex sis in law – right?

        Depp is a disgrace. I don’t like him much more than I do Charlie Sheen right now. The PR campaign is as bad as the original assault – he’s saying it isn’t true, and if it is then she had it coming anyway. Ugh, ugh, ugh.

      • Tourmaline says:

        Every person who has hit someone else, including helpless babies, could probably tell themselves the victim “instigated” it… Somehow.

        You can’t hit people though. Even if they “instigate” it. If you do, get ready to face the consequences.

    • Zuzus girl says:

      I tend to agree with you Ucatwoman. Both sides are working hard to paint the other as the bad guy. If he truly abused her, he deserves nothing short of a long jail sentence.

    • saras says:

      Hopefully the best thing that comes out of all this is bringing more money and awareness to domestic violence and the shelters that help both male and female victims. A lot of men and lgbt victims are suffering in silence or dismissed due to preconceived notions.

    • crtb says:

      I agree. It amazes me on how so many people on this site speak as if they know what happened. I am on not team because I don’t know what really happened.

      • JenYfromTheBlok says:

        The judge would not have granted a restraining order if “nothing happened”. This isn’t taken lightly

  3. Amy says:

    I don’t believe this girl is innocent in all of this. I think they both abused each other. There is something completely off in this entire story. From her bruises appearing and disappearing from one day to the next shifting to different places on her face, the police finding NO evidence of any crime, to her friends being the only witnesses, to her walking around Saturday with barely any bruising at all looking happy as can be after claiming to have been “terrorized” for 4 years. Something is fishy….

    • OTHER RENEE says:

      Maybe she’s just happy to be free.

      • serena says:


      • Amy says:

        Free from what? She had the resources and friends to get out if she was really being abused. Why did she ask for the house they lived at in the divorce if she was being abused there? Makes no sense at all to want to live in a place that reminds you of all that trauma. It’s all about the $$$ with this one.

      • Michelleb says:

        @Amy. You clearly have no idea how abusers work nor how they manipulate their victims. She had resources, yes, but if you think that it is so easy to leave an abusive relationship, then I can only assume that you have no experience in this. And that is fortunate. I hope you never experience this.

        I was smiling too the day that the judge granted a restraining order against my very wealthy and powerful father. My mother, my siblings, and I were all smiling that day and the day after. It is a huge weight lifted off your shoulders temporarily. It is a moment of happiness in the horror.

      • Who ARE these people? says:

        The victim role is thankless and nearly impossible, whether played out on a private or this public stage. Insensitive witnesses are basically thinking one thing: “I’m so glad it wasn’t me.” Followed by, “What makes them different from me?” You never know how you would act when under that kind of traumatic stress. NEVER.

    • LOT says:

      I agree.

      • Crowdhood says:

        Well, she may not be financially bound the way some women are but look at all of these comments on this story alone. Now she is a liar, a cheater and GASP, bisexual. You and many others are commenting that she is a gold digger. I dont know that anybody will ever know the truth but there are a lot
        Of ways and reasons that abusers are able to keep their victims quiet or why a woman would choose to stay.

      • Zuzus girl says:

        Crowhood- being a gold-digger and a DV victim are not mutually exclusive. Even assholes can be victims of violence and need protection.

    • Pinky says:

      Depp’s bodyguard was not her friend. People keep forgetting or ignoring that.


      • LOT says:

        he didn’t testify in her favour, though.

      • Pepper says:

        Hasn’t she just named him as a witness. He hasn’t actually said anything about what he saw or even confirmed he was there?

        I don’t want to get into this particular case, but it’s not at all unusual for people to falsely name witnesses to things that never happened. It adds a little credibility and takes a little from the accused. If the ‘witness’ is a relative or employee or friend of the person you’re accusing of doing something, it looks like that person is lying or staying quiet out of loyalty or for money. They look shady, the person you’re accusing looks shady, and you look at worst naive. It’s a great/awful tactic and it’s used a lot.

      • Sophie says:

        It wasn’t just one bodyguard, it was a team of bodyguards, she just name the one who she asked for help and who told Depp to stop.

        From what I know (in my country) witnesses will be required to testify only in court and they can also refuse.

      • Who ARE these people? says:

        So? You don’t have to be a friend to intervene in an assault.

      • K2 says:

        He hasn’t come out publicly and said she was lying either. None of the security team have. And it’s been several days – and you have to suspect that pressure is being applied.

    • Chaucer says:

      I think it is very unlikely that Johnny is guilty of all that has been alleged, and I think it’s very unlikely that Amber is innocent of everything. This whole thing is a mess.

      With Amber leaking gossip to her friends throughout the marriage, how did this not end up in the press before if she truly was terrified? Her friends are not known for keeping secrets and if there were as many witnesses as she says, this would have come out by now.

      • Liv says:

        This whole thing is indeed a mess and I agree that the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

      • Who ARE these people? says:

        It’s a mess all right, but when one party assaults the other, the truth no longer lies in the middle. Women have been accused of provoking violence as a means of justifying male violence against them. There’s no justification. This was not her fault, period, end of story. Even if this case makes it to court, there will be no “truth lying somewhere in the middle.”

    • SilkyMalice says:

      Her bruises did not disappear or move. If you’ve bothered to follow the case and the photos, they are still plainly visible even in the photo where she is laughing. The one by her eye is now yellow/blue and she has a deeper impact mark still on her cheek.

      Not even a nice try.

      • Tourmaline says:

        Right, do people understand what bruising is? It involves blood beneath the skin. As it heals it moves and evolves and looks different than it did the day before.

    • Merritt says:


      1. She is a woman not a girl. You are already dismissing her just by calling her a girl.

      2. Do you not understand that makeup can be used to cover bruises? I can understand why they were uncovered for court, but she may feel better covering them for daily life.

      3. The police are notorious for not investigating domestic violence. It happened to my older sister and she nearly was killed by her ex as a result.

      4. The only thing fishy is how Johnny’s sleazy friends have mounted an attack here,

      • Stacy Dresden says:

        My sister as well. One cop who was approached regarding a restraining order actually had the gall to mutter something about “kicking a man out of his own home.” She was nearly killed and likely would’ve been if Good Samaritan neighbors had not beat the door down and physically restrained him.

    • I Choose Me says:

      You keep saying the same thing every article that’s posted here. Convince yourself yet, troll?

    • Ann says:

      Amy – nope, her friends weren’t the only witnesses. She specifically named Johnny’s OWN SECURITY TEAM as witnesses, and guess what – not one of them has come forward to say this was untrue. Frankly, their silence is deafening.

      Think about it. Let’s say you are at your boss’ house and he and his wife get into a crazy argument. You are there and witness everything, and maybe he’s yelling at her, maybe she’s yelling back, but he never raises a hand to her. Then a few days later she shows up with a black eye and claims he gave it to her during the argument that you witnessed. You were there, and you know he didn’t touch her. And yet she’s telling everyone that YOU saw him hit her. Wouldn’t you feel obligated to say something? I know I would. If a crazy lying bish was trying to get ME involved in this mess by saying I saw my boss hit her when I know for a fact he DIDN’T, you bet your a$$ I would be telling it from the rooftops that I didn’t see anything of the sort. If she’s making it up, his security team not saying a word doesn’t make ANY sense. They have every reason to come to his defense if this was untrue, and we’re not hearing a peep out of them.

    • BritAfrica says:

      @ Amy – Another name and posts to avoid from now on….

  4. paolanqar says:

    I think Amber and Johnny paired together are a toxic duo. She maybe pushed his buttons to prove something, he became violent to prove something. The age gap and Amber’s open sexuality played a part in the story too in my opinion.
    I still think something is off but what i do believe is that those 2 together are dangerous for each other and they bring out the worst in each other.
    I still feel like something is off so I’m not ready to jump on the ‘who’s the blame’s train.
    Plus my sister in law has faked DV many times to get revenge on my brother and as much as it sounds despicable and cruel, some people fake and lie for many reasons.

    • Cherry says:

      Apparently you’re not the only one who has this opinion, so since we’re here, I would just like to ask: how exactly do you reckon that ‘Amber’s open sexuality played a part in the story’? Honest question. I just don’t get it. First off, what does that even mean, ‘open sexuality’? Open to both sexes, is that what you’re referring to? Second, how is a woman’s ‘open sexuality’ linked with being ‘a toxic duo’ and/or violence?

      • paolanqar says:

        I think Johnny was overly jealous along with the fact that Amber is bisexual, so if Johnny is the type of boyfriend/husband that sees a threat in every single man/woman walking by I can imagine that having to worry not only about men but women too could have driven him crazy. So i guess she wasn’t even allowed to have friends, males or females.
        Still doesn’t give him the right to beat anybody but I know people who are jealous of shadows and are very overly possessive.
        I think she is comfortable with using drugs and drinking so in my opinion, those two combined have a toxic influence on each other and bring the worst out of each other.

      • Who ARE these people? says:

        Oh please. He hit her, she didn’t hit him. She did nothing to “bring out the worst in him,” especially because we know he did all the same things in previous relationships. Open sexuality – what, was she supposed to be a nun? Are bisexual people more “open” than heterosexual and homosexual people? Your own prejudices are showing.

        He’s an aging addict with lifelong anger, paranoia and jealousy — by his own account, by the accounts of both women and men who know him, and by his arrest record. He knew she was bisexual when he married her, and it’s not her responsibility to change herself or “drive him crazy.” He was already crazy, and he clearly did not accept her as she is. That’s not love.

      • Amy says:

        By Amber’s own accounts she is a LIAR who has lied in court before doggy gate anyone? She admitted that she falsified statements in court before. This was recently in Australia.

    • hmmm says:

      She pushed his buttons so she deserved the abuse? If someone pushes your buttons you don’t respond with abuse. That’s basic. Geez. SMH.

      • paolanqar says:

        if you can actually read what i wrote you will see that I said no one deserved to be beaten for any reason.

    • SilkyMalice says:

      Yeah, trying to calm him down by comforting him over his mother’s death definitely deserves an iphone to the eye. What was she thinking?

    • Minxx says:

      Hmm.. I agree there is more to it than meets the eye. A starlet marries an aging A+ star for fame, marriage didn’t last long, they get on each other nerves, fight, he has a temper and drinks, she wants out but won’t get much for the duration of the marriage. The abuse angle works hugely in her favor. I’m not saying he’s innocent but she’s smart enough to push his buttons and once the DV is alleged, all rational thinking is out the window. She’s a victim and that’s all there is to it, right? But the photos from the court (complete with demure, black dress and no makeup) juxtaposed with her jumping around with joy after a meeting with her lawyers the next day tell a story and I’m suspicious she played him big time. They brought out the worst in each other – I’m not feeling sorry for Depp or justifying his behavior. He’s an old fool and he’ll pay for this, as he should. But it’s not all black and white here.

      • missy says:

        THis is what I believe……..
        . Karma is coming for him. SHe better watch out though, her karma will come for her as well. Johnny was notorious for hard partying, but also known for all kinds of charity work. I really hope the truth comes out either way.

      • bitchytrollop says:

        They didn’t have a pre nup. No matter what, she was going to get money. She didn’t have to say or do anything…..but he started attacking, hard. HE went after HER, first. She was trying to keep it quiet. Why would he do that? That says “abuser”, right there. Why? Because she got out, she got away. Whether it’s physical or emotional, the most dangerous times with an abuser are leaving or pregnancy.

        Something else, too: “pushing his buttons” is verbal. Responding to words with violence is *escalation.* That is NOT how self-defense works.

        Thus far, one side has been caught lying—-and it wasn’t Heard’s. That Tiffany picture was a month old. The Amber Valletta birthday picture was dated wrong, too. How come lying only sticks to women? How come we assume women always lie but men are telling the truth?

        I catch somebody lying, I stop trusting them. Depp’s tried to decieve the public twice now. I’ll never pay for another of his movies again.

    • Imqrious2 says:

      No matter what someone “brings out” in you, your right to react ends before you touch my body. Has he never heard the term ” self control”??? I am so sick of people, men AND women who say, “She provoked him”. I don’t give a flying f#%* WHAT you say or do, NO ONE has a right to physical retribution. PERIOD!

    • qwerty says:

      She doesn’t have “open sexuality”. She’s bisexual.

      As for his jealousy, there was a quote in commnts a few days ago from his old interview. He said himself he was INSANELY jealous. Like, out of control.

  5. LadyJane says:

    Even if she did cheat on him (and who knows either way) does that make getting a phone in the face acceptable? I have the feeling Amber isn’t all innocence and light – perhaps fighting, drama and drugs were part of their lifestyle that they both got off on. But Johnny crossed the line when he got violent. There is no excuse, repeat no excuse, to get violent with your partner.

  6. SKF says:

    Yeah… Obvious PR smear campaign is obvious. Unfortunately there are a lot of idiots out there who will eat this up. What I take from this is that he’s the type of jealous guy who doesn’t allow his partner to have male friends, and when his partner is bisexual? No friends allowed. What utter crap. This piece is basically saying she deserved it and she pushed him to beat her. Disgusting.

    • Pinky says:

      All of this.

      He’s doubly threatened because she’s attracted to both males and females?! This relationship never had a chance.


      • qwerty says:

        Who has that quote fromhim on how insanely jealous he was with his partners? It was posted under one of these Depp stories last week.

    • Lahdidahbaby says:

      Exactly, SKF. Exfreakingzactly.

    • kai says:

      The way Depp uses his influence to smear his exes in the press tells you everything about his character. Even if he was never physically abusive (and I 100% believe Amber that he was), he’s still an asshole.

    • Izzy says:

      Unfortunately some of those idiots are showing up here today. SMDH

      • bluhare says:

        Some of us idiots may have been abused and don’t condone abuse in any way, shape or form, and still think something is not right with their narratives. BOTH of their narratives. I think Johnny Depp is pathetic. But I’m not going to turn her into a saint because he is an abusive alcoholic.

      • SilkyMalice says:

        Abused women are not ‘saints’ but they deserve to be protected, not vilified by their abusers. That is not making them saints, and if you can’t understand that, than I am sorry for you bluhare.

      • Who ARE these people? says:

        No one has to turn her into a saint. The way the discussion is about her character just shows how sick the whole abuse dynamic is. His abusiveness is 100% about him and 0% about her. Plenty of rich old men marry pretty young women … it doesn’t make those women ‘whores’ or ‘golddiggers’ and moreover, most of those men don’t subsequently get insanely, almost psychotically jealous and violent.

      • bluhare says:

        Please point out where I said she should not be protected, and that she’s a whore and a gold digger or anything else about her. I said nothing other than I think there is something off about what BOTH of them are saying. I don’t need your sympathy, Malice. And I never said anything abut her character, WATP. Perhaps “saint” was a poor word choice, but I stand by my sentiment.

        And both of you remind me of my ex who would twist everything I said in order to make him right. This is why I should never have come in here; next time I’ll listen to my instincts.

      • SilkyMalice says:

        I responded to the words you said bluhare. That you said YOU were not going to turn her into a saint because she was abused. Implying that those of us who believe her are. Please show me where anything was twisted.

        And for you to turn around and say we remind you of your abusive ex? WTF. smh

      • bluhare says:

        No, you didn’t, Malice. You didn’t respond to my words at all. I didn’t imply anything. You’re the one making implications when I specifically said I was not. And I don’t speak for anyone else but me. WTF indeed.

      • SilkyMalice says:

        bluhare: “Some of us idiots” “I’m not going to turn her into a saint because he is an abusive alcoholic”

        Those are your words. If you truly were not implying that those of us who believe her and are on her side are idiots, then I humbly apologize. But I hope you can see how I came to my conclusion.

      • SilkyMalice says:

        But I am NOT apologizing for being offended by being compared to a past abusive ex. Your abusive ex twisted your words intentionally to hurt you. If you felt your words were twisted here, it was due to the way you wrote your statement. I would still like to know who the “idiots” are you referred to.

  7. Bey says:

    what i dont get is how in gossip bi women only cheat with other women but never with men.

  8. Pinky says:

    Sooo…did any of that gave him a reason to put his hands on her? Sorry, Team Depp. No excuse.


  9. Clare says:

    If he did abuse her – physically or mentally – there should be criminal proceedings and he should serve time for it.

    I’m suspicious of the fact that she attempted to ‘negotiate’ what would essentially be a pay off. That to me screams of someone more interested in making a buck, than in real consequences for a violent and dangerous wife beater.

    If I’m being honest, at the moment they are both looking terrible – he like a violent abusive aashole, and she like a victim of abuse but also a gold digger.

    • sketches says:


    • Paula says:

      She had nothing to gain by going public: her career is now over and she’s going to be trashed and discredited in the media God knows for how long. And even after all this Johnny may not face real consequences.

      • Mia4s says:

        I am really curious to see if she keeps her Aquaman role. That’s pretty much the only thing she has going career wise. WB has to be tearing their hair out. Why do I see a “creative difference” or “scheduling conflict” coming?

    • SilkyMalice says:

      From the reports I have read here, he is the one who approached her with an offer of a payout. Which she turned down.

      • Tara says:

        SilkyMalice: I was confused about that too. My impression now is that he made her an $offer to stay in the marriage and keep the DV quiet. She refused and made a counteroffer to negotiate through her lawyer, just after filing for divorce. He refused. PR war ensues.

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      No, she attempted to ‘negotiate’ – a process in which people engage in personal and public life all the time, honorably and reasonably – because a) she once loved him b) she just wanted to get on with her life c) she thought by appealing to his “better angels” he might not be vindictive, and d) she knew what would happen once she went public. His anger got the better of his judgment, his lawyer (a woman) could not control him, and here we go.

      Oh, e) trying to avoid paying lawyers longer. Very costly.

  10. Christineosity says:

    Exactly! Somewhere in the middle lies the truth. However, it’s always a shame when people try to justify abuse, physical or emotional, by saying the other person pushed them to it. You always have a choice to not hit someone or not tear them down. Most of us learn at a young age not to hit/bite/throw things, why are we regressing?

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      Most of us aren’t alcoholics and drug addicts, and most of us don’t have violent tempers. He never learned, and his success in life reinforced his sense of entitlement.

  11. diamond says:

    How is she painting herself as a victum then she has him by the balls.

    How is she close to his family then afraid of him?

    • Palapao says:

      Read the article. She’s not the one who said she “had him by the balls”, some random attorney from NY named Suzanne Bracker UNAFFILIATED with either of them said that. You can have a bond with other people who happen to be related to your abuser. THEY ARE DIFFERENT PEOPLE. My bff left her violent abusive husband and her ex SIL was and remains a friend to her to this day.

  12. Lennox says:

    Because bisexual = promiscuous, right? FFS.

  13. Greenieweenie says:

    So basically, The Sun is saying Amber drove Johnny to abuse her. Got it.

    For all this partying Amber is supposedly up to, I don’t think we’ve
    ever seen pics of her stumbling out of a club or the like. Meanwhile, Johnny has slopped his way on red carpets, stages and what have you.

  14. iGotNothin says:

    I find it interesting how quickly people are jumping on this. I get that everyone loves Hollywood gossip (me included), but who really knows what happened between them? This could be entirely true or some diabolical plan. But the way that people are so quick to jump on a #team in situations like this is exactly why there are men and women sitting in prison right now serving time for crimes they didn’t commit. Give it time. The court of public opinion is brutal these days, and all it takes is one person (who looks like a helpless victim) crying foul and the other party is guilty without any burden of proof. It can’t be that easy.

    • Greenieweenie says:

      Well, there are red lines when it comes to assault and other criminal acts. It’s one thing to play he said/she said within some public dispute. It’s another when an actual crime has been committed. Whether she presses charges or not, she certainly appears to have been assaulted and given the lengthy history of women not being believed when they are assaulted–there’s something to be said for simple acknowledgement.

      • iGotNothin says:

        I agree. However, because there is a history of women not being believed, it’s more common now to assume she’s telling the truth first and research later. Allow the justice system to work; and if there is insurmountable evidence and he does not pay for his crimes; then he should be crucified.

      • SilkyMalice says:

        iGotNothin – actually the automatic assumption is that she is NOT telling the truth. But the photos of her face are what turned the tide. She plainly was a victim of domestic violence. People twist and shout and try to find all kinds of ways around that, but the truth remains that she was assaulted by Johnny Depp. The end.

      • Who ARE these people? says:

        Thanks Greenie, for telling it like it is. There really aren’t two sides to a story once someone calls names and hits. At least not after the age of 4 or 5.

      • qwerty says:

        “However, because there is a history of women not being believed, it’s more common now to assume she’s telling the truth first and research later.”

        Oh, honey….
        I take it you don’t visit any comment sections aside from celebitchy.

    • Anna says:

      What is wrong with people? Her story checks out. It’s consistent with his past behavior, with jealousy and rage he admitted to multiple times and she has witnesses. Johnny depp is a violent person. He needed anger management back in the 90s and he sure needs it now. Amber put herself in a very vulnerable position going public. She could have gotten a lot more money if she hid the abuse. And people, stop saying the bruise is shifting or disappearing, where do people get this stuff? Argh these low information commenters drive me insane!

      • iGotNothin says:

        I think you posted on the wrong comment. Everyone commenting about this situation on the message board of a gossip website doesn’t make her anymore a victim nor him anymore an abuser — your personal/general feelings about DV don’t make her story anymore true either. People tend to jump on situations like this, internalize them, and hop on a soapbox to shout their personal feelings for the world to hear.

        Allow the justice system to determine whether he is innocent or guilty. That’s my only suggestion.

      • Anna says:

        I guess your comment doesn’t reflect your personal feelings then? I’m just baffled at the lengths people go to to justify siding with the powerful despite mountains of evidence against them and an obvious smear campaign against the accuser.

      • mary simon says:

        Agree with you Anna. This whole mess going public is hurting her, too. Regardless of what money she gets from Johnny, he and his people can, and likely will, see that she never works in Hollywood again.

      • Dlo says:

        @igotnothing please explain the bruises if this is a hesaid she said. I am a dv survivor and I feel insulted by you

  15. Goldie says:

    As I mentioned on the other thread, I believe Amber, but I wish she would file a police report. That would give her more credibility, because right now she’s coming across to the public as someone who is motivated by money. Maybe she’s afraid that unflattering details about her own life will be revealed if there is a trial, which I guess is understandable.
    I also think it’s gross how so much emphasis is being placed on her bisexuality as if that automatically makes her a cheater.

    • siri says:

      I agree about the police report. But knowing she first tried to resolve this quietly, it makes sense she didn’t file. And yes, then it originally was more or less about money.

  16. CommentingBunny says:

    Getting “insanely jealous” and assuming affairs is a classic red flag for abuse. Textbook. His own spin makes him look guilty.

    Honestly, I think most of the people who claim he didn’t do it know that he did. They just don’t care. They are happy to eat up excuses like this because deep down, they believe that what he did was ok.

    • Greenieweenie says:

      Yup, +1. Look at the angle of the coverage and PR damage control–says it all

    • mary simon says:

      Wow, CommentingBunny – what you said -“people who claim he didn’t do it know that he did…because they believe what he did was ok” That is so true! Some poster on DM actually said, “This is not a big deal, some times when I get mad, I’ve been known to throw my phone, too!”

    • TotallyOld says:

      Great comments CommentingBunny. I’ve thought the same at times with this situation. Many people who think she is lying or trivialize the abuse are those who have handed out the abuse or lied about DV to obtain sympathy. So they automatically assume she is lying because ‘Yeah, I did that once myself’. For my part, she is not lying, too many details to be an act and I believe it went down exactly as she stated. But, I do agree Amber is not an innocent, naive woman, she knows how to push JD’s buttons and I think she got much more than she bargained for but she’s also smart enough to know when to get out and risk losing it all. Nothing is worth being in a situation where you are constantly frightened.

      • Seraphina says:

        Totallyold, I find that very unfair and ignorant comment about those who may think Amber is not on the up and up. Insinuation tht we either lied about DM or where the abusers is so crass that I can’t believe I even posted on this topic.

        There are two sides to every story. He is no saint and neither is she. But they both have a right to be heard. How many times has an innocent person been imprisoned and how many times have the guilty gone free.

      • Dlo says:

        @serphina. That is what some police told me after I was chased with a sword. It should be sorted out in court. She was physically injured, but yeah, let the courts decide. You have no idea how your comments trivialize what I lived

      • Seraphina says:

        DLO, I am not trivializing anyone or their experiences. I was stalked for three years. I was put on the stand because I needed a restraining order because he also threatened to kill me. And I was pulled through the hot coals being asked what I did to provoke the sick bastard who changed me forever at the young age of 22. An innocent young girl that a sick pervert got fixated with.

        So I trivialize no one’s experience. I simply say there are two sides to every story and this is not as clear cut as it seems. I’m not part of the lynch mob either way.

    • PandaCookie says:

      Yes, textbook. And also, didn’t we all see this train wreck coming for some time? The only thing shocking is that it didn’t happen sooner. And that anyone at all believes Depp regardless of what they think about Amber.

      When I saw Johnny Depp trending on twitter my first thought was that he overdosed or something drastic with his health. He looks like a walking corspe, I don’t think he’ll live that long if he doesn’t get some serious help.

    • isabelle says:

      Yes it is….and she causes it by sending him over the edge is typical of excusing abusers behavior.

    • Lady Amalthea says:

      @CommentingBunny – Great comments. Thank you.

      I had a similar thought when reading those stories. To me, they serve only to confirm Amber’s side of things. These are absolute textbook examples of abusive, controlling behavior.

      And yes, it reeks of “well, she caused him to hit her, so it’s ok.” Which, not only is it horrible and inexcusable to blame the victim, but that statement also demeans the abuser. It’s saying that the abuser has relinquished all control of his reactions to another person. Even children have control over their actions. How insulting to believe that your friend or family member doesn’t even have the cognitive capabilities of a toddler.

      I have a very dear male friend who was married to a woman who loved to push his buttons, antagonize him, even hit him to try to provoke him into hitting her. He never did. She never even tried to claim that he did or even came close to doing so…even when he was inebriated.

      It doesn’t matter how much someone may antagonize and push you. YOU have control over your actions and who you are as a person. Someone who will not hit a partner just will plain not hit a partner, no matter what. Easy as that.

      That being said, it’s also very unhealthy to intentionally antagonize and push someone like that, and is itself abuse when taken to a malicious extreme. (Even in abusive form, it doesn’t excuse reciprocal abusive behavior.) But a lot of “antagonization” can be attributed to just not realizing what someone’s triggers might be, and/or not realizing the depth behind those triggers. It can also be a controlled partner’s rebellion against the authority of the controlling partner.

      I get the impression from those stories that Amber refused to give up her friends and independence, and it drove Johnny crazy. Did she probably poke the bear on purpose at times? Yep, I’m sure she did. And it probably made her feel like she had some control. In reality, it just further fed his paranoid delusions and resentment.

  17. Mike says:

    They have so much evidence against him and people are just going to ignore it because she’s an attractive young woman who has been deemed a gold digger (and who cares? Why is okay for Johnny to want to bang a 28 year old who is closer in age to his kids than she is to him but she’s terrible for reciprocating?) Nothing she’s ever done makes it okay for him to hit her.

    For me the real big red flag is his team releasing photos of her “shopping at Tiffany’s” that were actually from April. They knew she had a case against him otherwise they wouldn’t have tried to sully her name so quickly.

    • Erinn says:

      Yes – you know what? When you get a young supposed gold digger, and some old fart who get’s to have his ‘hot young piece’ then in my opinion, it’s a trade off. Everyone is quick to call gold-digging, but who cares? WHO CARES. It’s not our money. If someone gets ripped off because they can’t date someone age appropriate, well, it’s a risk you’re taking.

      That being said, there’s a lot of sketchy stuff coming out from Depp’s team. She has her own money, but it’s a drop in the bucket compared to his. So he can afford amazing PR teams, and lawyers and publicists, and crisis management. She can’t afford the same kind of level of those things as he can.

      But for people who read between the lines a bit, his campaign is making him look sketchier than before he started commenting through them. The more that they bend over backwards to make him look good, they’re showing off a bunch of red flags. Instead of having people who were THERE support him, they instead are deflecting by saying she was unfaithful, or that she pushed him to this point. That in itsself is CLASSIC abuser.

      • PandaCookie says:

        Totally agree his team is making it way worse. The only way he could have come out of this (too late now) was to issue a humbled apology, wish her the best, and pay her a fair settlement.

      • Lucrezia says:


        Their attempted spin is so obviously a smear campaign that they’ve made things worse.

    • Div says:

      Agree that the Tiffany’s photograph from April was a huge red flag……they were trying to smear her before she came forward. It also illustrates that Laura Wasser is lying through her teeth yet again with her claiming the DV is only because of the negative press she received for divorcing Johnny after his mom’s death…… and the media still won’t call her on it.

      I am usually a person who separates the art from the artist and I usually feel like you can appreciate art and still realize an artist is a POS human being. I’m not sure I can do this is Johnny’s case considering his disgusting smear campaign.

      The thing is if he owned up to it and went to rehab the general public would have likely forgiven him. He’ll still get away with it with most of the general public….but this time because of a despicable smear campaign.

      • Who ARE these people? says:

        If he hasn’t gone to rehab yet, after a string of failed relationships with successful and attractive women, he won’t now. Everything’s been hushed up, and he clearly assumes that this time, it can be too. It might be different … his mirror is a little bit distorted now.

  18. Intuitive says:

    Doesn’t matter what she did or said, NOTHING justifies domestic violence. END OF.

    The gloves are off in terms of his side trashing her. Seems to be a lot of biphobia going on here as well. Depp himself has admitted in interviews he gets insanely jealous.

    • Div says:

      There is a ton of biphobia and misogyny in the press right now. I am so disgusted…even places like People and Huffington Post are being incredibly misogynistic and biphobic.

  19. Sarah01 says:

    Johnny is a class A prick and a violent abuser. his PR is another assault. It’s disgusting the lengths he’s willing to go. He acts as if he’s cool, hippe, laid back, free and not really bothered much about anything. But he’s really a viloent, insecure, hyper controlling, very manipulative A**. His PR is evidence of this for me.
    they are blitzing Amber from every angle.
    First and foremost violence against women is a massive issue in the world and as this news spreads everywhere the message women and girls are getting is, it’s your fault, you did something and you deserve it. I hope there are a lot of conversations going on that no one for no reason deserves to be hit, slapped, punched abused in any way.

    • Anna says:

      Exactly. It IS another attack and it proofs her point. Q.E.D.

    • mary simon says:

      I think the other message going out is that if you report DV, you will endure a shit storm of denial, disbelief and vilification.

      • Who ARE these people? says:

        Yup. “It was ever thus.” It’s very hard. Every survivor now has to endure hearing people discredit Heard in casual conversation.

  20. Little Darling says:

    One of my friends who follows this has a theory that this was a shakedown by Amber all the way. Her theory is that Amber knew Johnny pretty well, she knew him before they got together, and she knew very well his state of emotions and his state with drugs/alcohol. Everyone did right? She thinks she allowed it to happen, married him anyway, precisely so she could allege abuse and get tons of money from him.

    I am not sure about that theory, but I will
    Say she’s usually spot on with her celebrity theories, cracked out as they come.

    I see it as Amber leaving when it got to be too much. Which makes her smart.

    • joanne says:

      Amber is really an evil genius and was able to force poor, innocent Johnny into marrying her and then abusing her? she has never struck me as the brilliant type nor as a good actress. where did her superpowers come from? why is Johnny not responsible for any of his actions? too many questions here.

      • Little Darling says:

        Yeah I hadn’t heard this theory, nor did I realize that on every other site people are claiming this very same thing. I was kind of blown away by the conspiracy of it.

        Which makes me happy this is the only place
        I get my gossip and comments from, we always seem to be much more level headed, compassionate, empathetic and fair.

    • hmmm says:

      Amber “allowed it to happen”? Just another (extreme) spin on the same old tired strategy of blaming the victim. Obviously there are a lot of people out there who think DV is no big deal.

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      Great, let’s see your friend find a rich, powerful guy with a drug problem and marry him for the money. Let’s see her follow through with her brilliant plan.

    • Lambda says:

      Your friend is weird.

    • isabelle says:

      Your friend watches too much crime TV.

    • Cindy Lou says:

      How effing convoluted a story do you have to spin to put Depp in the right? Bring on the little green men with foil hats using Heard to start the world wide emasculation of …, etc.

  21. ida says:

    jesus christ. I can’t believe that people really fall for this kind of pr crap. it does not matter what sexuality heard has. it was not her sexuality that threw a phone in her face deliberately (“full force”). it was her out of control drug addict of a husband. I am apalled by “the truth lies in the middle”. usually the truth is not a complex but a simple thing. depp has a well documented history of being agressive under influence. his wife suffered over the years from his erratic behaviour that got worse and worse (and the pulic can imagine this well as depp is looking worse and worse) and she decided that she had enough after a phone thrown at her injured her face. who in their right mind would behave differently? it is not her obligation to protect an addict from the consequences. where is the feeling of justice here? victims are entitled to get compensated. period. his pr team can keep this “bisexuality is an evil mystique thing that needs to be controlled” saga to themself! it is 2016 for heaven’s sake!

  22. Div says:

    There is photographic proof and people still believe Johnny. I just…can’t. Hell, there is more proof than in Sean Penn’s case but because Johnny has a good rep (despite three arrests for assault and disturbing the peace) people are just turning a blind eye. Not to mention his lawyer’s statement about Amber’s allegations of abuse stemming from negative PR is flat out BS since Amber’s lawyer mentioned the abuse in court documents before the divorce was even public. There are multiple witnesses, photographic proof, she called the police….she did all the right things and people are still dragging her. It makes me so sad and mad and angry. Also, for all the people who keep referring back to the LAPD…..A family friend was a witness to a domestic violence incident involving her bff. The victim’s face was bright red. She called the cops and they didn’t do jack shit since the victim barely spoke…….and when she said “look at her face” the cop went “the redness could have been from crying.” Cops often do jack shit in domestic violence situations, especially when it involves celebrities or very wealthy people. The cops were called to OJ’s house multiple times and did nothing.

    Interestingly, I saw several comments about the insane pro-Depp media spin which seemed to hit the nail on the head. Essentially, people theorize that nobody wants to f*ck with Disney and they feel that going after Depp may make Disney bar them or reduce interviews and set visits during the press for Star Wars, Pirates 5, and Marvel films. Pirates 5 reportedly has an enormous budget of $250-300 mil and it would be a big deal, even to a wealthy company like Diseny, if it flopped.

    Also, nobody is obligated to do anything but I wish more celebrities would step up for Amber since several famous people are tweeting pro-Depp things.

    • CommentingBunny says:

      “But because Jonny has a good rep … People turn a blind eye.”

      Bang on.

      But also, Amber isn’t a “good” victim. It’s ENRAGING. She’s seen as a gold digger and an entitled asshole. He’s denying the abuse, sure, but everything he’s putting out there says: she deserved it. She was asking for it. PS, I’d never do it to a sweetheart like you.

      To many of us here, it doesn’t matter if she is an ass or not. A lot of people out there, though, are jumping on the flimsiest “proof” that he didn’t – not because they believe he didn’t hit her but because they don’t think he did anything wrong by hitting her. They just want to hide behind the veneer of acceptibility covering that ugly truth.

      • Div says:

        Yep, it’s the Madonna Whore complex that is so prevalent in society. Women aren’t allowed to be complex people and if you aren’t seen as a “good” victim you’re screwed. Meanwhile, men are allowed to have layers and people have sympathy for them even if they are seen as “bad.”

    • Sophie says:

      “Amber’s lawyer mentioned the abuse in court documents before the divorce was even public.” Exactly, I read the letter that was sent to his business lwayer. She even pointed out that she didn’t talked to the police because he had his film premiere and wanted to avoid a scandle.

      Now, an honest question? People are saying that she shouldn’t want any money from him and I understand the point, because it reinforces the narrative that states she is just doing it for the money. But… if he is not going to jail, how will be accountable for what he done if proved true? How can you touch someone with his sort of power and make him feel that he totally crossed the line?

      • Kitten says:

        Yeah exactly. This is how people fight back against the rich and powerful–they go after their wallet.

      • Who ARE these people? says:

        Yes, money becomes the only thing they understand.

      • PandaCookie says:

        I think she should get money to start her life over. First of all, he has an obscene amount that he won’t miss at all, and also, what about her hopes and dreams that are now gone? What about the damage he has done to her? I keep hearing how she’s ruined him. No, he did that. I am so sick of men not taking responsibility for themselves and blaming women. Even if he said, “Well, we’ve both been assholes and I’m sorry it has come to this, I’m sorry for my actions, I didn’t handle this well” but instead She is the bad person in this. It really is enraging. Zero respect for that. Oh, and he has plenty of resources to get the best help available to correct these personality defects but chose not to. He’s also older and should be more mature.

      • here's Wilson says:

        ‘He’s older and should be more mature’

        I agree with most of what you said but she’s 30. Age has little/nothing to do with it IMO. She’s hardly a child.

  23. lisa2 says:

    I hope this goes to trial. Not for the sensationalism but so that everyone will have the right to tell their side and there can be a final outcome. There are way too many voices around this. Everyone is leaking their opinions. And sadly that will not stop.

    • Little Darling says:

      Because trials are always fair in celebrity cases right? See: OJ Simpson

      Sadly, I don’t have entire faith in the justice system and the truth being the beacon in celebrity cases.

  24. sars says:

    If this story was spun from Depp’s PR team, it does nothing to help his image. The whole thing paints him as a jealous-type prone to obsession and bouts of rage (“You’re making a fool out of me!”). Couple this with the rumors of his increased drinking and drugging and I can definitely see how he could go from yelling at her to physically abusing her.

  25. mila says:

    so, hard core Depp fans think he is mentally challenged. He knew she was bi, he knew her age, he asked her to marry him.
    jeez, he is not a child, more like man child, but still…
    i do not care about her as a person, abuse is abuse and she would not lie in this case. its freaking Depp. he will ruin her. well, he will ruin her either way, cos Hollyweird.
    she cannot win. you want proof? here is the proof. no, that is make up, no, its Photoshop, why did she take pics, how could she take pics, its just a phone… and OMG she is smiling!!! his mother died, he is on a freaking tour. people continue with their lives after sth bad happens.

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      Good point. Not so heartbroken that he can’t tour Europe with his best buds.

  26. here's Wilson says:

    The more I read about this the more convinced I become that JD exhibits classic abuser tendencies. Self admitted bouts of rage and insecurity, hx of violence publicly (against paps), substance abuse, attempts to control and alienate. Its eerily reminiscent of a scene he played in Donnie Brasco when he hits his on screen wife.

  27. lola says:

    So Johnny wasn’t man enough to accommodate two ‘young-enough-to-be-his-daughters’? Cara proved to bew too much of a woman for him?

    Don’t care – I will support Amber no matter what.

    I liked her before all this, was surprised when she took this old man – who looks terrible btw – as her husband. She is insightful, converses by using impressive words, and always looks gorge.

    What is Johnny now? A clown of an actor who is evidently a user and abuser.

    • macy says:

      I wonder if Cara will come out and comment? Cara has repeatedly said she is in love with St Vincent. How does one “flaunt a friendship” ? This is just such a weird and reaching story.

  28. meg says:

    I think both of their teams are reaching and I dont see Amber aas the only victim here. I think both Amber and Johnny were emotionally and verbally abusive towards each other during their marriage. And I can believe that he wasnt physically violent with any of his previous partners, he seems like a guy whod be violent with objects rather than with people, I also believe that with age and his constant substance abuse hes become more agressive so I guess its possible he displayed some kind of behavior with Amber that he didnt before. Though he seems to be more likely non directly violent like throwing things and hitting her with phone which I believe, rather that putting hands on her or pulling her hair but you never know. I think they both knew how to push each others buttons and they were doing it though none of the shit Amber might have done excuse him being physically violent. If he hit her its on him but I dont believe she was just trying keep their marriage together and wasnt abusive in some ways towards him.
    And its weird that Ambers team wanted to keep it all quiet but Johnnys team didnt? I mean if he knew she wanted to accuse him of DV and all kinds of things he should have been eager and adviced to keep it all quiet and pay the money because public accussation of DV and trying to fight it wouldnt do him any good. And Amber after filing for divorce three days after his mothers death was seen as an opportunist and a golddigger who is cold heartless and bitchy. So making public her reasons for the divorce seems like a image doover opportunity for her because after that even people who didnt like her are rather on her team. So there is a lot of plays and calculating going on. If she wanted to keep it quiet and not hurt her image she should have waited with filing but since she hadnt shes the one to gain more by going public.

    • hmmm says:

      The phone was “non-directly violent”? Only putting your hands on someone makes you “directly violent”? I guess that shooting someone makes them “non-directly violent” as well, so it’s not so bad. SMH.

      • Who ARE these people? says:

        SMH right alongside you. But let’s use padding because both of our brains still work and we want to keep it that way.

    • SilkyMalice says:

      Thanks for illustrating perfectly the tangled narrative that abusers paint about THEM being the victim. Luckily for us we have the imprint of an iphone in Amber’s face to prove she was the victim of domestic violence. It really is that simple meg.

      It doesn’t matter what Johnny was going through, there is NO EXCUSE FOR HIM LAYING A HAND ON AMBER. NONE.

    • mary simon says:

      So the victim is either directly injured or killed, or non-directly injured or killed? The end result is still the same for the victim. Non-direct violence – sounds like a concept Johnny’s legal team will be using.

      • Dlo says:

        Yes, he just threw the phone, her face just unfortunately got in the way. I could totally see depps team try this

      • Miss S says:

        @Dlo, that’s not what the report states. She accuses of hitting her with the phone while keeping it inside his hand, swinging his arm back and then into her face.

      • Cindy Lou says:

        Depp threw the phone in the complete opposite direction and that crazy bitch ran right over and placed her face in its path. Very typical move for so-called abused women. Fools the courts every time.

        She has got the ninja moves. It’s a technique goldiggers train for.

      • mary simon says:

        @ Cindy Lou and Dio Great responses! Thanks for the chuckles. I needed that.

      • Miss S says:

        @Dlo, I didn’t even noticed you made a joke:D I’ve read so weird and ridiculous arguments I’m loosing my sense of humour ^_^

      • Lucrezia says:

        What Miss S said!

        Even if throwing objects is somehow better than throwing punches (it’s really not), isn’t it obvious that you can’t throw a phone hard enough to leave that kind of bruise?

      • Cindy Lou says:

        Come on over to my house Lucrezia. I’ll show you a wind up and release that will put a phone through the wall.

  29. SilkyMalice says:

    If she does have him by the balls, it’s because he smashed an iphone into her face and gave her proof of domestic violence. He handed them to her on a silver platter, and as far as I am concerned she can do with them whatever she wants.

  30. Nickim says:

    PR of Amber is desperate planting notes that she is bi, he didn’t
    accepted, it is such a liar that TMZ is not buying more.

  31. Ariel says:

    Wow. His best position is: she made me hit her.?????

    Several variations on victim blaming: she was disrespectful; get friends were bitches who stirred up trouble; she was flirty with other people.

    It sounds more and more like Johnny is just a run of the mill, alcoholic, wife beater.

    The only thing worse is how the media takes the words of the women in his life saying he would NEVER as fact when in reality it is loyalty, and maybe fear for his reputation, that drives their views.


    • Miss S says:

      It’s kind of interesting how the PR spin is sort of trying to justify his alleged abuse blaming Amber and not full on deny it. Even suggesting that JD is in bad shape because of the stress she puts him through is very telling of that.

    • Nic919 says:

      Interesting that he doesn’t try to explain the one incident where there is physical evidence and say it was only time and it was accident etc. It’s because he can’t say that.

      Amber could be a cheating gold digger who took drugs and was a spoiled brat. It still doesn’t justify the abuse.

      Lainey talks today about how A list movie stars don’t have the power to shut down regular folks anymore when these stories come out. Depp is using old school PR and most don’t believe him.

    • isabelle says:

      Makes me think there really is a video or more pictures.

      • Miss S says:

        Yes… If something like that comes up the expected narrative will be “Amber pushed JD to the limit with the intention to use it against him and get ALL THE MONEY”.

  32. Betti says:

    While this is all so sad – the truth usually lies somewhere in the middle. They are both dysfunctional, immature people with truck loads of issues so i don’t think either party is ‘innocent’.

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      He was arrested for being violent and destructive in a hotel. She was not. He has a known history of alcoholism and possible other drug addiction. She does not. He has discussed his problem with rage, jealousy and paranoia in public. She has not.

      Why people, especially women, need to “even things out” when men hurt women is beyond me. Maybe they want to delude themselves into thinking that THEIR men would never do such a thing. Or that THEIR men don’t do it because THEY as women are perfect.

      What fear is inculcated in women as a group to result in this kind of mass psychology?

      • anna says:

        hannah arendt said something like “the victim is always ugly.” i think there is a lot of truth to that. nobody wants to be part of the less powerful group, nobody wants to be associated with the ugly victim. and no woman wants to acknowledge the fragility of our position in society if confronted with/or going against a man.
        its the same in politics- people vote up, even if it’s against their own interests. for example really poor people voting against universal healthcare, even though they would benefit the most.

      • Who ARE these people? says:

        Anna, thanks. I agree. Stories like these remind women of their often precarious position and denying what could all too easily happen may make them feel more powerful. So we hear obnoxious things like, “I’d never put up with it!” and “Why did she stay?” As well as the kind of character assassination that’s going on with Amber Heard.

    • Cindy Lou says:

      I myself am a dysfunctional, immature person with truck loads of issues. I accept that I may be shamed, humiliated, threatened, terrorized and struck in the face with a cell phone as my punishment.

      Not really (anymore).

    • Merritt says:

      What exactly is dysfunctional about Amber?

  33. isabelle says:

    Abuse apologizers many times use the excuse that the women rile men up to where he goes insane and gets pushed over the edge. So he then he will hit her to release that rage. Is this 2016 or 1950! Seriously why the F*ck is that still even being said in modern times! Its complete victim blaming. What really ticks my crawl, many of the entertainment media elites claim to be liberals, froth at the mouth over people like Trump, yet have the same views about women as they do. Hypocrites and the mentality of victim bashers.

  34. JohnnyT says:

    Not sure why she doesn’t push Johnny for jail time instead of a cash payout? If DV occurred it’s jail he deserves not his pockets drained. Ive seen abused women and bless their hearts none of them asked for monetary compensation. He should serve his sentence according to CA state law.

    • Dlo says:

      First offense even if found guilty, less than six months if any time st all, and that is in California. So yeah, he should Pay, that will actually maybe punish him

      • Miss S says:

        I asked about this here. The only way rich people feel the burn in going to their pockets. He didn’t nearly kill her, he has no history of DV, so it would hard to make him accountable in any other way:/ She could donate the money though, that would be a master move.

      • here's Wilson says:

        Miss S…brilliant idea!

        I’m from the same hometown as Christina Aguilera. When she was a young child pre-fame her mother had been involved in a violent domestic relationship (unknown if this is CA father I can’t remember). Anyway, she has been donating for years to local DV shelters to say thanks after they took her family in.

        If AH took even a portion of her proceeds and did the same it could really change lives.

      • Cindy Lou says:

        She is not asking for compensation for the abuse he inflicted. She is negotiating a separation/divorce settlement.

    • Dara says:

      @JohnnyT, You’re assuming jail time is a likely possibility. I’m no lawyer, but I would guess that a first-time conviction (or guilty plea) to spousal battery – or whatever it is called in California – would probably be a misdemeanor which would mean probation and a token fine of a few thousand dollars. Even if jail time is on the table, it would likely be a matter of a few days rather than weeks or months. The punishments for casual drug use and drunk driving are more severe than they are for DV – until the victim ends up in the hospital or dead.

      • Jensmom says:

        Different state, but my daughter was punched in the eye by her ex. She called the cops (and yes, it was black and blue almost immediately and for a LONG time -weeks- after). One hit. She had him arrested, moved out of the apartment while he was in jail. The police saw her, saw the bruises. Other than having to stay away from her, there were no further consequences. Time served. Admittedly, he didn’t have the bail money and his father said “let him sit there”. One incident of throwing a phone at someone is not going to get jail time.

  35. Joannie says:

    Wow. Everyone is so quick to jump on the bandwagon. Has he even been officially charged? The lawyers and press are having a field day. Everyone sees $$$. I’ll hold judgement until the courts decide.

  36. Pumpkin Pie says:

    What is the iO in iO Tillett Wright ?

  37. Minnie1 says:

    This was a match made in hell. I think they both pushed each other’s buttons and enjoyed the drama and the challenge of who could dominate, who would cave first etc. Some people get off on this kind of tension in a relationship. Kind of like psychological S&M.

    Johnny clearly has substance abuse problems and there are videos of her out there glassy eyed and barely standing. Lots of comments have been made about that on this site. So they both got high. And maybe both got out of control to various degrees at various times. No one knows for sure.

    Regarding physical abuse, if he didn’t do it, he should probably think about lie detector tests. He can’t force her to do the same, but since this is a matter of reputation, and now since this unfortunately is being tried publicly she might want to consider it to put an end to the gossip.

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      Lie detector tests have been shown to be unreliable.

      And this isn’t about gossip. This is a divorce case involving allegations and some photographic evidence/eyewitness testimony of verbal and physical abuse.

    • Cindy Lou says:

      If a woman knowingly pushes a man’s buttons, well …

      A man’s got to do what a man’s got to do. (Quoted from that great and ancient rule book “The Rule of Thumb”.)

  38. Squiggisbig says:

    The most disappointing part of this whole saga is the implication that amber/cara are a thing because I always shipped her with Queen Rih.

  39. Tara says:

    I think Johnny Depp flipped out because he was losing his trophy. Remember he was really possessive of Kate Moss. Just imagine how possessive he was over his beautiful, young wife today when he’s now over the hill, bloated and more desperate.

  40. Chuchu says:

    If the Sun article is from his side he needs new PR. All it does is make him look like an add hole and a giant lame ass.

  41. whocares says:

    She knows she’s got to get some money from some where other than from her acting jobs because, she knows she can’t rely on what she thinks is “her talent”, because she has none! After everyone in Hollywood sees her for the real Biatch she is after what she did to Johnny Depp; she’ll be blacklisted ! He started in this business before she was born!

    • Shockadelica81 says:

      So why would she be doing this if she’s about to be blacklisted for making up junk?

  42. Shockadelica81 says:

    The Sun?🙄😂😂😂😂😂