Kellyanne Conway, Alt-historian: Muslims started the Bowling Green Massacre

I’ve said before that I despise Kellyanne Conway and I hate that she’s a “thing” that we actually have to treat as a newsmaker. She’s not a newsmaker. She’s not a “personality.” She’s not even a pundit. She’s a fascist hack who has tied herself to a lunatic for profit and fame. I don’t understand why the news shows keep booking her or why anyone cares about what she says, but here we are. It was Kellyanne Conway who blessed us with “alternative facts” a few weeks ago. And now she’s blessing us with alternative history. Alt-History, if you will. Alt-History is where you can go on television and say that Muslims refugees are responsible for the Bowling Green Massacre. It was a massacre so devastating that no one even wants to think about it or remember it. Oh, right. That’s because it never happened.

Yes. So, obviously Twitter threw a party over Kellyanne’s Alt-History, much like the “Frederick Douglass is still alive and doing amazing work” debacle. I prefer this reaction to actually sitting here and thinking about the fact that Emperor Baby Fists’ senior advisor went on national television and completely f–king made up a terrorist attack and blamed the fictitious attack on Muslim refugees as a way of defending a lunatic ban on men, women and children seeking refuge from some of the worst conditions on earth.

Photos courtesy of Getty.

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257 Responses to “Kellyanne Conway, Alt-historian: Muslims started the Bowling Green Massacre”

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  1. mia girl says:


    • Tate says:


    • Neelyo says:


    • ME says:

      A small part of me wants to laugh but mostly I’m SO disgusted, angry and petrified that people are letting this evil into their, and by default our, lives. We can make fun of her lies – sure – but I think the experts will tell you that what happens is that BGM will actually be remembered as a thing because we keep trending it. 6-months down the road, people will believe this happened. We should call her lies out as lies and then silence – because they want this stuff to get all the attention.

      • ida says:

        We shall be distracted by the flood of lies so we are too tired from all of this when the really horrible things start. I will not waste my time and energy on this woman anymore but focus on what this administration does and not says.

      • Esmom says:

        I’m with you, ME. It would be comical if it weren’t so f^cking terrifying. People really do believe anything that comes from these craven liars’ mouths. The question is HOW to get them to realize she made this up? Because facts and words clearly don’t matter anymore. I’ve never felt more hopeless.

      • littlemissnaughty says:

        I don’t think we have to wait 6 months. I’m sure as soon as MSNBC or CNN said it never happened, some poor schmuck was automatically conviced it did. There will be a Wikipedia page. #truthiness

      • NastyWoman says:

        @Ida – Yes, I’m becoming convinced they’re doing it on purpose. They’re testing their strength to see if the deplorables will believe them or the “lying” mainstream media. Then the real stuff will begin happening. Bannon will enforce his real agenda right under everyone’s noses and deny it’s not happening. They’re doing it now to a smaller degree; they’ve eased the sanctions on Russia and denied it was done.

      • Radley says:

        @Nasty Woman

        It does seem like they’re testing their boundaries. Big lies vs smaller lies. Or big distractions to paper over real activities we should be very concerned about. Nobody is this crazy. But I do think Kellyanne is this evil. It’s all an experiment in fascist propagandizing.

      • Tiny Martian says:

        I understand your point, ME, and I’ve had similar thoughts myself. However, I personally have come to the conclusion that it is important to laugh at these types of statements from Trump and Co. And not only to laugh, but to laugh loudly and immediately and to point fingers and make absolutely sure that the world sees and hears our laughter and derision. I honestly feel that this is the best and perhaps only way to cast doubt in the minds of those who are ignorant and blind enough to believe any of the nonsense that is currently being spewed, and that the internet/social media is the best platform for reaching the largest number of those people.

      • Shirleygail says:

        @NastyWoman I agree and believe wholeheartedly you called this one correctly. Don’t lose sight of the real fights, but these ‘distractions’ are sometimes just too funny (NOT) to ignore.

      • ol cranky says:

        @littlemissnaughty I just checked wikipedia and what did I find?

      • Ama says:

        I have to admit: Living in the heart of Europe, I thaught that was actually a Bowling Green Massacre, like one of those school shootings…I just thaught some Muslims got blamed when it was actually white kids doing the shooting – something like that. Alternative news were planted in my head!!! Yikes!

    • Lahdidahbaby says:

      Perfect, Mia Girl!

    • cindy says:

      Perfect, LOLOLOL.

    • I Choose Me says:

      Dead. But resuscitated just to get another belly laugh in.

      I swear you guys, sometime in 2016 we slid into an alternate dimension. Or an alternate dimension slid into our world. That’s my only explanation for Trump’s win, Kellyanne Conjob and the rest of these shitshow clowns.

    • Erin Lee Daniels says:


  2. Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

    The last image of Bannon and Conway is scaring me – you can see the corruption and evil seeping from their very pores.

    As for Kellyanne – liar liar facelift on fire!

    • V4Real says:

      This just goes to show that Trump and his team can flat out lie and dumb asses will still support them.

      • NastyWoman says:

        And I’m sure that if you go on Breitbart, there will be an article to the disciples saying the mainstream media is out to get KellyAnne and the deplorables need to believe her and Trump over their lying ears, eyes and brains.

      • Nancy says:

        Yep. She is the poster child of stupidity and is basking in the attention is getting. She never waivers. Answers questions with questions or her alternative facts. If anyone else in any profession was as blatantly stupid or crass or disrespectful to the truth, their ass would be on the street. But the trump sheeple see her as their queen. My disdain of her is palpable.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Yes, V4real. They’ve gotten so used to lying and getting away with it that they make no attempt to stick to facts.

      • Original T.C. says:

        @ Nancy
        Unfortunately Kellyanne is not dumb, she’s had a long career as a corporate lawyer and is used to lying with a straight face as well as talking over other people. That’s why she is so good at going on these news shows and getting her message across.

        The news MEN get rolled over because they are afraid of looking like they are attacking a woman. Of course they can solve that problem by having a female journalist interview her like Rachel Maddow or the blonde Fox News lady (forgot her name) successfully did. But no, they don’t want to pass on their power.

      • Triple Cardinal says:

        Another reason why Kellyanne hooked her wagon to Trump’s falling star is because she has a husband who is keen on being nominated to the Supreme Court. Since that’s out of the question, she and husband will settle, ya know, for a federal judgeship. Waiting now on Trump to recognize Mr. Kellyanne Conway’s stellar judicial qualities.

        In addition, Kellyanne has a decades-long history of being Anti-Hillary. For any reason and for no reason. It’s in her DNA, literally.

    • Megan says:

      You know who else told outrageous lies to scapegoat the “enemy”? Hitler.

    • B n A fn says:

      Anyone here remembers Wayland Flowers puppet, Madam? Kellyanne Conartist reminds me of Madam. Trump, Kelly A Conartist and SS are the biggest liars I have ever seen in politic. And DT had the nerve to call Hillary “lying Hillary”, the nerve of the conman in chief.

      • RussianBlueCat says:

        Madam would slap the crap out of Kellyanne. Hopefully she would leave splinters from her wooden hands in “Conartist’s” face

      • Esmom says:

        Ha, she does resemble her, nice call. Conway and Bannon, and Trump for that matter, are perfect examples of outside appearances mirroring inside ugliness. They just radiate vileness.

      • Floydy says:

        They are both getting the faces they deserve.

      • Eden75 says:

        Madame had a better facelift.

    • Lahdidahbaby says:

      It’s a natural process that happens when you support Donald F. (I changed his middle name) Trump: pre-death decomposition sets in. That’s because your soul begins gradually dying at the moment of engagement with Trump, even though your body is able to go on indefinitely, just as if all was well. Newsflash: all is not well, Kellyanne. Just ask your face. Or Bannon’s.

    • Lahdidahbaby says:

      …or, to quote the Wicked Witch in The Wizard of Oz: “I’m MELTING, hellllllp me, I’m meltinnnnnnngggg…”

      • Mezz_Dame says:

        It’s unkind to make comments about people’s looks. It’s unkind to make comments about people’s looks… This is the chant I do every time I look at her. My God. Getting the face you deserve might be the most poetic explanation for it.

    • Firerabbit says:

      She’s as sociopathic as her bosses. Yup. They sold their souls and the darkness is eating them from the inside out.

    • Kloops says:

      I know it’s wrong, but it’s apt they look as soulless as they obviously are. It radiates from them and would be considered “too much” in a movie but it’s real life!

    • FishOutOfWater says:

      The most ‘deplorable’ part is that you can’t call them liars. Their truth is alternative. Truth is not truth, unless it is for the sake of a troll. Initially, I believed that the trolling dialogue was a joke. When I listened to the young people who elected him, I realized just how serious the group id is. Trolling, along with bullying, should be taught in our elementary schools when sex education (as opposed to abstinence only) becomes a thing again ( in the next 8 years).

      What do you tell your children when the POTUS is a **ssy grabbing, insulting, sexist/racist, ***hole? “Sorry kids. Bullying is acceptable, and will get you further in life than honesty, gratitude, and humility”

  3. sarri says:

    Trump and his supporters are so ugly – I know, how shallow of me.

    • Tate says:

      It is the evil from within seeping to the outside…. or in Bannon’s case, decades of heavy drinking.

    • susanne says:

      I am having the same thoughts exactly…Mean thoughts about conway’s appearance, guilt about it, then realization that it’s the ugly on the inside seeping out.
      Think about her name- it translates to “Not the Way.” Fitting.

    • Shark Bait says:

      Whenever you see a bunch of Trump supporters chime in on fb (they tend to hide their true selves on twitter) they are almost always the textbook picture of what you would imagine them to look like.
      Also, all Trump supporters have bad hair. That’s not an opinion, it’s a fact lol.

    • TyrantDestroyed says:

      They look like critters. So ugly inside and outside

    • EMAu says:

      Conway is hideous. Like something out of TWD.

  4. lightpurple says:

    This morning, Trump is using today’s incident at the Louvre to justify the ban. And he’s threatening Iran again.

    • RussianBlueCat says:

      i have to wonder if the threats towards Iran are to deflect attention away from potential action against North Korea? Provoking China seems to also be on Trump’s radar. Scary

      • isabelle says:

        The protests and hate he has gotttn are getting to him, so he trying to justify his ban.

      • Veronica says:

        I think provoking China is on BANNON’S radar. A war would be an excuse to enact military rule, which is exactly what he wants to push an agenda.

    • Kitten says:

      There are so many different ways that this government could get us all killed, it’s almost impressive.

      • Shambles says:

        As a 23 year old, it’s been a really interesting experience to come to terms with the fact that I, and all of us, could die soon. I know it’s always been that way— I could get hit by a car today. But it’s real and in my face now, I can’t just choose not to think about it as easily.

      • Lahdidahbaby says:

        Almost, Kitten. In the same impressive variety of ways that Bannon’s facial blood vessels keep simultaneously exploding.

      • MellyMel says:

        Had a convo about this the other night and had to stop cause it was making me so depressed. It’s impressive and scary all at once.

      • elle says:

        Seriously. At the rate we’re sliding downhill, I’m half hoping they just pick the most painless option and get it over with. Giant Meteor 2017.

    • isabelle says:

      Yet of course never once mentioned the Mosque attack in Canada.

  5. justsaying says:

    Bannon looks pretty unhealthy, just like Trump.

    • Jenns says:

      Bannon looks like a heavy drinker.

    • Ramona says:

      I just recently heard that a very sweet woman I knew years ago passed away from diabetes and that reaffirmed in my mind that there is no God/s. If there was, these terminal lifestyle diseases would be coursing through these two hateful pos and not my old friend.

      • Esmom says:

        So sorry for your loss, Ramona. It is indeed baffling and enraging when truly good people leave us far too soon and the monsters get to still wreak havoc among us.

    • Shark Bait says:

      He has that alcoholic flushed face and bulbous nose.
      He is also overweight with greasy, horrible hair, just like Trump.
      Ramona is right, people who are terrible and awful inside tend to hang on despite being unhealthy. Ugh, life is definitely not fair.

  6. MunichGirl says:

    Kellyanne is such a beautiful woman and doesn’t look like a witch at all. #alternativefacts

  7. Tate says:

    They are all a bunch of evil liars. The Orange one is on a twitter rampage again this morning.

  8. Mikasa says:

    The only thing worse than listening to Trump is listening to the condescending, nails-on-a-chalkboard voice of Kellyanne Conway.

  9. Daisy says:

    It has been 2 weeks! Judging by the speed these fuckups are going, WW3 is happening in April.

    • CharlieWaffles says:

      I really think that the US will be part of another war. I wonder who Trump will blame then.

      • IlsaLund says:

        He’ll blame the evil Muslims and Obama. He’s already trying to blame the failed Yemen mission where the Navy Seal died on Obama.

      • NastyWoman says:

        President Obama. It’s always his fault. His messed up, not well thought-out military action has already been blamed on Obama.

        And, yes, at this rate, we are headed to war. He wants to show how tough he is (and maybe fill his friends’ coffers – ’cause you know they are military contractors). He has threatened Iran and today, North Korea.

      • CharlieWaffles says:

        It’s time to build a bunker because Iran & co won’t let Trump attacking/insulting them.

      • I'mScaredAsHell says:

        Legit question here…hope someone knows the answer. Only Congress can declare an official war….but can Trump and his minions commit troops to the point that it’s a war in name only?

      • lightpurple says:

        @I’mScaredAsHell, yes, they can. Congress never declared war on Vietnam.

      • Esmom says:

        Chiming in on the declaration of war question: Can’t the military disobey the President’s (or Congress’s) order? If I recall correctly, one of the questions posed to General Mattis during his conformation hearing was “would you disobey any orders that are illegal?” And he said yes. Not sure if what Trump might do would technically be illegal and/or if Mattis could simply disobey because he doesn’t agree with Trump’s order.

      • Lena says:

        @iamscaredashell : this kind of reminds me of Germany (not WWII, but 2001-2014) which has officially never been at war in Afganistan, even though they sent troops, soldiers died and everything. But it was just a military Engagement, officially.

      • M.A.F. says:

        @I’mScaredAsHell- Yes, it’s called the Wars Powers Resolution Act. It came out of the Vietnam War.

      • Ashamed 2 b a Fl girl says:

        @Imscaredashell – Korea – never a war, a “conflict”, Vietnam, a “police action”.

    • Radley says:

      It’s amazing. Only 2 weeks! How the heck do people tolerate Chicken Fried Hitler for years??? I’m exhausted.

      *insert I Feel Like I’m Taking Crazy Pills gif*

    • Erica_V says:

      My fiancee and I got in a huge fight the other night because I basically said what’s the point of planning our wedding we’re all going to be dead in a few months anyway….

      • HappyMom says:

        Girl-just take a breath. We are not going to die. You plan a beautiful wedding and live your life. There are plenty of people who will stop him before things totally go to s-it.

      • Madailein says:

        I’m pregnant w my first child, and occasionally had similar feelings, like, What am I doing, bringing a child into such a ravaged, terrifying, borderline-apocalyptic world?But the thing is, we CANNOT allow Trump and his cronies to dictate/control our lives any more than they already seek to: that would be him “winning.” And it would be a huge loss, I feel sure, for you and your fiancée. If you were to let fear win out over love, that is exactly what Trump’s minions relish (those who aren’t simply indifferent to our fates.) Love and live, for better and worse—let love have the last–and the first–word.

      • HappyMom says:

        @Madailein-you enjoy your pregnancy and love on your baby. I’m the mom of 4-and I get it-I’ve definitely had the thought of wtf for my poor kids. But you’re right-it’s just like with terrorism: you have to live your life and enjoy every moment you can. I’m not very religious, but there are things totally out of our control that we just have to hand over to God/universe.

  10. BearcatLawyer says:

    I cannot believe I live in a world where alternative facts and alternative history are things!

    • Khaleesi says:

      There’s even a Wikipedia page about alternative facts now.

    • Lisa says:

      Please Bearcat, can we just call them LIES?!! The idiots who support this regime see “facts” in the phrase and automatically assume the crap they hear is factual. I just cannot believe how people can’t see what’s going on right now. SMDH

    • Esmom says:

      I didn’t hear anything about this Bowling Green BS until now…my question is did anyone call her out right on the spot? Or did they just let her spew unchecked?

      • SusanneToo says:

        CBS This Morning called it “false information.” Everyone needs to just use the word lie. I heard one newscaster explain that “lie” construed intent and they don’t know intent.

        By this time, however, intent should be clear.

      • Esmom says:

        Yeah, I’ve heard this “lie” implies intent argument before, on NPR actually. And their main white house correspondent basically said since they are not mind readers they can almost never know a person’s intent so they shy away from using “lie.” Damn their journalistic integrity!

  11. Khaleesi says:

    Is SB an alcoholic? I mean, he sure looks like one.

  12. applapoom says:

    Those tweets are awesome. Gave me a good chuckle.

    • Sullivan says:

      They are funny. We’ve gotten some hilarious tweets and memes in response to Trump and Co. Sometimes they’re the only thing that keeps me from weeping in despair. #gallowshumor

      • Maria says:

        i totally agree. Especially as it is really smart humour. Comedic gold and some days the only way to handle all this crap.

    • Esmom says:

      I know. I joined Twitter just last week to try to keep up with all the craziness via that channel. I will probably never post but I love to read everyone’s take. People are so brilliant!

      One funny thing that happened yesterday on Instagram: Trump’s people posted on the White House page for the first time since Obama left and most people were like “yeah, no thanks, time to unfollow.” So awesome to see.

      • Sarah says:

        LOL I did the same. I joined Twitter so I can follow certain pages but I will never post something.

      • SusanneToo says:

        Esmom. At some point it gets so outrageous you just have to say something. Or you could start by retweeting something really good.
        And make sure you’re not following @Potus. @Flotus, etc. Go to @POTUS44, @FLOTUS44, @VP44, @WhiteHouse44 and their personal accounts to keep up with the good guys.

      • Esmom says:

        Thanks, SToo!

        Every day I find more and more awesome people to follow, my list is getting so long. And I am in the throes of a major crush on NPR’s Ari Shapiro. Now that I’ve seen his photo I realize he’s not only highly intelligent and engaging, he’s super hot!

      • Tate says:

        @georgetakei is a good one to follow

      • Lightpurple says:

        Chelsea Clinton, JKRowling, George Takei, Patton Oswald, Don Cheadle, Jeffrey Wright

      • SusanneToo says:

        Yes, George is great! Martha Plimpton, Debra Messing, Don Cheadle, Mia Farrow, Kal Penn, Ana DuVernay are some other on the mark celebrities. Teen Vogue(!!!)is really hammering the thugs. The various Alt… government sites. Joy Reid is great, also Sarah Kendzior. Plus all those mentioned by lightpurple. Once you start, you just find more and more great sources.

      • Esmom says:

        Thanks, all, for the suggestions. Some I am already following, some I’m not. Yet.

        Yes, George T is a force. He recently retweeted a video that a non-profit I used to work for had made and his single tweet resulted in an unprecedented level of donations. So heartwarming.

      • Shark Bait says:

        Michael Ian Black, Andy Richter, Billy Eichner, and Audra MacDonald are all good follows too.

      • Tate says:

        @Susannetoo We follow A LOT of the same people!!

        I started following teen vogue right after the election when they were doing harder hitting journalism than… well anyone else.

  13. Sixer says:

    “I don’t understand why the news shows keep booking her.”

    I think this is a huge problem generally. I mean, this woman actually has a role in an actual administration so I suppose there is reason to book her. But this particular danger to society Conway aside, it’s a terrible trend for TV bookers to mine social media and fringe websites for so-called controversial figures to appear so that they create conflict and outrage. News shows shouldn’t be chasing ratings like this. They should be informing us.

    Here in the UK, the BBC’s premier audience participation current affairs show is called Question Time. They regularly include panellists with extreme fringe views. This NORMALISES extreme fringe views. It does not provide balance. And one of their researchers was recently found on Facebook asking members of Britain First whether they would like to attend as audience participators in an episode. Britain First is the neo-fascist group that the terrorist who assassinated MP Jo Cox last year pledged allegiance to. WTUF?

    The media has a great deal of blame to take for the horrific circumstances we find ourselves in. Just check out the #journorequest hashtag on Twitter to see how it works. Lazy researchers looking for the most extreme rentagobs they can find.

    I ranted. Sorry. Will stop now.

    • ME says:

      Absolutely correct! Just like the GOP should be Country over Party; Media should be Truth over Ratings. Sadly they continue to choose ratings – most intelligent people know that they are peddling lies and propaganda but by continuing to give them coverage we are enabling the spread of propaganda. Authentic media (news, print, etc) should have joined forces and developed a consistent strategy for shutting this stuff down but no they keep spreading it and continue to whine about the spread of fake news. Pathetic!

    • littlemissnaughty says:

      I agree that it’s partly for ratings. However, I think in her case it’s also turning into a competition. They feel challenged. Who can finally take her down? Who will eviscerate her on air? Because it seems so simple. She lies. You call her out, she crawls back under her stone. But it is clearly not working because she is teflon. Nothing sticks. They need a different strategy to report on this administration because this is not the way to go.

      • Sixer says:

        I would like to see Conway (and you know, similar stuff with UK issues) ignored.

        Instead, I’d like the news shows to pay attention to what she has said about X, Y and Z and then produce FACTUAL, DATA-DRIVEN, RESEARCHED pieces on those topics and present them to the audience without reference to either Conway herself or any other political position.

        Actual journalism, you know? I can’t believe that we live in mature democracies and the thought of actual journalism seems like a pipe dream.

    • adastraperaspera says:

      The news shows are absolutely to blame for this. Even NPR yesterday again shocked me by interviewing someone (can’t remember who now) who was blithely supporting trump/bannon’s Iran threats and saying everyone is overreacting. I shut it off. I mean, that isn’t news, it’s just entertainment, and I Am Not Entertained!!

      • steerpike says:

        NPR drives me nuts with the people they host. They are so determined to be balanced in their coverage that they are giving a soapbox to people who will take down America. And they are SO POLITE to them.

      • SusanneToo says:

        Yesterday’s Fresh Air is a must listen. First up is Sarah Posner who published a leaked document of an EO giving the Religious Right Taliban everything they want(discrimination against LGBTQ, employer health insurance, etc.), followed by a discussion of bannon’s very close ties to jeff sessions.

        Also, Here and Now, The Takeaway, Fresh Air, On the Media are a few of the NPR programs that are not guzzling the kool-aid.

      • Esmom says:

        Eh, I don’t know if I agree that NPR is that balanced. They certainly try to be but their bias is pretty obvious. And their journalists are very much part of the resistance if you check out their individual twitter feeds. I give them a lot of credit for trying not to be a complete echo chamber, which isn’t easy in this day and age.

      • steerpike says:

        Coincidentally, I just came across a petition asking NPR to call a lie a lie. I don’t know if it is okay to post petitions here, but will try.

    • SilverUnicorn says:


      What do you think of straight bananas at the supermarket?
      That Leaver voter last night… OMG *facepalm*

      • Sixer says:

        “I was going to vote Remain but then I switched at the last minute.”

        “Ok. So what made you switch?”

        “Well, all these silly regulations. I go to the supermarket and I can only buy straight bananas. Aldi’s are a little bit bent so that’s good.”


        Straight bananas are FAKE NEWS you stupid, idiotic woman and WHO THE BLOODY HELL LET YOU ANYWHERE NEAR A MICROPHONE?

      • Pip says:

        I bellow this all the time at the TV: “WHO THE BLOODY HELL LET YOU ANYWHERE NEAR A MICROPHONE?” I am SO not interested in what the man/woman in the street has to say – & that includes me, before anyone accuses me of snobbery. I want to hear educated, intelligent, measured, thoughtful experts holding forth please, not an endless stream of sodding halfwits. As well as legitimising bigotry etc the last 12 months have also legitimised stupidity & ignorance. It’s bloody dangerous & I DON’T LIKE IT.

      • Sixer says:

        Nec audiendi qui solent dicere, vox populi, vox Dei, quum tumultuositas vulgi semper insaniae proxima sit.

        Or, in crude Sixer English, vox pops = parade of nincompoops taking us to Armageddon!

      • Pip says:

        Ooooh get you, with yer poncey dead languages! Way beyond my O Level Latin (Grade D or E, I think) but I get the drift.

        Aaah, the days of George W talking about having to learn Latin to visit Latin America seem like halcyon times now …

      • SilverUnicorn says:


        I lost all vocabulary too…

        “parade of nincompoops taking us to Armageddon!”

        Can I re-use this? lol

      • Sixer says:

        I mean, at least the American versions of that woman rant on about actually apocalyptic things. They have devils and demons and guns and y’know. Their fake news would actually be scary if it weren’t fake. Here in Britain, they vote to ruin the country because BANANAS.

        FFS. I don’t even know which is worse.

        *sits, rocks, moans, wails*

        (I was good at the ol’ dead languages. Can even do a bit of Old English for you if you like!)

      • Lady D says:

        I thought that woman was comic relief, mostly because I’ve never heard of a straight banana. She was actually serious?

      • Sixer says:

        She was.

        Straight bananas are a British tabloid euromyth creation. There are many of them.

        As I’ve been saying, why we think fake news is something new is beyond me. Here’s the late, great Robin Cook talking about euromyths back in 2000:

  14. Miss Kittles says:

    Bowling Green? Is she referring to the college in Ohio?

    • Rachel says:

      That’s what I was wondering. I live just north of there, my family has lived here for 50 years, and I have never heard of anything so ridiculous! Ugh

    • Syko says:

      Bowling Green, KY, I believe.

    • susanne says:

      Confusing with Kent State, perhaps? I can’t untangle her thought processes or keep up with her alternative facts.

    • Lena says:

      Here’s an article on it:
      The thing is there were two Iraqis who were arrested because they tried to support al Qaeda in Iraq with money. But they didn’t commit or even plan a massacre in the USA. And of course the media covered their arrest. And they lived in Bowling Green.

      • swak says:

        Awe, you referenced CNN. Don’t you know they are the enemy of the president? How could you think they were a credible source? (my eyes just rolled to the back of my head saying all that!). They will find a way to discredit the story on CNN because, you know, CNN tells only lies.

    • AnnieO says:

      I just woke up and am totally confused. Maybe she meant Bowling For Columbine? Bowling Green has never had a massacre. Well maybe back in Daniel Boone’s day.

    • swak says:

      If you listen to the video it refers to the two Iraqi’s that were arrested and they were arrested in Bowling Green, Ky. She also references the two Iraqi’s when she said that Obama banned Iraqi’s from entering because of these two terrorists.

  15. Margo S. says:

    This is really funny. Like a comedic late night sketch. But then I have to remind myself that this is real life us politics and then I’m just sad.

  16. WellWellWell says:

    A heart attack for Bannon and Trump would be the best solution. It’s the first time I wish that to other people.

    • Miranda says:

      You’re a better person than me. I want them to suffer a little more!

    • Karen says:

      Been dreaming of this since inauguration. Trump loves fast food especially Arby’s and Bannon is clearly an alcoholic. Let’s make a gift basket for them.

  17. Neelyo says:

    Kellyanne Conway is Gollum with slightly better extensions.

  18. Lena says:

    First they tried to blame the Canada terrorist attack on Muslims even after it was clear that it was a white Trump supporter, now they made one up, how long till the a Reichtagsbrand-Type event?

    • Khaleesi says:

      The reaction of the DM was interesting. They closed the comment section after the police confirmed that it was a white guy who attacked them. When they thought it was a Muslim, they allowed comments.

  19. Patricia says:

    This is holocaust level stuff. She’s lying about a minority group in order to justify abusing their rights and fearing them.

    I can not even IMAGINE what it’s like to be an American Muslim right now. And to be honest, all the women I have seen in hijab the past few weeks look sullen and depressed. I find my eyes lingering on them a few seconds longer because I care about them, I fear for them, I wonder how they are doing. And I’ve noticed this sadness and exhaustion about them. Maybe I’m projecting… but it’s just scary and I wish we could all do more to protect Muslims and just show them respect, becuase our government is doing the exact opposite of that.

    • adastraperaspera says:

      I was texting with my cousin again last night, who married a Muslim and converted almost 20 years ago. She said her husband is falling into a depression now, especially since trump/bannon are threatening war with Iran. Her kids are confused (since of course as kids they have been thinking that this is just something that happened that makes funny memes to laugh at). She is worried sick that trump is going to bomb her 85 year old mother-in-law and their family over there. What could I tell her? This is so beyond not acceptable. Trump/bannon are sadists. They are hurting everyone so badly already. It is unbearable.

    • RedWeatherTiger says:

      I have a friend (a former student) who is Muslim. She is–or was–the most delightful person, the kind of young woman from whom light shines–intelligence, joy, kindness, promise. I saw her last week, and she is living in abject fear. She is in the process of becoming a citizen, but she is not there yet. Her country is not on “the list,” but tomorrow, it could be. She fears being thrown out, her very hard work in college all for nothing. She fears being grabbed and abused by all the white dudes who give her dirty looks and pump their fists in the air over Trump. Her family has warned her not to go out after dark. She is living the nightmare the American dream has morphed into.

  20. SM says:

    Bannon is devious, trump is dumb, but her…. my dear God, she deserves a special place in hell. Sorry, alternative heaven. She is the perfect example of someone who will sell her own mother and her owm child for some power

    • Lisa says:

      I agree. How can she call herself a practicing Catholic and lie through her teeth every day? Maybe the Pope should call her out. Her lies are so out of control it’s sickening but the fact that millions believe what she spews is terrifying. Wake up people!!!!

    • Esmom says:

      Lol at “alt heaven.” Perfect, since she is an alt human after all (credit to a CB poster the other day).

  21. Tiffany27 says:

    That pic of Bannon and Conway us giving me “gatekeepers of hell” teas.

  22. IlsaLund says:

    Conways purpose is to make the talk show rounds spewing out lies, made up shit and misquotes to deliberately gaslight and confuse everyone. It’s done intentionally knowing that “a lie eventually becomes the truth if said often enough.” Once that bullshit is out there, it takes on a life of its own, living and being reinvented and retold. Trump supporters will believe it as the gospel truth and no amount of facts and truth will dissuade them otherwise.

  23. Eric says:

    Steve Banal has the nose color of a serious drinker. I mean, it’s Breit Red. It reminds me of a 1930s drunk clown cartoon.
    Maybe KellyAnne Conjob’s alt history is supposed to cover up the actual fact that there has been an easing of Russian sanctions to allow business practices to resume there. Of course, Sean SS Spicer gave the alternate fact at the presser that this wasn’t the case.
    6 more weeks of winter and 4 more years of hell.

    • susanne says:

      Love your post. Breit red. Heh.

    • swak says:

      @Eric, read an article that stated that our rep to the UN said that sanctions were not being lifted and wondered when she would be fired. Hard to tell what are lies and what is truth. Although lately I’m not believing much coming out of this administrations’ mouths.

    • Greeneyes says:

      Steve Bannon = A dangerous W.C. Fields

  24. Bunny says:

    The tweets are funny but my god, what an absolute dipshit she is.

  25. SusanneToo says:

    And, in other news, we now have the first female deputy CIA director. A female linked to torture, of course.

  26. Lilac says:

    the tweets are hilarious!

    she’s so disgusting..

  27. Malificent says:


  28. MellyMel says:

    You honestly can’t make this shit up. I swear we’re living in the upside down with these alternative facts and alt-history lessons. Like what kind of fresh hell is she even talking about? And why do he and his ilk continue to just blatantly lie like this? What purpose does it serve? Especially when you get called out every time!

    • Maria says:

      because their supporters believe it, keep commenting these lies to other people, do not believe the correct version of the events because it has been sprouted by the enemy, the liberal press – and soon among that crowd all these lies will become a cemented truth.
      And so it begins……

    • Lisa says:

      Maybe because his idiot cult-followers can’t think for themselves and believe everything their Orange Leader and his cronies say. I bet most of them are proud non-readers as well as non- thinkers too.

  29. Sofia says:

    Jesus …. She actually went on TV and made up a massacre that never happend? OMG! I am following those news from USA and … and … I am speechless! How on earth she still has a job after this?
    All this mess that is happening last weeks in USA made one thing for me – I started to appreciate politicians in my country, and I F-ing can’t believe I wrote this, but it is true!

    This is so wrong, I can’t believe that Trump and his people in WH still have any kind of support from people.
    Is there an option of new election in USA? Like an early elections due to the fall of government? Or are the rules different?

    • SusanneToo says:

      “How on earth she still has a job after this?”

      She still has a job because her boss lies every time his anus shaped mouth is open. Every time he tweets. Every breath he takes. Every person around him lies or they don’t stay around.

    • B n A fn says:

      Don’t forget DT saw thousands of Muslims dancing in New Jersey, on 9/11, celebrating the bringing down the at the World Trade Center buildings. Whenever DT and his band of lying racists con artists mouth are moving they are lying.

      • swak says:

        On FB last night a false story about Muslim’s shouting “Death to Ameicans” in Chicago yesterday. It’s so, so scary thinking about the outcome of all these false stories.

      • Esmom says:

        Yes, that 9/11 lie has been brewing for ages. A new one that I’m hearing now is that all the progressive protesters are being paid by George Soros, lol.

        Twitter has been pretty funny about it, as usual, like “sign me up, I could use the cash.”

  30. jj says:

    She is despicable! Alternative facts are lies, which is disturbing since it is coming from the White House. It is so blatant, how stupid do they think we are? How can we believe anything that comes from the White House anymore?

  31. Rapunzel says:

    Since this administration likes alternative history, can we all just say Hillary won and make her President?

  32. Clumsyme says:

    I live in Bowling Green, KY so I guess I survived. 😂 Honestly though it’s scary as hell that this woman has a platform from which to spew her nasty lies and they go unchecked. #isurvived

  33. swak says:

    I posted this on my facebook page waiting to see if any of the pro-Trumpers comment on it. Even when smacked in the face with the truth they still don’t believe that what was said is a lie. Call them out every time and anytime I state a truth they never respond back because they don’t want to admit that they are following Trump blindly and can’t/won’t accept he is anything but our Savior.

  34. I'mScaredAsHell says:

    Can someone please verify this for me with actual links: that orange bastard was asleep when the Seals carried out the Yemen mission? Did he really put those guys in harms way and then he slept through it? Is that for real?

  35. lizzie says:

    her face is a massacre. woof. i don’t feel bad snarking on her appearance because it is cleary a manifestation of her rotten soul. she’s the worst.

  36. Kris says:

    This would be too funny if it wasn’t actually happening. The worst thing is that next week, they will simply deny it ever happened. Alternative facts, FAKE NEWS, you know?

  37. robyn says:

    I am SO proud when ordinary people rise up with true facts to combat Kellyanne and other Trump propagandists who are trying to reshape history and reality. Applause for the common folk who take the time to research what is being said.

  38. Lisa says:

    Alternative facts, alternative reality, hey how about calling it for what it is, plain and simple lies from the mouths of chronic, habitual and pathological liars: Donald Trump and Kellyanne Conway. I am over the way it is being padded as “falsehood” or “alternative facts” by anyone, the media or the guilty themselves.

  39. Marcy says:

    KellyannAltFactsStupidAsFuk tried to do a oopsies on Twitter saying she made a mistake ok whatever dimwit but you don’t give the same to anyone else you deserve to be roasted because you’re creating fake scenarios to cause hysteria, and make people go out and attach the innocent due to religion they just want to bring back the inquisition in the name of their religion. I’m Christian to but my God does not inhuman or corrupt, nor does he lie or blameshit to eradicate others I have friends of every religion even freaky ones but we all have one thing in common compassion, kindness, and empathy ok thats 3 thats more than any of these clowns have. Put them all on a island one with a volcano with their alt-history and facts they don’t even deserve to be anywhere near our constitution. And Cheetoloonie still has ignored Quebec but dares to put Paris in his mouth with the Louvre over a knife carrier so lame. He’s ignorant as is all who works for him or with him.

  40. lucy2 says:

    “I don’t understand why the news shows keep booking her or why anyone cares about what she says”
    Because every time she’s on she says something batshit crazy and lies, and then the clips circulate, and the news organization makes money on every click.
    But I agree with others who posted that the media needs to stop that, and stop giving her a platform to spew this nonsense.

    Those tweets are fantastic. Is everyone following the Rogus Potus Staffer account too? Very interesting.

  41. gwen says:

    This woman is a VAMPIRE !!!!

    • Shambles says:

      No, that’s insulting to vampires.

      Vampires don’t age, are superhuman in their beauty, and sparkle in the sunlight.

      The only one of those that applies to KellyAnne is that she sparkles in the light, but only because lying makes you sweat.

  42. Sue E. Generis says:

    Heard something today regarding DT that I’m stealing and applying to these two.

    We need to demand their birth certificates to verify that they were BORN not SUMMONED.

  43. Monsi says:

    In my country Chile there are big earthquakes (over 7 Richter) almost every year and with it usually come tsunamis. A few years ago, someone in the middle of an uneventful summer night heard that a tsunami was coming, and almost an entire city Talcahuano evacuated… There were cases that people gave their babies to complete strangers, so they could save them.. .. Case in point.. There was no tsunami… Someone made a joke and everybody panic… Even when the authority confrmed it was a false alarm, people refused to come back to the homes and instead stay for days in the hills of the city to stay safe from the false tsunami…. An entire city fell into collective state paranoia… Just because someone made a joke…. And I think something similar is happening to some trumpsters… They believe so blindly what breitbart, Fox news, and others said, that Mexicans are criminals, that Muslims are terrorist, that the country is in a calamitous state…. That they just can’t see or don’t want to see what’s in front of their eyes, that the US is heading to a a fascist autocracy….

    • isabelle says:

      A lot of them have been lifelong racists and these so called news sources just gives them justification. Their racism has been prevalent for years but Trump is one the first candidates to openly accept them.

    • Ana says:

      Pffff if you’re really Chilean then you should know people didn’t trust authorities in that situation because in 2010 they failed to alert the tsunami in time and many died. So you’re really comparing things that have nothing to do with each other.

      That being said, I agree that people are falling easily in Trump’s campaign of terror but that’s also the media’s fault (not just Fox News), for years they’ve been talking about threats from immigrants and refugees and now they’re playing coy.

  44. me says:

    Oh America, you have become one big fat joke. I feel sorry for all the sensible and intelligent Americans who have Trump and this moron representing their country.

    • IlsaLund says:

      The US is now the laughing stock of the world. President Obama spent 8 long years trying to restore US standing in the world after the Bush & Cheney shitshow. We may never recover after this fiasco is over,

    • isabelle says:

      Its not like this is the first time we have been a joke, honestly that is all I wish we were to the world. This time people should be afraid even our allies. Trump is literally a ticking bomb, off of his rocker and dangerous. Bush for all of bad foreign wars moves wasn’t a threat to our ALLIES. So laughing maybe isn’t the best response from the world right now. Unfortunately he may act like an as* but he is dangerous and thing skinned. A very bad combination. Our tears and anger hasn’t removed him from office or stopped his actions. It has made him worse really. Taking him lightly as a bad joke won’t help the horrible impact he is about to have on the world. It emboldens him.

    • teacakes says:

      I really do feel bad for the sane people of America who are living through this unfolding nightmare of corruption and lies.

      I thought Bush and Cheney were bad but jfc I wasn’t afraid they’d start WWIII! I am legit scared of that now.

  45. JRenee says:

    Thankfully we have diligent fact checkers who are responding in real time . I too can accept this is done to confuse snd distract. Stay diligent good people!

  46. brooksie says:

    I am not one to condone violence or judge someone by their looks, but she has a really, really, really punchable face.

  47. Sunshine says:

    My initial response to this was to laugh because it is just so ridiculous, but then you stop and think and realise……the way they play fast and loose with facts with no conscience and their blatent, aggressive attacks on the free press…….truly frightening.

  48. Browniecakes says:

    I am reminded of Billy Carter. At least Billy didn’t have a title.

  49. Jayna says:

    I love it when they bash the media and the previous administration with their alternative facts and make fools of themselves over and over.

    These two tweets were my favorites.

    Natasha Rothwell ✔ @natasharothwell
    Saddened and sickened by Frederick Douglass’ silence surrounding the Bowling Green Massacre.

    Jim Osborne ‏@ozzy4873 14h14 hours ago
    I was a student at BGSU when the Bowling Green Massacre didn’t happen. I’ll never be able to not forget what I didn’t see that day.🙏

  50. Jayna says:

    I predict Kellyanne’s marriage will not survive her job with Trump.

    Also, she’s aging by the minute, and it’s only been two weeks.. She’s probably working 24/7. And it’s only going to get worse.

    • Dinah says:

      Her husband is having an affair with a survivor of the Bowling Green Massacre. I hear she’s Muslim.

  51. Grey says:

    I am usually one of the people who thinks that every single human has something beautiful about them. However, when I see pictures of Trump, Bannon, Conway, Kushner, etc., I am almost physically repulsed at the ugliness of who they are. I guess it is true that what is on the inside affects how you look to others. I am struggling with this because I don’t like being that way. Arg.

  52. Mary says:

    The great bowling green massacre? Those Alternate Facts again.

  53. Sam H x says:

    I guess Kelly is paying the price of selling her soul to the devil and it is showing on her face. Thankgod for those who are calling her out by fact checking her. She really is embarrassing herself over and over again. But she can’t get away with the sh*t she says. Thanks to the age of social media.

    Is it me or does it like Steve Bannon is staring into your soul in that picture? *shudders*

    Sounds like Bannon had a handle on the badly executed raid in Yemen hence the absence of Twitler. I’m glad the Pentagon isn’t taking the fall. I hope they stick to their guns.

    All of them (Trump, Bannon, Conway, Kushner, Ivanka, Miller, Ryan, Pence and more) have the blood of the innocent civilians and the marine whose lives shouldn’t have been cut that short because they didn’t do the leg work prior to the raid as they have a political agenda to fulfil. Shameful and simply unforgivable.

    • Dinah says:

      I am hoping and praying we, ordinary civilian Americans, won’t have our blood spilled all over US soil. Unfortunately, it seems to certainly be heading that way.

  54. virginfangirl2 says:

    I will continue to force myself to comment on every disgusting lie from the Trump administration so I never stop being completely appalled at their behaviors. I won’t allow myself to be worn down.

  55. Whit says:

    Girl needs to check her facts. I’m ashamed to call myself an American under this presidency. Its absolutely disgraceful. Never have I ever been so mad as i am about the Muslim ban. Donald trump is the 21st century Hitler. Look. We still can’t do anything about it. How effed up is that

    • robyn says:

      Lies, lies and more lies. It’s been going on for years upending knowledge-based facts to arrive at an alternate universe where a corrupt p*ssygrabbing conman like Trump can be admired by sections of the population. Yesterday a handful of white women admirers, reminding me of Kellyanne, were interviewed on CNN. They called factual true information about what Trump says or has done “negative” information by a hostile press. When told the countries on the ban list are not responsible for the homegrown terrorism that occurred, they don’t care because they are scared. When they are told why a tall billion-dollar wall won’t stop the immigration challenge they refuse to believe the facts. These women hope and pray Trump upsets the apple cart. They have a Stepford Wives glaze in their eyes. It’s a cult.

      • nicole says:

        Robyn, I watched that too, these women are brainwashed, there is something wrong with them that they cannot see the truth, it is unbeleivable that they think we are the ones that our in the wrong.

  56. Ana says:

    This woman is an embarrasment, and so is the journalist interviewing her that let all her lies pass without even questioning her about imagined massacres.

  57. Deeanna says:

    It is time for news broadcasters to employ Fact Checkers during the appearance of guests.

    I expect to see more of these types of “mis-speaks” from Conway. The poor thing has to be under superhuman pressure what with having to deal with Trump, Bannon, ivanka and husband, and all the other various trumpsters. It is obvious just from looking at her face that she is under a whole lot of stress – and those awful looking chewed down fingernails don’t lie!

  58. ann says:

    Somebody needs to make another Terminator movie and go back in time and waste D.T’s family born before him.

  59. Dinah says:

    Four words: White House Piss Testing. Then two words: Mysteries Solved.

  60. neil says:

    I foresee a comedy Renaissance these next four years.

  61. Elisa the I. says:

    Have you seen this page:

    There is a competition going on by Late Night Shows from European countries (similar to the Eurovision Song Contest), which country should be second after the US. The Netherlands started it. It’s hilarious, the videos so far are pure gold.

  62. robyn says:

    Here’s how you chip away at the truth: You call a bonafide judge a “so-called judge”. So-called president Trump does this constantly to demean institutions we rely on when they tell the truth about him or his policies.

  63. lightpurple says:

    Ban lifted. State & Homeland Security are complying with the court orders, despite the Orange Monstrosity’s ridiculous, unconstitutional tweets this morning.