Gwyneth Paltrow recently did an 8-day, goat-milk-only cleanse, ugh

Tom Ford Autumn/Winter 2015 Womenswear Collection Presentation - Red Carpet Arrivals

Gwyneth Paltrow wants you to look at her Tracy Anderson-toned body on the new issue of Women’s Health Magazine. Remember when Gwyneth was a lot younger and she would, like, only appear on the cover of Vogue, Vanity Fair and maybe (if she was slumming!) Harper’s Bazaar? But that’s not the current incarnation of Gwyneth. The current Goop is all about lifestyle shilling. She wants to sell you a diet, an exercise program, Goop-branded clothes, beauty supplies, perfume, and jade eggs to stick in your hoo-haw. This interview took place as Gwyneth was – I sh-t you not – “coming off an eight-day, goat-milk-only cleanse.” Seriously! It’s difficult to parody Gwyneth when her interviews already seem like a parody. Anyway, here are some highlights from the Women’s Health interview:

Trying new things & recommending some crazy sh-t to rich women: “They’re not without judgment. When you’re at the forefront of something that’s new, people can get really reactive: ‘This is crazy! Why are you doing this?’ Then, five years later, everyone’s fine with it. So I have a bit of pattern recognition in hand at this point—which is helpful. Also, when someone doesn’t like something you do, or doesn’t share your interest in something, that doesn’t have anything to do with you. One of the best things someone ever said to me was that the only time criticism hurts is if you have a judgment about yourself about that very thing. If someone’s like, ‘You d-ck, you have red hair!’ and you’ve got brown hair, it doesn’t bother you. It’s a blessing to be liberated from the chains of other people’s perceptions of you. It’s part of wellness, working at that. I’ve gotten to a point where I like myself. I do my best as a person. I also have nothing to hide.

She’s offering Goop-branded supplements: “I think women in modern society don’t feel very well. The number one thing women say is “I’m exhausted and I don’t know why!” I want to get to the bottom of why that is. The supplements were born out of that impulse: I want to feel well, I want my friends to feel well, I want my readers to feel well. I’ve always experimented with supplements. And I believe the combination of toxic load, the modern environment, and nutritional deficiency makes our bodies more vulnerable to breaking down. “There are so many options for vitamins out there. Which ones work? How much should you take? Are they going to interact with each other? It’s almost impossible to navigate,” Gwyneth says. With her new Goop Wellness supplement packs, “we wanted to take the work out of it for you.”

Her diet: “For me, it’s a combination of what I’m eating and what I’m taking. I have a pretty healthy diet, so when I’m eating processed foods and not watching my alcohol intake, I feel it. But at the same time, you want deliciousness, you want a fun life—pleasure! You’re going to have a baguette-and-cheese-and-red-wine frenzy sometimes—but you want it to be a choice you’re awake to: “I know this might not make me feel great, but today I’m choosing it anyway.”

Working out: “I like feeling good, and I know I feel my best when I exercise. But it depends on the day—I definitely don’t always feel like doing it. I’ve made it a habit, just like brushing your teeth. That’s how you have to look at it. I’ve been a Tracy Anderson fanatic for over a decade, I’m an investor in her company, so yeah, I go every morning. I drop the kids at school, work out, go to work. I’ve been supplementing it a bit with lifting heavier weights lately, to deal with some lower-back-pain issues. You can’t bottle a great workout.

[From Women’s Health]

There’s a lot of other stuff in there, but like everything involving Gwyneth these days, she throws a lot of bulls–t around like she’s an expert and she’s really not. I mean, I get it. When she’s throwing around bad science from a ghost-whispering faux-nutritionist, she can say “I’m just providing an alternative view, I never claimed this was the definitive answer!” The thing is, she actually does believe a large chunk of the BS she spills. What has ended up giving us is a window into Gwyneth’s privileged and neurotic life, where she can fake-doctor-shop until she finds a shaman or healer who agrees with whatever she thinks is wrong with her. She’s a rich hypochondriac who makes herself genuinely sick with all of her fad dieting and bad science. Perhaps that’s a potential Goop post? “Why do I feel tired all the time? Is it because I’ve spent the last 25 years on a series of fad diets, and I follow whatever the faux-shaman tells me this month?” No, that would be too self-aware for Our Lady of Goop.

Gwyneth Paltrow Attends Smartwatch Launch Event In NYC

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet, cover courtesy of Women’s Health.

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84 Responses to “Gwyneth Paltrow recently did an 8-day, goat-milk-only cleanse, ugh”

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  1. Oliphant says:

    She’s a loon but she looks great there

    • Sullivan says:

      Lately, she’s looked the best she’s ever looked. When it comes to her health and beauty advice I’m indifferent.

    • annaloo. says:

      Photoshop is a powerful weapon against aging

      • nem says:

        she should give the name of her new dermatologist and plastic surgeon…maybe?
        they do know their work.

    • Pandy says:

      We’d all look great if we exercised for a few hours and lived on goat milk for 8 days. Disordered eating. What a fraud she is.

    • Lex says:

      Omg lol! I went to her IMDB to see if she still works as an actress and the first line of description reads:

      A tall, wafer thin, delicate beauty, Gwyneth Kate Paltrow was born in Los Angeles

      LOL! Did she write that herself?!!??

      • Cathy says:

        Hahahahaha, hilarious. I can also say in all honesty that when I was her age (44) my abs looked better, in real life, and without photoshop. What a charlatan.

  2. ctgirl says:

    She is just too exhausting and crazy.

    • JudyK says:


    • AnnaKist says:

      Crazy and exhausting Be-eh-eh. Be-eh-eh. Be-eh-eh-eh!

    • tracking says:

      Yes, can you imagine keeping a straight face while talking to her about this sh*t? It’s amazing to me that any potential partners find any of this stuff appealing.

      • Izzy says:

        Honestly, no, I would give myself a concussion from all the eye-rolling I’d do before I just turned around and walked away.

  3. Sam says:

    I’m trying to think of someone in the industry who is even remotely similar to Goopy and I just can’t. That’s how far out there she is. Like folks in the industry are typically out of touch with everything and then there’s Goop in her own damn category.

    Also how ironic that at the bottom of the cover they talk about how to spot fake health news.

    • Tata says:

      I think of goop as the original Shailene, who did a talk on letterman about a parasite cleanse, taking some kind of clay, fasting, only eating organic foods that she cooked and never craft services for fear of contamination, unhealthiness.

      They both look beautiful but there is some serious health anxiety over “toxins” and “parasites” going on here for sure. Gwyneth’s weird past macrobiotic diet gave her osteopenia, why would I trust her?? I am sorry they are dealing with that.

  4. ell says:

    i think it’s depressing that she’s so privileged and so rich, and all she can talk about is vacuous shit. there was a time in which i used to find her funny, not in the witty way obvs, just in the mariah carey way. but now she just comes across as stupid to me, which is nagl.

    • Esmom says:

      I don’t know. She is far from the only rich and privileged person to talk about vacuous sh^t, inside and outside of Hollywood.

  5. Whyme says:

    I don’t follow goop but damn I also don’t look like that lol

    Seriously, she looks amazing. Yeah, yeah, I know she has the money, time and means but so do a lot of people but she looks great. Just wish she would stop with the sticking stuff up your vagina. Don’t spread stuff that can injure people. And the health magazine that was interviewing her should have scolded her for that. Hello?! SMH.

    • Tata says:

      I agree. The health magazine should definitely not sanction goat milk cleansing. That is not science based at all.

      Also, if you see her in real life, you see how much photoshop is at work :/

      But anyway, Her special weird history of diets has made her bones weak and brittle. Mean but true. I have seen osteopenia and osteoporosis in women and it is not fun. It hits everyone at different times so goop might get lucky, but her bones were already bad in her late 20s, early 30s so I am not sure.

      I will say this: her hair extensions look nice.

      • Tinkerbell says:

        Doesn’t her mom do osteoporosis commercials? Maybe she has genetic bone problems?

      • annaloo. says:

        I second this. No amount of new age goop advice is going to stand in for regular visits with your doctor for blood checks, pap smear, etc. Gwyneth’s foray into health advice will probably stop the second a lawsuit gets slapped against her for someone who should have been treated for anemia or lupus or other serious conditions that require medical knowledge to find, not Hollywood quackery shilled to make a buck.

      • Tata says:

        @tinkerbell, Yes, the research shows that bone health can be genetic influenced just like like teeth health, but I also know that macrobiotic diets have been proven to decrease bone density.

        So I am willing to say that she was already predisposed to have weaker bones AND that her crazy cleanses and macrobiotic diet in her 20s and 30s also likely worsened the problem.

        Yes you can maybe be vegan or macrobiotic and get enough calcium and vitamin D but you have to be knowledgeable that those diets can be deficient in these nutrients beforehand, and then remain extremely vigilant about detecting deficiencies and supplementation.

        And btw supplements are by and large not safe, there are a lot of fakes from everywhere, they are not regulated anywhere but Germany. So there is that too. I just eat oily fish and yogurt, presto most bases covered.

        i think we can both be right 🙂

      • anon33 says:

        Re: her osteopenia: she admitted that whatever she had done had caused her osteopenia in an interview a few years ago. That came straight from her, not the author of the article.

    • crogirl says:

      According to Lainey the person who interviewed her said that Goop is her current boss. That’s why there’s no shade.

  6. Tris says:

    Hmmm, cheese and baguettes and wine don’t make me feel bad. They make me feel good. She is weird.

    • GingerCrunch says:

      Yeah, that’s a pretty pretentious cheat.

      • Ankhel says:

        It’s not even bad, in moderation. Some cheese would actually help her bones. But, you know she probably frets and works out all morning, office or not, if she’s had a bit of cheese and half a bottle of red the night before.

        Like a normal person on a Friday, I’ll be off to buy chocolate soon. So worth it!

  7. Megan says:

    She sounds like she has an eating disorder. Binging followed by bizarre fad dieting.

    • LAK says:

      A fews years ago, out of curiosity i looked at her cleanse regime which she recommended for a fortnight twice a year. It was essentially a starvation diet. Lots of water and thin soupy gruels with very little nutritions in them and one daily chicken or fish dinner with no trimmings or veggies. And lots of working out. How she didn’t damage her body is a mystery if she was following her own recommendations.

    • Ankhel says:

      I’ve gradually began to think she has an eating disorder too.

      It’s one thing to realize you’ve been living unhealthily and could use a diet. Here is a person who eats very clean and works out for 1,5-2 hours every day. She never seems to gain more than the slightest bit. And yet, she goes on starvation diets regularly – diets which must hurt her body and her metabolism. She’s already been ill from malnutrition in the past, but can’t stop with the diets.

      What kind of example is she making for her kids? And why are those magazines putting her out there as some kind of ideal?

    • detritus says:

      She’s orthorexic or verging on. And possible addicted to exercise. Mostly though, shes a twit with too much money.

      • Alix says:

        I think she has something akin to body dysmorphic disorder, in that she seems convinced that her inner body is toxic/filthy and in need of near-constant cleansing.

    • Arpeggi says:

      Not ingesting anything but goat milk for a week is pretty much having an eating disorder and finding a way to hide it: she’s starving herself. Also, no need for supplements if you eat an actual balanced diet… But then, there would be nothing to sell :/

    • Olga says:

      Agree. Also, baguette-cheese-redwine WILL make me feel great, can’t imagine how all of these products can make you feel unwell (unless you have some kind of allergy).

  8. LAK says:

    So she smelt like a goatherd for 8 days!! The poor people who had to interact with her!!!

  9. Mia4S says:

    So this desperate search for attention and affirmation from the public is because no one wants her in movies anymore, right? I mean, she’s not really an actress anymore. No one has cared for years unless she is RDJ’s onscreen girlfriend. Here Goop, I clicked on a story about very you. Here is a pat on the head, I hope it helps you sleep tonight.

  10. msw says:

    What a bizarre way to feel like you’re in total control of your life.

  11. Rose says:

    This woman’s disordered eating needs to stop get publicity! Seriously, this is not healthy or normal.

  12. slowsnow says:

    Couldn’t have said it better:

    “What has ended up giving us is a window into Gwyneth’s privileged and neurotic life, where she can fake-doctor-shop until she finds a shaman or healer who agrees with whatever she thinks is wrong with her. She’s a rich hypochondriac who makes herself genuinely sick with all of her fad dieting and bad science”.

    And I couldn’t care less if she didn’t have an impact. That cover is photoshopped to hell and back. Like someone said above, with all the money and TIME she has, this is the stupid shit she decides to put out there.

    • loveotterly says:

      That is so accurate. Something I’ve often thought but wasn’t able to articulate or quite put my finger on.

  13. minx says:

    She’s an idiot.

  14. QueenB says:

    She must have been a snake oil saleswoman in a former life. The criticism about her products is absolutely valid.

  15. loveotterly says:

    Nothing but goat milk for a week… actually that sounds like it would really slim me down. Nothing but diarrhea every day LOL

    • Esmom says:

      Exactly, lol. I shudder to think about it.

      But I gotta say, I’ve never been a Goop hater. I don’t read her blog or buy her stuff but just reading about her doesn’t make me think she’s any worse then most celebs. As for this interview, she says some fairly normal things interspersed with the shilling of her stuff. She seems pretty much like a lot of women trying and often failing at being healthy.

      And I think she looks really great on the cover.

      • loveotterly says:

        I don’t think she is a bad person, I like her as an actress. I do think she has an eating disorder which she masks as being “healthy” which, to each their own I guess, but it is dangerous to be spreading these odd fads to her fans who eat up every word.

  16. Haha says:

    Bloody idiot.

  17. Adrien says:

    I know someone who rips her into pieces on the internet but secretly follow her fitness plan. I found out when her young daughter accidentaly divulged her mom’s Tracy cds and supermarket purchases on instagram and I thought those items looked really familiar. Haha, sensible dieting and exercising my ass.
    As for Gwynnie’s 8 day goat milk cleanse, you can achieve the same results using body builder’s protein milk. Much cheaper and accessible. Terrible on the kidneys too.

    • slowsnow says:

      That’s what’s really dangerous about people like Goop. She plays on our insecurities – even here on this site we are praising an obviously photoshopped image and an obvious hyponcondriac (latent if not worse ED).

  18. QQ says:

    All her friendds and her maybe feel tired cause they are never allowed to have full meals or not go see their Bulimia Jaw Crazy Trainer, who tells em that they look abominable without their clothes on etc etc.. That’s make me feel like cooked sh!t all day too, It must f*cking suck to be that old and rich and seemingly having everything in place and be so goddamned thirsty and insecure and self obsessed with one’s outer layer.. honestly.. I’m not even being shady, I mean it

    • Granger says:

      Took the words right out of my mouth. Not only must it suck to be so absorbed in your physical appearance, but it must also be EXHAUSTING. You don’t need vitamins, Gwynnie, you need to spend some time on your intellectual development. Read a good novel, take an online class. Better yet, volunteer in a soup kitchen and focus on people who have real issues that will make you wonder why you ever worried about how you look in a bikini.

  19. molly says:

    Will she just feck off with all her advice. Just because her acting is drying up, she has to punish us with her healthy living lifestyle bullshit.

  20. Zuzus Girl says:

    “women in modern society don’t feel very well. The number one thing women say is “I’m exhausted and I don’t know why!” I can get to the bottom of why that is you pretentious brittle boned unicorn, it’s because modern women are working their asses off overtime at 3/4 of the pay to take care of their families without nannies, nutritionists, shamans and trainers at their beck and call. They don’t need you to make them feel even worse with dangerous fad diets. And for gods sake, stop claiming you invented things that have been around for hundreds of years. You look amazing in that photoshopped body suit though.

    • Boston Green Eyes says:

      ^ This! I was about to write something similar. And I feel really bad for women who love this schmucksa and follow her every word. These fad diets are sooooo bad for you. And once your body gets used to living off of starvation fare, well, it’s really really hard going back to eating even a little less than normal caloric daily intake. Take it from me. I used to starve myself as a teen and once I became an adult it became pretty hard to lose weight when I cut back and exercised. Once the body goes through starvation mode, it never ever forgets and tries to keep weight on, no matter what.

    • Shark Bait says:

      I was feeling exhausted and waking up with joint pain every day. So I went to my doctor and they said oh it’s just exercise. Not buying it I got a second opinion and was recently diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis. That on top of a busy schedule and already having psoriasis flare ups was making me exhausted.
      But let’s imagine I said eff doctors, let me just take some supplements created by renowned medical expert Gwyneth Paltrow.
      I don’t hate Goop because I don’t think she is malicious, but she is woefully out of touch. That’s why I don’t mind when celebs talk politics but I want them to stfu about lifestyle topics like these.

  21. Elysium1973 says:

    When I used to work in movies, back in the late 90’s, I worked with her mom, Blythe Danner on a project. She was one of the most delightful, down to earth people I dealt with during my short lived film career. It was kind of a running joke on set that she would forget she was wearing her costume and just take off while still wearing it – driving the hair and makeup folks nuts – and the PA’s (including me) would be tasked with locating Blythe and her costume. But she was always super nice about it and was kind to everyone on set (unlike other dicks on that project who were absolute nightmares to work with). To this day I can’t stomach looking at Neil Patrick Harris or William Hurt (and NPH was a complete nobody at that time.) He was loathsome.

    • emilybyrd says:

      thanks for that comment about NPH, @Elysium1973! really helps to confirm something i’ve felt about him for a while. i think i’m in the minority when it comes to picking up a strong asshole vibe off of NPH–which i first got when i watched him as a guest judge on an episode of Top Chef Masters. i used to be a fan of his, but after that episode, no more. he came off as self-important, a little petulant, and unkind. his husband, david, though (also on that episode), seemed like a genuinely nice person.

      • Zuzus Girl says:

        No. You all aren’t alone on the nasty NPH vibe. I can’t for the life of me understand his popularity. His talent is vastly over rated. In interviews he comes off as snide, petty, arrogant and down right obnoxious. Petulant is the perfect description emilybyrd. I turn the channel every time I see his smug face.

  22. jerkface says:

    I love baby goats. Thats all I can add to this foolery. LOL

  23. Montenegro says:

    I once dated a man who was a Doctor shopper, always looking for that ‘miracle’ for pain, weight loss, you name it.
    It was the most frustrating, EXHAUSTIVE relationship ever!
    And I’m an RN who tried to offer real, fact based information. Nope.
    He enjoyed the craziness….

  24. Heat says:

    Ah yes, the baguette-and-cheese-and-red-wine frenzy! Oh how I rue those days!!! Rue them, I tell you.

  25. Desi says:

    “It’s a blessing to be liberated from the chains of other people’s perceptions of you.”

    Would that that were true, perhaps we might be spared a few of these Sermons from Mount Paltrow. Her obvious and desperate insecurity-wrapped-in-pretentiousness shtick actually inspires my pity. Occasionally.

    Setting aside for the moment the very real possibility that women in Paltrow’s life are tired because they’re sick of her constantly trying to sell them cooch balls and $900 toilet paper, many women are tired because they’re TIRED.

    The rest of us struggle every day with actual problems and a mere fraction of her resources and support system. Granted, we’re not juggling Gwyneth Pal-toinette levels of existential stress, like complicated schedules of avocado picking, celebrity chef cooking lessons, whipping up $80 sandwiches and stocking up on locally-sourced, gluten-free, organic, cruelty free moon juice, all the while STILL finding time to Stanley Steemer our nethers, science-ing the consciousness of water molecules, and pretending to be on welfare.

    Yeah, you go get right to the bottom of it, Paltrow.

    Oh, and yes, she looks great, absolutely. But those “abs” are very clearly not all her own.

  26. Lisa says:

    Uh, if she lives a ‘clean’ and perfect life, what is she detoxing from? What a dolt.

  27. Heather says:

    She looks amazing! It is tough for me, because I really want to look like that. I just love food and wine too much. Do any of you ladies struggle with reading about cleanses, wanting to do them, but just not having it in you to actually go through with it? I mean, I have a job that’s demanding and I need to be able to use my brain. When you’re starving you can’t think clearly. So, I love Gwyneth, admire her, wish I had the time to look like her… that makes me a little envious. I WISH sometimes that I didn’t have a job and that I could devote my days to doing what I want. Working out for 2 hours in the morning just isn’t going to happen for me.

    • anon33 says:

      No. Because bodies don’t need cleanses. It’s starvation, and I’m not envious of that in the slightest.

    • graymatters says:

      I rarely manage to stay on any sort of a diet past lunch.

      I did try the 5/2 thing once (I lasted 3 days), and on a fast day ingested nothing but veggie juice. It made me light-headed. I think the slow, boring, common-sense approach to nutrition and weight management is probably the best. It allows for the occasional splurge. Avoidance of mirrors and scales is also helpful.

  28. Tough Cookie says:

    If someone’s like, ‘You d-ck, you have red hair!’ and you’ve got brown hair, it doesn’t bother you.


    So many gems in this piece but this one stands out. No one has ever called me a d-ck while getting my hair color wrong. I feel cheated.

    I almost didn’t click on the story because goop is so annoying but now I have to go back and read it again just because it is so funny

    • Dolkite says:

      I think what she was trying to say was that someone can’t hurt you by pointing out something about you that you’re already okay with, though she said it in a really confusing way.

      I thought the red hair example was funny because you’d think the number-one thing most women would be scared of is something pointing out some part of them was fat, but Gwyneth certainly isn’t about to tell anyone to accept being overweight.

      • hunter says:

        I think she’s trying to say someone can’t hurt you by pointing out something which you know is not true.

        Hence the red hair/brown hair comment.

        If someone insults my mother by calling her a hooker, that would be laughably ridiculous and bother me zero because they clearly know nothing about my traditional-values mother.

    • Madailein says:

      I think she is trying (in vain) to state that no one who judges or criticizes her is the least bit accurate; they are accusing of her of things which aren’t even true, so why should she let their delusions about her bother her? LOL: in other words, the mere thought of personal critique sends her into defense mode, she is PERFECT, and anyone who implies otherwise is deranged.(And jealous, and stupid, and petty and coarse—oh, and of course, overweight!)

  29. HK9 says:

    Goat milk cleanse??!!?? What they heck does she think she’s harboring in her innards to do this? Girl, just have some green tea and go for a nap like the rest of us.

  30. Ash says:

    sexy easy hair, no frizz no fuss ==== white code for ethnic kinky, crazy defiant high maintenance hair NEED NOT APPLY NOR LOOK THIS WAY…ugh

    white coded words in magazines and media since dawn of time :L

  31. DENG says:

    Dang, her hair is awesome, ain’t it? Living Proof I reckon.

  32. Anilehcim says:

    I just don’t understand how she ever got a reputation for being some kind of expert on good health. When I look at her, I see nothing that I’m interested in aspiring to. She doesn’t look particularly fit or healthy, she isn’t aging any better than any other woman her age who lives an average lifestyle. I can’t wrap my head around anyone looking at this woman and thinking, “wow! I want some of what you’re having!” She’s so average, and her preachy personality is insufferable.

  33. Froyo says:

    She’s the poster loon for disordered eating.

  34. Stella Alpina says:

    She’s a sucker for every snake oil product wrapped up in an expensive, elitist box.

  35. stephka says:

    Shut up, Gwyneth.

    Also, it’s hilarious that every time she’s interviewed now one of the questions (if not the very first) is some variation on: Why do you think you irritate people so much?

  36. Juluho says:

    My guess is the goat milk isn’t pasteurized either, so she’s shilling another potientially fatal diet. Listeria is a real threat.
    Also, I side eye the idea that she lifts heavy, she has no muscle tone. Lifting heavy is a great way to stay in shape, lose weight, and protect your bones but you know, you actually build muscle doing it.

  37. rebellia says:

    This loon actually advocates raw goats milk to kill parasites? Y’all there is a name for what she has and it is not a parasite. More like delusional.

  38. Justwastingtime says:

    I am so sick of her and her use of her eating disorders to promote herself. I would like to burn some sage and make her go away