Oprah is waiting for a sign from God to tell her to run for president


When I need to make a tough decision, I ask people I consider mentors for advice. That casts a pretty wide net but who does someone like Oprah Winfrey go for counsel? To the only person bigger than her, of course – God Herself! With A Wrinkle in Time opening on March 9th, Oprah scored the cover of People. As seems to be on everyone’s mind, People asked Oprah if she would consider running for President of the United States. Oprah has said a few times that she does not intend to. In this interview, however, she doesn’t outright dismiss it. Instead, she reworded her earlier comment that God hadn’t told her to run, only this time, she left room to add “yet” to the end of her sentence.

There’s only one thing that could make Oprah Winfrey run for president in 2020.
Amid calls for her to consider a run for the White House – from fans as well as her closest friends – “I went into prayer,” she tells PEOPLE in the magazine’s new cover story. ” ‘God, if you think I’m supposed to run, you gotta tell me, and it has to be so clear that not even I can miss it.’ And I haven’t gotten that.”

The media mogul and star of the new movie A Wrinkle in Time found herself in the political spotlight after her inspiring speech at the 2018 Golden Globes while accepting the Cecil B. DeMille Award. Winfrey had the crowd of Hollywood’s biggest stars on their feet and in tears with her moving words and promise that “a new day is dawning.” She was surprised to hear the immediate response the rest of the country had.

“When I walked off with Reese [Witherspoon], I thought, ‘I got that done,’ ” she says. “It wasn’t until I was back in the press room that they said, ‘Do you realize you’re trending?’ ”
Winfrey says her best friend Gayle King urged her to take the possibility seriously and peppered her with messages of support from others who would back her.

“I had people-wealthy, billionaires-calling me up and saying, ‘I can get you a billion dollars. I can run your campaign,”‘ she reveals. “That many people saying something made me think, ‘Am I at least supposed to look at the question?’ “

[From People]

She didn’t say anything new here, she just expounded on her original comment. That’s good, because it tells people that she has considered it and is not being dismissive. So many people have floated this idea that it would be hard not to take it as some kind of sign. So of course, she took it into consideration. And of course Gayle told her to think about it. I think Gayle’s been in favor of this idea since it was first mentioned. I have long said I don’t think Oprah will run but my curious side now says maybe she will. She’s keeping this out there for a reason.

My cynical side, however, says keeping up the discussion of her running for president makes for excellent press to promote the movie. Oprah knows what’s up – I’m okay with her inviting people to keep asking, mostly because it ticks #45 off.




Photo credit: WENN Photos

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52 Responses to “Oprah is waiting for a sign from God to tell her to run for president”

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  1. Maya says:

    This Goddess says don’t do it – you are not qualified nor worked in a government job.

    We are already suffering because of 1 unqualified president, we don’t need another one.

    • hnmmom says:

      I totally agree. This is why I thought it was a bad idea from the start. She loves her gurus or advisors, etc., and a lot of them have been some shady people (Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz).

      However, I wish her god was shouting at her to buy Fox News and shut that sh*t down.

    • Una says:

      Seriously, the fact that there are people who get excited about the possibility of Winfrey vs Trump 2020 tells you all you need to know about USA.

    • Darla says:

      100% agree.

  2. MI6 says:

    Lord, could You get on that please?

  3. Patricia says:

    Well don’t run then. We don’t need:

    1. Another celebrity president. I hate HATE to compare oprah to the disgusting menace in office, that’s not what I mean. What I mean is we need to get away from the idea that being a celebrity gives you any kind of qualification to BE THE FREAKIN PRESIDENT. This isn’t a high school popularity contest, people.

    2. Extreme religiosity in office. If you figure out what to do with your life and big decisions by “listening for god” then good for you. Lovely. But once again that’s not what we need in a president. A president should make decisions based on fact, consideration of fact, and even more FACT. I’m so done with religion and revelation in politics. It’s a hot mess.

    What that being said… love you Oprah!

  4. Jussie says:

    Do you really want to elect a President who’s sitting around waiting for God to tell them if they should do something? How’s that going to work out in the situation room?

    If God was responsible her tell her to start small and get some government experience first.

    • Wiffie says:

      If you listened to oprah, you’d hear her interpretation on God, and it’s not like you think. She believes in God as like a cloud consciousness, like if we are all phones, and God is the cloud memory. This is a concept that goes beyond religion, and Oprah knows her shit.

      • Ann says:

        Oprah has been peddling a lot of qurstionable “spiritual” shit on her show, I wouldn’t say she “knows her shit” but should have known better.

  5. Lindy says:

    Please no. Just no.

  6. Aoife says:

    If you’re making decisions based on signs from God then you’re definitely not cut out to be president!

    • Wiffie says:

      Man usually instead thinks he knows best (think toddler and parents) and that’s why politics is crap. The collective Western man is a narcissistic twat, but getting better, but still. If humans would tap into that collective intelligence, and it would take a woman to say she doesn’t know best, and to ask the collective, we might get somewhere.

      • Baby Jane says:


      • Aoife says:

        Does making decisions based on who knows what signs from above mean that you’re tapping into a “collective intelliegence” though?

      • anon says:

        i’m a bit over this hatred of the western male. yes, women need to fight for our rights, but western men held us back the least compared to other socities.

  7. minx says:

    Trump is deathly afraid of Oprah.

  8. Miss M says:

    Love Oprah. But just no!
    And, as others said, it is time to separate religion from politics…

  9. Shappalled says:

    Tulsi 2020!

  10. lisa says:

    i hope she means that sarcastically. if cruz or trump or sessions or any of our current crop of jerks said that, id roll my eyes for days

  11. grabbyhands says:

    I just don’t find this funny anymore.

    We are currently under the regime of one of the most useless, inept and criminal presidencies in history and people still think it’s a fun idea to think about electing another person to the highest office in the land that has zero qualifications because they’re funny or occasionally say something relevant. Apparently being a wealthy celebrity is now qualification for being president.

    I’m sure Oprah and the Rock are nice people and do nice things. That doesn’t mean they have what it takes to be president and the constant “will they or won’t they” just continues to make it look like being voted president now is some kind of reality show novelty gift.

    • Neelyo says:

      Yeah that’s how I feel too.

    • lucy2 says:

      This. Honestly I’d vote for either of them before Dump, but I want someone competent, experienced, and fully aware of the responsibilities of the job.

      But I do hope Oprah stays active, pushes for people to vote, supports good candidates, etc. Someone with her money and reach can have an impact.

  12. sunnydeereynolds says:

    Umm… instead of waiting for God to give her a sign to run for presidency, how about actually start running for smaller position and get experience? We don’t need another celebrity president who’s first job in the office is being the head of the state!

    • Neelyo says:

      When the whole ‘Oprah for President’ thing started, a columnist suggested she run for governor instead, thinking she would be more effective on a state level. I could see that.

  13. wheneight says:

    Please don’t run. This whole “waiting for a sign” thing is evidence enough that she’s a little too kooky for the President of the United States. Love her as a celebrity, but please PLEASE not as president.

  14. Wiffie says:

    So if god (the world collective/cloud consciousness) is a gaslighting narcissist, whose initial shame of Adam and Eve was in a selfish desperate attempt to keep collective consciousness and not split and need to evolve and resolve between themselves for another couple thousand years…

    I believe Oprah is the only human who could show God his cognitive dissonance and resolve his issues, because it’s clear that those repressed and traumatized, if they take the chance to have insight and find their worst faults, will rise up the become the most powerful loving human, and that person TRULY has the empathy to run the country and pull everyone back up too. If we can all relate to what scares the lowest vibrational people in this country most: a wealthy, intelligent, black woman, we really are on the path to being a more complete happy society.

    • CairinaCat says:

      What a load of crap
      And I don’t want her anywhere near the oval office, because she was the one that forced Oz and Phil down our throats. That tells me she does not have the ability to make good decisions.

      That being said I’d vote for her over Trump if that was the only option.

      But I want Biden or someone like him

  15. LittleWing says:

    OT, El Frito just stomped the oppo by supporting “gun control” heading into the midterms. Dems are going to have to get serious and that means not floating party hacks.

  16. Shappalled says:

    It’s past time that the Democrats started having a serious public conversation about who should be running in 2020. At this stage there’re still no clear front runners. This needs to change.

    • LittleWing says:

      True but if recent history is any guide the party will self destruct by withholding support from non-neoliberal candidates. It’s happening even now. Historic mistake, attacking the left.

  17. PunkyMomma says:

    No, please. Oprah, while an incredibly successful celebrity, is also responsible for unleashing the likes of Drs. Phil and Oz (to name a few) upon the public.

    Waiting for a cosmic sign reminds me of the likes of Michelle Bachmann.
    No thanks.

  18. Indiana Joanna says:

    No, Oprah. We don’t need another celebrity as our commander in chief.


  19. Beth says:

    OMG no! We don’t need another completely unqualified person as POTUS

  20. anniefannie says:

    If you don’t have the overwhelming unquenching hunger and hubris to run for the highest office and are waiting for God (more likely a lot of donors too) then please don’t!
    I do hope she’s just trolling Trump as I’m all in for that!

  21. aenflex says:

    A – waiting for a sign from God doesn’t bode well with me.
    B – I don’t think she knows near enough to handle the job well.

    If she had 10+ years of real experience in politics, and I could somehow not be put off by the fact that she’s waiting for God to holler about it, yeah, maybe.

  22. adastraperaspera says:

    Of course she should not run for prez. However, Gayle would make a great First Lady! 😉

  23. S says:

    Reason 1,037 why we don’t need Oprah, or any other celebrity, to run for president. I mean, if I believed there was a God, I wouldn’t blame him/her for wanting to have a chat with O, but I don’t want ANY elected official, be they dogcatcher or president, to be relying on divine one-on-ones to make decisions, because that’s beyond bonkers. Faith is fine, but if you think you hear voices or otherwise receive personal, specific Divine instructions from the sky, you should be disqualified from holding any political position. Full stop.

  24. gatorbait says:

    If god was real it would still be smart to ask the opinion of intelligent people who can tell her the truth about why this would be a bad idea and what she could do to help instead (like backing a truly good candidate with her own money). Either way, if there is a god, PLEASE DON’T GIVE HER A SIGN TO RUN. We need people who went to law school and know what this country truly needs to survive. How about giving those people a sign instead.

  25. Tiffany says:

    I really think this is just lip service on Oprah’s part. After a break, she is back on TV and doing more films.

    Oprah does what she wants, when she wants and becoming POTUS will put a cramp in her lifestyle.

    Unlike that Protruding Prostate at 1600 right now, Oprah will look at the big picture and know her life will change to the will of the people and not herself.

  26. Jayna says:


    LOL Waiting for a sign from God to tell her to run for POTUS? Just the person I don’t want running. I miss Hillary’s strong desire to want to be POTUS, her strong ambition for it. I loved the fact that she was a policy wonk, that she lived and breathed it. Now we have a president who can barely read and listens to Fox to get his intelligence briefings. I don’t want our next president to have zero government experience and waiting for a sign from God telling her she should run. I don’t need someone with a savior complex, who has zero experience, deciding to run because she heard God whisper in her ear, “America needs you. You must run.” Oprah, that’s just your ego telling you that, not God. We need someone qualified, not just a good, well-intentioned person like Oprah.

    I want someone passionate about government and someone who knows how to work across the aisle with each other and knows the inner-workings like the back of his or her hand and someone with foreign policy experience.

  27. april says:

    I wanted Hillary to win but I would not want Oprah to win.

  28. Frosty says:

    My problem with Oprah is the lack of specific stances on issues. I’m as susceptible to Oprah’s charisma as anyone else, but charisma doens’t mean much in the long run. If Oprah is willing to run for election on a lower level, I would be interested in hearing her specific ideas and if elected seeing what she does. Trust is earned. But, OTOH how serious is any of it with assclowns like this guy enmeshed in the party?

  29. Ozogirl says:

    She’s not interested; people need to let this go. I think she’s an intelligent business woman, but she has no political background. We don’t need another celebrity in office.

    • Poopsicle says:

      Intelligent business woman waiting for an invisible entity to give her the green light to get into politics???? yeaaaaaaah.

  30. A says:

    If it’s a sign she’s looking for, then here it is: Oprah, honey, I spoke to god last week when we met up at the Denny’s parking lot at 3:13 am for our fortnightly podcast taping, and he told me to tell you that under no circumstances are you to run for president whatsoever. And that if you do, he’s gonna repossess all the cars you gave away to your audience. Every last one of them.

  31. Pickles and Cheese says:

    Oprah, you are a talk show host A TALK SHOW HOST you are not a politician. Please, no.
    And she’s waiting for the Word? Then seriously, how big a stretch is it to: “But God told me to push the red button!”
    Isn’t absolving oneself from responsibility how America got into this mess to begin with?

  32. Poopsicle says:

    LOL didnt Bush say the same thing? God wanted him to be president. I think once you go this route, you should be automatically exempt from the presidency on account of delusion.

    Assuming there is a creator off all things, I just find it funny someone would think they would put aside all their stuff to make sure a talk show host is president of a country on a planet among billions of others.

    Koooo kooooo. koooo kooooo.