Roseanne Barr thinks she’s being persecuted because she voted for Trump

Disney ABC Television Group Hosts TCA Winter Press Tour 2018

Frankly, I stopped giving a damn about Roseanne Barr about a week after ABC fired her for the Valerie Jarrett tweet. Everything that she’s said since then has been white noise, even though she’s still popping up once a week to scream and lie and pontificate. Last week’s story was that Roseanne shrieked “I thought the bitch was white” re: Jarrett and how she called her “Planet of the Apes.” Now the new theory from Roseanne is that she was fired from ABC because she voted for Donald Trump. Seriously, someone give Barr a Sudoku book or something so she’ll stop obsessing over it.

Roseanne Barr believes “Roseanne” was canceled not because she compared Valerie Jarrett to an ape, but because she voted for Donald Trump.

“This was my statement from the very beginning and it will continue to be forever, because it is the truth: When ABC called and asked me to explain my ‘egregious and unforgivable tweet,’ I told them, ‘I thought Valerie Jarrett was white.’ And I also said, ‘I am willing to go on ‘The View,’ ‘Jimmy Kimmel‘ or whatever other show you want me to go on and explain that to my audience,’” Barr, 65, griped in a video posted to her YouTube channel.

“Now instead what happened, about 40 minutes after that, my show was canceled before even one advertiser pulled out, and I was labeled a racist,” she fumed. “Why, you ask? Well, the answer is simple: Because I voted for Donald Trump, and that is not allowed in Hollywood.”

[From Page Six]

Tons of people in Hollywood voted for Donald Trump. TONS. Steve Bannon worked in Hollywood. Donald Trump always wished he was more Hollywood. Scott Baio voted for Trump. I’m pretty positive Chris Pratt voted for Trump. Clint Eastwood voted for Trump, I’m almost sure. I’m also sure Hollywood Republicans like Jon Voight, Bruce Willis, Kelsey Grammer and Stephen Baldwin all voted for Trump too. Many of those people still have careers, even though many of them have said completely insane sh-t about politics. You know what other Hollywood power player had Trump’s back the entire time? Producer Mark Burnett, who still refuses to release any of the tapes of Trump harassing, threatening and bullying women on The Apprentice.

But all of that brings me to my larger point: that Deplorables/Trump voters are honestly the biggest “snowflakes” of them all. They’re all white and privileged and yet they’re always seeking out any way to be aggrieved, to assume a position of persecution. Roseanne Barr wasn’t “persecuted” because she voted for Trump – she was HIRED because she voted for Trump, and because ABC wanted to make money off those people, the same people who tweet racist sh-t and expect there to be no consequences for them. ABC fired her because they couldn’t contain her and because they realized that they never should have hired her in the first place.

'Roseanne' at Walt Disney Studios - Premiere

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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52 Responses to “Roseanne Barr thinks she’s being persecuted because she voted for Trump”

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  1. adastraperaspera says:

    I think Roseanne did the crazy video and continues to bray on about this in order to stay in the news cycle to distract from Trump-Russia.

  2. Morning Coffee says:

    Not defending Roseanne, but it struck me that all those Hollywood people you mention who voted for Trump and have had no career consequence for it…..are men. Now, if Chris Pratt tweeted the same thing as Roseanne, do we think Guardians 3 would be cancelled? Honestly, I don’t think so. So, while Roseanne rightfully deserves what has happened to her, the list you gave above, Kaiser, really made me think about the ongoing misogyny in Hollywood and how men can have flops, but women can’t. Men can be crazy nutjobs (Jon Voight) but women can’t. Again – not defending Roseanne AT ALL!

    • Kate says:

      I’m going to go even farther @Morning Coffee, and use the exemple of Sarah Palin/Donald Trump.
      The former was treated appropriately, as the unhinged, ignorant piece of garbage she was and was thoroughly vetted by the MSM – as it should be, and it sunk the McCain campaign.
      Now, what did the Donald get? Nothing but millions of dollars in free advertising, endless pieces in the NY Times about his supporters, and wall-to-wall coverage of his insane rallies.

      • Morning Coffee says:

        Excellent point.

      • isabelle says:

        Sarah Palin was an awful candidate but there was a LOT of sexism behind how she was treated to some extent. Especially the part of where her intelligence was purposely separated and attacked. Lets face it Trump is as dumb as her if not dumber and he is targeted for being a Twitter fool,, being egotistical, womanizer, a liar but his intelligence is rarely mentioned.

    • Veronica S. says:

      *White men.

      Kanye is seeing plenty of criticism here. White men just get a pass no matter the extent of their irrationality. That’s why they confuse equality for oppression.

    • Algernon says:

      If Chris Pratt tweeted something openly racist, Guardians 3 might not be cancelled, but I bet he wouldn’t be in it, especially as Disney is now suddenly so twitchy about tweets.

      ETA: I don’t think anyone can walk into their workplace and say racist stuff and get away with it, nor should they, and for celebrities, social media is part of the workplace (studios expect them to be active and big stars often get paid to spend time promoting projects).

      • Angela82 says:

        I agree. There is a difference b/w being a conservative Trump supporter and being openly racist on Twitter. I have huge issues with the saga of the white Trump supporter or someone like Pratt who loves to come across as the gun loving religious hick but I don’t think Pratt has been nearly as offensive (at least publicly) as Roseanne has been. In fact i think her show got an insane amount of media coverage bc of her politics. Its when she wouldn’t give up the insane outward racism that she faced backlash and got fired. I can also focus on the movie when Pratt is onscreen and i don’t necessarily think of his crap politics, whereas Roseanne made an entire show about her politics and ignorance.

    • holly hobby says:

      They also haven’t said anything that violates their contracts (morality clause). Stop making this about men and women.

  3. Ariel says:

    She’s even ruined the reruns for me. Of course 1980s-1990s Roseanne Conner would never have fallen for trump’s lies, nor embraced trump’s obvious, unrepentant racism.

  4. Kate says:

    Oh Roseannie, do shut up.

    • Lolo86lf says:

      Exactly. She can scream, bitch and complain until the cows come home but her show will not be reinstated.

  5. Patricia says:

    Stop talking. Stop stop stop just stop already! What an asshole.

  6. Lolo86lf says:

    Chris Pratt voted for Trump???? That’s it, I will never watch another effing movie or anything of his. At least Roseanne is quite open about whom she supports. Any Hollywood actor who voted for Trump is a traitor and a hypocrite.

    • SM says:

      Exactly, anyone who voted for this bag of shit is an acomplice to a traitor.

      • Lolo86lf says:

        I wish there was a list of Hollywood actors who support Trump so I can stop watching their movies.

    • SympathyRage says:

      Actually, she is stating that because Chris has spoken numerous times about how hard white dudes have it. He is a Trump supporter. Your hostility just demonstrates your denial.

    • Kate says:

      He is a rich, straight white dude who believes people like him have a really hard time and that their struggles are not foten depicted in Hollywood movies. Of course he voted for Trump.

  7. Melania says:

    She’s racist and a complete mess.

  8. Veronica S. says:

    These people have a remarkable ability to conflate “repercussions” with “persecution.”

    • Kate says:

      Racist white people want to be oppressed so badly, I don’t get it.

      • Veronica S. says:

        Because they think playing the victim abdicates responsibility for their actions and beliefs.

      • Ruyana says:

        Also because they have a sort of sick envy for the whole “Christians thrown to the lions” thing. And believe if they’re not horribly oppressed and victimized they’re not “real” Christians.

    • Lydia says:

      Well said, Veronica!

  9. Naomi11 says:

    She’s a racist. Point blank! She can try foul all she wants, but this is all her fault. The damage has already been done by her own big mouth!

    • Ruyana says:

      Exactly, she’s getting blow-back because she’s a screechy-voiced, mean-tempered, loud racist harridan. Nothing to do with politics, although – for her – that’s yet another handy excuse.

  10. VegasSchmegas says:

    She needs to go back to her nut farm in Hawaii (pretty ironic), and just STFU. For her own good.

  11. Honey says:

    She is not being persecuted because she voted for Trump. No. That would be the rest of us who did not vote for him. We are the ones being persecuted on a daily basis—waking up and going to sleep with the constant panicky thoughts of what dumb sh*t has Trump Tweeted, lied about or done now.

    • minx says:

      It really has been a nightmare since November 2016. Every day is worse than the day before. And we have idiots like Roseanne to thank for it.

  12. Louisa says:

    Tough sh*t Roseanne. Honestly I’m absolutely fine at this point if everyone who voted for and still support him to be shunned, boycotted and to lose their career. Sorry, not sorry.

  13. Moptop says:

    She’s being persecuted because she’s cuckoo.

  14. minx says:

    Trashy, stupid, racist, hateful loudmouth.

  15. MeghanNotMarkle says:

    She’s a racist twat, that’s why.

  16. Pirate Dread says:

    Just want to let her know she is right I am persecuting her for voting for Trump. In order to vote for that bloated coke bag of rotting oranges, that means you were comfortable with his blatant disregard for anyone that is not him or like him. It was clear as a bell what he was doing, saying, and representing. If you voted for him, then you are saying you trust him to represent your interests.

  17. Lisa says:

    Something happened to her, right? She wasn’t always this unhinged?

    • Dutch says:

      She willingly married Tom Arnold and mocked the national anthem at the height of her popularity in 1990. Yes she’s always been this unhinged.

  18. grrr says:

    She isn’t blacklisted because she voted for dump, it is because she is a racist pig and that just so happens to align perfectly with the fact that she voted for dump.

  19. Liz version 700 says:

    No Rosanne you were canceled for me when you baked cookies in the shape of people while dressed as a Nazi and posted pictures of yourself putting them into the oven…the racism, Trumpism, evil unhinged rants were just icing on the cake so to speak. To be clear you were canceled for me ages ago dear

  20. holly hobby says:

    Put a sock on it. No one gets fired because of who they voted for. I’m sure that’s the next thing that Nazi wants to do to fed employees (who did you vote for?) but legally you can’t do that. She was fired because of her racist statements. Disney fired her on conduct (that’s in the contract).

    She’s just pissed that the show and cast are going on without her.

  21. jwoolman says:

    Oh, Roseanne. We’re ALL being persecuted because you voted for Trump.

  22. Oliviajoy1995 says:

    No you’re being persecuted because you’re an ignorant bigot.

  23. Deeanna says:

    This woman has not been playing with a full deck for a long, long time.