Donald Trump thought Harriet Tubman was too ugly to put on the $20 bill


Vox got their hands on a copy of Omarosa Manigault’s book, UNHINGED, the same half-memoir that we’ve been discussing now for two solid weeks. It sounds like most of the book just falls into the “gossip” side of things – Omarosa wasn’t in meetings with Vladimir Putin, nor does she reveal anything that would hands-down be reason for impeachment. Mostly, the stuff she reveals is either embarrassing for many in the White House, or it falls under “small crimes and misdemeanors.” Anyway, you can read Vox’s summary of the “juiciest” revelations here – we’ve already covered some of them. But for some reason, this epic passage about Trump’s visit to a black church was not excerpted by anyone else.

In early September 2016, Trump went to Detroit and spoke at the Great Faith Ministries Church (whose pastor, Wayne T. Jackson, would later speak at Trump’s inauguration). According to Omarosa — who claimed she organized the event — Trump was extremely uncomfortable, to say the least, in a black church: “I had a lot of organizational things to do, so I got up to take care of them. He grabbed my wrist and said, ‘You can’t leave me with these people.’ The look in his eyes was like a lost child.”

Omarosa claims that Trump complained about the length of the service — “This is the longest I’ve ever been to church in my life” — and threw off the prayer shawl Jackson offered him as a gift.

[From Vox]

That sounds true to me. Trump has always seemed extremely uncomfortable around people of color and I imagine he was almost having a panic attack by sitting in a black church. Omarosa also details how she tried to coach him through his speech marking the beginning of Black History Month, writing: “For this particular speech, I begged him not to say, ‘What do we have to lose?’ or to refer to the participants as ‘you people’ as he had during the campaign’s ministers’ meeting.” She explained that “you people” is pejorative and he didn’t understand. So she told him, “It’s bad. Just don’t say it. Ever.” When he practiced his speech, he couldn’t even read it completely, and she was worried that he would f–k it up completely. He told her: “I got it. Don’t worry. The blacks love me!” The worst part might be this though:

There’s also this anecdote about the Trump administration’s decision to keep Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill. Manigault-Newman had written a memo urging Trump to reconsider and put Harriet Tubman on the bill, as the Obama administration has proposed. Trump’s reaction, according to Manigault-Newman, was to effectively call Tubman ugly:

While flipping through the folder, he came to the picture of Tubman, the woman who personally brought more than three hundred slaves to freedom, risking her own life every time, and said to me, “You want to put that face on the twenty-dollar bill?”

[From Vox]

I believe that too. Because from what we know about Donald Trump, he would absolutely judge an American heroine like Harriet Tubman by her looks. He probably wants to put Ivanka’s f–ked up Barbie face on the $20 bill.

What else? Trump apparently referred to Don Jr repeatedly as a “f–kup” and Trump also wasn’t a huge fan of Jared Kushner when Ivanka and Jared first started dating. Back then, Omarosa asked Trump what he thought of Ivanka’s boyfriend and Trump apparently replied, “He seems a little sweet to me,” and Omarosa notes that meant he thought Jared was gay.


Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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65 Responses to “Donald Trump thought Harriet Tubman was too ugly to put on the $20 bill”

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  1. minx says:

    Keep ‘em coming, Omarosa.

  2. Swack says:

    And water is wet and the sky is blue. None of this is surprising.

    • Jan90067 says:

      EXACTLY. All things we knew/heard before about Dump.

      C’mon Omarosa…give us the GOOD stuff!

  3. Rapunzel says:

    Cause Andrew Jackson is so GQ, right?

    • Lightpurple says:

      Makes me swoon every time I handle a $20 bill. Those looks! And the hint of bad boy danger that only a genocidal maniac can pull off.

    • Algernon says:

      Alexander Hamilton is the only hottie on our currency, although there are some surviving reports that young Thomas Jefferson was a total hunk, though no portraits survive from his youth. Slave owners should be disqualified from being glorified, though, even if they were president, and we are rapidly approaching the day when the majority of the country understands that Andrew Jackson was one of our worst, most damaging presidents.

    • Boo says:

      Don’t be silly. Men are bastions of achievement, wealth, strength, and intellect. Women’s only value is physical attractiveness. We can’t have anything less than a 10/10 woman on our money, but uggo men are bigly welcome.

  4. Rescue Cat says:

    In the scheme of things that’s all pretty moderate by Trump’s standards.

    How long do y’all think Manafort and Cohen will go to prison for?

    • Jan90067 says:

      Manafort will skate along for a while, with two other trials coming up, and then, I”m sure appeals. Dump may pardon the Federal, but the state is charging, too. Given that he’s 69, he may die before he gets to prison. I wouldn’t put it past him lol… OR the Russians may decide to throw a little poison into the mix. It’s been done before.

      I think Cohen’s sentence has been said to been reduced to a max of 5 yrs. or so for his “cooperation”, so we’ll see.

    • Esmom says:

      Agreed. It’s pretty moderate and not really new. I remember that Detroit speech and his discomfort and inappropriateness was loud and clear.

  5. Darla says:

    Oh this is totally trump. Reducing one of the most admirable and amazing women in american history to whether or not she makes his wee wee stiff.

  6. Beth says:

    That prick and his 2 sons are some of the ugliest people I’ve ever seen, so he has a lot of nerve to call someone ugly.

    • Darla says:

      I know right!? Do none of these men own mirrors?

    • minx says:

      Those guys think if they have money and gleaming white teeth they are a catch.

    • Tate says:

      That is what I came here to say. I will also add that Ivanka looked a lot like her brothers before daddy bought her all that plastic.

      • Digital Unicorn says:

        She still does even after all the plastic to hide it – they all have small mouths, no chin and big teeth.

    • Cleo2 says:

      For real.

      His comment about Harriet Tubman and “that face,” immediately brought back his campaign diss of his then fellow Republican primary candidate Carly Fiorina. He basically told Americans to reject her so we wouldn’t have to look at “that face,” all the time.

      Bet Carly never thought she’d have anything in common with Harriet. She doesn’t. Except the fact they’re both women being slurred by that creep. What else is new? 53% ladies. 53% of y’all knew all of this and voted for this piece of garbage. It’s mind blowing.

      • Giddy says:

        I seriously doubt that 53% of Celebitchy readers voted for the Orange Idiot. We were all so depressed after the election that I would bet that less than 5% did.

      • Catarina says:

        Cleo2: By “53% of y’all” voted for Trump, surely you’re not talking about Celebitchy posters? B/c not ONE % of posters here has ever said they voted for that putrid orange fascist, or voiced any support for him whatsoever, nothing but depression, shock, and horror since his very nomination…Your hostility and divisiveness here is very misplaced, on a forum where virtually everyone agrees w you about 45.

      • Jerusha says:

        The y’alls who voted for Tub O Lard have long since stopped posting here. Burning with shame, I hope.

    • AnnaKist says:

      Phew! America can breathe a sigh of relief! By Trumplestiltskin’s criteria, he’ll also never get to be on your $20 bill…🇦🇺

  7. IlsaLund says:

    Another day, and more confirmation of what a racist a-hole Bigly is…..color me surprised.

    Isn’t Pastor Wayne T. Jackson of Great Faith Ministries Church the one who demanded his congregation tithe $1000 and then all hell broke out in the church? He strikes me—as my grandma used to say—a crooked, jack legged preacher…..good for nothing other than lining his own pockets. Hmmm…that’s probably why he supported Trump.

    • B n A fan says:

      Omarosa knew all of this and still had to be dragged from the whitehouse. I believe what she is saying but she should have left not wait to be fired. She still would have made millions writing her book, so I’m giving her a side eye.

      Btw, has the dotard looked in the mirror lately. He looks like some dead animal my dog 🐕 dragged across the lawn.

      Anyway, mr Mueller has something waiting for him and his corrupt family soon, la la la la ho ho oh goodbye!

    • Algernon says:

      The only people of faith willing to be around Trump are crooked as a dog’s hind leg.

  8. Maddie23 says:

    I still don’t understand why we need to change who is on the $20 bill

    • Darla says:

      Because white men wrote history but they are far from the only ones who made history.

    • Snap Happy says:

      Because representation is important. Especially to children of color.

    • IlsaLund says:

      It’s insulting that the only faces on US paper currency is white males. Other people lived and worked hard to build this country and yet are not honored and their history rewritten or erased.

      Andrew Jackson was a racist a-hole who did his best to eradicate Native Americans and uphold slavery. His photo should be removed and replaced by a Native American or African American.

    • minx says:

      Women and people of color need to be visible, not just white men.

    • Lightpurple says:

      Because the person currently on it was a genocidal maniac.

      • Angela82 says:

        THIS. But he is also Trump’s favorite President bc Bigly is a POS racist who probably wishes he could do what Jackson did.

      • Betsy says:

        This is the correct answer, besting slightly the also correct answer that representation is important. Jackson was a low down, no account piece of trash. He has no business being on any currency.

        Harriet Tubman was a true American hero.

      • Catarina says:

        He truly was terrible. Not only was he genocidal, he should have been impeached, at one point, for going against the ruling of the Supreme Court, regarding the Native Americans. For the sake of the token *recognition* of the many, many other Americans who built and improved the U.S., the country *needs* to depict people of color and women on its currency. To blatantly ignore brave, crucial women like Harriet Tubman is a disgrace to all who value freedom in this country. (Some of this nation’s core “values” are extremely ugly, and will stay suspect so long as the face of the racist mass killer Andrew Jackson remains on our currency. )

    • lucy2 says:

      Why not?

    • Algernon says:

      Because Andrew Jackson was a slave-owning maniac whose policies were dedicated to the preservation and spreading of slavery and also murdering all the American Indians. He was a terrible president who hastened us to the Civil War and also started the continent-wide genocide of indigenous peoples. We should learn about him in our history books but he should not be glorified or celebrated such as with being on currency and having parks etc named after him (there is a growing movement to rename Jackson Square in New Orleans).

      If you’re truly interested in learning, there are some good history podcasts that have covered what a dangerous lunatic Jackson was, including The Dollop.

    • insertpunhere says:

      Because you shouldn’t put people who commit genocide on money? It’s literally the very least we can do to the people that Jackson tried to eradicate to say, “You don’t get the privilege and honor of being on our national currency.” You don’t see Germany putting Hitler on their money (I realize they use the Euro now, but they had the Deutschmark for a while post second world war, and no Hitler in sight).

      We can argue over who “deserves” to be on money as I’m sure we all have different lines for what should disqualify you (owning slaves? opposing women’s right to vote? opposing civil rights?), but there should be no argument that 1) A woman’s physical attractiveness should not play a role in determining whether she gets to be on money and 2) Genocide is wrong, and you shouldn’t get to be on money once you commit it.

      Also, because I have very strong opinions on currency, while we’re doing this, can we get rid of pennies (and possibly nickels)? Come on, US, join the 21st century and stop wasting money creating currency that is worth 1/100th of a dollar.

  9. teehee says:

    But his dumba$$ be too ugly for ANY bill. Not even the 1 cent.

  10. Myrtle says:

    What an A-hole.

  11. Original T.C. says:

    Trump is not going to be impeached, no matter what Muller finds. People keep holding on to norms of of Democracy and politics. It’s way out the door with the election of Trump. You need both the house and Senate. The GOP will retain the senate and they will never roll on Trump.

    The only thing that hurts Trump is the stuff that Omarosa is talking about and the financial corruption from Cohen that can send him to jail.

    And yeah Tubman gave so many enslaved people their freedom, and physically fought on the side of the Union as well as being a nurse on the front lines, managed to raise her children and at the end of her life opening a retirement home for former enslaved women. What gasp! she’s not a hottie so who cares.

    • B n A fan says:

      I don’t agree with you about not going to be impeached no matter what Mr Mueller finds. If we can flip the house I believe they will start impeachment. This morning I’m more hopeful than on Monday.

      • Myname says:

        That’s not how impeachment works.

        You need the House and the Senate.

        Democrats may win the house, but they won’t win the Senate.

      • lucy2 says:

        Technically you only need the House to impeach.
        But then to convict and remove from office, you need 2/3 of the Senate.
        So we could theoretically see an impeachment if the Dems win the House, but it likely wouldn’t go further if the GOP keeps the Senate. Unless some of them finally grew a spine.

        But there’s also hope that if impeached, he resigns. Or keels over from rage tweeting.

      • Algernon says:

        I think it will be like Clinton, he may be impeached but they won’t actually remove him and he certainly won’t resign.

      • Original T.C. says:

        Don’t get me wrong,I’m voting for Dems but they have spines of jelly. You only need 2 GOP house members to go on TV and scream about how the Dems are not focused on doing the people’s business working on healthcare and jobs. Instead they are wasting money playing politics. Then the news media will take over for the GOP saying the same thing. They will ask why don’t DEMS wait for 2020 for “the people” to vote. The DEMS will freak out that the will lose the 2020 elections and move on.

        Seriously ask the DACA kids how much fortitude the DEMS have to stop the government for important issues. Impeachment is a political solution to a moral/ethical issue which means the GOP will show up with guns, rockets and the DEMS will show up to the fight with tennis rackets. You are going to be disappointed if you think anything different will happen. Just saying. Trump was never envisioned by the writers of the constitution. They only branch of government that can hurt him is the judiciary.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      EZ is NEVER going to leave the White House willingly, he will have to be dragged out just like Omarosa. I think the GOP will turn on him to save their own sorry skins, its going to get to the point that they will have no choice – it’ll be him or them. The swamp will eat him alive.

      • Jan90067 says:

        You know… I think it may depend on what is in the rest of Cohen’s docs and tapes. Who knows who else is implicated? If even a few senators are in on this sh!t, they may turn to save their own skin.

        NEVER give up hope people!!

  12. Darkladi says:

    Don’t think for a second that we forgot that you endorsed, supported, & worked for that orange pig-demon through all of this, Omarosa. You sellout POS.

    • Aud says:


      She had to be literally dragged, kicking and screaming (again, literally because #classy) from his side.


      She’s a despicable excuse for a human.

    • Pandy says:

      She’s a total sell out. She’d still be there if she wasn’t fired. I’m waiting to see her release new tapes to bring the focus back to herself. She must be pissed about Manafort and Cohen stealing her thunder.

  13. why? says:

    The Dotard is in no position to call anyone ugly. He is always projecting. He says that Maxine has a low IQ because he is the one with the low IQ. Every time he makes this IQ statement, I wish that a reporter would ask him what IQ stands for because you know that he has no clue what it means.

    Omarosa is making herself out to be a hero and based on how long she stayed in the WH, she had no problem with the Dotard’s racist behaviors and even enabled him to act this way. I’m not buying that she did any of those things she claims(asking the Dotard to reconsider putting Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill and coaching him on his speech).

    Why isn’t the press confronting Omarosa about her bad behaviors in the WH? Kelly leaked that Omarosa was encouraging the Dotard not to hire African Americans to work in the WH. Omarosa bullied and tormented April Ryan. Then there was that crazy PSA about how anyone who criticized the Dotard would fall to their knees, bowing down to him. Omarosa had no problems with the Dotard’s behavior and now that the Dotard let Kelly kick her out of the WH, Omarosa suddenly has a problem with all of the things that the Dotard did?

    • Snowflake says:

      She wanted to be the only one. She didn’t want anyone taking attention away from her. Ive worked with women like this. It’s a shame, women should support each other. But instead sometimes one will want to be the queen bee. And do everything they can to put down or get rid of anyone they view as competition.

  14. HK9 says:

    While the information from her is useful, I’ll never trust Omarosa. All of this is for her benifit, for a book/future job whatever. She has never cared about anyone but herself and I don’t expect that to change now.

    • lucy2 says:

      I agree, I don’t trust her one bit and she’s a total opportunist…but none of this seems implausible. And I’m here for the tapes.

  15. AnotherDirtyMartini says:


    Go take a gander in the mirror. This time without your delusions.

  16. Indiana Joanna says:

    Ugh. Yuck. Disgusting. That’s all I can say today about this repulsive misoginistic bigot.

  17. Betsy says:

    I’m not African American, I keep studying African American history but it keeps slipping out my ears (as does most stuff I try to learn lately), but I take this revelation – however expected – very personally for some reason. Harriet Tubman was a brave, brave woman. I am still in awe of all that she did.

    And this pig demon, to borrow someone else’s insult from above, thinks she’s too ugly to grace our money? GFY, Donald.

  18. HeyThere! says:

    I didn’t even read the story because my heart can’t take it, but all I will say is this: I don’t understand how someone so unappealing and unattractive could ever have the nerve to comment on someone else’s looks?!?!

  19. AnotherDirtyMartini says:

    It’s way past time for the urn for Bigly, Emperor Baby Fists of Orangelandia. Seriously, his way of thinking sets us back 100+ years. Okay, he does not do any critical thinking, so I should say his belief systems set us back that far.

    I’m disgusted 24 hrs per day.