Duchess Meghan will do a cookbook launch event at the palace tomorrow

Sussex Ireland visit

As we discussed on Monday, the Duchess of Sussex quietly spent about eight months organizing a cookbook with the women who survived the Grenfell Tower fire. The cookbook is full of recipes from the women, with a foreword written by Meghan. The proceeds of the cookbook will go towards the Hubb Community Kitchen, so it can remain open seven days a week. Meghan put a lot of thought and effort into this and the launch was excellent. Even the British media outlets found little to criticize. The one criticism they had was bullsh-t – some of them were like “Meghan should come talk to us about the cookbook!” Well, she is. She’s doing a launch event tomorrow:

On Thursday 20 September, Meghan will host a celebratory event at Kensington Palace for the launch of the cookbook Together.

At the event, Meghan will help the women involved with the scheme prepare a meal before themselves and more guests sit down to enjoy the tasty feast.

[From Elle]

This event is going to be amazing on so many levels. How to say this? The optics are going to be incredible – as we saw in the launch video from Kensington Palace, many of the women involved wear hijabs. Many are women of color. The royal family tends to not invite hijab-wearing women of color to the palace. And those incredible ladies are coming to Kensington Palace for a launch event for their duchess-organized cookbook! It’s amazing.

Meanwhile, Meghan will undertake a solo engagement next week:

Meghan at an art exhibition! Solo! She’ll have a great time. Prepare yourselves for people screaming about how she “broke protocol” by… like, breathing or wearing trousers or whatever.

And finally, Meghan was seen in the trailer for Queen of the World – she’s looking at her wedding veil, so this was probably filmed in April of this year? It turns out that the YouTube trailer is geoblocked, so you can see it here, at this Harper’s Bazaar link.

Harry Meghan Sentebale polo

Prince Harry plays in the Sentebale ISPS Handa Polo Cup

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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43 Responses to “Duchess Meghan will do a cookbook launch event at the palace tomorrow”

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  1. Giddy says:

    I’m so proud of Meghan that you would think I know her, or am related to her. Unfortunately I am not, but as an American I am so proud of her. She’s beautiful, kind, warm, and a bit of an activist. It will be fun watching what’s next for her. I ordered my copy of the cookbook yesterday and am anxious to read it. Go Meghan!

    • emma says:

      I like that she kept the press out when she was going through the process. TBH they media is very tabloid trashy so they would find a tiny thing wrong that would over shadow the whole event.

      • Jan90067 says:

        This was the ONLY way to do it. You just know that the press would’ve only been screaming questions about Scammy and Savior Dad, and ignoring the real reason for them being there.

        Just putting this out when SHE was ready to, the way SHE wanted to, is win-win for all involved.

      • Nic919 says:

        She didn’t simply talk about what she was going to do. She did it and then told the press. All the royals should be doing this. Talk is cheap.

  2. Jess says:

    Good for her! I’m happy we are starting to see her insterests and her solo events (I’m not a big fan of Harry, so I’m glad that she is starting her solo engagements!)

    The cookbook idea is great, and I hope it does very well. I’m sure it will!

    If I had to complain about something it would be that there are too many “I”s in her foreword. I am not sure if it’s wrong, but it’s something that I tend to complain about haha. I strongly dislike when people relate everything to themselves. It’s just a personal issue though.

    • jessamine says:

      That’s a tendency *I* have, actually, and it annoys me to no solipsistic end. <<< *makes own point* Sigh.

    • kodakay says:

      “If I had to complain about something…”

      You don’t. No one would mind if you didn’t. I’m just saying.

      • jessamine says:

        It was a fair observation, though. It’s a common tic — Jess wasn’t bashing Meghan or her sentiments or calling it a deal breaker — but something a copy editor could have minimized.

  3. Insomniac says:

    My copy of the book arrives next week. Cannot wait!

    • Susannah says:

      It’s already in the top 5 of Amazon’s cookbooks here in the US and I believe it’s #1 in the UK and it hasn’t even been released yet! Hopefully there will be a lot of money raised to help the Grenfell families.

  4. Melania says:

    She’s doing so good, I’m proud of her.

  5. Reese says:

    Such great work. Would love to see Doria there tomorrow supporting her daughter as well!

  6. Becks1 says:

    This is awesome. They’re going to cook AT Kensington Palace?? am I reading that correctly? That is the way to launch this kind of cookbook. She’s like a stealth duchess. People are all “she’s baring her shoulders!” and “breaking protocol!” and meanwhile she’s like….here, this is something I’ve been working on that will actually help people.

    I think one of the things I like so much about this project is that it seems so tangible. She could have just gone to the Hubb Community Kitchen, done a photo op, “raised awareness” of these women, and called it a day. And “raising awareness” is really important, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes a lot of these royal engagements just seem to be all about the photos and “awareness” and you kind of wonder what actual impact these royal visits have. (I’m sure there IS an impact, its just not always evident beyond the visit.)

    But here, Meghan did the first part of that – the photo op, without the photographers, ha – and then followed through. “what does this place need to continue” – more money – “what can I do to help them get more money” – “publish a cookbook.” She’s raised awareness of the continued plight of the Grenfell victims, put a face to those victims, and now is helping to raise a lot of money for them.

    As you can probably tell I just love this whole thing lol.

    • Lobbit says:

      Oh, this is so well put – and it describes my thoughts on this project completely. I love how practical and tangible the whole thing is. Sure it’s a good look for all involved – it ticks so many boxes: diversity/inclusion, community-building, disaster recovery, even holistic mental health – but ultimately this is an instance of Meghan and her crew identifying a problem and taking concrete steps to actually solve it. It’s very cool.

      I also get a wee bit emotional thinking about how proud and happy the women of Hubb must feel to see their work in print.

  7. OriginalLala says:

    I like that she is not following the more old school model of charity being something you give to others (in a sort of patronizing way) and instead she is helping the community develop tools they can use to accomplish their goals. very different mindset

    • Masamf says:

      Yep one wise folk saying goes like don’t give them a fish, give them a hook and teach them how to fish.

  8. Digital Unicorn says:

    Girl means business and am here for it – THIS is what I expect from my RF.

    Katie Keen, take note this is how you do a follow up! Not a shopping trip to Lulu Lemon.

    • Becks1 says:

      I don’t want to make this into a “Meghan vs kate” debate – but – and I mean this in the nicest way possible – this is what I think Kate needs to do.

      I think she started out (either by choice or some sort of palace pressure) with these patronages and causes that are very important, but I’m not sure how much she connects with them, and I think it shows. I think had she started out with a few smaller projects like this, where she could do something concrete, and connect with the people she is helping, she would have been better served in the long run. I think it would have helped her more in terms of “getting her feet wet” and finding specific causes that are meaningful to her.

      • realitycheck says:

        I think it comes down to that Kate has never actually worked and Megan knows what it is to work hard. She has always worked and worked long hours – so she knows what to do. Kate went from her parents house to Will’s house.

        If you don’t ever work in life, you don’t have these skills.

      • whywhywhy says:


        Sometimes I wonder if William led her on to think she would be married soon after college so she didn’t apply herself because she was like, “well why start a job when I’m just going to get married in a year or two?” And then it turned into like 8 or 9 years where she was never sure if she was going to get a proposal soon or not. She seemed to do things before college and William..

      • Nic919 says:

        I agree with this and find that William does the same. Lots of raising awareness but nothing concrete.

      • Digital Unicorn says:

        Interesting take. I think it was a mix of personal choice and William. William and Harry have been doing work with and for MH charities/organisations for a long time, CentrePoint in particular who offer counselling services with proper mental health professionals, medical support etc… (they cover MH in all its forms as many homeless people suffer from bi-polar, schizophrenia etc.. as well as depression, PTSD). I think she jumped on the idea that they could all do it as she was getting flack in the press for not really doing anything and not having a cause that was her’s.

        As I said in yesterdays thread, she would be better suited to a charity/organisation that is sports and children/young adults related but then again this is something that is already support by various other member of the family. She could do something around how sport/team activities helps children who are vulnerable (suffering from depression, anxiety, being bullied etc..) to build self esteem and confidence in a safe space where they can escape to.

        She could also take up the HG cause, considering she ‘allegedly’ suffered from it with her first few pregnancies. She also seems to love sailing and she was pretty good at hockey (or am i getting mixed up?). She has always been very into sports, all 3 Mid siblings are.

        If I were in her shoes I would be championing Dementia and family carers – a subject personal to me.

      • Newmoon says:

        I’ve always perceived Kate as being more interested in celebrity than impact. Results of that orientation are predictable. 😒

        Go, Meg, go!

      • Cla says:

        The cookbook is a nice idea but it’s not like it takes maddening efforts and incredible skills for a person in her position to find a photographer,someone who wants to publish the book and persons who take care of the practical aspects. Unless we think she has spent months at her PC preparing the layout.. It’s not just William who does a lot of raising “awareness” and nothing that seems concrete. They all do this same thing most of the time. Cute photo ops to raise awareness,attending galas to support some charity,all things that ,whenever Kate and Meghan are in the picture,systematically turn into what they are wearing and how much they are spending on clothes. We’ve seeing it with Kate and William countless times,and we are seeing it with Meghan and Harry.

      • Natalie S says:

        My theory is William and Kate wanted engagements that were hands off -where they could make an appearance when they wanted so they were in control but without the accountability that’s part of being more involved. I feel like limiting expectations on their time has been a constant theme with them.

        Now that they have kids in school, they’re in London anyway so maybe we’ll see more involvement from them.

  9. Mego says:

    It’s interesting that the Prince of Wales has done alot of work building connections and bridges with the Muslim Community so Meghan’s project certainly enhances his efforts. I like that she shone a spotlight on women in particular.

  10. Sparkly says:

    I’m really optimistic about her. I love that she’s jumped right in, and that she kept quiet on this until it was ready. I’ve already ordered my copy, and I hope they’ve had more than enough sales to keep them open all week.

  11. Birdy says:

    It is a wonderful effort on behalf of all involved. Not sure about the royal foundation managing the money as they don’t have a good track record of releasing funds after fundraising efforts. Hopefully it will be managed efficiently.

    I do wonder if there is a sign of relief from meghan, harry and the palace that after all the racist bs, the media attacks, the abuse from her family – that the public has stepped up and supported this book and her in such a public and positive way. Hopefully it turns the tide on her press coverage.

    • aquarius64 says:

      The media attacks and the hit jobs from Bad Dad, Jr and Sam were for naught because the cookbook is selling like crazy. The complaints from media is for not being able to corner Meghan about her vile relatives and hit her with gotcha questions. The initiative would have been overshadowed. The media looks stupid for giving the Markles a platform with Sam as of yesterday tweeting law enforcement is tapping her phone.

      • Digital Unicorn says:

        Did you see the piece in the Fail that Daddy has been protecting a lady friend and her young daughter from her violent ex – that man continues to fall further into the gutter and will anything for money and press attention to feed his victim complex.

      • Jan90067 says:

        Yes, he’s playing Savior all the while ducking kidnapping attempts, because, you know, he’s SO special now!

      • whywhywhy says:

        She tweeted that law enforcement is tapping her phone? Is she okay? I mean, seriously. That’s not a normal worry – that’s a common delusion. Does MS cause delusions? She may truly be unwell in the head.

  12. kodakay says:


    I understood her point but everyone has pet peeves. One of mine are people that feel compelled to say “If I had to complain about something…”. It’l like they’re actively looking for something wrong. They COULD just enjoy the story/event and keep it moving. It’s so negative, IMO. Why not “if I had to praise something…”?

    • Peg says:

      The press will try to corner the Duchess at the Museum, she can handle them, smile and move on.
      Not sure if the picture of Doria at LAX, was from yesterday or earlier in the Summer, she usually supports her daughter, so would not be surprised if she at KP Thursday night.

  13. shy vi says:

    I definitely hope to see the Duchess’ mom too tomorrow!

  14. duchess of hazard says:

    Good on her, truly. Will definitely buy a book, although I’m winding down and looking leaving this country.

  15. paddingtonjr says:

    It’s so great to see her embrace her new role and using her interests and talents to really help people. I wasn’t much of a “Suits” fan and haven’t really followed her acting career, but I have enjoyed watching her integration into the BRF. Critics and family issue aside, she seems to be living her perfect life: in love with a man who is obviously crazy about her, no money worries and an international platform to promote causes she cares deeply about. You go, Meg!

    I hope the cooking demonstration at KP will be available online; it will be so cool to see all of the women who contributed sharing their recipes! I can’t wait to get my copy of the cookbook and try out a few recipes, especially Eggplant Marsala! Sounds so yummy!