Tom Hiddleston steps out in London for a morose-looking theater celebration

Tom Hiddleston and Simon Pegg are seen at the Harold Pinter Theatre for an event

I miss the era of gossip where everyone was insanely obsessed with Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hiddleston. Those were fun days. Nowadays, Bendy is happily married and he’s expecting his third otter-baby with Sophie Hunter. And Tom… well, Tom got burned by a Snake. So Tom has been trying to be low-key and uneventful for two solid years. Personally, I think his career was in better shape when he talked endlessly and recited poetry to swans and did snake-hip dances on camera. But we might never see that side of him again.

These are photos of Tom at the Harold Pinter Theater in London last night. He was part of a group marking the “137th anniversary” of that theater. Simon Pegg was there too. Tom posed for some photos with fans as he left the event, then he got into the passenger seat with either a chauffeur driving or a (male) friend. Who was he going home to? His dog? Or a mystery brunette lady named Joanna Kaze??

Sometimes I check an actor’s IMDB just to see what they’ve got coming out over the next year, and here’s something weird: Tom has ZERO projects in development or in production. They don’t even have anything about that alleged Marvel streaming-miniseries that would focus on Loki’s story. Huh.


Tom Hiddleston and Simon Pegg are seen at the Harold Pinter Theatre for an event

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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21 Responses to “Tom Hiddleston steps out in London for a morose-looking theater celebration”

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  1. Heather says:

    I was at there! It was last week though not last night. Tom was on really good form and looked in fine spirits, spend loads of time taking selfies with fans to encourage them to donate. I think he only looks stressed because of the paps because he didn’t look like that at all during the performance or at the after party.

    He cut his thumb on the script folder. 🤣🤣

  2. Meganbot2000 says:

    These photos are from last Wednesday, and the Gala Performance (which Tom performed in) was celebrating Harold Pinter’s 88th birthday, not the anniversary of the theatre. Tom is in Chicago right now doing Ace Comic Con.

    • ValiantlyVarnished says:

      Ace Comic Con ended on Sunday here in Chicago.

      • Heather says:

        Yeah, there were tweets a few hours ago about seeing him at the airport in Chicago.

      • ValiantlyVarnished says:

        @Heather yeah he probably hung out for an extra day yesterday but the convention ended on Sunday. We were trying to get tickets to actually meet him at one point but they were sold out.

  3. Original T.C. says:

    Well the snake is redeeming herself and moving forward from her “Forever 13” public image, so it’s safe for him to come out again in public without being mocked.

    • Rita says:

      Politically correct people can still be evil, selfish, and small-minded. Many of the Hollywood “Me Too” offenders were devoted to PC politics. I know about TS cuz of TH, and that wasn’t kind.

      • virginfangirl says:

        She did one good deed. But that doesn’t redeem her from all her bad deeds. She’s played the victim so many times & had the platform to write songs that really trashed so many, & left us very sure about who she was singing about. A public apology is the only way she could truly redeem herself. On the other hand, Tom took the high road & is looking oh so very handsome lately.

    • delorb says:

      It takes two to tango as they used to say. No one was holding a gun to his head. No one forced him to wear that t-shirt. I don’t understand why the women get dragged while the men are treated like unwitting naive children. Nothing is done without the celebrities consent. Otherwise, that person will be looking for a job.

      • Cranberry says:

        You’re right it takes two to tango, and no one held a gun to Tom’s head. But don’t put this into the category of “women always being blamed”.
        Taylor gets a lot of crap because she, up ’til the past year or so, has lived her life on the public strata of social media. She’s used sm to further her brand, solidify and control her fanbase as well as play petty games subversively attacking those she feels threatened by. She also does this through her songs and videos. THIS IS HER BRAND.

        Taylor had already created a vast distaste for her antics when Tom stepped into her path just before her feud with Kimye erupted. It was so obvious Tom knew nothing about the sm games and pettiness that is Taylor’s style/brand. Tom is the exact Opposite. So much so that he didn’t perceive any of it and walked straight into the biggest social media viper pit on the planet. He got dragged into and associated with her at the worst possible time and was hounded by media regarding TS/Kimye situation while TS would hide out in their hotel.
        So while it’s true Tom is also responsible for his choices, he was the one who got the worst end of it all. He got a circus of negative media attention hounding him that was mostly targeted for her as well as those mocking him for his own blunders. I’m hopeful that Taylor is finally growing up, mostly because she was so annoying, but what ever public negativity TS gets, she has cultivated it herself.

  4. Case says:

    “Personally, I think his career was in better shape when he talked endlessly and recited poetry to swans and did snake-hip dances on camera.”

    I think this was a needed self-imposed break, and now he’s slowly getting back into the public eye. It gave him a chance to revamp his approach to how he wants the public to see him – he still pulls out the goofiness and geekiness at times, but in much smaller doses, and doesn’t feel the need to dance for every fan and interviewer. He’s lost some of his enthusiasm for fame (understandably, and that’s a good thing IMO) and has probably grown up a bit since then, too. He is getting better at balancing the serious actor and more fun, relaxed sides of himself. Doing a Gala Performance and Comic Con in the same week, to me, means he has found a happy medium between those sides of himself. Much prefer this version.

    • Rita says:

      Personal growth … And “suggestions” from Marvel, Disney, friends, professionals. He seems happy and kind on tweets about his Chicago photo sessions.

    • Cranberry says:

      Idk. I think he is apprehensive of trying his hand in Hollywood film biz again. It’s so competitive and expensive to have really good agents that look out for you and fight to get you good roles. Tom’s not your standard-type leading man either (rugged, usually American).

      I think he’s choosing to stay more in theater and only do small film projects with people he already knows rather than jumping back into the agency-actor circuit. Even though there’s not much to list, I don’t think he’s ever updated his imbd page. When he had management his projects were all getting listed and updated, but his bio was a lot of repeated cut and paste. I think he’s all about Bobby right now – they do take over. And about catching up with his family and reading – lots of reading.

  5. Lightpurple says:

    Pinter thing was last week. He cut his thumb on a script binder. There are happier pictures of the event of him collecting donations in the theater and at the gala afterwards with Indira Varma. Jeremy Irons, Kristin Scott Thomas.

    He did a one night debate thing for Intelligence Squared two weeks ago. Dickens v Tolstoy. There’s a podcast on their website of it.

    And Comic Con in Chicago with Chris Evans and Elizabeth Olsen last weekend.

    He has some forum thing with Josie Roarke at the end of the month. And Josh Wilson tweeted recently that he is working with Wilson Productions on something they haven’t announced yet.

    • jammypants says:

      Yea IMDb only covers film or things on the screen. Tom has been crazy busy doing behind the scenes stuff on theatre, speaking events, the arts, and conventions. I think doing that fulfills his needs to stay under the radar while indulging in geeky things he enjoys like fan conventions and small bits of theatre.

  6. Jem says:

    His hair looks very crunchy to me.

  7. violet says:

    I am absolutely loving his transition to a late thirties part-professor, part-artist look with the long hair in the back and the beard. Just loving it. I would hit it in less than 30 seconds.

    Maybe he’s writing; maybe he’s re-examining his life. He’s looking now like the intellectual I’ve always thought he was. Sigh – whatever it is, good luck, Tom. Just come back and see us now and again.

  8. Justme says:

    He apparently told one of the people who were taking selfies with him at the Pinter event that he was planning to do some theatre soon. Keeping my fingers crossed!

    • Dara says:

      My fingers are crossed too, but not holding my breath. He’s been telling people about “theatre soon” since 2016. I suppose doing Hamlet at RADA was technically theatre, but it wasn’t a commercial production so I don’t think it really counts since so few people had a chance to see it.

  9. FF says:

    lol, He actually looks less morose and more chill here tbh, and thank goodness.

    Theatre actually isn’t a bad idea for him now, it’s where he started (right?), and he seems to like fan interaction – and there’s sure to be plenty.