Amazon gifts to make Christmas easier, including $25 sheets that feel luxurious

adult-asleep-bed-935777Sleeping woman stock photo via pexels
This is my third post with personal recommendations from Amazon. (Here are links to the other two posts.) These contain affiliate links. This is all stuff I own and none of the products were sent or recommended to us. Other posts did well and I will be making this a weekly or even twice weekly feature. (Read this post from Pajiba to get an idea of why we’re looking for additional sources of revenue. I do get to work from home, take naps every afternoon and write about celebrities for a living. Please do not feel obligated to buy stuff from these links and look up other options including secondhand and from eBay. This may get annoying and seem sponcon-y at some point and for that I’m sorry!)

A $20 device to make folding laundry easy and fun
I’m one of those people who imagine that the right product can streamline my life. Very rarely does that happen, but this simple folding device delivered! I saw this on one of those Bustle “things you need from Amazon” lists. I’m not a Marie Kondo convert in that I tried to pare down my possessions but realized I like having a lot of stuff, particularly clothes. (I follow Clutterbug, she helped me organize. I’m never going to have a capsule wardrobe, I want options.) Now my clothes are all folded to a uniform size, they look neat-ish in the drawer, and my teenage son even helps me fold and put away the laundry. If you’d like to save a little money and are crafty, Do it on a Dime has instructions for making one of these from Dollar Tree items.

Soft $25 sheets that feel luxurious
This isn’t one of those “guests will think you spent hundreds on these” products, but I really like these sheets. They’re soft, they were inexpensive, and I don’t even like to use my other sheets now, I wash these and put them right back on. Check the reviews, that’s what convinced me to get these. I have these in white and they haven’t gotten stained yet. I should probably just buy a second set though.

Mascara that makes you look like you have falsies
This is perfect “going out and need to look amazing” mascara, it’s not all day long mascara despite what some of the reviews say. For me it lasts about 3 hours and it doesn’t last through naps or until the end of the day. However you will look awesome if you need it for a night out. (There’s a brand that you can only get in Europe or on board Lufthansa, L’Oréal Volume Million Lashes So Couture, that I highly recommend. I used to get Covergirl Flamed Out as my daily go-to, but that was discontinued. So I’m in between daily mascaras. The struggle.) I found this mascara by searching for it and was so surprised how well it works. Your eyelashes may get so long they may bump your lids and smudge a little. Also consider getting an eyelash comb. My favorite is the Ardell lash comb. That will change your eyelash game.

Protect your neck while sleeping upright or in bed
The Bucky pillow is a semicircular buckwheat hull filled neck pillow that I swear by and have used for over 20 years. I had a physical therapist who raved about it too. It helps you avoid neck pain while sleeping in almost any position. You can even keep one in your car for naps on the go. I have one in my bed and I keep an extra one at my boyfriend’s house as I hate to sleep without it. I swear it helps me not snore too, although sometimes I need a breathe right strip for that I’m not going to lie.

Facial wax that doesn’t use strips
This Surgiwax is marketed as Brazilian wax, which is why I think it has lower reviews. I use it to wax my face and eyebrow area though and have been using it for over 15 years. You heat it up in the microwave. You have to make sure it’s the right temperature, it should be a creamy consistency and not too runny. It doesn’t hurt to remove chin or lip hair at all and is quick and easy (YRMV). They changed the facial formula a while back which is why I buy the formula for down there as it’s more like the original. I don’t use it for that purpose though. I tried once and I wanted to die.

A soft synthetic makeup brush set for just $10
There are so many cheap makeup brush sets on Amazon. Some of them have complaints that the bristles fall off, that they have a chemical odor or that they’re too stiff. I researched before choosing this set and have owned them for several months now. I did wash them when they first came but I’m chemically sensitive and they didn’t smell too strong for me. Plus they’re a bargain and you get so many including a rubber brush to wash them and a foundation blending sponge. They hold a decent amount of product and I would buy them again or for a makeup-obsessed friend.

Thanks for reading our post with affiliate links!

Stock photos via pexels

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37 Responses to “Amazon gifts to make Christmas easier, including $25 sheets that feel luxurious”

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  1. JanetDR says:

    I’m happy to look at favorite products posts from someone I trust! And if buying something helps to support my favorite blog, well, all the better!

  2. Snazzy says:

    Ohhh I may look into those bedsheets actually! I’ve been looking for good ones and honestly a good set of sheets makes all the difference!

  3. Esmom says:

    I love these posts, and they don’t feel spon-con at all, maybe because I’ve known and trusted your voice for so many years now.

    I am on a continual quest for good but affordable sheets and want to try these but I gotta admit I’m skeptical of any that aren’t 100% cotton. I feel like the Princess and the Pea in that if I detect even a hint of any other fiber I won’t be able to sleep. My kids might like them for their dorms, though, because I don’t think they have the same sensitivity I do.

    The folding thing looks really cool but it’s the type of thing I’d probably use a few times then throw in the closet and resign myself to wonkily folded shirts again.

    • Snazzy says:

      lol yes me too about the folding thingy

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      Same, I use all cotton, silk, wool, down and feathers for bedding, especially being in mid-life. The synthetics used in bedding now are so hot! I do use a regular buckwheat pillow – it stays cool under the head, which is really nice in the night-sweat era*. I might try the neck pillow.

      Anyone using buckwheat – consider buying an extra bag of hulls to plump the pillows or fill them to the hardness of your liking.

      * May write novel, “Love in the Time of Night Sweats”

    • Giddy says:

      The folding thing changed my life when I discovered it years ago. Suddenly my stacks of t-shirts looked like the Gap! Then, I bought one for each of my sons as I was giving them laundry lessons before college. I admit that two of them probably lost theirs, but the third loved it and still uses it. They really are a game changer if you’re looking to organize and straighten up your clothes,

    • Eliza says:

      Used to work retail: The stores use a board that’s equivalent to a clip-board minus the clip… not sure why you need the wings you can just fold the arms in and the bottom up just as quickly without them.

      When i organized my babies clothes in an under-bed bin (the ones she’s grown out of) i used a cardboard template so they all stacked in perfectly and i knew how many rows id fit before i started folding. I dreaded refolding it all, one time only.

      So give the gift of cardboard?

      • Cleo17 says:

        I worked at Baby Gap in college. Folding all those little tiny shirts and watching the masses destroy that in seconds could get very disheartening. To this day, I refold things back because the struggle is real for retail workers.

      • Anners says:

        Oh! That’s a great idea! I’m pretty sure I have a clip-less board somewhere around here.

  4. Jayna says:

    I have to have 100 percent cotton. Those are microfiber. I’m now addicted to finding the perfect long-staple percale sheets, those sheets that are crisp like my grandmother’s sheets. I’ve found like-minded people on forums discussing their favorites and some articles. They discontinued the one I loved.

    • FinallyGrandma says:

      if you find them lmk. I get hot flashes and have sensory issues lol.

    • Venus says:

      I use percale sheets from Ikea, believe it or not. They are not absolutely the best but are a lot cheaper than the high-end percale ones. I can’t find them on their website, but Vermont Country Store carries percale sheets too:

      • Kaye says:

        I found great 100% cotton percale sheets (or is that redundant?) at Target, and they’re the best sheets I’ve ever had. They were about $80 for a double bed.

        I prefer crisp sheets to soft ones. I’ve never tried linen, but I think I would like cotton better.

    • Erinn says:

      Mmmm I’m a bedding lover. I have chronic pain, and my skin sometimes gets so sensitive to non-painful stimuli. It’s awful. Sometimes it feels like I’m laying on sandpaper because of it – even when I know I’m using great sheets. My husband hates the really crisp colder feeling sheets and loves all kinds of fleecy nonsense. But I loveeee the cold, crisp sheet feeling.

  5. manda says:

    Thanks so much! I just put the clutterbug book in my shopping cart, and the sheets on my wishlist! I love lists of things to buy…

  6. Anh says:

    I love this website and I love what you wrote about the ad thing. It was v kind and v transparent. I have a v high level of trust with this website, which is priceless as banks, churches, MNCs have all found out, once it’s gone.

    • Mira Belle says:

      Seconded! Bring on the info, glad to support this site and the great writers here. I vote 1x/week fwiw.

  7. Paisley says:

    I’ll take that sweet puppy dog, please. 😊

  8. SJhere says:

    If anybody finds 100% cotton clothes, socks, sheets, ect. Reasonably priced please post. Seriously, I try to buy all cotton for things that are skin contact, and they are almost impossible to find in my local retail stores.

    FYI, Macy’s carries Karen Scott brand (womens) tshirts that are all cotton for $15-$20 are they hold up great, I don’t put them in the dryer tho.

    I actually like recommendations, I usually read the reviews on Amazon before buying too.
    And yes, I did click because of the napping Doggie pic.

  9. Liz version 700 says:

    I have had neck pain for 10 years thanks to being the only person who stopped at red lights when I lived in DC. I bought the neck pillow (it has a coupon right now) before I even finished the post. Can’t wait to try it! Amazon is a fantastic place for sheets and comforters! My favorite comforter is the light one I bought for spring/fall/summer. The King size from Amazon basics was $30. Might have to try those sheets.

  10. LB says:

    Can anyone recommend a wax or something for “down there” that is not too painful?

    • Polly says:

      Try sugaring. You can make sugar wax at home using just sugar, water and lemon juice and it’s (slightly) less painful than waxing and the results last longer. It’s also eco-friendly because there’s no wax strips needed and the sugar wax is made of only natural ingredients.

    • Miss M says:

      What Polly said. Just make sure your dont expose your waxed areas to the Sun since your homemade wax has lemon (acidic).

    • LB says:

      Thank you for the reply! I will look into that as I have not tried sugaring.

  11. Harryg says:

    Thank you for these links!
    That sleeping dog – is there an order limit?

  12. Cleo17 says:

    Mascara that doesn’t smudge under the eye, anyone? (Please feel free to make any recommendations affiliate links-I’ve been in the online/shopping affiliate business, and I know every penny counts).

    I take medicines that makes me a sweaty mess. I have never been able to find mascara that doesn’t smudge under my eyes after a few hours. I’ve used the tube mascara, but now I just end up with tiny tubes under my eyes after a few hours. The best I’ve found so far is buxom and Clinique mascara with the primer, but I’m still looking for my holy grail mascara.

    Just an idea – is there anyway you could put an Amazon button or link on the entire site? That way we could support you no matter what we’re shopping for.

    • Germangirl says:

      Re: Mascara that doesn’t smudge: I’ve been searching for years and finally found my holy grail! MAC Extended Play Mascara does not smudge, gives great definition to my lashes and even curls them upwards a bit. Every other mascara started to transfer to my undereye area after a few hours and this one holds up perfectly, even after a hot and sweaty night out. Funnily enough, you can remove it with just hot water.

  13. CheckThatPrivilege says:

    I love reading your recommendations! Thanks! I also appreciate that you were a little hesitant and appreciative about putting some affiliate links out here, instead of being right up in our faces and narcissistically entitled about it. Frankly, I don’t think you’d ever make it as a Kardashian or some of these other “influencers” 🙂

    • Celebitchy says:

      Oh thank you! If someone asked me to advertise a diet product or something I don’t think I could, even for a couple grand. I would have to actually use and believe in it.

  14. Illandri says:

    YES! I LOVE these sheets! I rotate between 3 different sets/colors and have one unopened sitting in my linen closet, just in case! I’ve washed them multiple times and they stay so soft and don’t pill at all.

  15. leskat says:

    Those sheets are going to be a “no” from me. They’re 100% polyester. Yes, they can be soft and silky but you’re going to sweat yourself to death in those sheets. I bought microfiber sheets from Amazon for my daughter and every night she would wake up covered in sweat. Once I realized it was the sheets, I won’t use them anymore. Do yourself a favor and spend real money on good 100% COTTON sheets. Sheets should be an investment and I’ve found king sized ones for under $100 CAD!

  16. grace 1 says:

    Love the candour and transparency! Fan for life.

  17. PixiePaperdoll says:

    Only licensed professionals are allowed near my eyebrows but if you’ve got an at-home solution for the beard, I’m all for it!

  18. Sarah B says:

    I bought the sheets AND the makeup brushes from your links. $$$!!!