Donald Trump seems to finally understand that he’s losing the shutdown

President Donald Trump meets with conservative leaders on his immigration proposal

Today is the 35th day of the Trump Shutdown. This week has had a weird vibe to it, almost like… Trump knows he’s losing? Nancy Pelosi shut him down hard when she canceled his bigly sad State of the Union address, and Trump’s approval ratings have tanked even worse than usual. Even Republicans blame him for this mess, and there are a handful of Republican senators who are quietly revolting. It certainly hasn’t helped matters that NO ONE involved in the Trump administration really understands what it’s like for a middle class or working class family to lose a few paychecks. Trump was asked yesterday about Wilbur Ross’s tone-deaf comments about federal workers going to food banks, and this was what Trump said:

Ah, yes, all of those local grocery stores where everyone knows everyone and of course you can always get your groceries on credit. Except all of those grocery stores are gone – they were replaced with Walmarts years ago. And Walmart isn’t interested in helping out furloughed workers.

So, what’s next? According to Politico, Trump and his people are coming to terms with the fact that they’re fighting a losing and nonsensical battle, and “they want to cut a deal.” Trump is thinking about doing a three-week continuing resolution to fund the government so that people can be paid while they’re working out some larger deal. But even Politico mentions the possibility of Trump declaring an emergency and then finding $7 billion *somewhere* to fund this f–king dumbass wall. CNN says that a draft of the emergency proclamation has even been drafted.

Nancy Pelosi is amazing in this clip.

President Donald Trump meets with conservative leaders on his immigration proposal

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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108 Responses to “Donald Trump seems to finally understand that he’s losing the shutdown”

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  1. Bryn says:

    I don’t understand how this administration has so many poor and low income people convinced that they are doing what’s best for them. It’s the opposite and it’s so painfully obvious

    • Kittycat says:

      Its incredibly sad.

      Some people just vote Republican and no matter what they will never change their mind despite reality.

    • Belle Epoch says:

      Isn’t it amazing? I read a profile of people in Iowa who went through the farming/tariff thing (I still can’t believe it actually was allowed to happen) and now the shutdown/layoffs – and they are still MAGA Morons!!! Another woman is losing her child to cancer in an entire neighborhood of kids with cancer because of Trump’s “rolling back” environmental laws – and she says she still likes Trump because “he’s a good businessman.” 35% of America has rocks in their head. Incomprehensible!

      • Beth says:

        A “good business man” who’s gone bankrupt 6 times. I wonder if these people are too embarrassed to admit they were conned by Don the con, or if they’re really just so cold hearted that losing their house, children dying, country collapsing, etc matters so little to them

      • whatWHAT? says:

        Beth, as it goes…

        “it’s easier to con a man than to convince him he’s been conned”

        I absolutely believe that some (most? all?) don’t want to admit they got conned.

        “owning the libs” is all that matters. sticking it to the libs is more important than anything to them, even if it means they lose, too.

      • Angel says:

        The Trump supporters are a strange crew, I’m sure I’m not the only one to notice that they all seem to be cut from the same cloth. In addition to the older blue collar white dudes, you’ve got older women who like him because their husband does (its obvious these women have no clue), theres the middle age, over weight white dude who is still overtaking woman at work to get his point across. The fact that some military personnel support him blows my mind! How is it that nobody but the sane people amoung us see what an evil, lying, conman he is. Trump’s psychological need for attention and praise is in charge of this country and the people who can stop it, won’t. I read the indictment of Roger Stone and that guy was talking like he was some kind of mob boss and threatening a guys dog. I’d slap the grey out of his hair if I ever ran into him. I can’t stand a one of them…

      • Bella Bella says:

        I think it’s because they don’t read. And they get their news from unreliable sources, if they get news at all. I cannot tell you how many people have told me in recent months that they do not watch the news because it is always bad. My family was affected by the shooting at the synagogue in Pittsburgh, and when I spoke to people about it where I live in upstate NY, I’d say 3 out of 4 had no idea what I was talking about. I couldn’t believe it. They, to a person, all said the same thing, “Oh I don’t watch the news. It’s always something bad.” If that’s the situation, then people are making decisions based purely on some kind of refracted optics. I guess the long red tie has them convinced he’s a good businessman.

    • Elkie says:

      Because they would set their own house on fire just to make the black/hispanic/asian/gay/trans/Jewish/Muslim/Liberal/Democrat-voting guy next door choke on the smoke.

      • Ali says:


      • Robot Dog says:

        Yep. There was an article that came out a..while ago (??? A few weeks? A month? This is such an unrelentingly awful time I don’t even know any more) where some guy in Iowa said he was probably going to lose lose the family farm because of Trump’s policies, but border security’s important. It was about the same time as the “they’re hurting the wrong people” lady.

      • EditorM says:

        Sums it up. These last 3 years have been a cold cup of coffee look at who we are and the answer doesn’t look.

      • whatWHAT? says:

        perfectly summed up. it’s such a strange mentality.

      • lucy2 says:

        Yes. The short answer is RACISM.

      • Megan says:

        The power of hate never ceases to amaze me.

      • Pandy says:

        Well said! I’m going to steal it in future – hope that’s okay.

    • EJW says:

      Trump has duped a lot of white people into thinking that rising social equality is responsible for rising economic inequality, so they’ve acted accordingly.

      • Snowflake says:

        Yep, that’s what they think. Imo, the poorest whites are the most racist. It’s handed down from their fathers, etc. When slavery was abolished, African Americans were competing for jobs with the poor whites. The poor whites want to feel like they are better than others because in white class system, they are at the bottom. Imo, it makes them feel better about themselves to feel like they are still better than someone else

      • Sunnee says:

        Yes, Snowflake, that’s it in a nutshell.

    • Meowuirose says:

      The Horse Whisperer had a really good Twitter thread about the demise of a narcissist.

      • jan90067 says:

        LOVE The Hoarse! 98% of my Twitter feed is politics (pundits, journalists, (Proud) Resisters (like me! lol)). I LOVE hearing others’ take on all of this, and how they break down things into easier to understand ways. However, it does sometimes take me into aneurism range reading it.

    • Beth says:

      It is unbelievable that so many low income people are diehard Trumpsters, especially when he wants to take away the safety nets they depend on like food stamps and Medicaid. That proves some people will vote for party before country

    • Veronica says:

      Because the upper class has spent the better part of a century convincing the lower and minority classes to fight each other rather than look at the real culprits. That’s why public education systems have been gutted financially over the last few decades. An ignorant populace is an easily controlled one. People who don’t think racism isn’t inherently tied to the economic situation in America are fooling themselves.

    • Tiffany says:

      “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”

      -President Lyndon B Johnson

      • Snowflake says:

        Yes, i was thinking of that quote, but i couldn’t remember it all. Thanks

      • Abby says:

        This. This is it.

      • jan90067 says:

        I thought of that quote, too.

        Sigh… I was so hoping that in 2018 we were finally moving away from so much of this. I know it will never be eradicated in my lifetime, but damn, I really thought we were evolving. It sickens me to realize we’re really no better than we were 200 yrs. ago, in a lot of ways.

    • mycomment says:

      spite. that is what rules trumpland.

      • jan90067 says:

        Not spite. GREED, MONEY AND POWER are what moves them. It is what they get up for in the morning, and what they dream about it at night. ANY MEANS NECESSARY to get it is fair game to them. Anything else, just icing on their moldy cake.

    • Gina says:

      Well.. The republicans live for guns and the lives of the fetus so yeah they are cool with being screwed .

      Trump does not care about poor people farmers or middle America.

      I said it.

    • Katie Keen says:

      It’s because the right has them convinced that Democrats are all college-educated people who are looking down on them, when the opposite is true.

    • Yes Doubtful says:

      They are ignorant and probably vote based on one or two lone issues. Such as their precious guns or pro-life stance. I too can never understand why the middle class or lower would ever vote republican. I also don’t understand why someone wouldn’t vote PERIOD. It’s easy, it’s free, it’s your right and it’s important.

  2. Nanny to the rescue says:

    “Trump” and “understand” can’t be used in the same sentence.

  3. Maya says:

    Ahh I love what Nancy has been able to accomplish with just 4 weeks in her role.

    Trump is doomed and he knows it. I foresee a resignation in the near future.

  4. H says:

    Maybe the people around 45 realize this is a losing battle, but once he listens to Fox News and they start calling him out again, I bet he’ll change his mind.

    • jan90067 says:

      Yesterday, I saw that some republiTHUGS *are* starting to jump ship, and are willing to vote with Dems to get the govt open again. Hopefully, more will start to realize this GOP ship is sinking and their ONLY hope of survival is to break ties with Yertle McTurtle.

      Question: If enough Rs in the Senate can convince each other, can they vote McTurtle out of the Speaker’s seat? At any time?

  5. Lizzie says:

    i feel attacked by the last picture

  6. CharliePenn says:

    I am so upset because this shutdown affects the most innocent people who need support the most: children living with food instability. Food stamps is always a mess of a program and now the last issue of food stamps has gone out.
    Can you imagine the stress? The fear? As a mother I can’t even fathom how crushingly overwhelmed with panic I would be if my family was currently on food stamps.

    • cannibell says:

      If you can, try to find people in your areas who are affected and do what you can to help them. I lucked out yesterday and connected with a woman in that situation. I’ve been desperately trying to organize our house and get rid of things, and it’s something I struggle with but am really good at doing for other people. So I’m hiring her to help me do what I can’t. I’m lucky enough to be able to use some spare scratch for that, but even dropping off some food at a pantry that might be used by government workers on furlough or patronizing a business affected by the shutdown (she told me the family-owned cafe in the federal building where she works has taken a huge hit because there aren’t people there to buy food and those working can’t afford to patronize them right now).

      • lucy2 says:

        The ripple effect is going to be felt for a long time from all this. That was partly why Ross’ comments were so awful, he was all “it’s not that many people” and completely ignoring the far and wide effects of it. The Secretary of Commerce doesn’t understand the concept of an economy.

        Contributing to food banks and such definitely helps, and many of them prefer financial donations because they can really stretch the dollars, but I think whatever everyone can do will help. And don’t forget about pet food!

    • Elkie says:

      I suspect that’s a feature, not a bug. But hey, if you didn’t want your kids to starve you should have been born rich, steal $400 million through tax evasion and still have to have your Daddy bailing you out in middle age with $3 million illegal loans through your failing casino.

    • jay says:

      Banks and grocery stores will “work along”? Um…no they won’t.

      • jan90067 says:

        Sure… can you imagine walking into your local Ralph’s/Kroegers/Whatever Market and telling the cashier, “I’m a furloughed worker, here’s my IOU”. RIIIGHT!

  7. Piper says:

    It’s truly disgraceful and I hope he loses reelection because of this whole ordeal. He cheated his way into office in the first place and now this.

    • jan90067 says:

      I hope ALL of those who are responsible and are up for re-election in 2020 are voted out on their @sses! Sadly though, they’ve all stolen enough through their offices and deals to live comfortably the rest of their lives.

    • efffefff says:

      I’m concerned he’ll be able to cheat and steal his reelection the same way he did the first time.

  8. JanetFerber says:

    He’s desperate and so more likely to declare an emergency and try to get the 7 billion that way (his price tag also went up). He couldn’t govern when all branches of government were Republican and now that the House is Democrat, he’s even more likely to enact his dictator-like tendencies. He is so dangerous and is unable to act his part in a democracy. He’s the lone wolf type who must have all the marbles in order to play. It’s a zero sum game for him–he “wins” and all else must lose, including the country. He plays for himself alone and his sycophants.

  9. boredblond says:

    This is the same guy who got ignorant crowds to cheer when he claimed you need a photo id to buy a loaf of bread, or whatever, at a grocery: now he thinks we all live in Hooterville and can ask Sam Drucker to give us vittles on credit. What a clueless entitled bunch.

  10. BigGirl says:

    It’s a Mueller Friday. I doubt Trump will care about the shutdown this weekend. Roger Stone was arrested by furloughed FBI workers..Irony

  11. Some chick says:

    “…some republican senators are quietly revolting…”
    MOST of the republicans are totally revolting! LOL, sorry. But, they are.

    You want to talk about complicity? The republicans – particularly McConnell – are completely responsible for the perpetuation of the shutdown. (As well as so many other things, including getting behind Dolt 45 in the first place.)

    Not to forget the gerrymandering and systematic vote suppression they’re responsible for, which brought us here in the first place. This has been a super long con, and it’s going to be a challenge to reverse it.

    But never mind all that! Why ask why? Let them take out loans to eat hamberders!

    • Veronica says:

      A remarkable amount of people (and the media!) seem to forget about Congress’s ability to override a veto. (Despite the fact that they just did it to Obama a few years ago over a controversial piece of legislation!) McConnell could totally lead a coalition to overthrow Trump by rallying his fellow Republicans and pushing to reopen the government with a Democratic bill. He doesn’t want to because he knows it would cost him politically, which how you know what a craven coward he is and an utter failure of a politician.

      • Lightpurple says:

        Putin owns McConnell. Has owned him for quite a while.

      • jan90067 says:

        McTurtle and his PACs have taken considerable, laundered sums (from Russia through the NRA). He IS worried about what will come out. It’s ALWAYS through the $$$$$ trail.

  12. Brooke says:

    I think Trump has to do something amazing at this point if he wants to see another term as president. I live in the deep (deep) (think of deliverance, deep) south and people here are not happy. Almost everyone that I know who voted for Trump are admitting now that they made a huge mistake. There are people who have voted republican their entire lives who are ready to jump ship.

    I know there are still tons of people who are going to vote for him no matter what but the next election is not as hopeless as you think!

    • Christin says:

      I am in “upper south” and hope the quiet I detect is people finally realizing they have been used.

      However, babies are still a hit button topic, and the party is viewed as having the same views. Because telling women they have to have babies is more important than any other issue, apparently.

    • Katie Keen says:

      From your lips to God’s ears.

  13. RBC says:

    He and the others like him will not fully “understand” the plight of these laid off workers until they lose everything. Money, nice clothes, expensive suits, homes, etc and are forced to worry how to pay rent and put food on the table, pay medical benefits. Karma is taking notes and will be in a foul mood when it comes knocking at their door

  14. grabbyhands says:

    But even Politico mentions the possibility of Trump declaring an emergency and then finding $7 billion *somewhere* to fund this f–king dumbass wall. CNN says that a draft of the emergency proclamation has even been drafted.

    Oh, I don’t think it is just a possibility. He’s cornered and mad and while he may be feeling some heat now, one little poke is all it will take for him to declare the emergency so he can get what he wants and look like he’s back in control. I just don’t see him walking away from this without pulling this.

    • Veronica says:

      I can absolutely see it happening, and it will be a grand test of our checks and balances when it immediately gets challenged in courts.

    • lucy2 says:

      I may be wrong, but I think if he does this it would be immediately challenged in the courts.

      • jan90067 says:

        Even if it IS challenged in the courts, republiTHUGS have been stacking federal courts with very conservative judges, and we all know what happened on SCOTUS. Nothing is a given if it goes to the courts.

  15. Rapunzel says:

    He will declare an emergency, courts will say, “Kick rocks” and he’ll blame it on them. And none of the stupid MAGAts will stop to wonder why a) he didn’t just declare an emergency instead of shutting down the government b) why a national emergency needs to be solved by a wall that will take years to build even if approved by the courts and c) why he didn’t attempt to deal with this emergency during his first two years with full GOP control.

    • Kate says:

      It’s b/c he used those years working on a tax bill to increase the gift and estate tax exemptions to $11m PER PERSON ($22m per married couple) so he and all of the wealthy politicians and businessmen who he cares about can keep more money in their families and not pay taxes. Sorry, I mean the farmers – it’s all for the farmers. He took care of himself first and now the second priority is to get reelected by stoking the fear of his supporters via immigrants and a wall.

    • jan90067 says:

      Rapunzel, you’re talking LOGICALLY! His followers don’t follow logic. They respond to hot button pushes: MEXICANS! RAPISTS! WALL! MURDER! EMAILS! ABORTION! CARAVANS!!!!

      Even Dump’s OWN admin. told him that a wall is useless in terms of border security. Tunnels are already burrowed under what exists. Dubya’s grab with Eminent Domain is STILL tied up in the courts. It just ain’t gonna happen. Do we need border security? Sure: drones, more personnel, more checkpoints for amnesty entries… that will work. Not some mythical, magic wall.

  16. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    Groceries on credit. Omg. Those words only mean they came out of an old white guy.

    • Olliesmom says:

      Yeah, it’s like Green Acres. Go down to Sam Drucker’s store and put your groceries on “your account”. Sam knows that you’re good for it. These people are SO out of touch.

  17. Flowers says:

    “Losing the shutdown “ in the headline makes it sound like a game, or a competition. What a sad state of the country we are in.

  18. Veronica says:

    When you read these articles andlook at the “both-sideism” BS the media is pushing, remember that Mitch McConnell could have solved this problem weeks ago by overriding the presidential veto. He has that power, as much as he’s been pretending otherwise these past few weeks. At this point, he could easily rally Republicans behind a bill to get the requisite votes. He managed well enough to do so with Obama. He is the worst of everything his party has to offer.

    What Pelosi has managed to do in the last four weeks should mitigate any complaints Democrats have about “establishment” concerns in 2020. This is what Democrats can do if you give them the power and effective leadership. Get them in office, whoever the hell they are, and then use your power as a constituent to push them toward progressiveness. Stop playing purity games and act like an adult voter who recognizes the long-term repercussions are going to take years to repair as is, with any attempts at liberalism lost if you don’t succeed in 2020.

  19. PhillyGal says:

    There are still LOTS of Trump supporters. Some are racists and bigots, and others are just not very smart. Also, if you only get your news from Fox, you will have a very limited and biased view of what is really going on. That describes my family.

    • Snowflake says:

      That describes my family as well, unfortunately

    • Sadezilla says:

      Me too, though my dad claims not to watch Fox. I don’t believe him, and if he’s not watching Fox he’s probably reading Bretibart.

    • Algernon says:

      This is my family, exactly. No matter what happens or how bad it gets, they will vote R. They’ll vote for Trump again because he’s a republican, that is all that matters. They won’t even consider abstaining from one election cycle, they will blindly vote R. It’s been a very disappointing few years as their child, to see they really don’t know any better and despite travelling, education, living in major metropolitan areas, everything that is supposed to inspire/grow liberalism, they’re so entrenched in Fox News Country they are more or less brainwashed.

      • Sadezilla says:

        Algernon, I personally know someone (not related to me, but connected to me through extended family) who voted for a literal Nazi who ran against Dan Lipinski in IL because of voting a straight R ticket. Lipinski is an anti-abortion blue dog Dem. The kicker: when told who they had voted for, the person did not appear disturbed. This is someone that I like and want to respect. Conservative propaganda is a hell of a drug.

    • hogtowngooner says:

      Yup. My uncle, who is a lifelong Republican hated Trump when he first announced his candidacy, now defends him all the time. His wife and her family are all in for Trump and live in the Fox News echo chamber where everything is the fault of Democrats and Hillary Clinton.

    • Swack says:

      Luckily this is not my family. But the number of people on FB that I see like this is unbelievable.

  20. HelloSunshine says:

    I was reading yesterday about air traffic controllers and how burnt out they are (6 days on, barely any time off on top of some working extra jobs like driving for Uber before and after work) and I cannot for the life of me understand anyone who thinks that holding out for a wall that will do nothing is more important than the people stopping planes from crashing into each other and making sure they can land and take off safely. And air traffic controllers are just a part of this. So many people working without pay and so many people who provide services like daycare, dogwalking, etc. are also hurting because of this.

    Sorry, end rant. I just find this situation so incredibly frustrating and I don’t understand how we live in a country where we can literally force people to work for free (and not all are guaranteed backpay btw).

  21. HeyThere! says:

    Sounds about white.

    I can’t believe these old white men think a grocery store will give away groceries on loan! Ha! How out of touch?! How many decades has it been since you went to a grocery store, bro?

    I know a guy, who is older and white, who actually was bragging about never stepping foot in a Walmart and was asking what the inside looked like… was all to make everyone around him feel small and poor. I thought it was sad but funny that he thought that was a status symbol!! Beyoncé goes to target, you can go to Walmart. She would buy your life 10 times over!

    Anywho, my family are big MAGA hat supporters…it makes me feel isolated. Sadly, when it comes down to it they are always talking about ‘how good of a business man he is, and that the evil Mexicans and their drugs need stopped because they are ruining America.’ I normally walk away when the talk starts because they aren’t bad people(my family) so why are you being like this?! If you think that is going to fix all of America issues?! A effing wall?!

    After reading yesterday’s thread, I’m angry that some workers won’t get back pay?!?! HOW IS THAT LEGAL?!

    Like I said above, sounds about white(I’m white).

    • lisanne says:

      I just cannot understand how anyone thinks Trump is a good businessman! He inherited a bunch of money from his father, who found ways (illegal) to circumvent New York State’s inheritance taxes. He has a pattern of ripping off contractors and other people who do work for him. He’s gone bankrupt multiple times! Trump’s one skill as a businessman is that he’s really good at swindling people. Not a plus for a President.

    • Katie Keen says:

      How the Hell can you even stand to be around your family anymore? My parents are Trump supporters and I’ve spoken to them about 3 times this year. You must have the patience of a saint–is it from yoga? Meditation? Chammomile? 😆

  22. jay says:

    His idea of the America between NYC and LA being one big small town is staggeringly stupid.

    • Algernon says:

      And his idea of modern small towns is staggeringly stupid. His concept of small town America seems to be It’s A Wonderful Life where a good natured idiot will support his bumpkin neighbors no matter what. That is and always has been a fantasy.

  23. Dttimes2 says:

    Is it wrong to hope his secret service guards (who aren’t being paid) take a long break next time Trumps out in public??

  24. Fluffy Princess says:

    Nancy Pelosi has taken Emperor Zero to the Woodshed and whooped his ass in front of the world–and not a moment too soon.

    I wonder if Nancy is indulging in a little bit of gloating, privately to herself. You know, like she thinks to herself, “How do you like me now, b***h?” and other choice and fun phrases…

  25. sunshine starlight says:

    It seems to me that Donald Trump want federal workers to get paid. Hence his idea of a deal to give them their money.
    It seems to me that Democrats won’t do it because if federal workers got paid then democrats will lose their bargaining power. Democrats would rather see federal workers go without pay than doing a “no-wall-yet” deal that would merely lead to federal workers getting paid. I am not sure the Democrats will rise from this as decent people. We will see.

    • Rapunzel says:

      Sunshine starlight-


      Nope. But thanks for playing.

      If Trump wanted workers to get paid, he’d have avoided this shutdown completely instead of pitching a fit over this nonsense wall. He hasn’t used all of the last border funds he was allotted and if he was really interested in security, that wouldn’t be the case. He’d also be making sure border patrol, ICE, coast guard and TSA were getting paid if security was his real motive.

      Also, if he was really interested in workers getting paid, he’d have accepted the veto proof bipartisan legislation that was passed even though it includes no wall funding. Cause that was the will of the people via their elected representatives.

      Dems are just being stonewalled by GOP refusal to cross Trump, and are not at fault for refusing to give into a senseless toddler tantrum from Old McDonald.

      • Veronica S. says:

        Girl really out here trying to school the rest of us who actually passed a remedial civics class and watched 2018 go down with our own eyes, lol. They’re refusing to bend because he’s demanding the funding be set aside for the bill. In other words: it’s not actually a negotiation. Yes, let’s give a man leveraging the lives of 800,000 people to strong arm an opposing party into into throwing billions of dollars into a project guaranteed to fail for a crisis that is entirely manufactured exactly what he wants so he can appease his sycophants. F*cking brilliant. Can’t think of how setting that precedent may backfire spectacularly in the future.

        Here, I’ve got basic scenario y’all can roleplay to see this play out in real time. Next time one of you has a kid throwing a temper tantrum over not getting a cookie, why don’t you give him one? Then tell me what happens the next time the exact same situation goes down. Because that’s the same dynamics we’re working with here.

    • Elaine says:

      It seems to me that you’re clueless and delusional. Sorry not sorry

    • lucy2 says:

      This “crisis” was manufactured by his administration. If they really wanted a wall, they could have done it in the 2 years the GOP had the White House, the Senate, and the House. They decided to get millionaires tax breaks instead.
      A bill was passed through both the House and Senate. Trump was going to sign it, but changed his mind because of stupid political pundits on Fox News. He caused the shutdown.

      The “no wall yet” deal you spoke of? They’ve been asking for that for weeks – open the government so people get paid, and then negotiate. That’s what the Dems proposed yesterday. It didn’t pass then, but it’s exactly the deal Trump just agreed to today.

    • Katie Keen says:

      Lmao, I sort of love the persistence of this troll.

      Please do not spend paragraphs of your time responding to someone like this. That old, “…and the pig likes it” quote comes to mind.

    • Anon33 says:

      You know nothing at all about how the government works, honey. Not even a little bit.

      Signed, a government employee who was blessedly not furloughed per legislation passed by the REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED CONGRESS in September. WE EVEN HAVE OVERTIME! Want to know why? Because the rethugs KNEW if they “shut down” military pay or SSA checks again, the country would revolt. Because they KNEW they were going to manufacture this crisis.

      Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

  26. JanetFerber says:

    But prick his pride, and he’ll lash out like the wannabe dictator he is. He’ll do the most drastic payback for every small humiliation he feels. He’s dangerous and out of control. He needs to resign NOW. And let’s face it, the bitch LIKES to stiff people he owes money to– it tickled his ego and lined his pockets. Sadistic, greedy, petty, catastrophic, vain, insecure, narcissistic man-baby.

  27. Swack says:

    From CNN:

    “President Donald Trump is preparing to make an announcement Friday afternoon at the White House about the border and the government shutdown, sources say, as he faces increasing pressure to find a way out of the weeks-long standoff.”

    National emergency in 3, 2, 1?

    • Christin says:

      He has to change the news focus for the evening and weekend. Otherwise, wall-to-wall Stone and security clearance override stories.

      The reported 30 security clearance overrides should have been an equally covered story on today’s news feeds.

  28. Themummy says:

    And right on schedule Trump is doing a big press conference in the garden regarding the shut down anything to distract from all of this Roger stone stuff. It is so transparent. And yet it works every time.

    • goofpuff says:

      yes because the media is complicit. They give him the air time to air his stupidity and ignore the actually things like Stone and McConnell – I mean ugh.

  29. Nicole(the Cdn one) says:

    Are these the same fantasy grocery stores where you need ID to buy cereal?

  30. JRenee says:

    Temporarily over…

    • Swack says:

      And threatens to shut down the govt again or use his national emergency option if they don’t fund the wall.

  31. SM says:

    A song by the Killers “Land of the Free” accompanied by short film by Spike Lee about this whole mess: