Angelina possibly slams Megan Fox; Fox thinks she’s too good for James Bond

curious case of benjamin button arrivals 7 091208
According to Life & Style (story via Jezebel), Angelina Jolie was recently asked what she thought of people comparing Megan Fox to her. Allegedly, Angelina replied, “Is she aiding in Africa or sitting in on U.N. conferences? Donating herself to something bigger than Hollywood? I’m not familiar with her work, is she an Oscar contender?” Now, if Angelina actually said that (and I hope she did), it would be a great way to put Megan in her place. Megan can’t go one interview without talking about Angelina, or coyly referencing her in some way, all the while trying her best to be the most budget version of Angelina.

There were always rumors about Angelina and a possible role in a James Bond film. Jolie was rumored to be up for the role in Casino Royale, but was allegedly dropped from consideration because of her then-pregnancy with Shiloh. The rumors heat up whenever there are casting decisions to be made about an upcoming Bond film, and most of the time the rumors are along the lines of “Angelina’s not really interested at this point”. Well, now Megan Fox is trying to one-up her Single White Female-esque object of emulation. Fox has declared that she’s turned down an offer to work on the next Bond film. So the score is: Megan Fox: zero, James Bond: a million.

In a shockingly bad career move (in our humble opinion, at least), Megan Fox has announced she’s turned down an offer to star opposite Daniel Craig in the next Bond film. Really!?

The chance to join the prestigious list of female A-listers with the looks and brains to challenge and roll with Bond? (We’ll have to exclude Denise Richards from that list though.) Apparently, she’s just not impressed by the notion and feels the role wouldn’t really add anything to her career. Huh.

We know her standards are so ridiculously high, given her Oscar-worthy performances in Transformers and all, but this seems like a majorly Lindsay Lohan level misstep, no?

She’s already making dumb moves like badmouthing those robot movies, claiming that Michael Bay’s blockbusters had nothing to offer her as an actress.

Bay replied, “[Fox] has a lot of growing up to do … No one in the world knew about Megan Fox until I found her and put her in ‘Transformers.’” Exactly.

If Megan Fox wants people to start taking her precious career so seriously, she could start by getting rid of that crappy Marilyn Monroe tattoo.

To her credit, we get that she might want to break out of the femme fatale typecasting. Sure. On the other hand, she’s done nothing to demonstrate that she actually has the acting chops she’s always moaning about. So there’s that. Anyone?

[From The Frisky]

I realize that Megan Fox is the new hot girl, and that she’s going to be getting more and more parts just based on that sheer fact. She’s got five films lined up in various stages of production, so we’re going to be seeing and hearing a lot more from Megan whether we like it or not. Considering Megan has a singular gift for saying moronic things, I suspect there’s no one in her management team giving her old-Hollywood style advice. So, I’ll step up. Megan, there are three things you should never confirm or deny: d-ck size, salaries, or what films you passed on. You’re welcome.

Angelina Joile is shown on 12/18/08. Megan Fox is shown on 6/25/09. Credit:

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47 Responses to “Angelina possibly slams Megan Fox; Fox thinks she’s too good for James Bond”

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  1. DD says:

    I’m sorry but if she did say that, then it would just prove everything she does is for show.

  2. Gigi says:

    They need a hot actress for the new James Bond franchise. After the last film, Quantum of Crap, they need a Jolie. I doubt that Fox can pull it off. I just saw the trailer for that film Jennifer’s Body, and laughed. It’s supposed to be a horror film. It looks like Diablo Cody has gone from an Oscar win, to a really crappy film with Megan Fox. Megan Fox can’t compare herself to Angelina

  3. Fiestarter says:

    While I am no fan of Megan Fox, Jolie, if she actually said that, should not brag about her accomplishments so readily. Those who do charitable things do not need to pat themselves on the back . In saying what she said, it makes her think that she is not only above Fox, but above so many others. The more dignified response would have been “I didn’t know people were comapring the two of us” and move on to the next question .

    It is great Jolie does the things that she does, but taking the higher road is always the better choice.

    I have my doubts Jolie actually said that though. I have not known her in interviews to be so catty and superior.

  4. 88Modesty88 says:

    Personally I don’t think Angelina made those remarks — doesn’t sound like her.

    And Megan, it’s better that people think you’re an idiot — don’t open your mouth and confirm it!

  5. Beth says:

    This doesn’t sound like something that Angelina would say. Unless asked she doesn’t talk about charity and Oscars. It sounds madeup since this seems kind of random. Angelina doesn’t strike me as the type to wondering and thinking about other actors.

  6. Angie is Brads girl says:

    Lies and Sh** mag is always lying to get sales. They aren’t credible in anything they report. The press is always trying to pit Jen, Oprah and Megan against Angelina in every tabloid of every week. Nothing new.

  7. Praise St. Angie! says:

    gotta go with the opinion of the other posters here.

    tho I don’t care for St. Angie much, those quotes really don’t sound like something she’d say. I’ve never known her to “brag” about her humanitarian efforts.

    and that’s gotta be the WORST picture of Megan Fox I’ve ever seen.

  8. vale says:

    Meh. I don’t blame her, I wouldn’t want to be a Bond girl either. It seems like one of those roles that every woman is supposed to covet for what it represents, but in truth it appears to be a role of validation and not exactly an acting challenge.

  9. Fire says:

    I doubt that Jolie even said that. I also think that if Fox turned down being a Bond girl she is an even bigger idiot than I thought she was. Bad-mouthing a movie she is supposed to be promoting (and that made her a “household name”), getting a big Marilyn Monroe tat on her arm and continuing to get back together with some has-been that was somebody over 15 years ago…her list is growing.

  10. Rosanna says:

    AJ would *never* say it, even if she thinks it.

    And MF is way more beautiful than AJ, just not as talented. There definitely is a physical resemblance between the two of them, but I’ll leave at that.

    I like them both but they are different genres. Besides, AJ would *never* say what she thinks, while MF does. MF would have slammed JA, but AJ doesn’t dare to.

  11. Telly says:

    I don’t like Angelina Jolie or Megan Fox at all, but in that side-by-side Angelina makes her look like a straight-up DUDE. Megan’s face just looks so hard and cut up.

  12. ehh says:

    88Modesty88, you cracked me up with that comment, I am putting it in my “quotes from the web draft”, hahhahahahhahahha.

  13. Cinderella says:

    While AJ probably sees no worth in Megan Fox, I doubt she’d ever say anything about it.

  14. princess pee says:

    vale, I agree. What’s so great about being the bimbo who gets to sleep with James Bond? Seriously, DENISE RICHARDS was a Bond girl… it’s not an accomplishment to covet beyond the paycheck. And if she really has 5 movies in production, she doesn’t really need the paycheck.

  15. lisa says:

    OH give me a break. There is no proof Angelina said that. I have NEVER read or heard anywhere that she has said something negative about anyone.. I would like to see proof.. she is not someone to comment on what other say about her. And she to my knowledge has never slamed anyone.. Sad that people still feel the need to associate her with EVERYONE.. and claim she is nasty to other people.. which is the opposite. People who have ACTUALLY MET HER.. have always spoken of how nice and kind she is.. Shame on you Celebichy for always printing any and every lie that is directed towards her. I’m sure there are other celebs to focuso on.. I think it is time to get off the Angie train..

  16. lucy says:

    I doubt Angelina said that. She certainly lets all her do-gooding be known, it’s all part of her image, but she’s much more subtle than that. And I’d bet she’d just say she doesn’t care about comparisons to anyone else, though I’m sure she must a little bit – can’t feel good to have someone else declared the new Angelina already.
    They do look a lot alike, and MF is definitely taking the early AJ route of saying and doing shocking things for attention. She’ll grow out of it sooner or later, like AJ eventually did.
    But Megan will be lucky if she has half the career Aneglina does, and I’m not all that big a fan of AJ’s work.

  17. lisa says:

    I love how people never know anything about what she and Brad are doing.

    She is IRAQ… Now let’s see if these blogs and tab go back and retract their crap.. Love how she rolls.. Love how she rolls.

    AP reports that she is in Iraq.. doing what she does and doing it low profile..

  18. Hieronymus Grex says:

    I can see her commenting “Megan Who?” just to be catty, but the rest sounds like pure baloney.

  19. SolitaryAngel says:

    I call shenanigans on this story; AJ doesn’t make comments like that–but I DO believe Megan passed on the Bond girl part. LiLo indeed.

  20. Ally says:

    Being a Bond girl only makes you a pin-up, which Megan Fox already is. Taking the Bond girl part would only cement her as a B-level actress. She’s right that it’s now or never to be taken seriously and get lead roles, not more bimbo roles.

  21. Lala says:

    angelina can NEVER Pull off the role she’s just not good for it!!! unlike megan wich can poll off anything!!! i really hate how people compare megan to soma bitch got turned down for a photoshot by a d-list!!!!

  22. Iggles says:

    Wow you Megan apologists are a loony bunch!

    Fox cannot act, she has a nasty attitude, continually word vomits, and looks like plastic!

    Angelina is a natural beauty. Look at photos of her around the time she made Gia. Or even watch “Hackers” from 1995. She was gorgeous without plastic enhancements and she is aging beautifully.

    Meanwhile Megan is 23 and looks ten years older! This girl is gonna look like Meg Ryan and Melanie Griffiths when she gets older!

  23. Ernestine says:

    I’m gonna say something, and before I get jumped on for saying it, I want you all to know that I mean it from a very honest place in my heart and my mind. I’m not saying this out of catty jealousy, or even because I dislike the girl or find her untalented (I’ve never watched a movie of hers; I can’t judge):

    I honestly don’t find her all that attractive.

    She’s a scrawny girl with stringy hair and too much makeup. Comparing her to the naturally-radiant Jolie — or Angelina in her prime, at least — is kind of an insult.

    I will fully admit that Natalie Portman, Scarlett Johansson, Amanda Seyfried, Moon Bloodgood, Jessica Alba, and a bunch of other young actresses are entirely gorgeous, even if some of these girls have questionable acting skills. My point: they all look better than the majority of the girls who went to my high school, and none of those women spackle their faces with greases and powders and whatnot. Unless they’re attending premieres or whatever, I guess. And I don’t THINk any of them have implants, though of course I could be wrong. I’d bet my (natural) left titty that Megan’s are both totally fake, though.

    Megan is just kinda ~meh~ to me. No natural curves whatsover, and the Angelina style-thievery just reeks of effort and fails on every level.

  24. Ernestine says:

    Oh, and Jesus Dogballs, that quote was so freaking fabricated it’s not even funny.

  25. ray says:

    AJ didn’t say that. also, megan fox is fug. well she used to be. if you see what she looked like before plastic surgery.. it’s not pretty. AJ wins in the (natural) looks department.

  26. Praise St. Angie! says:

    um, iggles, Angie has certainly had plastic enhancements, as have most of the actresses today. (at least one nose job, and probably cheek implants too. the lips, however,appear to be untouched, when compared with older pics.)

    she’s always been cute and certainly not the norm when it comes to beauty, but these days, a “natural” beauty she ain’t.

  27. Caitlan says:

    If you compare them equally, Angelina has a much prettier neck and natural lips. Both, I think have had minor nose jobs.

  28. princess pee says:

    Hey everyone, ever hear the old adage that beauty is in the eye of the beholder? Neither of these chicks would get me to switch teams, honestly, but I LOVE watching fools duke it out in the comments. Here’s a tip: everyone is ‘fug’ to someone. Everyone is ‘teh hotness’ to someone. Can’t we all just get along?

    They do look similar. Accept it, folks. There are a TON of Hollywood girls who look similar to one another. This is not news.

  29. ash says:

    she turned it down because she knows she can’t live up to the role.

  30. Jaded says:

    Megan’s reach exceeds her grasp. She’s at best a tough, low-rent version of Angelina and always will be. Nobody will take her seriously because as soon as she opens her mouth she blows it (no pun intended…). You can take the girl out of the trailer, but not the trailer out of the girl.

  31. cassie says:

    In 3 years people will be saying Megan who ? how many Transformers can she do 3 ,4

  32. Annie says:

    How do you “poll off” something….

    That sounds uncomfortable.

  33. BeeCee says:

    Do you know what you say when someone offers you the role of the next bond girl? You say “THANK YOU!” and then you freaking do it!!
    Stupid idiot

  34. karen says:

    Now would it not be refreshing if a blog site checked its facts before putting a story up as if it is true.

    Not so, Fox’s rep tells PEOPLE exclusively: “The report about Megan Fox turning down a Bond movie is completely not true. There have been no discussions nor any offers. Megan is a fan of the Bond movies.”

    I really don’t care. It is just so sickening how lies in this internet world are taken as fact as soon as they are posted.. then the truth comes out and gets lost in all the web chatter. Both parts of this story are WRONG.. no Bond refusal and NO Angie did not say that about Megan

  35. jojo says:

    LMAO!!!! Angelina is a control freak regarding erh image and her quotes … there is NO WAY she said this. The quote is ridiculous – at least they could have made up something believable!

  36. samer says:

    Angelina is just jealous for being replaced!! And i can’t belive that some ppl on this post thinks that angelina has never had plastic enhancements!! angelina face it your time is over!!!

  37. N says:

    Perhaps Megan’s image as an idiot is painted by the media; who take one quote, blow it up and splash it on the front page. All the while, they conveniently forget to include anything else that makes her appear credible or somewhat intelligent. Or perhaps she really is an idiot that vomits everything she thinks.

    Whatever the case, I’m no fan of Megan Fox. She has yet to display any hint of talent, and her popularity exists only because of her looks and compromising lingerie photos. She’s pretty, but the hottest girl on the planet? I’m sorry, I don’t think so.
    Angelina is so much more beautiful and graceful. I prefer her soft facial features and feminine, curvy figure. Megan’s body is built like a 13 year old boy’s.

  38. prettytarheelfan says:

    Whoa-Take a look at Megan’s neck and face in this side-by-side Vs. Angelina’s. Angelina is 8-10 years older, and still looks more youthful-She’s had her nose planed down, and her chest enhanced, but she’s not a total plastic makeover-if you look at the photos of her as a CHILD she had a very similar look, just a wider nose. Megan, on the other hand, has been created from a raw lump of clay, and it is already taking its toll on her features. She’s starting to resemble “a cat trying to go through a picket fence” as we might say down here in the South… I can’t imagine Angelina being un-savvy enough to make the full comments attributed to her, but it is fun to imagine that she did. When is Megan going to get her Oscar nom? Perhaps she’ll get it for the car-washing event that brought her to our attention in the first place? Is that footage available for nomination?

  39. Jenna says:

    I hardly think Angelina is jealous for being ‘replaced.’ I’m so sure she is just up in arms about not getting to be the boy killer in Jennifer’s Body just as I am sure that she is kicking herself in the ass because she couldn’t hang out with Megatron.


  40. Laura says:

    Calm down Brangeloonies,,20293363,00.html

  41. Ned says:

    Angelina is letting everybody knows how insecure she is.

    It also shows her motives for all the UN photo ops.

    You really don’t want them to know it’s a career move and a publicity prop.

    Big mistake to show your insecurity like that.

  42. karen says:


    When was Angelina replaced by Megan Fox.. oh you mean in a men’s mag.. oh my poor Angie.. I mean what is she to do. I guess she will have to wait for Megan to turn down more choice roles like Jennifer’s body so that she can keep her career going.. Get a grip.. Megan Fox and Angelina are never up for the same roles.. If you think so then you are dumber then your comment implies. Megan has done What? 3 movies.. Yeah a stellar career.. I can see why Angie is worried.

  43. the original kate says:

    if i were angie i would have just said, “i don’t know who she is” and moved on. let’s face it, most celebs -and definitely someone like megan fox- would shrivel up and die at the thought of obscurity. i think that’s the worst that can happen to them.

  44. Dan says:

    am i the only one who thinks its wierd that megan fox looks older than Jolie in those pics above?

  45. bella says:

    there is no comparison between the two. jolie is in a league of her own. fox has a very long way to go before she can even come close to jolie.

  46. KRule says:

    Does Megan Fox even think before she speaks in interviews? Like the other day when she’s talking about her toilet habits and farting in her Transformers suit and other moronic observations. What an airhead.

  47. melissa says: