Charlize Theron got itty-bitty bangs trauma for the NYC ‘Long Shot’ premiere

'Long Shot' New York Premiere - Red Carpet Arrivals

Just this week, I was watching a commercial for Long Shot, and I thought to myself “Charlize Theron’s hair looks great in this movie.” It really does – it’s like the film’s hair peeps were trying to give her Christine Baranski’s bob and it just WORKED. Unfortunately for all of us – especially me – Charlize’s hair has been a tragedy throughout the promotional tour for Long Shot. She’s been brunette for several months now – I guess it’s for a film? – and in previous appearances, Charlize has been doing a severe center-part which looked… okay. It wasn’t my favorite, honestly, but she pulled it off. But is she pulling off this mess?!?!

Last night was the New York premiere of Long Shot, and Charlize debuted some itty-bitty bangs. This, ladies and gentlemen, is old-school bangs trauma. Don’t even speak to me about “trends” or “Louise Brooks” or “she do what she want.” This is awful. She looks a decade older AND like she’s auditioning to play another Disney villainess. The suit is Dior, btw.

'Long Shot' New York Premiere - Arrivals

'Long Shot' New York Premiere - Red Carpet Arrivals

Seth Rogen has been putting in some effort for this promotional tour and he looks really nice.

'Long Shot' New York Premiere - Arrivals

'Long Shot' New York Premiere - Red Carpet Arrivals

Remember all those stories, years ago, about Charlize and Alexander Skarsgard? He has a smallish role in Long Shot and he attended the premiere. I’m into it, even though I’m sure nothing is happening between them right now.

'Long Shot' New York Premiere - Arrivals

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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43 Responses to “Charlize Theron got itty-bitty bangs trauma for the NYC ‘Long Shot’ premiere”

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  1. Enn says:

    Oh Charlize, no. Baby, love yourself.

  2. minx says:

    Hoo boy, those bangs are bad and she does not look happy.

  3. CER says:

    It’s a very Rooney Mara hair style. I almost like it.

    • Bella Bella says:

      I’ll go on record and say I love the bangs. It’s very French! I’m sure if she wasn’t all made up and just her natural self, she would look smashing.

  4. jules says:

    I know I’m going to be judged harshly on this comment but, I don’t actually mind them. She has a face that can pull off anything…whether it be bitch villainess or mom of two.

    • AnnaKist says:

      No judgement here, Jules. I love a nice fringe (bangs), but don’t like this length. It makes me think of my childhood, and all the little girls I went to school with, whose mums would cut their fringes really short so the cut would “last longer”. I like her brunette hair, too. We need more brunettes!

    • A says:

      I like them too.
      I like them on myself too. If they are longer than my eyebrows it is time to cut them.
      Follow Hannah Simone for really fun bangs debates.

      • AnnaKist says:

        Yes, A – to the eyebrows! Any longer, snip-snip. I’m a fringe woman, cuz my hair is rubbish. It’s the only way I can wear it.

  5. Eliza says:

    She looks like Christine Baranski in these pics, if Christine Baranskihad brown hair and baby bangs.

  6. Aang says:

    Oh no ☹️

  7. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    Blechity blech blech blech.

  8. Erinn says:

    I’m kind of digging the darker hair. It makes her eyes really pop like crazy.

    That said – she’s ruining bangs for the people who have ‘good’ bangs lol. It’s times like this that I feel the bangs hate can be valid ahhaa. I had bangs from toddler-hood until about 27. I have finally ditched them and my life is easier for it. But when I see some really nice looking bangs I still have a moment of ‘I could get bangs again’. But the pain of growing them out all over again is enough to keep me from doing it.

  9. Kaye says:

    And they look slightly crooked – or is it just me?

    • Mrs. Peel says:

      Not just you. Looks like she hacked them up herself with garden shears!

    • Bella Bella says:

      That’s the look though! Not supposed to be perfect.

      • Tuille says:

        Then they aren’t crooked enough to be “the look.” Just barely off looks like a mistake.

  10. Lucia says:

    I actually think the bangs make her look less severe. I don’t hate them.

  11. Jade says:

    I love that even baked Seth Rogen’s still making an effort not to look like a schlub.

    • Carol says:

      He looks very fashionable, shocking. He also looks like he lost tons of weight. Does anyone know how he did it or if he lost weight for a role?

  12. Snowslow says:

    Argh. I am even more extreme: I always find that brunettes who dye their hand blonde, with exceptions, become interchangeable barbies (sorry if I offend and also there are amazing exceptions); naturally blonde women are striking though (Cate Blanchett, Amanda Seyfried, and Charlize Theron amongst so many others). When they go brunette they loose their sharpness. And don’t get me started on the short bangs – she is way to cranky looking to pull off twee. NO, Charlize.

  13. Case says:

    Love the hair color, don’t love the bangs. It feels like a younger look, but it barely looks good on younger people (Emma Watson and Rooney Mara come to mind).

  14. CatWomen says:

    Big mistake cutting them so far back into her hairline.

    • olive says:

      they’re probably just clip-on – it would be quite a drastic haircut to get if she is indeed in the middle of filming a movie

  15. lucy2 says:

    I hate itty bitty bangs. She almost makes it work though, but not quite.
    I’m trying to round up some friends to go see this, and Skarsgard is part of the reason, even though it’s a small part, LOL.

  16. Case says:

    Update: She’s on Kelly & Ryan right now and I think these bangs might’ve been a hair piece. She has her hair slicked to the side, but I think these bangs would be to short to slick anywhere.

    • lucy2 says:

      Thank goodness. I was wondering if there was a chance they were clip ons.

    • chlo says:

      Yes! I just read on Lainey that they are a hair piece. I love her darker hair and the bob. I’m glad the bangs are fake, and I almost appreciate them more that I know that they are fake? It’s cool she decided to play around with the look.

  17. knotslaning says:

    Bangs are fine, I like bangs, I have bangs! If there were a campaign for bangs, I’d join!

    Her bangs aside let’s talk about the potential banging between those two hotties Charlize and Alexander!!! I imagine him is as a man who chases the younger ladies but that is a hot couple. Thank you for putting those imagines in my head!

    • Caty says:

      They definitely had a short fling like 7 years ago, but now they’re just friends. Charlize gave Alex the part in the movie.

  18. Lisa says:

    Very harsh look.

  19. Rae says:

    At least we have pictures of Alex to offset the trauma. I want to climb that man…I’m only 5ft 1, so it’ll be like scaling Everest but I’ll do it for the team.

  20. Jemimaleopard says:

    I hope for her sake they’re just clip ins…!

  21. Jessie says:

    I’ve never seen anyone look better with baby bangs than they did with literally anything else.

  22. Aeren says:

    I think the baby bangs may be trying to distract us from some work she had done to her face.

  23. Originaltessa says:

    Clip ins for sure.

  24. SM says:

    I like the dark hair, but those bangs… sort of complete her bitch look. Like she could kill someone just by looking at them.

  25. Liz says:

    Hopefully these are clip-on?

  26. KidV says:

    I love baby bangs! I keep trying to get my stylist to cut them for me and she won’t do it. They look good on me, they bring out my eyes. I think I would have a hard time taming my cowlicks and they would probably stick straight up, so it’s a good thing my stylist won’t listen to me.

  27. tealily says:

    Well, I like the suit.

  28. Kristen says:

    I’m sorry – these two actors can’t stand each other! The body language is so DISTANT. They can’t even be touching. The interviews have been awkward and stilted.

  29. Sana says:

    I think the extreme bangs are there to distract us from the fact that she is looking a bit pulled around the eye area. Guess Charlize isn’t happy about ageing and Hollywood pressure is creeping in. She looks like a cross between the old Charlize and Chelsea lately. Sad to see this happen to a yet another naturally gorgeous and talented woman. While men are allowed to age into fat slobs and still keep on getting work.

  30. Sana says:

    I think the extreme bangs are there to distract us from the fact that she is looking a bit pulled around the eye area. Guess Charlize isn’t happy about ageing and Hollywood pressure is creeping in. She looks like a cross between the old Charlize and Chelsea Handler. Sad to see this happen to a yet another naturally gorgeous and talented woman. While men are allowed to age into fat slobs and still keep on getting work.