“Labor Secretary Alex Acosta is resigning” links

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Labor secretary Alex Acosta is resigning following scrutiny for the sweet 2008 plea deal he gave Epstein in Florida [Jezebel]
Hayden Panettiere’s boyfriend facing four years in prison on domestic violence charges [Dlisted]
Did Joshua Jackson break up with his girlfriend and reunite or have they been together this whole time? [LaineyGossip]
There were some weird looks on dudes at the ESPYs [Go Fug Yourself]
Movies that messed people up mentally [Pajiba]
Unfortunately I know about tick-borne diseases firsthand [Towleroad]
Jon Favreau talks working with Beyonce on Lion King [Just Jared]
How is Cynthia from My 600-lb Life doing? [Starcasm]
Check out this mess of a look on Emily Blunt [RCFA]

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26 Responses to ““Labor Secretary Alex Acosta is resigning” links”

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  1. Valiantly Varnished says:

    Joshua is dating a SISTA?! I had no idea and this has made my day.

    • Kitten says:

      And she is a GODDESS.
      They are really, really cute together!

    • ChillyWilly says:

      He must have some serious swagger to land this woman! She is stunning and bad ass! I always liked him but now I like him way more. Also, Pacey was always too good for Joey.

  2. Incredulous says:

    The best Acosta is Jim “Kung Fu Grip, Laser Eyes” Acosta.

  3. MeghanNotMarkle says:

    *singing* another one bites the dust…

  4. Megan says:

    Wow, someone in the Trump administration has been held accountable for their deplorable actions. Let’s hope this is the start of a new trend.

    • Jerusha says:

      I’m sure there are any number of morally corrupt, compromised swamp creatures ready to take his place. Only the worst for trump. And that includes his wives and children.

    • Original T.C. says:

      Hate to be cynical but Trump usually fires people who are either getting more attention than him or whose controversy will drag Trump’s name in the mud too. Since Trump is giving him a dignified send off I would like to believe it’s the latter. More young women being interviewed about being raped and the name Trump showing up reminds the public of Trump’s own rape charges. My 2 cents.

    • Bella Bella says:

      I am so glad to see this. Earlier today I wrote to the House of Representatives:

      “Once again this administration is rubberstamping approval of the worst possible behavior for an employee in the department he is in. WHEN DOES IT STOP? When do the lives of children begin to matter? How sick is it that we as a society continue to support the heinous behavior of men in power? When does the House of Representatives show some indignancy and step up to the plate and get this horrible person out of his job? Please represent *me* with humanity and outrage and ferocity!!”

      I really am getting so fed up.

    • Tanya says:

      Weeeellll… rumour has it that several big republican donors are upset that Acosta wasn’t as anti-Union enough, unlike the guy they’re planning on replacing him with.

      • Carol says:

        Yeah, I’m afraid the guy replacing Acosta will be worse. Not sure if it was the right thing to do. Reading the Miami Herald’s account on how Epstein’s attorney’s hired private investigators to use intimidation tactics and dig up dirt, no matter how petty the dirt was, on EVERYONE on the defense team – from the victims, their FAMILY members, the cops, witnesses, to their attorneys – it seemed like it would have been a hard case to have won. I sort of understand why Acosta took that plea deal. However, I don’t understand why he kept the plea deal secret from the victims. He hasn’t given a legitimate reason for the secrecy. That, I believe, he should be accountable for.

    • lucy2 says:

      Glad he’s being forced out, but he’ll probably step right into a private sector job and make a ton more money, and face no actual repercussions. All of these people are scum.

    • Anne Call says:

      16th trump cabinet member to resign/leave/get fired. At this point in Obama presidency-0 members leaving.

  5. Fluffy Princess says:

    Acosta needs to go to jail. He failed in his job and let a predator go free. Also, everyone who didn’t hold that nasty-ass Epstein to account by not caring if he checked in with his parole officer–fired, jail, fines — SOMETHING.

    • Chrissy says:

      He needs to continue being monitored to see if any money changed hands and then he need to be disbarred and even arrested for conspiracy.

  6. Christin says:

    I guess the media didn’t go to the next shiny object quickly enough.

    He probably was forced to resign before the weekend news could amplify new victims’ stories. More are coming forward; otherwise, I doubt he would have been axed.

  7. Zwella Ingrid says:

    I am beyond happy this man was pressured to resign. It makes you wonder how complicit they all were in Epstein’s slap on the wrist. I hope he and all his pedo buddies do hard time for this.

  8. Ann says:

    I wonder where we will be at 6 months from now with consideration to Epstein. I am trying to keep my mind open to the worst possible scenario where everyone tied to Epstein, including Trump and Epstein himself, get off free and everyone forgets. But… I’m not voiding myself of happy delusions that maybe, *maybe* justice will finally prevail and at the very least Epstein is locked up. There is so much evidence against him and every other powerful person involved, and yet, nothing. We shall see. I refuse to give into cynicism but I know every bad, unjust thing that can happen is a likely possibility.

    • Bettyrose says:

      MTE. I wanna see rich white dude heads rolling down the street over this…but we have to be emotionally prepared for nothing.

  9. Mia4s says:

    The words Bye Bitch could not be more apt for Acosta…although I’m sure the next guy will be a horror show.

    None of these Hayden Panettiere stories mention whether she is still with/supporting her abusive boyfriend…which tells me she probably still is. Scary.

  10. adastraperaspera says:

    Bye, bye, Acosta! Good luck preparing your legal defense. Hope you like prison!

  11. Donna Sek says:

    I think it’s interesting that he wants to put up his Manhattan residence as bond. I know it’s an expensive piece of property, but if he skipped out on his bond, he’d never be able to go back there again anyway, and still have millions of dollars.

  12. Good! He is and was a horrid, horrid man. No, you DON”T sex traffic young girls or support those that do! Every day another problem, another unsavory embarrassment. Now Mr. Trump and his wackos are going to send ICE to San Francisco. My son’s girlfriend lives in the Bay Area and was born there, and she is a citizen, in school, great young lady. Her whole family is a legit citizen or was born here. Except for one relative that moved here in her later years to take care of her grandchildren. She is a wonderful lady and on no benefits and would never hurt a fly. I would vouch for that (and I may have to). Yes, she should have become a citizen, but come on seriously? Now she and her family are nervous. It’s ridiculous. Awful. ,Every da** (sorry language) day with this administration. Can’t wait to vote Trump and his klan out. And yeah we better vote and get all to or we will be stuck with Ivanka someday too. NO. Ugh, just no.