Constance Wu & Jennifer Lopez are con artist strippers in the ‘Hustlers’ trailer


I am OBSESSED with the Hustlers trailer. I suspect I’ll be obsessed with the movie too. What a great real-life situation to turn into a movie. Hustlers is based on the true story of a gang of Manhattan strippers who decide to basically rob their high-end clients circa 2007-08. It really is that simple. This New York Magazine article was the jumping off point. The cast is fantastic and it looks great – funny and dramatic and maybe a little sad too. The cast included Jennifer Lopez, Constance Wu, Keke Palmer, Lili Reinhart (who looks so much like Brittany Murphy it’s scary), Cardi B, Lizzo and Julia Stiles. Here’s the first trailer:

I love it when J.Lo plays a smart working-class woman who hustles to get ahead. That’s like half of her IMDB page. But doesn’t this look good? I can already tell that Constance Wu’s bangs will be distracting, but they’re supposed to look that way. There’s not much Cardi B in the trailer, and I wonder if she has a real supporting part or it’s more like an extended cameo. It would be weird if she didn’t have a real supporting role, considering she was a real stripper and she really did drug men and steal from them. Like, she could have written this script.

A bloody Constance Wu flaunts her abs on set!

Jennifer Lopez and Constance Wu film a scene  for "Hustlers" at The Woodlawn Cemetery

Photos courtesy of ‘Hustlers’, Backgrid.

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44 Responses to “Constance Wu & Jennifer Lopez are con artist strippers in the ‘Hustlers’ trailer”

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  1. Oh No says:

    To me this looks like a Lifetime, made for TV movie that got a bigger budget once Jennifer Lopez decided she wanted in…

  2. SM says:

    JLo’s body is insane. It’s good she finds roles that are sort of interesting to show it off.

  3. Jen says:

    I would’ve liked to see more Cardi and less Constance! Definitely looks like she’s going to have an extended cameo, not much of a role. She didn’t post much about filming on Instagram, either.

  4. Lightpurple says:

    How did Constance Wu get top billing over Jennifer Lopez?

    • Eliza says:

      Kind of looks like it’s around her character’s POV. JLo looks like her mentor in trailer.

    • KHLBHL says:

      One of the ringleaders (the main subject of the NYMag article) of the actual group was of Cambodian descent, so I assume that is who Constance Wu is playing. Unfortunately, Constance Wu does not have the talent to pull off a lead role, but it’s nice to see a cast with so many POC front and center.

    • DiegoInSF says:

      It’s actually alphabetical order by first name except for Cardi with the And…

  5. Lucy says:

    I’m so looking forward to seeing Lili in this!! It’s a total 180° turn for her.

  6. Lucy says:

    I’m so excited for this movie!

  7. Ai says:

    I think it looks terrible and Constance seems miscast and totally stuck out.

    • elimaeby says:

      Yeah, all the other women in this have some kind of personality and sex appeal, but Constance Wu seems kind of cold and sexless to me.

      • Ai says:

        hmmm I think she’s not suited for this role as her acting seem forced to fit in vs being natural.

  8. bored at work says:

    So…basically Cardi’s former life? (Or were the guys in the movie not drugged?)
    No thanks.

  9. Chria says:

    I have to say, it really bugs me how blasé the mentioning of Cardi drugging men in this article was. If the roles were reversed it would be a HUGE issue. I don’t understand why she gets a pass, just because she’s popular at the moment doesn’t make it right whatsoever.

    • Bebe says:

      Absolutely agree.

    • stkarolina says:

      I don’t think it’s blasé at all, I kind of read it in a different tone. I feel like there was a huge uproar when that surfaced but as all things in showbiz and on the internet, it just went away quickly and fans turned a blind eye. Much like with many of the horrific things men have done and still manage to move on and continue their career with nothing but a blip… It absolutely is disgusting but since I doubt anyone is going to step up and produce some evidence and testify, it’s just gonna go away entirely soon

      • Eliza says:

        Yeah but Cardis literally being rewarded with income for doing it. It’s not punishment to bring it up if playing a version of her old self for cash.

      • Chria says:

        Extremely unpopular opinion, I think Cardi is highly overrated, and extremely problematic. I think the coverage of her in general is extremely biased. Miley Cyrus got a lot of flack on this site yesterday but she is a real talent and tries to make a difference. Cardi gets praised doing hardly anything. Just annoys me 🤷🏻‍♂️

  10. Myriam says:

    It actually looks good. Not gonna watch it on the big screen, but when it hits Netflix, I’ll be on it.

  11. jinvincible says:

    wait I dont understand why Constance has those bangs

  12. ZGB says:

    Julia Stiles is here? I’m glad to see her back on screen, she’s so pretty. And I’m really happy to see Keke Palmer getting roles as well. Some dark-skinned under-30 actress slowly getting the love. Bless

    • Kristic says:

      Julia Styles is in a deliciously soapy series called “Riviera” on Sundance. I think you have to download the app to watch it, but she is so good. It’s like Dynasty in steroids on the French Riviera.

  13. Nicegirl says:

    Lizzo!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m obsessed. I heard she was in this movie, so I’ll see it on theater. I’m so excited, Celebitches, my eldest son turns 21 on Thursday and she’s playing at a resort by our house. I’m so excited I’m the Pointer Sisters. !!!!!!!

    I loved Constance Wu and I love her on FOTB and I loved the CRA books but I’m making a stand against those bangs. A glamour don’t.

  14. DiegoInSF says:

    This looks so so good! Cannot wait! I am so gonna watch it opening weekend! JLo looks just incredible in this!

  15. Katherine Hughes says:

    My friend worked as part of the crew for this film. He said they cut a lot of Cardi B’s part out because she was always SO late to the set. They made her part very minimal. I also heard that Constance Wu was horrible to the cast and crew- made everyone wait as well and was a huge diva. J Lo was a real professional and nice to everyone. Thats all the scoop I got from him!

    • DiegoInSF says:

      That’s great to hear about JLo, you don’t stay on top for 30 years of you’re not professional. Thanks for the inside scoop!

      • Eliza says:

        I’ve heard from people who worked with jlo before she would cancel filming days last minute because she wanted to do an interview or a different project that day. Glad she seems to have left that behavior behind her.

    • HOLLy hobby says:

      Not surprised by Connie Wu. I’m not paying good money to watch this. Will wait for library version

  16. savu says:

    Constance looks completely different with those bangs. In a bad way. It’s SO distracting.

    • Kebbie says:

      Lol she looks terrible. I actually wondered if they did that to her because she’s supposedly so awful to people.

  17. usedtobe says:

    Good lord no. This looks all kinds of awful. Bad actresses showing off their hot bods? Not a new concept…

  18. HELEN says:

    except for constance wu, this trailer is l.i.t.!!!

  19. Marianne says:

    This casting seems so weird to me. Like you have this relatively young cast with Keke and Lili…and then JLo and constance. Which Im not saying that they’re like old…just not the same kind of demographic that Lili or Keke would bring in. Its odd to me.

    • Kebbie says:

      Have you read the article it’s based on? The older women brought in younger women to continue the scam.

  20. Poppy says:

    I can’t wait to see this!!! I like Constance Wu love her actually

  21. PennyLn says:

    In terms of the age difference/range… not sure how many of you have been to a strip club, but they often feature dancers young and old (18-45+) and of various shapes/body types. Basically they cater to the tastes of the clientele- people don’t only find slim, big-breasted young women attractive

  22. Mellow says:

    Jlo is so fit. I’ll never look like that and I’m way younger than her lol Constance seems miscast. She has zero charisma or charm. I find her to be a poor actress. She has zero range.

  23. ali says:

    JLO never ages, it’s impressive!! She looks fabulous!

  24. Kristy says:

    I wish people would read about the true crime this is based on before judging the looks/casting in this movie, haha. It makes sense once you read the article – the time period, the ages of the women involved, the way the scam was run, etc.